For some years my younger sister has been trying to get pregnant and she can't. She is a psychologist and, despite her knowledge, the frustration and anguish grows with each negative treatment. ¿How to survive infertility problems as a couple? To his own anguish, he adds that of his partner, who even when he accompanies her with love and tenderness -because she is the one who "puts the body" - he feels equally affected by the situation.
La infertility It is a difficult stone to avoid for any couple, especially when the years go by and the expected positive is not reached. The two stripes do not appear and a state of hopelessness flies overhead that at times seems controlled and at others explodes for no reason. And that is when couples must ride the wave of anguish, something very difficult if the foundations are not firm.
Non-fertile couples
How to survive infertility problems as a couple It is a question that is difficult to answer because each couple is different, there are very personal codes, different systems of communication, denial and acceptance. Many ways to go through the frustration of not achieving what you want. In the best cases, couples manage to accompany each other and strengthen themselves from this dark transit, going to and from doctors, check-ups, hormonal treatments, punctures and other unpleasant procedures.
In others, the members of the couple are unable to assimilate the process and often vent their anger with the one who is closest to them. They feel angry, frustrated or silent and it is the other member of the couple who is the depository of these reactions. If this is fair? Definitely not because these reactions affect the foundations of the couple, exhaust and undermine shared love. For that reason, many couples who go through long years of infertility treatment end up in divorce without even having a child.
Survive infertility
The fertilizer problemsd cause a traumatic situation and for each person implies a different path of acceptance. In this period, there is also a great stress product of treatments and visits to doctors, bad news and the feeling that life is stopped waiting for that miracle that never comes. The situation can be as traumatic or stressful as the death of a relative, a divorce or "even with a chronic disease such as being a carrier of HIV," says the psychologist from the Murciano Sexological Institute, Elena López Rogel.
Guilt, powerlessness, lack of control, low self-esteem or anger are emotions that are on the surface and this is compounded by sexuality, which sometimes becomes an obligation, thus distancing itself from desire. ¿How to survive fertility problems with your partner?
The best answers seem to be in empathy and dialogue. Beyond the reaction that each person has, we all need a shoulder to cry on, a hug in time, an understanding without words that explains the reason for certain reactions. The best way to have a healthy partner in times of infertility is to avoid shutting down. Opening up to dialogue, having good communication as a couple will allow us to delve into one's own emotions and that of the partner in order to deal hand in hand with frustration, anger and achieve acceptance of the search journey.
It is not something easy to achieve but with love and dialogue it is always possible. It is not good to find guilty or make accusations In case of not being able to deal with negative emotions, it is possible to resort to couples therapy, better if it is specialized in fertility problems as they will help you understand each other.
Although maintaining a pleasant sexuality is not an easy task on this tour, it is recommended to organize plans and outings in order to improve the connection and recover the lost desire between the demand of the specific objective. It is certainly a challenge surviving fertility problems as a couple but it is possible and, if it is achieved, both will come out stronger.