Brushing your teeth is an essential part what we people have to learn in our daily routine. The little ones in the house have to learn how to take care of themselves and clean themselves independently, and for this reason, we have compiled the best way to teach a small child to brush their teeth.
Inspiring a daily and essential routine is the best way to instill a habit that will teach them to take care of their mouth and clean their teeth. Teach them with respect and harmony It can become a positive experience and not an obligation. It is a matter of following a series of steps that must be practiced so that they achieve Learn it like a game.
At what age can you teach a child to brush their teeth?
Oral hygiene must be practiced almost since children are born. When they are babies, you can clean their gums with a damp gauze or cloth. The purpose is to do it after each feeding to avoid childhood halitosis.
- It is from the 6 months when the first teeth begin to emerge. From this moment on, you can offer a very soft brush that you can put in your mouth to practice. You don't need to use any type of toothpaste, just do it with water.
- When the child turns two years old This is when you can start using toothbrushes. If you want to start teaching this type of discipline, you can gradually incorporate toothpaste, just adding a minimal amount, like a lentil.
- At four years old, The child already has to be totally independent to brush his teeth. In addition, you can now start your regular check-ups at the dentist.
How to teach a toddler to brush their teeth?
The best way to teach a young child to brush their teeth is always leading by example. They are like sponges and always learn by imitation. If parents brush their teeth regularly and up to three times a day, children will practice the same routine.
Brush your teeth together
Parents or siblings can do the oral hygiene routine with the children. You can start doing it in the bathroom and in front of a mirror. That they see themselves reflected is a nice idea so that they begin to see it as part of something fun.
Act quickly. do it 2 to 3 times a day, with a soft bristle brush to avoid injuring the gums. You can use children's toothpaste, if you do not want it to contain fluoride, you can use those that are free of this element.
How should they brush their teeth?
Teach them to brush in small circles, gently. In addition, they should not be too soft, so as not to damage the gums. They have to adjust the way they brush in all corners of the mouth, on the inside, outside and above the molars.
Can the electric toothbrush be used? Yes you can. There are now electric toothbrushes on the market suitable for children, with soft and uniform rotating movements. This type of device makes cleaning easier and more efficient.
Turn routine into something fun and positive
Is turn a discipline into something fun, that they maintain the way of doing it without any type of effort. You can see how they do it in front of a mirror and associate it with some type of fun music, a game, a dance, or as part of a joke. They have to relate it as a special moment. There are routine charts that can be practiced with children to make their habits much more entertaining.
You should not associate brushing your teeth with something negative, since children can back off in the attempt. To do this, you don't have to rush, you have to be calm, patient, let him do it in a positive way and take his time brushing. There are children's songs in video format so that they can relate it in a funny way.
Make him choose his own toothbrush
One of the fun experiences is being able to customize your own brush. When you are at the store, let him choose the brush he likes, or convince him that you are going to make a fun purchase.
The toothbrush must Change it every three months or at least when it is quite worn. When purchasing it, look for a head with soft hardness, since those with high hardness can damage teeth and gums. You can also choose the toothpaste. There are flavors that are specific to your tastes, with very soft fruity or menthol aromas.
Every effort has its reward, so You can encourage healthy routines. There are the routine tables, as we have already commented in the previous lines. Within their achievements, there will be small rewards so that they feel responsible with objectives.