During pregnancy, different complications or conditions can occur that can jeopardize its viability. One of these conditions is known as hydramnios, also called polyhydramnios or amniotic fluid disorder. Hydramnios occurs when a excess amniotic fluid During pregnancy.
This can occur mildly and is generally regulated naturally, in addition, many women suffer from this type of condition common and in principle not of any seriousness. However, severe polyhydramnios can pose a health risk to the baby and the expectant mother.
What is amniotic fluid?
Amniotic fluid it is a substance that is generated naturally so that pregnancy can occur, that is to say, it is a fundamental element for life. It is composed of different elements such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, electrolytes, urea and phospholipids. In addition, in the amniotic fluid there is a very important substance that allows detecting possible malformations in the fetus, it is fetal cells.
At the beginning of pregnancy it is the mother's own body that creates amniotic fluid, but by week 18, the composition of this substance changes and the baby itself begins to produce it. In the second trimester the baby begins to swallow amniotic fluidThis causes him to urinate later. Which means that from that moment on, this substance will be composed of 90% by urine.
What Causes Hydramnios?
As we saw at the beginning of this information, the disorder called hydramnios is produced by an excess of amniotic fluid. The causes can be very diverse and in many cases it is a mild condition that regulates itself naturally. Others on the other hand, they may be a symptom of a major problem in the baby's development, generally associated with their digestive system, since excess fluid is due to the baby not being able to swallow enough.
An excessive accumulation of fluid can also occur because the baby produces too high a level of urine.
The causes can be very diverse, between them:
- Problems in the digestive system
- In the development neurological
- Problems cerebral
- Soft Drinks lung problems
Hydramnios risks
It is very frequent that it appears hydramnios in women with multiple pregnanciesIn these cases, it is usually mild and does not carry seriousness. In this case, the condition is considered normal and mild, only the pertinent reviews will be carried out to verify that the amount of this substance is regulated naturally.
In other situations, the severe disorder may be caused by abnormalities in the fetus and it is in these cases when the specialist will carry out specific tests with which to detect possible complications. The disorder can be very diverse and in this case the doctor himself will be the one to indicate the steps to follow and the care and tests that must be carried out from that moment on.
However it is also possible that hydramnios is caused by an unknown cause, without entailing a problem in the baby's health or its development. In many cases it is a consequence of previous pathologies of the mother, such as diabetes. It can also occur when the baby is very large, causing an increase in amniotic fluid.
How to know if you have polyhydramnios
In most cases, hydramnios does not produce any type of symptoms, so the pregnant woman does not realize it until a medical check-up occurs and the specialist sees it on the ultrasound. Nevertheless, If you notice any of the following symptoms, do not hesitate to consult your doctor as soon as possible. In this way, the doctor can detect if there is a problem and put the remedy as soon as possible:
- If you notice a swollen abdomen, outside the normal size increase due to pregnancy
- Trouble breathing normally
- Pain in the abdomen
Most likely nothing bad will happen, but in pregnancy it is essential to maintain absolute control and take nothing for granted.