If you are pregnant it is more than likely that you want know if your baby is a boy or a girl… The most normal thing in the world. Will you have a boy or a girl growing in your womb? There are many women who want to know if they have a boy or a girl before the ultrasound tells them to be able to start preparing the bedroom and clothes according to the sex of the baby that is on the way.
You may be surprised to know that not everyone wants to know the sex of the baby, many parents who are waiting for their baby to enter the world, prefer not to know because they do not care ... They do not care if it is a boy or a girl, they prefer to leave the mystery until the end.
Although if you are one of the people who are interested in knowing it, do not worry because in MothersHoy we are going to give you some tips so you can know if it will be a boy or a girl or at least you know some of the most common ways that women use to know if they have a baby boy or a baby girl.
Ultrasound as a method to find out if it is a boy or a girl
As you well know ultrasound scans or ultrasound tests is the most common method to find out the sex of your baby. This is usually done between 16 and 21 weeks of pregnancy. The doctor through an ultrasound will be able to see if you have a boy or a girl in your womb. Normally in Spain, this ultrasound is free, but if you want to do it before the week that corresponds to you or you want a specific ultrasound such as 4D ultrasound then you will have to go to a specialized clinic.
You should know that in ultrasounds the sex of the baby is not always known, because if he is in a position where the sex is not clearly visible, it will not be possible to tell.
Genetic testing
Genetic testing is also used to determine the sex of your unborn baby. Because each of these also carries a potential risk to the baby and pregnancy, they are rarely used to solely find sex, but rather for a specific search for genetic information. The two most common invasive methods would be amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. The latter is usually done between the XNUMXth and XNUMXth week, while amniocentesis is usually done after the XNUMXth week, but it can be done a little earlier.
These tests are almost 99% accurate in terms of knowing the sex of the baby, although there is a small possibility of infection or losing the baby, so they are not only used to find out the sex of the baby, but the purpose is another but when they are carried out in passing, the sex of the baby is looked at, it is an added information.
Belly size and shape
You have probably heard how the size and shape of the belly can tell you if you are expecting a boy or a girl. The bellies of pregnant women are very different from each other. Most 'old wives tales' say that If the belly is rounded it is a girl and if you have a more forward shape as if it were a 'cucumber' then it is a boy.
But you should also know that the size of the belly will depend on whether or not you gain weight, your physical constitution, whether you retain more or less fluids ... therefore, this option is not usually very successful.
The Chinese table
The Chinese table is becoming more and more fashionable as many women increasingly trust it to know if they have a boy or a girl in their womb. Actually, you can find different versions online to know if it is a boy or a girl. Many people use it for fun as the precision is not always exact.
In principle, the mother's age at the time of conception and the month in which conception took place are taken into account, and then the sex of the baby will come out at birth. Many people believe that if the results are wrong it is because the Chinese count the years different from us and that a newborn baby for them is already one year old.
Fetal heart rate
Many years ago, people began to say that if you look at the fetal heart rate you can also predict whether it will be a boy or a girl. The old saying is that above 140 beats per minute it is a girl and below 140 beats per minute it is a boy. There have been investigations to determine if this is real or not. Some people tried to say that this was only if one looks during the first trimester, but that it has also been shown not to be true. Even with all of this said, some people still trust it and that certainly makes for a fun game.
Ramzi early ultrasound method
There is also a new method of determining the sex of your baby in early pregnancy through ultrasound that can be used as early as 6 weeks into the pregnancy. It is used to determine if you have a boy or a girl based on the location of the placenta in pregnancy. One thing to keep in mind is that sometimes what you see on the screen during an ultrasound is a different orientation than it actually is in real life.
Applications for mobile
There are mobile applications that in addition to predicting your ovulation they tell you if you are going to have a boy or a girl depending on when you conceived the baby. Although it is true that the reliability is not very good, the reality is that it is a fun game to test if you are going to have a boy or a girl in your womb during the nine months of pregnancy. When the middle of the pregnancy is over, you will know if the application was really right, or not.