Around assisted reproductive techniques, a series of myths and false beliefs have been created that have been accepted as valid. Assisted reproductive techniques are increasingly necessary so that many couples with fertility problems can fulfill their desire to be parents. In an attempt to standardize and inform more about these techniques, today I am going to talk about the myths about assisted reproduction.
Assisted reproductive techniques are always multiples
One of the most widespread myths but it is not always like that. What's more, doctors will always try to make it a single baby pregnancy to avoid the risks associated with multiple pregnancies.
The technique of artificial insemination only slightly increases the probability of having a multiple pregnancy. In vitro fertilization (IVF) already increases this figure a little more, reaching 24% of multiple pregnancies. But as you can see, most of them are single-baby pregnancies.
In Spain the legal limit for embryo transfer is 3. The decision will depend on the quality of the embryos obtained in order to increase pregnancy rates.
The fault is always the woman
Another very widespread myth. When there is a fertility problem in a couple, it is automatically thought that it is a woman's problem. 40% of fertility problems are male, the other 40% are female and the remaining 20% are due to problems of mixed causes. As you can see, both men and women have so many infertility problems in the same proportion.
Also, when there is a fertility problem, the member who suffers from it is not blamed. It is a problem of the couple to which a team solution must be sought. It is not convenient to blame the other, nor to blame yourself for having this problem. It solves nothing and only creates added suffering.
It's easy to get pregnant with assisted reproduction
Everything will depend on the problem but going through an assisted reproductive technique does not guarantee pregnancy. In the case of artificial inseminations are 15-20% successful per cycle, very similar to what there is to have a natural pregnancy, only that the sperm are given the facilities to reach the mature ovum. On the other hand, in the in vitro technique (IVF-ICSI) there is a 40-50% probability of success in each attempt. It will depend on the age of the woman, if donor eggs or sperm are used (it will always increase the possibilities), the type of problem that there is ...
You can consult your doctor for the real probabilities that exist in your case. Many women have to go through several fertility processes to achieve pregnancy. Each case is unique, but it is important to know that it may not go the first try.
You can choose the sex of the baby
Laws in Spain prohibit choosing the sex of the baby, unless there is a serious inherited disease associated with sex and with a therapeutic purpose. This would be possible thanks to the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis technique. Choosing the sex of the baby without being in these cases can lead to fines of up to one million euros.
Although in most cases, couples who reach this point only want their dream pregnancy, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl.
An assisted reproductive pregnancy has more risks
It comes with the same risks as a pregnancy achieved naturally. What does influence are aspects such as the mother's age, genetic and hormonal factors, medical problems before or after pregnancy (gestational diabetes, hypertension) that can complicate pregnancy. In any case, these pregnancies usually have a good follow-up to detect any problem as soon as possible.
If you want to know if you meet the social security requirements for these treatments, do not miss the article "7 requirements for assisted reproduction by social security."
Because remember ... we will only normalize assisted reproduction techniques if we talk about them normally.