How to lower sugar in pregnancy

Pregnant woman cooking

One of the aspects to take into account during your pregnancy are the blood sugar levels.

During this time increase your body's insulin needs due to metabolic and hormonal changes. If your pancreas does not secrete enough insulin, blood glucose levels rise and you could suffer from a type of diabetes known as gestational diabetes.

This type of diabetes does not usually give any type of symptoms so without the relevant tests it could go unnoticed and have a series of negative consequences for your health and that of your baby.

Blood glucose tests during pregnancy

During the third trimester, your doctor will instruct you to perform a test known as the curve test or glucose (O'Sullivan test). If the results of this test are positive you will have to undergo a second test, the long curve. This test will confirm whether or not you suffer from gestational diabetes.

If so, do not be alarmed, your doctor will indicate some guidelines to follow and relevant controls throughout your pregnancy. This type of diabetes usually disappears a few weeks after delivery.

In many cases O'Sullivan's test results are positive and then the long curve is negative. However, most of us are very scared when the first test is positive and we are not sure what to do to lower blood sugar levels.

Foods rich in carbohydrates

Tips for Lowering Blood Sugar

  • Try to follow one you healthy, balanced and varied diet.
  • Distribute the total calories between all your meals. It is better to eat less and more often, this will keep your sugar levels more stable.
  • Carbohydrate foods are divided into two groups. Those of high glycemic level They are the ones I know digest quickly and increase blood sugar levels (bread, rice, cereals, pasta, pastries, precooked). Those with low glycemic index digest more slowly avoiding sugar spikes (whole grain products, seeds, vegetables, fruits, etc.). Avoid those in the first group and eat low glycemic index foods. You can consult a table of the glycemic indices of foods online.
  • Say goodbye to ice cream, sweets, sweets, and in general to all foods high in fat and sugar.
  • Incorporate into your diet high fiber foods (legumes, oats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables).
  • Opt for the natural yogurts with active ingredients (sugarfree).
  • Do not forget to incorporate in all your meals a serving of lean protein (nuts, eggs, turkey, etc.) that will provide you with energy and help you feel full.
  • The healthy fats (olive oil, avocados, coconut, walnuts) will avoid your temptations to peck.
  • Never skip breakfast avoid carbohydrates and juices and increase protein.
  • To keep the sugar level stable it is important that don't skip any meals.
  • Drink water, avoid sodas, lines, coffees and teas. Control the amount of milk you drink as it is high in sugar.
  • Supplement your diet with a mild physical activity, a walk for example, if possible after the meal since that is when the sugar levels are highest.

Some homemade tricks

  • Add a little bit of chopped garlic to your vegetables or salads.
  • Dare with the juice of blueberries.
  • Do not miss The citrus in your shopping basket (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, passion fruit, lime).
  • Try the fresh alfalfa leaves in your salads.
  • Increase the consumption of Swiss chard, artichokes, pumpkin, custard apples and Brussels sprouts. Fennel, tomato, spinach, zucchini, and broccoli they are also good allies for your diet.

The indications in this post can guide but you should always follow your doctor's instructions who is the professional who best knows your particular case. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask him.

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