During pregnancy you can have many different symptoms, some are very common and any pregnancy is prepared for them. Others, on the other hand, are less frequent and when they arise fears and fear that something is not going well may appear. That is the case of chills, a natural reaction of the human body that can also occur during pregnancy.
Although having chills during pregnancy is totally normal, you should not stop consulting your doctor to make sure that everything is going correctly. During the pregnancy check-ups that are carried out periodically, you will be able to solve those doubts or fears that may arise during pregnancy. That way, you'll have those less frequent symptoms under control.
Having chills in pregnancy, should I worry?
Chills are spasms produced by the body itself, muscle contractions that the body produces when it needs to warm up. Sometimes when you feel cold, your body gives you a chill, that is the natural way to recover body temperature. When it occurs during pregnancy, it is also normal, but if it occurs too often it may be a sign that the doctor should assess something.
However, in most cases, having chills in pregnancy is a normal symptom that many women feel. Others, on the other hand, suffer from an increase in temperature that causes them to be hotter than usual. All of these are nothing more than characteristics of the many hormonal changes that the body undergoes during pregnancy. To fix it, all you have to do is condition your clothes cold or hot you may be feeling.
With hormonal changes in pregnancy you can also notice symptoms in the extremities. For example, many women have very cold hands or feet during their pregnancy. In this case, again it is something normal if it is not accompanied by other symptoms. Poor blood circulation may be the cause, but it never hurts to consult with the doctor to rule out other possible causes.
When to go to the doctor
Having chills during pregnancy in itself is not something to worry about, but if this feature is accompanied by other symptoms, it is advisable to go to the specialist's office so that they can assess the situation. Symptoms to watch out for are, sudden unexplained fever or abdominal pain. Even if the chills are constant, you should go to the doctor because they can be a sign that something is not quite right.
If you have stabbing abdominal pain, in addition to having chills, you should go to the doctor because these discomforts are not the usual ones that you feel during pregnancy. You should also control other symptoms such as diarrhea, pain when urinating or frequent pimples from going to the bathroom, because they are symptoms that accompanied by chills indicate that there may be a urinary tract infection. If so, it should be treated quickly because it can be dangerous for the developing baby.
During the pregnancy you will live many different and special moments, some will be exciting and others will make you feel fear, fear and uncertainty. All of this is part of the incredible and magical process of creating a life, but not all of them are normal and you should not suffer unnecessarily. Nowadays, thanks to the complete medical follow-up that is carried out during pregnancy, it is possible to notice possible problems that can be treated. With this, many problems are prevented both for the mother and for the development of the future baby.
Do not miss any of the scheduled check-ups for pregnancy control and do not hesitate to request an extra appointment with your gynecologist if any different symptoms appear. Having chills in pregnancy is normal, as long as it happens occasionally and not be a constant that prevents you from living normally. If you also notice other symptoms, you should go to the doctor and give it the necessary importance.