Jealousy of the father during pregnancy

Jealousy in pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, it causes an overprotective effect from the people around her. Generally, one thinks about the state of the pregnant woman, if she feels good, if she takes good care of herself, that the woman is carrying the pregnancy wonderfully. But few people spend a few minutes thinking about the feeling of the father, it is rare for someone to ask the father how he is carrying the pregnancy.

This is normal since obviously pregnancy at physical levels is the sole responsibility of the woman, but it is important not to forget the role of the father in this situation. Many men may feel isolated, unimportant in this circumstance and with mixed feelings about his future fatherhood.

The figure of the father during pregnancy is complicated, the man has to adapt to the changes that the pregnancy produces in his partner. But also, the doubts about whether he will know how to be a good fatherIf he will be able to take care of his family both emotionally and financially, they can be upsetting for the man.

In addition, many men are overly accused of ceasing to be the main thing in their partner's life. Pregnancy, taking care of the future baby and the logical change of priorities, can make the man feel in the background. And it is important to understand that it's not a question of selfishness, the father feels the same devotion to his future child as the mother.

All these feelings translate to jealousy

Jealousy is a difficult feeling to express, it is not easy for anyone to explain to another person that they are jealous. Much more difficult still when it comes to the jealousy of a father towards his future son. For this reason, it is essential that the pregnant woman put herself in the role of the father.

The father cannot feel his son growing inside him, he will not be able to notice the movements and beats of his son. Nor can you give him life or feed him once the baby is born. The father lives this whole process from the background, with the same emotion as a woman, but without the possibility of enjoying all those emotions.

Pregnant couple

What can I do to help my partner?

The most important thing is that you try to understand their situation, that you try to talk with your partner, involving him in the entire pregnancy. You must also understand that fathers and mothers experience pregnancy from different perspectives, both physical and emotional and psychological. You should not blame your partner if he does not experience the pregnancy with the same intensity as you.

Not neglecting the couple's relationship is essential, since in addition to feeling in the background, the man suffers the consequences of the wear and tear of his partner. That will also be increased when the baby arrives, for this reason it is very important that during pregnancy, the couple's relationship is taken care of.

Make your partner a part of the pregnancy

Pregnant couple

Most parents are 100% involved in the pregnancy, but it is possible that because of these feelings, of jealousy, little by little they move away from the process. To avoid it, you can follow these tips:

  • Go with your partner to pregnancy check-ups. Reviews are important to control the development of the fetus, going as a couple will be essential for both of you to experience all these changes together. It is not the same to see your child live, than through a printed image.
  • Sing and talk together to the baby. Surely you are doing this since you know you are pregnant, well, it is also important that the father does it. In this way, you will live the pregnancy more united, creating indelible memories. In addition, an important emotional bond between father and son is being built.
  • Make decisions as a couple. All the decisions regarding the decoration of the baby's room, choosing the crib, the stroller, even the clothes that you are buying, should be a couple's choice.

Enjoy your pregnancy together, encourage your partner to express their feelings in their own way. Do not expect something specific from him and do not judge his way of living the pregnancy. This baby will fill your life with great moments, live them as a couple and enjoy the family you are creating together.

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      Lorena said

    The important thing is that the father is not jealous of the baby after the last one is born.