Is it easy to get pregnant after taking birth control?
Women when they don't want to be mothers, when they want to have sex without danger of getting pregnant, when they want to have a controlled period, when they want it not to hurt or when the doctor prescribes them for a specific reason, ... in all these situations they can take oral contraceptives for a specified time.
In addition, we women usually spend half our lives without wanting to get pregnant and when a woman decides that she is ready to be a motherYou may find yourself in the situation that conceiving is not as easy as you thought.
When a woman wears the hormonal methods Like birth control, the best option for getting pregnant is to finish the hormone cycle and then try to conceive after the first normal menstrual period has passed. There are women who find it harder than others to conceive and it is completely normal.
The pill is one of the most used methods
But there are several contraceptive methods that women have to avoid pregnancy, and it will depend on the system that you have been using on how to try to get pregnant after ending your hormonal cycle.
Getting pregnant after taking the pill
The contraceptive pill prevents pregnancy by avoiding ovulation, that is why menstrual cramps disappear with the contraceptive pill, because what disappears is the period itself.
If you are taking the contraceptive pill, the first thing you will have to stop doing is taking the pill when you finish the pack you have started and not start any new ones.
With the pill it is not necessary that you have to wait a precautionary time to have a safe pregnancy, because it will be anyway. But you should know that it may take some time to get pregnant after stopping the pill.
Some women can ovulate within a week or two after they have stopped the pill, but there are women that can take even several months. Ovulation may or may not be delayed depending on whether your cycle was irregular or regular before you started taking birth control pills.
Fertility after taking birth control pills
Many women think that after taking birth control pills they will not be able to get pregnant or that it will cost them much more than a woman who has never taken the pills. While it is true that a woman who has been taking birth control pills for many years may take longer because the body must regulate itself again to be fertile, it does not mean that she cannot get pregnant because fertility will return without problems.. That is, when a woman stops taking contraceptive pills, she will be fertile again.il.
How to stop the pill?
When you want stopping the pill cannot be done overnight. It does not matter how long you have been taking the pills right now, because to stop you will have to do the same.
You cannot be taking the contraceptive pill and suddenly from one day to the next without taking into account which pill you go for of the month, quit. This could cause harmful hormonal imbalances in your menstrual cycle.
Ideally, to stop taking birth control pills is that you finish the box of birth control pills that you have started and that after the week off, do not start another box. Then your body will begin to regulate itself and you will be fertile again.
No period after stopping the pill
If after stopping the contraceptive pills you have amenorrhea (absence of periods), it may be that you have become pregnant and you will have to take a test to find out if you are pregnant, or if not, you may not be ovulating.
If your period has not decreased after two or three months after you have stopped the contraceptive pill, you do not have to worry excessively because it is quite common, and it usually happens because combined contraceptives contain estrogen and progesterone that prevent ovulation by maintaining certain hormonal levels and suppressing other natural hormones that stimulate the ovaries to release the ovum.
Taking oral contraceptives (pills or pill) prevents the egg from developing and being released, so ovulation stops.
So while a woman is taking the contraceptive pill or pills the rule does not appear as it normally does, because there is no ovulation although there is bleeding every 28 days on a regular basis and regardless of whether the period was regular or not before taking the pills.
When you stop taking the pill, the steady level of hormones stops and your body will start to create its own hormone production again, something that can take a while to regain its normal rhythm. So when the ovaries are ready they can have mature eggs that can be fertilized.
The usual thing is that the average to start having a normal ovulation is from one to three months in the case that you have not become pregnant before. But you should know that sometimes ovulation can occur sooner or later and nothing happens.
How to plan your pregnancy if you take birth control or the pill
The main purpose of birth control pills is to stop ovulation, so you are not fertile while taking the pills and you do it correctly (following all the pills in the box and without forgetting them). So if you want to get pregnant and start planning your pregnancy, you should first and foremost stop the pill (when the box runs out, don't take more).
Then wait for your period to drop and calculate your menstrual cycle from 3 to 6 months And when you are clear, calculate when you will have your fertile week (from day 14 to 16 in the regular 28-day cycles), to have unprotected sex and try to fertilize the egg. Do not be in a hurry to get it, when you least expect it, it will come.
Predict ovulation
If you want to predict the day of ovulation because you are concerned when it may reappear, you can use some of the following tips to start planning your pregnancy:
- Use a thermometer to control your body temperature so that you can create a temperature table. On days when the temperature rises slightly, it may be that you are ovulating, but this method is difficult to be accurate because there are many factors that can cause it to vary such as diseases, body heat, stress, etc.
- See when you have cervical mucus in your panties. Normally when the vaginal discharge has a whitish color and even a little yellowish, as if it were egg white, it can be a sign that you are ovulating at that moment and therefore you are fertile.
- You can use a product to predict your fertile days, such as Clearblue, which is sold in the current market and can help you through urinalysis to know whether or not you are on your fertile days.
If after a while you begin to see that your menstruation does not return, or is still too irregular (it takes several months to return), it may be a sign that you have not started ovulating regularly and that is why you do not get pregnant. If you feel very concerned, you can consult your doctor to give you more specific instructions depending on your specific case.
Getting pregnant after using the IUD
There is another contraceptive method that, although not oral, is worth mentioning. If you have used the IUD for a while and now want to get pregnant, you will have to go to your gynecologist to have it removed. This process is quick and painless, but it will always have to be done by a qualified professional.
Regardless of whether it is the copper IUD or the hormonal IUD as soon as it has been removed you can get pregnant safely. It may take a little longer to ovulate after you have had the hormonal IUD than the copper one, but it will be safe to get pregnant and is usually faster than pills.
But in any case, after taking birth control it doesn't have to be a problem to get pregnant again. If you see that your period does not drop or you worry too much because it takes time to conceive, in this case, do not hesitate to go to your doctor to help you find a suitable solution to your specific case and if everything has gone well, you will soon be experiencing some of these rare symptoms of pregnancy in the first days.
Dear Friends.-
I am somewhat worried, because my partner and I have made the decision to have our second child, but I have not been able to get pregnant, after my first child was born about 10 years ago I have been using depo provera and I have stopped using it about a year ago.
I will be grateful if you can help me. Blessings. Ada.
I am 29 years old, I am married and it has been more than a year since I left the pills because I tried to have my first child, I did my studies and everything went well .. I don't know what to do because I can't stay 🙁
Hello, good afternoon, I have a question if you can help me. I was injecting contraceptives and I stopped using them in May during the month of May and June, I had a run-off period and right now in July it did not come and I am worried that it has not dropped. I thought I was pregnant but the test came back negative and I'm looking for my second baby, help me, I don't know if it's because of stress or the desire to get pregnant again
What if I stop taking contraceptives and start taking folic acid and at the same time I start looking for a baby? without waiting a month off
hello… nothing happens. Ideally, you should start taking folic acid a month before, and take it throughout your pregnancy. folic acid does not affect the baby and helps prevent malformations.
hi, i need your help. 🙁 I am 6 years old with my boyfriend and I have taken care of myself for 1 year and a half, I took care of myself with the patches evra that is what they are called, now since November we no longer take care of each other and I have not been able to get pregnant already 3 months have passed and nothing to what will happen ???
I would be very grateful if you answered me
I have been trying for 6 months and nothing is pregnant and I still used those patches 🙁
Hello Cecilia, how are you? Nothing happens. It would not be ideal if you do everything together, since if you are planning to get pregnant, it would be good if you start taking folic acid earlier. The chances of getting pregnant on the first try without protection are high. But if you are planning to look for a baby, I would also recommend that you consult with the gynecologist and that you have a complete medical examination, so that you know that your body is ok for your baby. And by the way, you can consult this problem.
Good luck in the search! And continue reading MadresHoy.com
for 6 years I planned with pills, 3 months ago I stopped taking them with the intention of getting pregnant. The previous two months I had my period regulated as if I were planning but this month I am 12 days late ... and there is no sign that I will lose it ... I have had slight cramps, like menstruation, headache (never before he had had) nausea in front of some foods, a lot of emotional sensitivity and more discharge than usual, white and hot. I have taken two tests, the kind that are sold in the pharmacy and they have come out negative ... WILL IT BE THAT IF I AM DESPITE THE RESULTS ... AM I AFRAID AND ANXIOUS? WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Hi Liliana
Maybe your period is still regulating itself, but that doesn't rule out the possibility of pregnancy. Sometimes home tests fail, if you see that it takes another week you can do a blood test that is safer; )
Greetings and may that pregnancy come soon!
HELLO, I tell you that I did the blood test and it came out negative 🙁 I went to the gynecologist and she sent me some tests, yesterday I had the ultrasound and I have polycystic ovaries 🙁 I still need to take the blood tests to look at thyroid, diabetes, etc. I'm really sad ... apparently this complicates my chance of getting pregnant ... how serious is it? A HUG, AND THANK YOU FOR ANSWERING!
Hi Liliana,
Do not worry, many women who have polycystic ovaries have managed to reduce them and have become pregnant, in fact I know several who have had their baby and some who are in full pregnancy. Do not give up, you will surely get it!
All the best
hello liliana I read your publication and decided to write to cheer you up, I'll tell you a little bit about my case so you don't get discouraged ... I have polycystic ovaries diagnosed since I was 12 years old and I currently have a beautiful 10-year-old man and I just stopped taking the pills to a second pregnancy so calm down that we just need a little more care and patience but it is not so serious, soon you get a tummy, do not worry. CHEER UP!!!!
Hello girls, this is the first time that I write and I need someone to help me please, I took myranova for three years I left them two months ago I am four days late, can I be pregnant ?????????
If possible.
Hi, I want to ask, I have been taking care of myself for almost 3 years with an injection and now I want to start looking for my first baby.
That is something that a gynecologist should tell you, paying him a visit and informing him of your search, he can send you tests and tell you if you need to take supplements, normally they usually prescribe iron or folic acid. Lucky!
Hello, I have a question, it has been 2 and a half months since I stopped taking the contraceptive and my boyfriend and I had unprotected intercourse precisely for my most fertile days. Could I be pregnant or does birth control still last?
This was only a couple of days ago so nothing comes out in testing.
Fertility returns to normal just one week after stopping contraceptives, many women get pregnant 2, 3 or 4 weeks after stopping them, therefore, you have a chance of pregnancy.
Hello, a query, I took care of myself with injections, my partner and I planned to have a baby and I stopped using them more than a year ago and still nothing, I read in your comment that ovulation returns in 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks in my case that could be? Thanks for the reply.
Hello, I have been taking contraceptives for approximately three years, last month I forgot to take two pills and take all three together on the third day, my menstruation also came normally, having intercourse during menstruation and after (I continued taking contraceptives normally) are there chances of a pregnancy for those forgetfulness ????
Yes, it is also a big mistake to take everything you have forgotten at once, that way it does not have the effect it should and you are damaging your health.
Hello, a consultation I am going to be one year old that I had a curettage and I am taking care with pills but I want to look for my third pregnancy I am taking folic acid I want to know in what time I can detoxify myself to get pregnant again without problems the doctor sent me to take care of myself a year not if it's okay or time I have to wait please help please thank you very much ...
I need help please and I take contraceptives for 4 years and I forgot three days to take them and I had intercourse on my fertile day, will I be pregnant?
Hello, good afternoon, stop taking the pill, can I stay in a fast state or I have to go through a cleaning process in my body
Hello, I have been taking a 21-day contraceptive pill for a year, the yazmin is regular, and if I want to stop taking them and I want to get pregnant, and if it is possible that I can get pregnant then stop taking them or do you have to wait a year to get pregnant?
hello girls 5 months ago I had sex with my boyfriend and I took the pill the next day. As I mentioned, 5 months have passed and I took it again later, if it is effective?
Hello, just one question, do you know that I want to get pregnant but I can't, I already have a child but I stopped taking care of myself for a year and I would like to know nothing because my menstruation is exact x month but nothing is left.
hello i am going for three years of not using the depo provera and now my esoso and i have decided to have another baby i have a five year old girl and i can't go out
Can you help me please
Hello. I stopped taking birth control pills about 2 2/XNUMX weeks ago. Since the day I had to start taking them again, I have had sex. I have had XNUMX blood tests and they have been NEGATIVE ... I want to have a baby ... what do I do?
Hello, it has been 7 months since I stopped taking the pill and I did not get pregnant. I don't know what to think anymore, I don't know if it's because I've been taking contraceptives for 10 years or is it that we actually have a fertility problem. If someone can help or advise me, I appreciate it.
My partner and I decided to have a baby, but I would like to know when to stop taking care of myself, I injected topasel, they told me that I have to stop injecting myself two months before, I would like to be sure.
Hello ... who can help me since February I am taking care of myself with topasel and we are in the month of June and I decided to have a child I want to know what I have to do to be able to get pregnant quickly and stop injecting myself what else I have to do ...
please answer me quickly ... I want my son in my womb before July starts
hello my name is marie i just stopped taking contraceptives, i have been taking them for a year and now my husband and i want to have a baby, but i would like to know how long can i get pregnant? And if you can give me some tricks to make it faster ... I hope you can help me thanks 🙂
Hello, pretty section, you know, I have been injecting myself for two years and I want to get pregnant, how can I achieve it, it will take a long time, I had a delay of 20 days because it would have been, I hope you help me, thank you for everything
Why is it recommended that after stopping the pills you have to wait a month before getting pregnant?!? I've already heard this, but is there a medical reason ?!
If the medical reason is that you wait a month or more to prevent a deformity in your child, luck
THIS IS FALSE !!!! In fact, every doctor recommends that after planning you wait at least a month, so that your cycle is regulated again and your days of ovulation and delivery are known more safely.
If you have any questions, I advise you to consult a gynecologist, do not believe everything they say ... because you will end up getting more confused.
I have three months without taking a pill and I am scared because I am not pregnant yet, because I have nothing to do with that.
I was 5 months taking the pill and I already left it for three months and I still can't get pregnant I'm worried about whether my husband or I has a problem with having children
Carina anxiety and stress is the main obstacle for you to get pregnant,
I recommend that you relax and just think about enjoying with your partner and stop worrying ... and you will see that after several days or months you will become pregnant ..
so carina relax and you will see very positive results ... take care
Well, I was taking contraceptives for a year and I left them two months ago the first month my period came but the second month it did not arrive and I would like to know if it is possible that I am pregnant I have two children and my partner and I wanted to have the last baby but I do not know if it is possible since I was avoiding a whole year taking my pills I need your answer as soon as possible please
Hello, I started taking contraceptives for the first time in my life ... a month ago ... I got my period on August 3 and I stopped taking the pills on August 8 ... I managed to take the full strip ... but for things in life … I had intercourse on August 14th and he ejaculated inside me… today I started to feel a lot of pain in my breasts and they stung me… besides making me very sleepy all day!
I may be pregnant… and I have not continued taking contraceptives!
Hi! I stopped taking the contraceptive pills 24 days ago, then I had intercourse with a condom but, but I penetrated without also, the ejaculation was out of the vagina, and I was afraid to take emergency contraception within 48 hours. so that I will not get nervous and that it comes to me correctly.
Yesterday I had a flow like bleeding and it left me, and some severe breast pain a few days ago, I don't know if it is due to the intake of many hormones in such a short time, or if it is normal after the antis.
I have been taking depo provera for a year and have stopped taking since June 8 and it is August and my period is not coming and I want to get pregnant I seek help
hello I stopped taking contraceptives three months ago I had sex without taking care of myself r at 2 month but I still had not lowered my period I can get pregnant for 2 years with the implant and 2 years with the injections
I still don't get low my period and I have a lot of discomfort in my womb they give me cramps but it does not lower me and I have a lot of white discharge and little yellowish
Hello; I have been taking anticosetive for 6 months and I stopped taking it 2 weeks ago and I stopped breastfeeding 3 weeks ago and I want to get stiff and I don't stay, tell me what should I do
Hello!! Could someone help me clarify a question I have ...
I lasted 18 days taking YASMIN contraceptives but last night I had sex and I stopped taking it the next day because my partner and I want a baby
how long is it possible for this to happen ???? do we have to keep trying ???
Hello, I have a question, I was taking the YASMIN contraceptive method for 18 days but last night I had sex with my partner and the next day I canceled it because we want a baby, how long will it take to be on the treadmill ??? or what do you have to do to be
Hello, 3 years ago I was taking care of myself with different contraceptives but a month ago I suspended them I have 4 days late but I do not feel anything and the period does not arrive and I do tests but it comes out negative I want to stay in barasada and I don't know what to do to yuden Thank God, sell them and all those moms who want to have a child, give them to them soon
Hi! I am 22 years old and I have been taking care of myself since I was 15 to regulate my period which was irregular, last year for the month of March I stopped taking care of myself and got pregnant I lost it because I did not know I went to the gym a lot that time, I returned to take care of myself with deprovera injection and let her use it in April 2010 and as of today 08/09/2010 I have not been able to get pregnant .. what should I do?
Hello, I have 4 months, I stopped taking contraceptives and my husband already wants a baby that I make to get pregnant, although I menstruate in August on the 7th and I get off on the 30th of the same month but only droplets2 days and now in September I have had a period that will be answered please
hello to all !! Look at my question is that, I want to get pregnant right now, and I finished taking the pastiyas, even if I listen to it, wait a month, if I don't wait for it, something happens? Is it difficult to keep me pregnant? A big kiss !!
Hello, my name is Lupe for 4 years I have been taking care of myself with perlunid injections but my partner and I want to have a child, I would like to know how long it will take to get pregnant and what I should do before I get I would like to know if I have to take care of myself before planning My baby told me that there are consequences and I want it to be fine, if you could guide me, thank you
hello, I was taking care of myself with the injection every three months and I am scared I can hurt the baby, help me, I'm worried
Hello!! I have a question and it is that I have taken the Belara pill for almost 3 years without interruption. I stopped taking them on August 1st, I had a withdrawal bleed on the 3rd of that same month, and 32 days after that bleeding my menstruation came. After this menstruation my partner and I have gone for the baby throughout the month of September but I did not get pregnant. I am 21 years old and they tell me that Belara is soft and that I am young, so there should be no impediments, but my partner is 29 years old, maybe his sperm is not of good quality or is it still early for that? And I would also like to know if with my age and having taken Belara for about 3 years, it will take more, or less, to get my pregnancy ...
Hello I have a big question I have taken Yasmin for «2 years and 8 months I am 20 years old and I stopped taking them and I have been looking for a baby for three months and it has not arrived, I have taken folic acid and I stopped consuming alcohol and smoking because I read in certain recommendations that also helped, the problem is that my period is irregular after stopping the pills every time my cycle lengthens more and it is too difficult to calculate the day of my ovulation, that's why I tried it all the possible days I hope this month it turns out ... my question is do I have a chance of getting this month? after leaving yasmin does one ovulate again? Can I stop being fertile with these pills?
Hi, I'm Mandy, I'm 24 years old and a child of 7, very good advice, I already stopped taking my pills a month ago and I took them for 2 months just to normalize my period because before I used injections for a year and a half, I took them and before I used the T for 5 years, 3 months after my son was born, that is, it is about 6 and a half years that I have used contraceptives but now I want to have another baby and I do not know if that time using them will cause me any infertility problems or will take a long time in getting pregnant, if you know any about this write me to my email mandy_1210@hotmail.com Thank you
Hello, how are you all for three months that I do not take contraceptive pastiyas and my partner and I want to have a baby like acems for a while we have been looking for it and nothing please help me .. !!!
I want to know how long it can take to get pregnant I last 2 years with the injection and I am 3 months old and I have not gotten pregnant I already have a son, he is 3 years old but I wanted to know how long it takes or if it is normal
Hello, my question is if I stopped the definitive contraceptives and I had 2 times without taking care of my relationships, can I be pregnant?
It is not difficult to me, the same thing happened to me, I stopped taking care of myself for a month and I was twice with my partner but I received two tests and they came out negative: / I only keria kedar pregnant but it could not be the same yesterday I was again with my partner but I already lost the hopes: '(but well I hope you are lucky if it is what you want 🙂
Hello, I am 19 years old, I have one year and 4 months of having sex with my partner without protection, I am irregular, I can last a long time without regulating and all that time I have not gotten pregnant and I started for a month that I am using pills to regulate my menstruation and possibilities. that one day I get pregnant even though my menstruation is not regular and without using contraceptive methods?
Hello, I got the implant when I was 16 years old and it retired at 19 years old, I don't know if by this time I had it, the hormones are still in my body, how long it takes for my body to dispose of all the medicine. I have been retiring for a month and I still haven't gotten my menstruation.
Hello I want to have my second child, I am 22 years old and a girl of 3 years and 7 months on Wednesday 17 I took the last pill I want to get pregnant in January today I started taking iron. I want to have a child if God allows me, thank you
I need help!!
I injected myself with yectames for almost 3 years !! I stopped taking it in April, but I took the emergency pill in June, and I want to get pregnant, they think it is already something wrong with me !!
Hello, I need help, I have been injecting myself for 3 months (hormones, contraceptives) and I have not injected for 1 month, I waited for the first period, everything was fine, I got a 16 and I finished 21 and I want to get pregnant 🙁 and in my days fertile I already had sex yesterday ...
help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
On October 8, I interrupted the contraceptives on the 24th I had sex and took it twice the day after at two weeks I had a very red spot I started the contraceptives and it cut me a week ago I did the test and it was negative until now I did not low I wanted to know if I could get pregnant since I was five years without stopping oral contraceptives oh it's just a hormonal change.
Hello, a query I have a 5-year-old girl and I have always taken care of myself, it turns out that from the month of February I take care of myself with injections 1 to the holy month I placed it, but I left them from the month of October I have not had a period until then and no I take care of myself and I have had relationships and I have no symptoms so far because… ..
My question is ... I was taking care of myself with yectames almost x 5 months x ai and I stopped injecting myself for a month ... and I still have not had my menstruation since then ... in that period of time I could get pregnant or this delay is due to hormonal disorder ?
Hello, soi pink, I have 3 years taking care of myself with pills for two months I decided to take care of myself with injections for a month I have stopped my period this month I am no longer 10 days late, what possibility do I have of being pregnant? to the other one, what is this month with 10 days
Hello, for about two years I have been in treatment with Yasminelle 21 tablets, they sent them to me because I had a high level of male hormones, I had a lot of hair and my periods were not regular, in the month of November my husband and I decided to have a baby and I stopped taking them once the blister was finished, because I stopped taking them on November 23, on the 28th my period came, it was cut after 4 days, and to this day my period does not lower and I feel strange discomfort in The lower abdomen sometimes pains, dizziness, there are days in which my nipples hurt more, I have had two pregnancy tests and it comes out negative but my period still does not lower and I continue with the symptoms that can be please help
Look at my menstruation it came to me twice the same month but I had to inject myself and I had no money. I have had a relationship with my husband and I would like to know if I am at risk of pregnant kedar .. please help me
Hi, I'm 34 years old and I have a 12-year-old son, I took contraceptive pastes for 8 years, I left them 4 years ago and I have not been able to get pregnant, I have already had all the tests that are required and everything went well but nothing remained, I am confused that I do not know what my fertility days are, my period lasts 5 days and it arrives every month but for saying it arrives on February 20 and for the next month it is 5 days ahead of me, the same thing always happens to me, you can help me THANK YOU
Hello, I wanted to make this query, I stopped taking the contraceptive pills, the last month I took was the month of December, and in turn I started to take folic acid since with my partner we want to be parents, my last period was on 24/12 / 2010 and we take care of ourselves during the month of January, my query may be that my period may have a delay because it is 7/02/2011 and I did not have my period yet and I have the typical menstrual pains of every month, thank you very much
Hello, I have less than a year injecting myself to avoid having babies, last month I had to inject myself and I did not, I want to know if I can get pregnant since I have relations with my husband every day 2 to 3 times in a day.
Hi, I'm 22 years old and on February 3, 2010 I started using the injection and stopped using it on November 5. of the same year now I am 2 months late and I am worried because my menstruation has not come… .. I could be pregnant…. I have symptoms, my breasts hurt and my milk comes out km, everything makes me nauseous and I'm getting a little chubby…. I do not know if they are symptoms of pregnancy or the injection ...
Well, I have stopped taking contraception for 10 months, because I had already taken it for 5 years and I have not been able to get pregnant, and I want it very much, but what should I do? I am worried about not conceiving and I am 23 years old.
Thank you.
Hello, my last box of pills was a month ago my menstruation came normal, but when it was my turn to take the others I did not, now my question came my menstruation 8 days ago and I do not stop bleeding I am as if it were the second period day ... it will be that you could help me because this lack of control really makes me sick ... ah and I had relations with my partner a few days before I came and a day before ... thanks
Hello, I started taking care of Mesigyna 3 years ago and I have not been wearing it for two months, can I get pregnant ??? it's urgent
I have 6 months to stop injecting the depo test tube and I had sex without taking care of myself I can get pregnant
Hello, my name is Luci and I am the mother of an 8-year-old boy who is 4 years old and the device was removed and I have not been able to get pregnant, what is happening with my body? Sometimes it is exaggeratedly abundant and others not. This month I threw blood clots and something else that looked like a liver or something like that and the truth is that alarms me a lot because I don't have money to go to a gynecologist, so I ask for her professional guidance. Please help me. Thanks
Hello, I was reading the messages and my question is the same as all of them. A month ago I started taking folic acid but my gynecologist recommended that I continue taking contraceptives… .for two more months before he stopped taking care of me. I hope to conceive soon ... a lot of success to all!
Hello greetings, my question is, I finished taking my contraceptive pills and after two days I had sex without protection, can I get pregnant?
Hello …… .. I am 41 years old I have two children, 22 and 19 years old, two abortions and I want to be guided because I want to have a baby… it will be that I can still thank you… ..
Hello …… .. I am 41 years old I have two children, 22 and 19 years old, two abortions and I want to be guided because I want to have a baby… it will be that I can still thank you… .. My period is normal 28 days and lasts 3 to 4 days ...
hello I would like to know. A month ago I left the contraceptives, can I order a baby?
Hello, I've been injecting the topasel for a year, I injected myself on the eighth day, but I think there was a little bit of liquid left in the vial, which worries me because it was not treated all
Thank you
Hello, I've been injecting the topasel for a year, I injected myself on the eighth day, but I think there was a little bit of liquid left in the vial, which worries me because it was not treated all
Thank you
Hello, I had been planning with Depo Provera for a year and I left it for more than three months and now the period is not coming, is it normal?
Hello, my question is I stopped injecting the depro provera
On May 8th there was my turn and I no longer injected
Now my period still does not come, I'm taking acid
Folico these days I have felt tummy aches all day
Ovarian pain like the period is coming
And headaches and I've been out of spirits I've been told that
They are also symptoms of pregnancy because belly pain
I've already had it for a week and it won't take away, it will be that I can get pregnant
Thus. Please answer me I want soon
Get pregnant
Hello, I took the contraceptive pills for only one month and I stopped taking them, I would like to know if I can get pregnant and if I will not have any risk ...
Please answer me ...
Hello, I stopped taking pills a month ago and it turns out that I have not been able to get pregnant and I want to have a baby, what can I do?
Hello, my query, I am 23 years old, I want to have my first baby, I took pills for 2 and a half years, I am already having sex and folic acid, I would like to know how long it will take me to get pregnant and if there are any risks, thank you very much and I am waiting for an answer
Hello, my query, I am 23 years old, I want to have my first baby, I took pills for 2 and a half years, I am already having intercourse and folic acid. I would like to know how long it will take me to get pregnant and if there are any risks, what can I do? Thank you very much and I hope for an answer that
Hello, I have been taking contraceptives for 3 or 4 years for 3 months that I stopped more or less, and we want to know if I can get pregnant soon. we are looking forward to having this baby. It is always said that you ovulate 14 days before the next period. But of course my friend stayed days after her period. which is more likely to stay before or after menstruation? I prescribed folic acid gynecology for me, and some pills for my boyfriend. I await your comments, opinions or solutions, hehehehe, thank you very much
Hello, I injected myself with depo provera for only 3 months and now I want to have a baby and I'm a little worried, I want to know how long I can last to get pregnant and what can I take to get pregnant faster and something that I have to make up for is k during those 3 months my period was completely normal. What can I do? Thank you ….
Hello, I want to have my second child and he has been taking birth control pills for 3 years and in a week I finish the box and I wanted to know if I will be able to get pregnant in the next few months as soon as possible. Thank you, I await your response.
Hi, I want to have my baby, but I took care of myself with injections, I only took care of myself for three months and I want to get pregnant as soon as possible.
Hello everyone. I have a 4-year-old girl and in that period I take care of some months with contraceptives and other months with nothing and no m qdo. What can my problem be?
Hello, I need an answer to my case, if someone knows something, help me, please, on April 7, I had my period and on the 14th I had the injection because I did not get it because I want to have a baby in May, I do not get off and I got a test and it came out negative. At the end of the month of June I got a test and I am not overloaded nor in July I get off on August 7 it will be my turn again to verke it will be `because I just stopped contraceptives or oooooo what do you think
Hello, I left the contraceptives 2 months ago, the first month it came to me normal, now I had to come on August 2 and there is still no news. Can I get pregnant? Am I taking folic acid for
Hello, I left the contraceptives 2 months ago, the first month it was normal, now I had to come on August 2 and there is still no news. Can I get pregnant? I am taking folic acid because I am looking for my first child.
I have about 8 months that I do not take care of myself and I have not been able to get pregnant, what do I do
hello, my husband and I decided to have another baby, I have a girl who will turn 5 in November, since she was born I took care of the 3-month blisters until December, then I changed to the 1-month-old one (patector), I put on for the last time on July 12 and I wanted to know if it is possible to get pregnant quickly or wait a year as many say, thanks in advance for the answer.
From May 09 to August 07, I was ciude and on 08 I made relationships I will be pregnant, please help me
As for 2 weeks I left the depo and right now I am using the pills and any possibility that I am pregnant right now .. ?? As for 2 years I had a natural abortion and then the next year I got pregnant again but I had a dnc pork noc I was developing so ... Now I am anus I would like to try to get pregnant and there is a chance that I will have another abortion
Hello, I wanted to know if I can get pregnant, I started taking the pills in July and finished taking them on August 14, can I get pregnant?
Hello, my name is Estefanny and I am 18 years old. I would like to know if it is normal that my last menstruation was on August 6 and it ended on August 11 and that I dropped brown drops and not the normal ones ... last month I started to feel bad ... and I had tired way and I get tired fast tmb at most and less than a week I am already chubby and my mother has noticed and last week I did a pregnancy test and it came out negative ... I have stopped injecting the Mesygina last month I do not know if I can get pregnant, could you tell me if I am pregnant or not ... since I am a first time
Hello, my question is the following. I have been taking my contraceptive pill for 2 and a half years, but for 3 or four months I have had several forgetting to take it for up to 2 or 3 days. lately I have had an increase in weight and appetite. I have had a bit of dizziness but my period has not changed, the date and the corresponding days come to me. I have not wanted to do the test because the symptoms do not seem relevant to me. but I would like to know what percentage would have to be pregnant. I would not worry at all that it is like that but I would like to know. Thank you
Hello, I have been taking the same contraceptive pills for many years, this month I took only 8 pills out of 21 .. According to my fertility cycle, I left them right at the beginning of my fertile days… And 5 days after I left them I pseudo arrived the rule, I say pseudo because it is not a normal rule, but a very weak one, like the last days of a normal rule ... During these days I have had relationships with my partner, since we have decided to have a child ... This is normal. the "rule" when leaving the pills like this? How will my cycle be regulated? How will I know my fertile and ovulation days now?
Thank you very much
Hello, I have stopped taking the pill for three months and I cannot get pregnant. I wanted to know what I can take to increase ovulation, if I am not producing.
Hello: I have taken care of myself for 2 years with pills ... but this last month I have not taken it because I want to get pregnant, we have tried with my partner ... but my period has come to me normally ... is it possible that I am pregnant even though it has arrived?
Hi, I'm 30 years old, I haven't taken pills for eight years, he always takes care of me and I want to be pregnant, why will it be? I would like to be a mother, you would have an answer
Hi, I'm from Ecuador… girls, 2 years ago I took care of myself with mesigyna injections, then at 4 months I started with Belara, my partner and I have decided to have a baby; I have already stopped taking them for 4 months… but still nothing, I have tried to have intercourse my fertile days but nothing… How long will it take to get pregnant?
Hello! I am from Peru, I took the YASMINIQ pills for 3 years and well it has been 2 months that I no longer take care of myself, and the truth is that now I am afraid of getting pregnant although the truth is I already feel the symptoms, I don't know what to do!
Hello, I have been 11 years old, diane 35 daily and 8 months ago that I left them, I am very concerned because I do not get pregnant, I have a thyroid and I don't know if that affects me I have an 11-year-old girl, could you tell me if something happens to me or if it's normal, thank you
Hellooo!!! pz I took contraceptive pills like 10 months and the truth is that I stopped taking them xke my partner and I want to have a baby but I could not get pregnant, can someone help me ………… .. I am desperate
Hello, look, I took care of myself for two months with injectables and my question is how much I can get pregnant because I and my partner looked for him for 6 months and he never stayed and I went to a gynecologist and he told me to give me the injectables for two or three months and then I started looking for it but I can't take it anymore. I and my partner want to have our baby but it's time to time, can I get pregnant quickly?
Hello, my doubt is that I took care of myself with the implant method but I only had it for 2 years. I removed it in February and we are already in August and I am not pregnant, what can I do?
Hello, I am 22 years old and I had 2 natural abortions and the gynecologist told me to take contraceptive pills but he does not explain to me why that occurs. Apart from all this I am RH (-). I would like to know what prosecutions I can continue ... and the truth is that I want to have a baby but I don't want the same thing to happen to me a little while ago ... please help me, I'll thank you very much!
Hi ! I am 19 years old in October of last year I took the depo (injection) for three months it was the first time I used a contraceptive method of that type supposedly it lasted until February and from there I had one more month in my body (March) and I had to return to inject myself but I did not inject myself more or use any other type of contraceptive now it is already a year and during that period I tried to get pregnant but I did not succeed I have so much desire to be a mother for the first time I would like to know if someone it can help!
Hi, Diana!
First of all relax, although I know it is difficult but as I always say, stress makes conception difficult. If in about 8 months you have not succeeded, it would be advisable that you go to a specialist to check that everything is going well and give you some advice.
Hi, I'm 21 years old, I had 4 years taking care of myself and I stopped taking care of myself 1 year and 5 months ago and nothing and we are really looking to have a baby and nothing, please could you help me and what should I do or take ... !!!!
Hi Itzel!
I know it is difficult, but relax, stress makes conception difficult. If in 7 more months you have not achieved it, it would be advisable to go to a specialist to tell you what the problem is, sometimes simply the anxiety of wanting to be a mother makes things difficult because we start to think negatively. Checking that everything is going well will help you relax and the doctor will be able to tell you something you can do or take.
Hello, I am 22 years old and I am 4 years old that I stopped taking care of myself and I have 2 months that my partner and I are taking on the task to have a baby, what happens, I need your help
I will thank you with all my heart for your answer
Hello Ana!
Be patient, after stopping contraceptives there are women who need a few months to recover. Relax (stress makes conception difficult) and enjoy, you will see that everything will come at the most unexpected moment; )
Hi, I'm Vanesa, I have two children, one of ten and the other of five ♥
Now I am looking for a baby for five years that I take contraceptive ♥ I already stopped taking it will take two see with this I am waiting for the date that the mestruasion has me coming I am taking folic acid I want to know ♥ If I am going to kedar fill up fast I am very anxious kisses I wait for an answer
That is something that you cannot know, you may get it quickly or you may not ... Good luck!
I stopped using the injection 1 month ago to plan can I get pregnant in that period ??? help
Hi amanda!
Possibly, many women have become pregnant right after stopping birth control. It all depends on each one.
Hello good afternoon, my name is Rennata and I am 30 years old, for 8 years I have been irregular and they have given me treatment to regulate myself and I have never achieved it a few months ago I had a hormonal disorder and blood gave me anemia a lot, and now I am taking acid My question is, is it possible for me to be able to keep a child at that age and with these problems, I have already had several studies done and I have nothing. I just want to be a mom ... it's my great wish
Hi Rennata!
There are many women who have been mothers in their 30s and even later, so of course, you can be. To regulate menstruation you can ask for evening primrose oil, it is natural and works quite well. I hope that you will soon fulfill your wish and, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to consult your doctor, he will be able to show you what is best for you.
What happens is that I had sex on Tuesday and on Thursday I stopped taking the contraceptive pills, is there any risk that I could become pregnant?
I've been taking pills for 3 months.
Hello, I have 2 and a half years of trying to get pregnant, I do not have children and in those two and a half years I used contraceptives but for about a month and a half my question is if I should worry about not being able to get pregnant and what can I do to get pregnant? Thank you.
Hello Karla!
Sometimes it simply takes time due to the strong desire to be a mother, the worry that the months will pass and the pregnancy will not come, etc. Relax and keep trying for a couple more months, maybe being more relaxed you will succeed. If you see that it would not be advisable to go to the doctor to check that everything is going well.
Hello, I have 8 months that I stopped planning with injection but until a few days I started looking for a baby because I wanted to de-toxify my body, how long will it take to look for a baby?
Hi Katherin!
Each woman is different, there are those who in the same month in which they stop contraceptives manage to get pregnant, but there are others who take months to get it. I hope you can come back soon to tell us that you are already pregnant; )
Hello, I am 24 years old, since I was 17 years old, I began to take care of myself and I had very little rest time, I had approximately 5 or 4 years in a row taking pills I decided to have a baby and since June I suspended them and in July and August my normal period came the last Date was August 7 and so far I have not had a period, I can have a lack of period control for the years of taking the pills you recommend to get pregnant.
Hello Caroline!
Your period may still need time to regulate. My advice is to be patient and avoid obsessing over the pursuit of pregnancy. This may not happen to you now, but it is also possible that, if you do not succeed in 3, 4 or 5 months, you will start to get frustrated, and that is not favorable.
Everything comes in its own time, just enjoy relationships with your partner and do not schedule them around your ovulation. There are couples who have intercourse only on those days thinking that this way they will have a greater probability of pregnancy, but sexual abstinence on the part of the man causes the sperm to reduce in number, lose quality and even movement, so it is recommended that they do not spend long periods without maintaining relationships. Eat a healthy diet and start taking folic acid; )
hello I have a question three months ago that I was taking the pills but this week I left them, can I get pregnant this month? x please help me!
Hi Noelia!
Yes, there is a chance of pregnancy, many women get pregnant as soon as they stop taking the pills, while others need time for their period to regulate and take longer.
Hello, I have a question, I have planned for almost 4 years with mesigine and cyclophen, last month (August) I do not remember if I gave myself the injection at the correct time because I went on a trip, generally my period is on the 8th day every month, During my trip last month I had my period on the correct days, but this September I had a liquid coffee that only lasted one or two days, I am waiting for my period to arrive again to start the planning cycle again but nothing , I have been very sleepy and lazy and a few nights ago after dinner I felt nauseous and gassy and this is not normal for me, I would like to know if it is possible that I am pregnant or if they are normal disorders for not having injected myself this month and not remembering If I did it last month, I neither want nor can I be pregnant !!! Thanks for your help!!!
Hello Luciana!
Surely it will be a disorder for not having injected this month but if you have a lot of doubt it is better that you ask a doctor, he will be able to tell you better what is happening to you; )
Hello, my question is, I have been taking pills for 1 month and this month I am going for 10 but I don't want to take more because I want to have a baby ... what can I do?
I want to have a baby !!!!
I want to have a baby !! but I'm planning I want to know how long I have to wait to detoxify my body ??? xfis someone to answer me
Hello Girl!
If you take the pills, it is normally 2 months, but it all depends on each woman, there are those who have become pregnant from the first month after stopping contraceptives, so don't stop trying! ; )
OK, thanks a lot . If in case I got pregnant in the first, would there be no risk for the baby? ahhh use nomagest thanks 🙂
No risk to the baby, you can be calm. I hope to see you here soon telling us that you have already achieved it; )
I see many unanswered questions… .the answers take it in private? I would like to ask a question for a question that I have but as I see there are no answers because… ..thank you a kiss
Hello Salo!
Any questions you have you can ask and we will answer you right away:)
Hello, I am 21 years old and a year ago I took care of myself with contraceptive ampoyas those of a month my question if I want to have a baby I have to wait two months for that and the baby will not have any problem. Please answer me that I want to have a child in 2012
Hi Naty!
Since you stop using contraceptives you can start the search for your baby, it may take a few months because your period needs to be regulated, but there are women who get it even in the first month without problems.
Hello good! two months ago I stopped taking balianca because my partner and I have decided to have a baby but I am not staying, what do I do ?? my menstruation came on September 21 thanks and greetings
Hi Jesy!
Don't worry, you've only been trying for two months. There are women who take time on their own and, if in addition the period has to be regulated after stopping contraceptives, it takes even longer. Patience ; )
Hi, how about I take the 21-day NORDET pills for 7 or 8 mss, it's going to be 3 months that I left them to take in vrdd I wish I had a baby, someone could decide what else I can do or more or less kuant0o time more I must always wait eeeh sid0o very exact in my period to this last time I was delayed almost a week ii iia later I got off ...
Thank you in advance, I hope someone can help me, thank you
Hi Alis
Don't worry, it's still been a short time since you stopped taking the pills and maybe your period needs to be regulated.
Hello, excuse me, I would like to dispel a doubt, I have taken contraceptives for 3 and a half years and the last year I used nuvaring but now we want to have a baby, the question is, will I have problems getting pregnant from using contraceptives for so many years?
Hi Nathaly
I don't think you have problems, just that your period will need some time to regulate and maybe that will delay the pregnancy a bit, but nothing more; ) You can continue having intercourse without problems and even semen helps to regulate the period, you may even get it soon, each woman is a world.
Nathaly, I tell you that I had exactly the same doubt as you, only that I took contraceptives for 14 years without a break. It took something like 2 months to regularize and from there 8 more months and I got pregnant. It is best to relax trying to concentrate on something else (and take the folic acid). Lucky!
Hole how are you! I hope you answer me! I am 24 years old and on October 30 I stopped injecting myself, I was wondering if I can look for a baby now? And jointly take folic acid? Thanks
Hello noelia
Of course you can start the search for your baby, it is possible that your period needs to be regulated but semen helps this to happen and also sometimes this regulation is not even necessary, it all depends on each woman. About folic acid yes, you can start taking it; )
Greetings and may the desired baby arrive soon!
Thank you very much, your advice will be of great help to me !! the pg is very good !!
Hello Goodnight. I am 23 years old, for five and a half years I took femexin 21 without rest, five months ago since I left them. It has been 68 days since my period comes normally, 21 days ago I had only one day of minimal bleeding ... could it be a hormonal imbalance?
Hi Vik
Yes, surely your period still needs regulation and getting used to not having that extra dose of hormones.
hello i am 17 years old last month on sep 3. I forgot one day to inject the contraceptive injection, which was the reason why on the 4th of the same month I took the emergency pill and that same night I gave myself the injection, this caused me to delay my period for about 9 days and a lot Stomach decomposition, due to this I had a complication of hormones (that was what the doctor told me) so he told me this month of October, do not give me the contraceptive injection which is called "ginediol" and he asks me is there a possibility that I got pregnant this month? please wait for your answer
It all depends on the duration of the injection, that is, if you normally go every month to give it, it means that contraception lasts only for a month. That month has already passed therefore if you are at risk of pregnancy. Normally the contraceptive injections last 12 weeks, you could inform yourself about these and thus you will be calm for 3 months.
If the injection that I get that monthly and I get it on the 3rd of each month and this month I gave it
If you normally give yourself the injection every month it means that its effect lasts only a month. In your case, that time has already passed, so you would be at risk of pregnancy. You could learn about injections that last 12 weeks, so you will be calm for longer.
Thank you for your answer I am very grateful,
Hi. I want to be a mom and my last period was on the 21st of this month and on October 5 it came again. What happens I do not understand is the first time. I just stopped planning is that why ??? xfis answer me as soon as possible thankssssss
Hello . my question is :
I have two years that I plan. But I want to have my first baby, on September 21 my normal period came, I did not inject myself to start detoxifying my body, but on October 5 I return again, my period does not know what happens, it is the first time that this happens to me. please I need an answer as soon as possible. thanksssss
Don't worry, normally the period needs to be regulated after stopping contraceptives, this can last 2 or 3 months approx.
ok thank you very much ... all in due time hehehehe greetings 🙂
Hello, for 7 years I have been injected with mesygina .. I would like to know if when I want to have children this will not affect me? is it bad to take contraceptives for so long?
Hi Alejandra
Normally, contraceptives affect a little when conceiving because then the body needs to regulate itself again, although each woman is different and there are those that as soon as they leave the contraceptive they become pregnant.
Hello, I take care of myself with contraceptives for more than three years, I wanted to know if once I stop taking them, it will take time for me to get pregnant..chau, thank you very much ...
Hi Yesica
It all depends on each woman, there are those who in the same month that they leave the contraceptive achieve pregnancy and there are those that take months because their body needs to regulate itself again.
Hello, how would I like to have a baby? I've been trying for 6 months and nothing I do. I'm very sad, I already have a 10-year-old baby
In couples without problems it is normal to take even 12 months, keep in mind that the older it is, the more difficult it is. Relax and you will see how it comes at the most unexpected moment. Lucky!
Hi, I'm 21 years old, my name is Vanina, and in April I stopped taking the contraceptive pills, the miranova and on May 15, the 23rd and 24th I had sex without protection, and what do I want to have a baby? Can I get pregnant?
Yes, you can get pregnant.
Hello, I would like to keep a child this month, but I don't know when my fertile days are, this is what happens to me: I get unwell on the 20th week of each month eg. Sometimes on the 21st, or the 25th or 29th of each month, that is, I don't have a fair or safe day (my menstrusive period lasts about 4 days), in August the 26th came as a brown snot, the doctor He said that it was fine that it would be my menstruation and that I happened that for the injections, I had a delay (due to an excess of hormones since last month I was given contraceptive injections (monthly)) for this reason the month of September did not come And the month of October came to me on the 3rd that same brown snot for 2 or 3 days and on the night of the 5th of the same month I got a lot of blood that lasted about 1 / 2hs and then I kept going but very very little until the The next day I got cut off, this month I should have given the injection on day 3 and I did not put it on for that reason I want to take advantage of this month and keep a child, thank you I hope your answer
Hello Gaby
The brown mucus that you mention is something normal that sometimes arrives even weeks before the period. To calculate your fertile days, you must first see how often your period arrives and count by half, for example, if your period arrives every 28 days, your ovulation would occur on day 14 of the cycle. Since it does not have a fixed date, it is a bit more difficult to calculate, but you can still have a rough idea.
Remember that it is always better to have intercourse often instead of being limited to the fertile days and that having been using hormonal contraceptives it is possible that your body begins to regulate itself and therefore it takes even months to get pregnant. It is something normal, try not to stress yourself and you will see that everything comes; )
Hello, look 4 years ago that I was taking the pills and it has been 3 and a half months that I stopped taking them ... and now I got an embarrassing test and I was negative ... I got off but very little and very light pink and the truth is that it scares me because yes m The ts came out negative, what can it be ??? Thank you I hope your answer x fabor ..
Do not worry, after spending so much time taking contraceptives, the body needs to regulate its period again and it is common for problems of this type to arise.
But how long the truth is that I want to be a mother and this of n being able to get pregnant scares a lot ...
Don't worry, it is normal for couples without fertility problems to take up to 12 months to conceive (not counting the time it took to regulate the period). In any case, you can go for a check-up simply to check that there is no health problem that prevents pregnancy and, above all, do not stress. Stress also makes pregnancy difficult.
Hello again, the truth is that I am scary today I went to the bathroom and when I cleaned the paper I saw something brown, what is it ???? and why ??
Hi! look at my issue is that I was detected endometriosis my gynecologist prescribed ginorelle as a 6-month treatment .. two days ago I went to do an echo and he told me that I had not yet fully regenerated he gave me two options to stop contraceptives or continue taking them ... even so I was going to improve the same ... but leaving the contraceptives would be of faster recovery ... the truth that with my endometrial obs atrophy ... I do not have much the percentage of getting pregnant ... I mean the chances are not null either ... With my partner we thought about it and we still want to have our baby so no one will take care of it .. apart from months ago I had mild anemia so I am treated with folic acid vitamins .. and other things which made me feel good because I have gained weight My mood is different. I am more alive. 🙂 I would like to know that if I get pregnant, I could have a loss? Because I already had an embarrassing topic: / 2 years ago or so or because of my endometrial obs atrophy I could not hold my baby? or has that nothing to do with it? Please clarify that question for me please! ... I would appreciate it a lot!
As you say, pregnancy is possible. In these cases there is a greater risk of premature birth and it may take a while to get pregnant, keep in mind that in couples without problems it is normal to take up to 12 months ... The fact that you had an ectopic pregnancy does not mean that you cannot have a pregnancy again and progress properly, this problem is very common and even doctors consider it "normal" if it occurs once or twice. At the third time they already do tests to find out the reason because then it alarms them.
Do not lose hope, many women in your same situation have achieved it. You also can!.
hello, keria, let me tell you that i'm taking care of the blister i would like to know if it's bad so i can't have a child
Hi, I was still injecting mesygina for about 6 months and you know what happened to me? Well, u very badly I generate obs endometrial atrophy .. now I am in treatment with ginorelle pills and apart from the treatment 3 months of rest ... with endometriosis ahy a% that I can not conceive drink instantly, if not that its great time is delayed : / So from that moment I knew everything I am terrified of any type of injection! So when you are taking any contraceptive method, you always have to check every 2 or 3 months how your reproductive organism is doing 🙂
Hello Maria
In principle it is not bad, but taking it for many years can cause problems not only when having children, but also in your own body.
hello I see that it is published !!! Well I'll tell you… .I have a 4-year-old boy, and we decided with my partner to have a baby…. I've been taking DIVINA 3 for about 21 years and I left them last Monday (10.10.2011), in the previous search in 15 days without taking care of myself I get pregnant, I would like to know if having taken the pills for those years the search could be longer… .. ??? I have analysis done in a short time and everything is in order, is there something else I should do for prevention? that of folic acid ?? I can only eat healthy at the moment ... vegetables and those foods already mentioned?
Hello Caroline
Having been taking contraceptives for a long time, it is possible that your period needs to be regulated, but it is something that should not slow you down, many women have stopped contraceptives and in the same month have become pregnant, everything varies from one woman to another so first of all bear patience ; )
To begin, you can go to the gynecologist for a simple check-up and inform him that you are trying to get pregnant, so he can prescribe folic acid or the supplements he sees necessary. Living a healthy life will also be of great help; )
Greetings and get your pregnancy soon!
Hi, I'm Ysela, I took care of myself with the 3-month blister for 3 years but I have stopped taking care of myself 1 year ago but I can't get pregnant and I already feel worried that my baby wants a baby brother, she is 9 years old, what would I do
Hi Ysela
Do not worry, in couples without fertility problems it is normal to take around 12 months to conceive, it is also possible that your period has needed time to regulate itself. If you see that a couple of more months pass and you still have not achieved it, it is recommended that you go to the gynecologist to check that everything is going well and, above all, relax. Stress does not help you conceive; )
Greetings and may you soon get your pregnancy!
Hi, I took birth control pills for two months I left them to change pills, but in the time I left them until now I had sex with my partner in my non-fertile days, but I have a big dilemma, the period should have arrived yesterday, and I would like to know if it is possible that she is pregnant or maybe it is because of having stopped contraceptives.
Greetings I hope you can answer me
Hello Camila
When you stop using contraceptives, it is normal for your period to be a bit irregular; )
I have taken care with contraceptive methods for three years, a year and a half with the topacel injection, some time I took the morning after pill for emergencies, but now I am married for about a year I have taken the yazmin and my husband and I want to have a baby ... this month I just stopped taking care of myself to see if we can conceive ... my question is if maybe having taken so many different contraceptives will make it difficult for me to be a mother, because I have heard that when one is caring very young with these methods can even become infertile ?????
Hello Gaby,
It is true that conception is difficult, keep in mind that the contraceptive methods that you mention what they do is not kill the sperm, but prevent your ovulation. After several years taking them, your period may need time to regulate itself, that does not mean that you should not try to have a baby yet, but it may take time to get it.
It would be recommended that you get a medical check-up to check that you are in good health and that they prescribe the supplements that they see as necessary such as folic acid or iron.
Thank you very much I am more calm, the illusion we have of having a baby is very great. Greetings
good .. my query is as follows, I was taking contraceptives for hormonal problems, I stopped taking .. my period came normal, and after ten days I had a little bleeding, I would like to know if that is normal .. I am worried. Thank you!!
Hi Lourdes,
After having spent some time taking contraceptives, your period may be a bit out of control, but don't worry, little by little it will regulate itself again; )
Hello girls, well I am 18 years old .. 4 months ago I used the Depo provera for the first time. From what they told me it lasted only 3 months, I have already been 4 months and I have not menstruated yet !! It is normal ?? How much longer will I be without menstruating?
Hello Evelyn,
Sometimes it is normal that the period needs to be regulated but after only three months it is rare ... It will surely not be anything serious, but it is recommended that you go to the doctor to check that everything is fine.
Hello, I have been taking angliconceptives for nine years and I have stopped taking them for a month, what is the probability of being in a state quickly, please answer, I feel like getting it
Hello Jessi,
It all depends on each woman, there are those who in the first month of leaving the contraceptive achieve pregnancy and there are also those that their period is very irregular and it takes a little longer, but be patient and you will see how soon you get it! ; )
Hello everyone, the truth is I am very sad, I have a 9-year-old girl, I am 38 years old, I stopped taking care of myself with mesigina 1 year and a half ago and I still do not get pregnant, maybe it will be because I just turned 38. There will be hope for my, I am a healthy person, without vices like my husband. kisses and thanks.
Hi Lourdes,
Of course it is possible for you to get pregnant! Perhaps it is a little more difficult but not impossible, you can go to the gynecologist for some advice that will facilitate conception or supplements that he sees as necessary such as folic acid or iron.
Greetings and may that desired baby arrive soon!
Thank you for trusting us!
Hello, I lost my first baby in the month of April, and from there I began to take care of myself with contraceptive pills, 3 days ago I stopped taking them. so my partner and I have decided to try to have a baby, but they tell me that there is 60% that the baby comes out in bad condition, what can I do to have a healthy baby. I will appreciate your response.
Hello Melanie,
It all depends on the reason why there is that 60% of the baby being born in poor condition, it is something that you should consult with your doctor to give you the necessary indications according to your case.
From Mothers today we send you a lot of encouragement and we hope that you can soon have your desired baby
Hello, 4 years ago I have been taking care of myself with an injection and it was my turn again on the 13th of this month, I did not put them on, I had a relationship on the 21st, is it possible that I am pregnant? I feel swollen.
Hi Mary,
If the ejaculation did not occur outside, it is possible that you get pregnant, but you still would not have any symptoms, it has only been 3 days.
well thank you very much a kiss
Hello on October 6, I got my period and on 12 I had to inject my mensigyna and I did not have sex on October 15,16, 21 and on October 22 and XNUMX without any protection I would like to know if I could get pregnant I am with a lot of pain in the tail and stomach and now we combine it with my husband and we want to have our second baby but with what I read, I am afraid of having problems because I have not waited to stay and if I can do a blood test now to know if I am or it is very soon I hope can you help me thanks
Hello Cami,
You could already do the blood test but if you wait at least 2-3 more days, much better. The fact that you have not waited will not give you any problems; )
thanks mxas leave me much more trankila d greetings and blessings
Hello—- I need your help urgently
take birth control for 3 months and stop.
Since then my period has always been regular, it has never changed, even taking it was normal ...
I have relationships with my partner trying to have a child but I did not get pregnant, why is that?
Hi Rafelina,
In couples without fertility problems it is normal to take up to 12 months to conceive. If you have not passed that time yet, you can be calm, when you least expect it, it will come, but if that time has passed it is advisable to go to the doctor to check that everything is going well.
Greetings and may you soon get that desired pregnancy!
hello good night i stopped taking my pills last month this month does not take care of me because i want to get pregnant just take care of me for about 6 months with pills i would like to know if i could get pregnant
Hi Yanina,
Of course you can get pregnant; ) You just have to eat a healthy diet, maybe you can go to the gynecologist in case he recommends folic acid or iron supplements and a lot of patience! Sometimes the pregnancy takes longer to arrive than we expected, but that should not stress you out or give up, keep trying and when you least expect it, it will come; )
Greetings and may you get it soon!
Good morning I have a doubt is that my girlfriend took contraceptive pastes (cancel) and it has been a month that I let them use it is possible that the period will be delayed or advanced after its normal date.
Yes, it is normal that your period is irrgulated and it takes time to arrive, it arrives early or it may even not arrive for a month.
7 years ago that I took contraceptives for 4 months that I left them, 3 months I got off normal as if I had continued taking the pills and on the 4th it came 6 days after the normal date and I got off a lot, it is the first time that it drops so much ... .I'm looking for a baby ... will it take a long time? I'm very anxious !!
Hello Romina,
Whether it will take a long time or not, we cannot tell you. Each woman is different, there are those who achieve it quickly and others not so much. About the lack of control of your period, do not worry, it is normal after so long taking contraceptives.
Hello, you know, I will tell you I took pills for two years since I suffered from polycystic ovary and in October 2011 I did an ultrasound and they all dissolved and now I left the pills this the first month without pills and I am on the 13th day I started having intercourse on Day 12 and I have 14,15,16 left since I want to have a child it is possible to leave pills a month and have sex on ovulation days I got pregnant thanks
Hi nicole,
Yes, it is possible that you will get it a month after stopping the pills, just as it may take a little while. This is something that varies a lot from one woman to another and that is why you must be patient. Another recommendation is to have intercourse often, not only on ovulation days, because you risk that your body is not used to receiving semen and rejects it.
On October 2, I stopped contraceptives because with my husband we planned to have a baby. On the 7th my period came down. By calendar and according to how it was before, my period should have been lowered on Friday, November 04, but it still has not lowered me. On November 05 I did a urine test and it came back negative. I have had some symptoms like dizziness, nausea and a little sore breasts. Could it be that I am pregnant or could the problem be another?
Hi Romy,
After stopping contraceptives, it is normal for the period to be irregular and take longer than usual, arrive early or even miss a month. Even so, you can make sure by doing a blood test since the urine test is negative ...
Hello, my query is 2 years ago, I took care of myself with injectable mesigine, so when I take care of myself I do not lower my month in May, stop taking care of myself and my partner does not want to have children either and I do not know if I can have them, I feel bad because I have 22 years old and I took care of myself at 18 I think I abused my body but since I was a young girl I did not care that I would get off or now just 2 months ago I don't know what to do wait or consult a doctor Can I have children?
I say go to the gynecologist urgently! because the same thing happened to me with mesygina and that I used it for a year .. made my endometrium thin too much! that's why I no longer had to menstruate & I thought I was pregnant but no: /, the DOC made me put on treatment with special contraceptive pills for 6 months! Well now I completely stopped taking care of my endomtrium and I'm just waiting for it to come! the good news 🙂
hello, I was taking contraceptives approx. for 5 years, I left them 2 and a half weeks ago and I am looking to have a baby, my question is, if there are symptoms when I stop taking the pills, because for a week I have been nauseous all day, I dream, I want to go to the bathroom , a lot of hunger, sensitivity in the breasts and like cramps, it is supposed that I go down on the 17th of this month, or it will be that I will already be pregnant so soon after leaving them, or they are symptoms of leaving the pills, it is my doubt ...
Hello Karen,
It is possible that all these symptoms are because your menstruation is approaching, keep in mind that you have taken contraceptives for 5 years and what they do is suppress your ovulation and imitate bleeding like that of the period, but it is not ... So now it's like that you are going to have your first menstruation after 5 years and it will surely be irregular, with a different amount than usual or that you feel some discomfort.
hello..I have a query..my girlfriend took only 3 pills from the new blister..and we decided to have a baby ... should she finish the 28 pills? or can you leave them? And is it advisable to wait a month after stopping the shot? Thank you very much
Hello again! A query! I wanted to know that if I have the advantage of getting pregnant maybe this next month or maybe as soon as possible because I tell you, I stopped taking the contraceptive pills when the box ran out and the last pill was on Oct. 16, which is the same as my period That day was so normal .. my mnstrual cycle has always been 28 days. And today Nov 13 is 28 days old and I normally go down the only thing of a too red and very abundant color that scares me a little but hey it got me exactly 🙂 so super regular maybe I can have an advantage for that? Ah, I'm also taking folic acid .., another thing I have a lot of infection like cystitis .. I don't know if it will be pork I walk like this at »feet pleado by my house» all day good here he calls it «ice»: / rsponde as soon as possible plizz would thank you a thousand !!! 🙂 greetings very good page
Hello again! A query! I wanted to know that if I have the advantage of getting pregnant maybe this next month or maybe as soon as possible because I tell you, I stopped taking the contraceptive pills when the box ran out and the last pill was on Oct. 16, which is the same as my period That day was so normal .. my mnstrual cycle has always been 28 days. And today Nov 13 is 28 days old and I normally go down the only thing of a too red and very abundant color that scares me a little but hey it got me exactly 🙂 so super regular maybe I can have an advantage for that? I'm also taking folic acid .., something else I have a lot of infection like cystitis .. I don't know if it will be pork I walk like this to »bare feet at my house» all day well here it is called «ice»: / rsponde as soon as possible plizz would thank you a thousand !!! 🙂 greetings very good page
Hi, look, I had years of getting deprovera, the last one was in April and I'm taking folic acid, I'm doing my homework with my husband, but nothing very much. I have my uterus in retro my questions is:
When my body detoxifies from the ampoyas ... it is true that 12 weeks have to pass, please answer me
Hello, I will explain to you, I injected myself with anti-conseptives 2 months in a row every 7th date, they are the ones that they give you in public places in this case in the room, the injection is called medroxyprogesterone, this month 7 I did not give it to the injection because I was making me gain a lot but I screwed up and on the 10th of this month I had relapses and I did not take care of myself. According to they told me until the 7th of this month I was protected by the injection but I want to know if I can become pregnant for having had relapses on the 10th? ? My period was coming on the 28th after the injections. I need a QUICK response PLEASE!
Hi Noelia,
If the doctors who put it on you have told you that you were still protected, no problem. Also bear in mind that after stopping contraceptives, the period tends to be irregular, it may take you longer than usual, it may arrive earlier or even that some month it will not arrive.
Hello, I took yasmin pills for 4 months and this month, which would be the 5th, I did not start taking, in this month could I get pregnant?
Hi Janet,
Of course, there are many women who in the first month of stopping contraceptives achieved pregnancy, however there are others who took longer ... Each woman is a world so there is no other choice than to be patient; )
Hello, I started taking birth control pills about 6 or 7 months ago, and with my boyfriend we have decided to have a baby, how long should I wait to get pregnant? , and what happens if I don't take folic acid? Could it affect the baby?… thank you
Hi Macarena,
It is not necessary to wait any time to start your search, the only thing to keep in mind is that your period will possibly be irregular and it may take a while to get it, but this varies from one woman to another and it is also possible that this does not happen. . In summary: whether your period needs to be regulated or otherwise, trying it will not hurt.
Folic acid must be prescribed by a doctor and you must take the doses that he indicates. If you do not take enough folic acid in your meals and also do not take the supplement, you could cause health problems for the baby, difficulties in its growth and development, etc.
HELLO! I was kuidating for 3 years with Implanol, I sake it & I had intercourse 2 days after I took it out, do you think that there are chances of pregnancy? I would appreciate your response. Thank you very much.
Hi Alejandra,
As far as I know, the contraceptive continues to work for a week after taking it off and, having had intercourse 2 days later, I don't think anything has happened. However, if you want to be 100% sure, you can consult with the gynecologist.
A month ago i both stopped taking contraceptives! & well I get the regular ultramega period & last 5 days of a super red & abundant color 😀 now I'm waiting for this month to happen! Because I am regular, is it easier for me to get pregnant? maybe not now but soon?
Of course, being regular makes it easier to find your fertile days and "hit the mark" 😉 Still be patient, stress is not good when you want to get pregnant.
Greetings and may your desired baby arrive soon
hello I want to know how much risk there is, I have been putting the topasel for several months, last month I forgot it, we protected ourselves with the condom, but in the same way I have not had a period, is this normal?
Hello…. 3 months ago I stopped planning with nomagest to have my first child and nothing that I get pregnant that you recommend ... I'm a little scared, thank you, I appreciate it very much 🙂
Hello, I had 10 months taking a pill then I left them for two months then I took them again for two more months and now I'm not taking care of myself and I want to have a baby, how long should I wait to have my first baby?
Hi Mary,
The time you have to wait is relative, it changes a lot from one woman to another. You may get it this month or it may take 4,5,6 ... months. Up to 12 months is considered normal in couples without problems 😉
I have taken norvetal for almost 3 years, and I stopped taking them in November 2011, I am taking care of myself with the days, and I want to know if there is a risk of getting pregnant? and how long will I have to wait to get pregnant.
thanks for your quick response
Of course you can get pregnant, but how long it takes can vary a lot. There are women who get it in the same month and others who take even a year. Patience and come soon!
Last month I injected myself with the nomagest for the first time, at first I started a strong pain in the 2 years. Well, this month my period came and the day I had to give the injection I forgot, I still decided not to give it again and it has been 2 and a half weeks and my period is still continuing. I would like you to explain to me if this is normal or I have to pass query.
It is not normal, it is too long a period and you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. Also eat well, especially eat foods with iron, because with so much blood loss it could give you anemia.
Hello, if your answer seems quite good to me, it is what I was looking for, but even so I will ask you a question, look, I have been taking Belara contraceptives for 2 years, and I would like to stop taking them to have my first baby, I have what to let a time pass? since my pills are a little stronger ... thank you, I await your answer
In principle it is not necessary but you can consult your gynecologist to advise you on the most appropriate, in addition to prescribing what he sees as necessary such as folic acid or iron.
Hello, I would like to know as soon as I am going to get pregnant, I will tell you, I took the contraceptive pills for a month, I left them on the rest of the pills, it came to me, I left them, and the week it came back and then I did not take care of myself for how long will I be pregnant?
Hey, you know I'm very worried I took pills a year and a half ago and as a fool I did not want to take them this month because I was angry and now I am very worried that my period has not reached me and any possibility that I am pregnant this month alone I had intercourse on day 9 of my menstrual cycle, so please answer me
Hello, I want to get pregnant, I have tried and I have not been 7 months ago. I have been taking birth control pills for a year. I would like to know how long the effect of the pills takes and what advise me to get pregnant. I hope you can help me. Thanks.
Hello, my problem is that I took the pill of the day after June for 5 months in a row until this date I am no longer taking care of anything and my partner and I want to have a baby but I could not get pregnant having taken the pills for so long Can I get sterile? Or is my womb just intoxicated? How long can it take for my womb to detoxify?
I have a consultation. I was taking birth control pills for 6 months to eliminate the ovarian cysts, after 6 months I had my gynecological exam and it came out that I no longer had cysts. since that month I have stopped taking the pills. But it turns out that since I took them it was exact in my period and the cycle was supposed to come to me on December 20 but it has already been 10 days late and the only thing I have are chest pains and a lot of sensitivity but no cycle menstrual, and as if I was with my partner in those dangerous days without taking care of us. How likely is it that I am pregnant, I still do not want to take any test
Two years ago I took care of myself with contraceptive pills but I stopped taking them a month ago because I am undergoing a treatment at the end of November I had relations with my boyfriend and my period had to arrive on December 24 I want to know if I can get pregnant that worries me I need answer soon please ...
Hoola !!!
I tell you ... I am 25 years old and I have been taking contraceptive pills that are given in the «anulett» offices for 11 years and I want to know if by leaving them I can get pregnant, since they have scared me that I could become sterile if I continue taking them and they give me I want to leave them, but please, this really has me very worried and I do want to be a mother one day, but in about 2 more years ... Please, I ask for your help. Any answer will be a contribution to make a decision.
Thank you very much
Hello, what is happening to me is that, before injecting me, I took about 3 times the pills the next day, then I began to inject myself with pertulan, about 4 months later I messed up, 7 months, and it went down very little and sometimes not at all. , Right now I have 4 months without taking care of myself and I do not get pregnant, but now it goes down well although I do not eat before taking care of myself, but then it goes down a lot and between red and brown, and I do not know if I will be able to get pregnant later by taking those pills, and injections, !! ????
It would be advisable to go to a gynecologist to examine you, sure that everything is going normally, sometimes the period changes after contraceptives, but it will not hurt to check your health and start preparing for the future baby. They may prescribe folic acid or iron if they see fit. Lucky!
Hello Dr. In my case I want to tell you that in the month of May 9 I had an ectopic pregnancy, after the operation I was taking care of myself with the blister for 6 months out of 3 months, that is, they only put the blister on me twice, on the 6th January I had to put the blister but I stopped using it, and I have sex every day, my husband and I want to have a baby, we have two little girls, 14 and 9, I am 39 years old, do you think I can get pregnant again at I touched??? I will appreciate your response. Regards.
Of course, when you least expect it, your desired pregnancy will arrive. Lucky! 🙂
Thank you for answering me, but as I mentioned that I had an ectopic pregnancy, do you think I can have another pregnancy already mentioned? the blister, you tell me that I can get pregnant right away, but the question is, can I get pregnant without having a period for 6 months? And how can I know the day of my ovulation ?? .. I will appreciate your answer. regards
Unfortunately yes, ectopic pregnancy can reoccur. You have not had your period because you were taking contraceptives, as soon as you stop you ovulate again and you will have your period again, so there will be no problem on that side. There are women who get pregnant in the same month that they stop contraception, others take longer ... Everything can vary a lot from one woman to another, so it is best to relax and think positively. Good luck and may your desired baby arrive soon!
Hello Dr. in my case I want to tell you that on May 9 of last year I had an ectopic pregnancy, after the operation, that is, in July of last year I was taking care of myself with the blister for 6 months out of 3 months, it is To say that they only put the blister on me twice, it turns out that on July 6 I got sick and they gave me that same day the blister and the next day I cut my period, until now that is to say that 6 months ago I had no menstruation, 5 days ago I took the test and it came out negative, and on January 6 I had to put the blister on but I stopped using it, I have sex every day, my husband and I want to have a baby, we have two little girls, ages 14 and 9 , I am 39 years old, do you think I can get pregnant again at the touch? my husband and I are looking for a boy, we have two little girls, I will appreciate your answer. regards
Hello, last two months I took pasti, the last ones I finished on December 26 and all this time my husband has finished two kisses inside, I can achieve in getting pregnant, please answer me.
If since the 26th you have not used any more contraceptives, yes, you can get pregnant.
Hello .. I want to comment that something super similar to the previous post happened to me… I stopped taking my contraceptive pills 3 months ago because with my partner we want a baby…. Well, the first month without pills, I have been menstruating regularly but it's been 2 months and nothing happens, neither menstruation nor drinking since I did a home test…. what should be done i am still waiting ???? or should I see a specialist ????? I have a lot of doubt .. thanks bye
The best thing you can do is go to a specialist to examine you and see if everything is going well. Lucky!
Hello .. I would like to help me tell you! Well, yesterday I went to my gyne and she gave me bad news, she says that I have prolactin, she sent me to take an exam; but I am very afraid because I tell myself that with this problem it is difficult to get pregnant 🙁. Please tell me if it is true or has a solution or in the future I will be a mom! I hope I have explained myself well. thanks you are appreciated in advance.
Prolactin is the hormone that is secreted when breast milk rises and normally women who are exclusively breastfeeding with their baby have less chance of pregnancy because they do not ovulate, and then after the exclusive breastfeeding time they ovulate again and may remain pregnant So if you ovulate, don't worry, you may need a little more consistency, but you can get pregnant. Lucky!
Thank you …….
Hello, my query is for two years taking care of me with Mesiyina, I have now been five months and I did not get pregnant.
It's normal, don't worry. A couple who do not have fertility problems can take up to 12 months to achieve it, if in that time it has not been achieved, it is recommended to go to the doctor to check that everything is going well (just to ensure that there are no problems, if not You can keep trying and there will be even more chances of pregnancy).
Hello, I have been injecting a monthly contraceptive for 6 months, I ask is if when I get the next month I do not inject myself I have a chance of getting pregnant
Hi! I have been taking yasiniq for 7 months and in the month of December I stopped taking it but I had relationships my last day of my period and out of fear I took the pill the next day and so far I have not had my period, I have had sexual relations with condom, but not even so I did the pregnancy test and it came out negative ... what worries me is that so far I have not gotten my period ... thank you.
When you take the pill the next day, your period should come in 3-4 days, but since it had just come, it may be too much for your body to produce another bleeding. The best thing you can do is go to the gynecologist and he will tell you what to do.
Hi, look, I have been injecting contraceptive for 6 months, but 3 months have passed and I am not careful, I can be pregnant but it keeps going down?
If you have had your period you are not pregnant, but you will have to take care of yourself to avoid a future pregnancy.
Hello, they gave me an injection for 6 months and I have not menstruated since that time, now I stopped taking care of myself a month ago, but I still do not menstruate, and I did a pregnancy test and it came out negative, why is this? or is it because maybe he has a disease? They told me that women do not menstruate and that the contraceptive injection is dangerous for their health, is that true? I will thank you for your answer
It may be an amenorrhea, the best thing you can do is go to the gynecologist.
Hi, I hope you can help me. Look for two years and 3 months that I have been using Depo provera, but now I want to stop using it because I think that this contraceptive made me fat. But I am concerned that if I stop using it, I can get pregnant quickly, how long does it take to return to fertility when I stop using it? ahhh what I have to indicate is that my periods were always irregular, help me with the doubt thanks.
If you do not want to get pregnant, you must use some other contraceptive method, for example the condom. The time in which you become fertile again depends on each woman, there are those who in the same month of leaving the contraceptive become pregnant.
Hello Dr. I am worried in the month of October I used depoprovera for the first time and it has been three months and I did not apply the next dose, I have 18 days since I applied it and since then I have not taken care of myself and my husband could not be pregnant either? pliss answer me a thousand thanks x your attention.
Yes, you could be, although for more security it is advisable to take a test (taking into account that it is at least 15 days after the "suspicious" relationship) or consult with a gynecologist.
It all depends on each woman, there are those who in the same month of leaving the contraceptive get pregnant, others take longer. Good luck and don't wait too long! 😉
Good afternoon, I'm lilibeth, almost 3 months ago, I had a 1-month abortion, I injected the depo prover x on the 22nd of December, because I had a hemorrhage, and I left the contraceptive pills, well, I would like to know if for a single use of depo provera I can get pregnant right away. after the effect passes I am extremely anxious to have my baby .. please answer me
As soon as the effect wears off, you could get pregnant, but above all you must be relaxed and not obsess over it, even if you are both fertile and have no problem, it may take even a year to achieve it. If a year passes and you still do not get pregnant, it is recommended to go to the doctor.
Hello, my name is Nidia to all of you and my case is the following I was taking care of myself with a three-year implant and it has been about a month since I removed it and now I want to get pregnant and I wanted to know how they could help me to get pregnant
First of all, we recommend you relax since you may get pregnant quickly or it may take up to a year, it is considered normal in fertile couples and without any type of problem. If a year passes and you still do not get it, it is recommended to go to the doctor to check that everything is fine. You can also visit a gynecologist and so you can begin to prepare your body for pregnancy, he may prescribe iron supplements or folic acid.
hello my name is maria, my question is a year and 3 three months ago I stopped injecting toposel and I still haven't gotten pregnant because it will be that the injection caused some secondary effect or more or less how long should I wait to get pregnant
Normally couples without fertility problems can take up to a year and it would be considered normal. As you have already passed that time, it is recommended that you go to a gynecologist to examine you and check that everything is going well.
hello two weeks ago that I stopped taking pills after four years ... is there a possibility that I get pregnant? I am looking for it and I am 21 years old… is there more probability?
Yes, about a week after stopping the pills a pregnancy can already arise, however it is recommended that you relax and be prepared to wait as long as it takes, since you may get it in the same month that you stopped the pills or you can take longer. In couples without fertility problems it is normal to take up to 12 months, if more time passes it is recommended to go to the doctor to check that everything is going well.
Hello 8 months ago I stopped taking contraceptive pills and took them for 3 years well and I am trying to get pregnant. I've been with my partner for 3 years. well my question is can I be pregnant? I have always been regular with my period and it usually lasts between a week, last month it lasted only 2 days and lately I have had a lot of back pain, my belly is swollen and hard. And I got a test and it came out negative 🙁 is it possible to be pregnant and that the test failed or not? HELP ME PLEASE
AY is normal that it takes so long to get pregnant
Yes, in couples without fertility problems it is normal to take up to 12 months, if you exceed that time it is recommended that you go to the gynecologist, simply to check that everything is going well. If there is no problem you can rest assured, in the second year of search you will have more possibilities. Whether you are pregnant or not, is something that we cannot tell you, maybe it was still too early for a test or maybe not ... You can wait another week and do another or take a blood test.
Hello I wanted to know if it is possible to get pregnant after having stopped giving me the injections a month ago. and I wanted to know say you can stay. since I have read that if you stop the injection there are two months that you remain sterile due to the effect of the injection. 6 months ago I was putting it on ... help plissss !!!
That depends on how long the injection lasted, if it had an effect for three months, the protection time against pregnancy will be that, three months, no more.
Good afternoon:
I would like to know if it is possible to get pregnant a month after having stopped giving me the mesygina injection (I had given it for several years), on my ovulation days I had intercourse, after 8 days I felt a slight pain with a little bleeding very scarce and clear (that lasted about 3 days); I thought it was my period but it was still about a week before it came.
Is it possible that you are pregnant?
There is a possibility of pregnancy but to make sure it is better that you take a test or a blood test.
But do I have to do the test at what time to be reliable?
Hello Goodnight:
I would like to know if I can get pregnant after I have been taking injections for 4 years, how long it would take.
Thank you
The time it would take depends, there are women who get it in the same month of stopping the contraceptive and there are those who take longer, so first of all it is best to relax and, if it takes more than 12 months it is recommended to go to the doctor both so that check that everything is going well.
plan for 3 years with cyclofem. my husband and I decided to have a baby, I stopped planning 3 months ago… last December I was detected polycystic ovaries…. I want to know if it is possible to get pregnant….
Hello, I have 10 days of not getting the planning injection every month I forgot to put it on just the 12th she had intercourse but my boyfriend didn't finish. What possibilities are there for me to get pregnant? I had been planning only the month of February for 17 months, I did not inject myself
hello I was taking care of myself for 8 months with contraceptive patches I have approx. 2 months that I stopped using them to get pregnant, my last period was from Jan 8 to Jan 12 only four days when in reality my period is 6 to 8 days this will be normal, since I performed a test of Home pregnancy and the second hairline was barely painted but after 3 days I had my menstruation, what do you advise? It is normal???
Greetings I hope you can answer
hello I was taking care of myself for 8 months with contraceptive patches I have approx. 2 months that I stopped using them to get pregnant, my last period was from Jan 8 to Jan 12 only four days when in reality my period is 6 to 8 days this will be normal, since I performed a test of Home pregnancy and the second hairline was barely painted but after 3 days I had my menstruation, what do you advise? It is normal???
Greetings I hope you can answer
Hello, I wanted to ask, I hope it will help me ..., I am 20 years old, I went to the gynecologist and I told her that I have not taken care of myself for 4 months and that I wanted to have my first child, so she explained that I still had to wait for my ovaries to return to work, what a minimum they were 4 months and that in the month of February I could get pregnant but I had a reviction and he saw that I had secretion from the sinuses then he sent me to take a prolactin test and it came out that I have it high the gyne he sent me to take alactin, but I am 13 days late and I get cramps and nothing that lowers my period but I am afraid because I have a lot of nausea but I do not vomit and afraid to take those pills because as I have those days late I do not know if I am pregnant! !!! ah those nausea are before taking the pills, not if it is due to prolactin or something else .. when I eat they make me nauseous and my fear is that I am pregnant and I have not realized it and I am taking those pills even though the doctor He told me I can't get pregnant because of the prolactin, what is this all about? thanks
Hello, I took pills for 5 months, but I have not been on it for 3 months and it has been two months since my period has come forward and it starts to go down brown spots for a week until my period starts to turn red. I don't know what it can be or what to drink
Hello, good morning, as are you all, my case is that I have always had high prolactin problems, today I want to get pregnant to have a beautiful baby, went to the gynecologist and he sent me 3 months of contraceptive treatment, "yaz" since my period has been gone for 4 months and nothing that comes to me I have a total lack of control, he told me that the pills would regulate my period, and then he would have to refer me to an endocrinologist. In God's time it is perfect, no matter how many things I have to do or go through, I just know that one day I will be able to have a miracle of God in my arms. I have a lot of faith.
Hello Goodnight
I am taking daily diane35 and I wanted to know if for example I stop taking it and at 2 weeks I could get pregnant easily or that you give me advice to get pregnant I hope a response as soon as possible to my email, a greeting
dra I applied the DEPO-provera on Dec 16/2011, I would like to know when the effect of this injection will end? When can I get pregnant? / Since November I have not had my period & since January I have been taking vitamins that contain folic acid ... but please tell me from when I can get pregnant? I hope answers and thank you very much!
Hello, I had 2 and a half years taking birth control pills, .. but this month I left her and I have had relationships without taking care of myself! is there a possibility of getting pregnant? how many in the percentage of that?
We cannot tell you the exact percentage, but you do have a chance of getting pregnant, many women stayed within the same month of stopping the pills.
Hello, I have been taking care of myself for a year and a half and now I have stopped taking my pills for a month I want to get pregnant as I know I am pregnant, my period is not coming and I also have an infection
The delay of the period may be due to the infection, but to get out of doubt you can take a test 😉
Hello, I took contraceptives for 3 years ... and I left them 7 months ago .. of which 4 days in the last few months I was looking for my 2nd child but I can not get pregnant, will I usually have a problem? Or is it that the effect of the contraceptives has not yet worn off?
It is possible that at first it is a little more complicated, it is 3 years of contraception. Anyway, patience, in couples without problems it is normal to take even 12 months, if after that time it is not possible, it is recommended to visit the doctor. If all goes well, don't worry, in the second year of searching there will be more possibilities 😉 Good luck!
Hello… I am somewhat confused. I turned 10 months in January of injecting the novular injected contraceptive this February, I did not put it on, you think that if I have sex I will get pregnant .. !!!!!!! there are possibilitiesss the truth I would not like. thanks
Yes, if you have sex you could get pregnant. You have to take care of yourself 😉
Yes, there is a possibility of pregnancy 😉
Hi! How are you? I have a question, in January I donated blood and since November of the previous year I was taking folic acid since I decided to be a mother ... Could the fact of having donated blood have affected me? Thank you
Do not worry, you have not been searching for the baby for a long time and donating blood is not something that affects you. In couples without problems it is normal to take up to 12 months, if that time passes it is advisable to go to the doctor both to check that everything is going well, if there is no problem in the second year of search you will have many more possibilities 😉 Be patient, relax and good luck! !
Hellooo! please answer me !!! (Dr. I applied DEPO-provera on Dec 16/2011, I would like to know when the effect of this injection will end? When will I be able to get pregnant? / Since November I have not had my period & since January I have been taking vitamins that contain folic acid ... but please tell me from when can I get pregnant? I am waiting for answers and thank you very much!)
If the injection lasted for 3 months, it will take effect for 3 months. After that time you can get pregnant, but remember to relax and be patient, in couples without problems it can take up to 12 months to get it. Lucky!
Hello, I am taking my 1st box of contraceptives, they are 21 tablets, in the pill 17 tube relationships, I always take them on time, today I am on the 6th day of rest and I should not get down, I should be afflicted on the 8th day I start taking them
Even if you take pills, you should always use a condom, as pills can fail. If your period does not come down, consult your gynecologist.
Hello ... I am 23 years old and a 6-year-old boy for 5 years I take care of myself first with injections and then with pills and I plan to plan another pregnancy, how long do you think I will be able to get pregnant, in terms of hormonal cleansing?
Once the effect of the pills wears off, you can get pregnant, good luck! 😉
Hello, my name is Estefania and I am taking care of myself with the topacel, I would like to know if taking care of myself with the topacel is there any trick to be able to get pregnant
If you are using the contraceptive, you cannot get pregnant until the effect wears off.
I was planning for 2 years with Jadell, I have been trying to get pregnant for a year and it is impossible what I could do ????
If you have been trying for a year, it is recommended that both of you go to the doctor to examine you and check that everything is going well. Lucky!
It is true that after planning so long it takes approximately 2 years to ovulate again.
Hello, a year ago, 2 months ago, I went to a gynecologist and she told me that she was very fertile and she prescribed some pills called yasmin to take care of myself, I took them about 3 or 4 months later, my husband did not finish inside me, like 4 months, and now we want to I have a baby and I could not get pregnant, we have been trying for 4 months and I did nothing on my fertile days and not what can I do
Hello, I took the pill for 5 years ... and it has been 4 months since I left it and I have not gotten pregnant that worries me. I went to the gynecologist, they did a Pap smear, and a vaginal echo and everything is perfect and I haven't gotten pregnant ... I'm a little anxious ..., can you help ???
Do not worry, only 4 months of searching is still little, each woman has her own rhythm and if the doctor examined you and everything is going well, you have nothing to worry about. Relax, keep trying and, if you see that you reach 12 months and you still do not get it then it will be necessary for both you and your partner to go to the doctor. I leave you a link where you can see more information: http://madreshoy.com/familia/%C2%A1queremos-tener-un-bebe-%C2%BFcuanto-tiempo-tardaremos-en-conseguirlo_6201.html
Hello, I have a question, I took pills for 3 years 7 months ago that I left them at first, it was not regular, it came to me before, now two months ago I did not get off I had relations with a condom and I did two tests just in case, what could be it? something wrong ?? thank you very much
Hello, more than a month ago I stopped planning with a soft minipil, we are trying to have a baby with my partner. I was informed about the effectiveness of the pills once they are stopped and they say you can get pregnant as soon as you stop using them, but today I had a blood test and it came back negative. I don't know how true the information I have on this is. Can getting pregnant take longer ???
Each woman is different, it is possible to achieve it as soon as you leave the pill, but it is also possible to take months. I leave you a link where you will find more information: http://madreshoy.com/familia/%C2%A1queremos-tener-un-bebe-%C2%BFcuanto-tiempo-tardaremos-en-conseguirlo_6201.html
Good night, I am a young woman who would like to know why if I stop using the contraceptive method of the depo provera ampoule, my period is not coming or is it a delay I am not in doubt, my menstruation came only once and I already I had to come on February 29 and so far nothing I do I am terribly worried or is it that I am pregnant recently I had an ultrasound and it came out that I had cysts in the right ovary of 8 MM I HOPE HELP ME thanks
If you have cysts in the ovary, it is possible that they are preventing the exit of the ovum. The most advisable thing is to go to the doctor to tell you how to reduce these cysts, the sooner the better because if they grow the problem will be more serious.
I forgot to say that my menstruation did not come this March either and if there is a risk of getting pregnant or the last injection I took on January 18 is still taking effect.
Hello, my question is: I have been using the injection for 6 years to plan the one of the month now I stopped using it on February 18 I had to put it on but I no longer put it on now I would like to know if I can get pregnant, I have not seen my regular menstruation in November I get off a little in December I get off less, in January I saw only a few spots now it was my turn to get off on February 6 but nothing has dropped, thank you.
If it was your turn on February 6 and nothing has come down yet, you should go to the doctor to find out why.
Hello I am 21 years old I planned for 2 and a half years and then in November of the previous year I left the pills and December, January passed and I got off very exactly now I was late in February 2 weeks and I got off .. I would like to know what is it due to That and if my body is still adjusting, my husband and I already want to have a baby ...
The reason for the delay may simply be nerves due to the desire to have a baby, although if you have doubts you can consult a gynecologist and he will be able to clarify you. I leave you a link where you can see information: http://madreshoy.com/familia/%C2%A1queremos-tener-un-bebe-%C2%BFcuanto-tiempo-tardaremos-en-conseguirlo_6201.html
Hi, I'm mikaela, I'm 19 years old, and I want to be a mom quickly, I'm very anxious because it's been a month since I've been able to inject contraceptives and I've taken care of myself for a year and three months, and told me that the first month costs because it's what the body is He is used to it, it will likely be that in my second month I will achieve it ... taking folic acid ... ??? Please, I would love your poniones, thank you ... and God sell all those women who are anxious for their mother ... basitos ...
How long it may take is something that cannot be known for sure, there are some that get it right away and some that take months ... The best thing is not to stress and lead a healthy lifestyle. Folic acid must be prescribed by a doctor and can help you achieve pregnancy, and it should also be taken during the first 3 months of pregnancy to avoid problems in the fetus. I leave you a link with more information: http://madreshoy.com/familia/%C2%A1queremos-tener-un-bebe-%C2%BFcuanto-tiempo-tardaremos-en-conseguirlo_6201.html. Lucky! 😉
Hello 2 months ago I stopped taking contraceptives and I have not been able to get pregnant, and I am worried, I really want to have that baby with my partner, what should I do?
Hello, I have more than 1 year taking birth control pills, but last month I touched my period 2 times and the doctor told me to stop taking them to rest my body, my question is which of the 2 times should be taken as a reference to see when does my period touch me again?
Good night, I have been using injectable femilin for more than 2 months, but I have not taken care of myself for 1 month, it is possible to get pregnant
If its duration was one month yes, it is possible to get pregnant.
Hello I am 30 years old, my question is that this month I stop taking the diane 35 pills and I would like to get pregnant, as soon as I get pregnant I should take folic acid, thank you.
The time it takes to get pregnant varies from one woman to another, it may be that you get pregnant in the same month or it may take several months. You can see more information in the following link: http://madreshoy.com/familia/%C2%A1queremos-tener-un-bebe-%C2%BFcuanto-tiempo-tardaremos-en-conseguirlo_6201.html About folic acid, it is something that your gynecologist should tell you.
My query is the following, I am worried about 3 years I took care of the mesygina and the first 6 months when my son was born I took care with pills that I go to the gynecologist now in February this year I no longer inject because I had a lot of headaches and went up d weight then I wanted to change d method but it turns out that to put on the t I should see a rule and the dra m asked when m sick of the period l said on February 4 m said from 15 to 20 do not have relations because m take care of the 21 I was already with My husband and I supposed that I should see my period and nothing is already March 20 and I am not getting my period, will I be pregnant ??? My belly hurts the part down a lot, obviously, in February they did exams, I have inflammation and bacteria, that's why I send pills for a couple but I still don't take them because I don't see a period yet and I'm worried about my head hurts very little, but the belly hurts. And sometimes it's like I'm going to get sick from my period and nothing will help me, not happening.
You can take a test to get rid of doubts, if you see that the period still does not arrive, it is best to consult your doctor.
Hello 6 months ago I stopped taking care of myself with the cyclofem injection but so far I have not been able to get pregnant. The period was lost for four months I just left the injection but two months ago I have it normal. What do you recommend for me to get pregnant and suddenly they can make waste for having planned for almost 7 years, thank you, I await your answer.
My husband and I decided to have a child and I have stopped injecting myself 2 times and have not gotten pregnant. How fast can I get pregnant or is it too rushed?
Hello, the truth is that I was injecting myself initially then I had problems with the injections and my gynecologist recommended me the pastiyas (norgylen), I am 29 years old I have twins of three but my husband and I want to have another baby, the truth is that I do not know how many they would turn out the same. They are a blessing, only that I stopped taking the pills two months ago and nothing will be that I will have to wait more than a year or will it be that I can no longer conceive? Thank you
Hello, good morning, in my case I want to tell you that in the month of July of last year I took care of myself with the ampoule x 6 months, and 3 months ago that I stopped using the ampoule, it turns out that I am not pregnant yet, on the 15th of March I had my period but very little and it was cut at night, that lasted 4 days, now on the 26th of this month my period came again but this time I had a lot of blood that last week, and it lasted 3 days, that is to say that yesterday I finished menstruating, my question is: is what is happening to me normal? Since they put the blister on me, I stopped menstruating until it came on March 15 ... now I will tell you, since they put the blister on, the milk came out of my breasts every time I pressed it with my hands, now it turns out that it is already dry …. and I also ask myself: will I be pregnant in a month ???… I await your answer dra, thank you.
Excuse me, I forgot to tell you, I have relations with my husband almost every day, if I had relations in a week, do you think I will become pregnant in a month?
The time it takes to conceive can vary greatly from one woman to another, regardless of how many times you have sex, you can see more information at the following link: http://madreshoy.com/familia/%C2%A1queremos-tener-un-bebe-%C2%BFcuanto-tiempo-tardaremos-en-conseguirlo_6201.html
Hello, I am worried, will it be that I can get pregnant in the first month after having stopped using the depo proveda, I had to inject myself on March 01 and I will not do it, will this month I can get pregnant?
If the injection lasted for a month, yes, you can get pregnant.
Hello, I would like to know if I am pregnant? A year and a half ago, I took birth control pills. I decided to leave them to have my 2 child. My last menstrual date was March 7, that was after that date, I had relationships without taking care of myself and later I had already done it without protection ... I have some symptoms ... dizziness, heartburn, nausea, a lot of fatigue, sleep, and the urge to urinate ...
It is possible that you are but it is also possible that you are confusing, when you want to have a baby we often feel symptoms that are nothing later, so we cannot tell you something for sure. The best thing is that you take a test and so you can have a sure answer. Luck 😉
Hello, good morning, in my case I want to tell you that in the month of July of last year I took care of myself with the ampoule x 6 months, and 3 months ago that I stopped using the ampoule, it turns out that I am not pregnant yet, on the 15th of March I had my period but very little and it was cut at night, that lasted for 4 days, now on the 26th of this month my period came again but this time I had a lot of blood that last week, and it lasted 3 days, that is to say that yesterday I finished menstruating, my question is: is what is happening to me normal? Since they put the blister on me, I stopped menstruating until it came on March 15 ... now I will tell you, since they put the blister on, the milk came out of my breasts every time I pressed it with my hands, now it turns out that it is already dry …. I have intercourse with my husband almost every day, if I had intercourse on my fertile days, do you think I would get pregnant? .. they told me that the effect of the blister cannot conceive a child, now I wonder I still have the effect What makes it difficult for me to have a baby? And another thing I want you to help me, as I have two female daughters, we are looking for a boy, what day of my fertile days can I have relationships to have a desired child ??? ... the last period that I had fuel on March 26 and I finished On the 29th of that month ... I hope that this will help you to help me ... I will appreciate your response ...
The best thing you can do is go to a doctor, only he can tell you if you are still under the effects of the blister or not. I leave you a link where you can find more information about how long it takes to get pregnant and how to facilitate conception: http://madreshoy.com/familia/%C2%A1queremos-tener-un-bebe-%C2%BFcuanto-tiempo-tardaremos-en-conseguirlo_6201.html
Hello, I want to get pregnant. Today I stopped contraceptives and today I finish my menstrual period. If I start having sex tomorrow without taking care of us, can anyone get pregnant?
Yes it is possible, but you will have to relax and be patient, you may get it now or it may take a few months, it is something that varies in each woman. You can view more information here: http://madreshoy.com/familia/%C2%A1queremos-tener-un-bebe-%C2%BFcuanto-tiempo-tardaremos-en-conseguirlo_6201.html
Hi, I'm Gabriela and I wanted to ask you a question on March 31, 2012 I had sex with my partner without the protection of any contraceptive method, the next day I had a very big breast pain that lasted all day, I still have it, and I also have a lot Very watery vaginal discharge and you see itchy, my period was on March 27 and I have periods of approximately 15 days (since I am irregular) could I be pregnant? I wait your answer thank you
Even if you were pregnant you still would not notice any symptoms, it is too early, not even a test could give you a positive. If you want to avoid it, it is too late for the morning-after pill, but you can consult with your gynecologist or you can wait until day 15 to take a test.
Hello, I would like to know how long I can get pregnant after taking pills for 3 years. I am 37 years old and I would like to have another baby. I think that because of my age, I cannot wait long. What do you suggest what I should do? I am taking vitamin E and folic acid and I have been trying for 0 months. wait for your answers thank you
The time it may take can vary a lot, maybe because of your age it takes several months. The most advisable thing is to go to the doctor to see what he recommends, he will surely examine you and tell you what dose of folic acid you should take. You can see more information in the following link: http://madreshoy.com/familia/%C2%A1queremos-tener-un-bebe-%C2%BFcuanto-tiempo-tardaremos-en-conseguirlo_6201.html
Hello: three months ago I was planning with an injection, I did not apply it in March, it will be that I can get pregnant at this time
It depends on the duration of the injection, if the injection lasted a month and the month has already passed, or it lasted 3 months and 3 months have already passed, then you can get pregnant.
Hello, I have been taking care of myself with monthly injections for more or less 3 and a half years. I am 19 years old and with my partner we want to have our first baby and I have not given the injection for 2 months and I still cannot get pregnant !! This process takes as long as I have taken care of myself? or do I have to take something to be able to kedar pregnant, I do not understand much about folic acid that is taken before kedar pregnant or after ??? waiting for an answer thanks and blessings to all those who are already mothers
Each woman takes a different time to get pregnant, no matter how long she planned. You can see more information in the following link: http://madreshoy.com/familia/%C2%A1queremos-tener-un-bebe-%C2%BFcuanto-tiempo-tardaremos-en-conseguirlo_6201.html
I was taking the pills I annulled them and I stopped taking them 7 days ago and I have had a bleeding similar to the period but I am not sure if it is, I have also had intercourse with my husband all these days is it possible that I get pregnant?
Hello, I am 26 years old and since I was 17 years old I have been taking birth control pills, I have stopped and started taking them again, but this last time I have been very messy with the pills, and the month before March I decided to stop taking them, but I took the first ones three pills before leaving them and after 5 days I got my period again (within the same month), which lasted for about three days, and since then I have had drops of brown blood down and it still hasn't gone away . I do not know what to do.
It's just a hormonal problem, will I get over it?
Surely it will be a hormonal disorder, but anyway it would not be wrong to consult the doctor to examine you.
hello I want to know if I can get pregnant; My situation is the next; I removed the IUD at the end of January of this year; At the beginning of February I had my period and I used the vaginal ring until March 1; on March 12 I started taking the contraceptive pills for at most 2 weeks and my period came from March 31 to April 4/5; and today April 13 I had relationships with my partner ... is it possible to meet? Or do I have to wait for my period to normalize?
It is possible to stay but it is a tremendous contraceptive hassle. The most advisable thing is to go to the doctor to examine you because it is too much mixture of hormones.
OK thank you; But how long will it take for my body to reastivilisarce for me to get pregnant?
That depends on each woman, you may get it in the same month or it may take several months. You can see more information in the following link: http://madreshoy.com/familia/%C2%A1queremos-tener-un-bebe-%C2%BFcuanto-tiempo-tardaremos-en-conseguirlo_6201.html