Pregnancy is drawn as a time of bliss, but also of fears and uncertainties. During this stage the concerns are directed to the baby: that everything goes well and that it comes out healthy. The mother remains in the background, especially maternal mental health. As if her state couldn't bring her anything but happiness.
According to the WHO (World Health Organization) 1 in 6 women during pregnancy or postpartum may experience some psychological disorder. This situation needs to be echoed so that women don't feel like weirdos or like they don't love their children. Many for fear of rejection are silent and live their ailment in silence.
Pregnancy brings many changes
I am not saying anything new if I tell you that pregnancy brings with it innumerable physical changes, but also emotional ones. It can be observed in pregnant women due to hormonal changes: mood swings, sleep and eating disturbances, increased anxiety levels and increased worries. All these changes do not suppose any pathology, they respond to a change as abrupt for a woman as pregnancy.
The fears of facing this new stage they can bring with them irritability, nervousness, anxiety, and even sadness and rejection of the situation and the baby. They can be related to negative thoughts about being pregnant, or excessive worry about bringing a baby into this world.
Rejection of society
In a society where motherhood and everything related is idealized as if everything were rosy. In a society where a woman says it was not what she expected and is publicly stoned… what can be expected. You have to speak clearly and loudly: motherhood is wonderful yes, but not everything is rosy.
Motherhood also has its lights and shadows, and if we only praise the lights, the women who are in the shadows will believe that they have a problem, that they are not good mothers and they will feel alone and helpless. They will not speak for fear of being judged and sentenced. They feel guilty about something that, in addition to not being their fault, is more normal than it seems.
How can pregnancy affect my mental health?
You may already have had a mental illness in the past or you may never have had any problems. Unfortunately, pregnancy does not protect you from having mental health problems.
Depression, anxiety, and emotional disorders are more common mental problems during pregnancy. The least are bipolar disorder, eating or postpartum psychosis. Prenatal depression is over 18,4% and postpartum depression in 19,2%. It is not only restricted to hormonal and physical changes, but also to changes that they imply for the mother's life: Relationship problems, postpartum complications, family problems, maternal-child bond disturbances, or physical and emotional problems of the child.
Increased social awareness of maternal mental health
Es necessary an increase in social awareness, that the mental aspect of the woman is as important as her physical development and that of the baby. It must be considered, evaluated and treated.
You have to make visible a problem that affects almost 20% of pregnant women and after giving birth, whose early detection as well as its treatment can prevent it from becoming chronic. It would considerably improve the experience of pregnancy and the mother-child bond.
To achieve this, a more training in this field for both health personnel related to maternity (gynecologists, midwives, nurses, family doctors ...) and psychologists. Women in this situation need a health professional who listens to them without judgment, and that he cares about his emotional as well as physical health.
End the social stigma on motherhood and mental illness. That women can talk openly about how they feel even if it goes against what is “expected”.
If you are going through this situation give up the feeling of guilt. Drop the fear and ask for help. Just as if you have a physical problem you go to the doctor, if you do not feel well emotionally or psychically it is also necessary to go to a professional. Even if you can't take medication for pregnancy, there are other ways to deal with it.
Why remember ...Mental health care is as important as physical health.