Curiously today that the world fertility day We want to talk to you about infertility. Getting pregnant is not easy for all women. It is considered that if after 12 months of sexual intercourse, Without using any contraceptive method, you have not become pregnant, it is better that you go to the doctor. Notwithstanding infertility it affects both women and men.
It may be that you do get pregnant, but the pregnancy does not reach term for spontaneous abortions. And it can also happen that with the same partner you have already had a child, but you cannot carry another.
Treatments against infertility
As we told you there different types of infertility, some of it does not even science know the cause. Yes, there are factors, such as the age of the parents, both the mother and the father, that influence when conceiving.
Others factors These are kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems, ovarian cysts, poor quality eggs, poor semen yield ... and depending on the cause, the medical team will treat the couple or one of the members.
The recommendations The first thing they will do to you is to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes regular moderate exercise, a healthy and balanced diet and avoid sexually transmitted diseases. It is also essential to maintain a positive and open attitude and try to continue your life normally. Although the cause of infertility is physical, psychological, stress, pressure negatively influence when it comes to getting pregnant.
Insemination methods
If you have decided on artificial insemination the most common methods in Spain they are:
- In vitro fertilization: it consists of the union of the ovum and the sperm in the laboratory. There is a pre-ovarian stimulation process that usually lasts between nine and eleven days. This fertilization process can be done by classical in vitro fertilization or by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
- Insemination: consists of depositing a semen sample in the uterus in the best conditions during ovulation. The sample can be either from the couple or from a donor. There is an ovarian stimulation process as well and the operation does not last more than 20 minutes.
- Egg Donation: Egg donation. It is similar to in vitro fertilization, but instead of using the patient's oocytes, those of an anonymous donor are used. The sperm may or may not be from the woman's partner. The law limits this intervention to patients under 50 years of age.
- Embryo: technique consisting of keep the mature eggs of a woman, usually when she is young, for use years later.
The cost of these treatments can be a deterrent for some couples. In addition, if insemination has to be carried out with the donation of sperm and / or eggs, it can cause disagreements. Therefore it is never an easy decision, and there are couples who leave after several attempts.
Some questions about infertility or fertility
Before finishing, we want to hire some information about infertility that can help you relax, if you are worrying about the subject. Around the 15% of men and women who want to father and raise the family may have a fertility problem. There is only a 17-25 percent chance of becoming pregnant after having sexual intercourse at the time of ovulation for the woman. Therefore, if you think about it, it is easier not to stay than to stay.
The highest pregnancy success rate is 35% and occurs between 23 and 25 years old. In addition there are only chances of pregnancy for three days a month. However, specialists do not recommend scheduling relationships, since sex should be avoided as something routine and that it may be an obligation for the couple.
And beware! 40% of infertility cases are of male origin. His age also affects, because the older he is, the lower the seminal quality. Not only will fertilization be more difficult, but the risk of having offspring with genetic pathologies is also increased.