Joint pain during pregnancy

Pregnant rests in the middle of nature.

Due to the hormonal revolution and weight gain, the pregnant woman needs to breathe and rest whenever she can.

Joint pain is a fairly common complaint during pregnancy. Next we are going to talk about the reasons and possible remedies.

Pregnancy: Discomfort

As the pregnancy progresses the weight of the belly the mother does it too and this causes the lower joints to suffer more. Indeed, each pregnant woman carries her new stage in a way. Some pregnancies are more complicated and cause the woman to be sore, need repose or need to reduce your normal activity. What is frequent and common in many is that the stress of the pregnant woman increases, and this can cause pain.

The hormonal revolution also has a percentage part in this equation. Women come to feel pain when bending the knees or wrists and in the lumbar part, even stiffness. The ligaments become more flexible to enable the baby to be born, making the joints vulnerable. This influences that the pregnant woman has a greater tendency to be upset.

Joint pain

As a general rule, a pregnant woman gains between 10 and 20 kilos. This weight gain generally prevents a woman from moving normally and having joint pain. Whether it is a specific time or more towards the end of the second to third trimesters, the pregnant woman may suffer from pinching. In addition, your lower back and pelvic areas are likely to feel sore. The annoyance can be of different magnitude. Some conditions will be: genetic predisposition, sedentary life, poor diet and being overweight.

The pelvic area is heavily weighted. The growing uterus obstructs the balance point of the pregnant woman and affects her movement. The spine bends. La fluid retention it can also be a conditioner for joint pain. Frequently the pregnant woman suffers from numbness in the hands and fingers.

Remedies for joint pain

Pregnant practicing yoga.

To reduce joint pain, the pregnant woman should do moderate sports, such as yoga.

The pregnancy lasts 9 intense months. The most advisable thing is to wear it with harmony and within the greatest stability and emotional and physical security. Health is essential and the mother's well-being will be reflected in the baby. Consulting doubts and any discomfort with the doctor or midwife will allow solutions or remedies to cope with it. It is convenient to refer that hypothyroidism is a condition that causes pain in the joints. However, it is common for pregnant women to be diagnosed in the first weeks of pregnancy, so they would not be blamed for the discomfort.

  • Spend moments a day resting and not overloading yourself with responsibilities. Lie down or sit with your legs up it will help correct circulation and joint rest.
  • Mental relaxation, breaks, massages, escape from conflict and stress unnecessary, they will facilitate living the pregnancy in peace.
  • Practice moderate sport. This should always be consulted with the medical professional who carries the pregnancy. Walking, Pilates, yoga or swimming are very conducive to this type of joint discomfort.
  • Avoid overexertion or take on large amounts of weight.
  • Hot baths or a bag of water or hot cherry pits. It can be alternated with ice packs.
  • Bringing Comfortable shoes from the beginning of pregnancy.
  • Consultation with the medical practitioner beforehand, sessions of acupuncture, or taking herbal teas.
  • Putting on the cushion lactation in the middle of the two legs, so that the weight does not fall on the sore joints.

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