Coping with Rest During Pregnancy

pregnancy rest

Not all pregnancies are the same or live the same. Sometimes complications arise during pregnancy and doctors advise rest. This situation can become tedious and nerve-racking. We can follow some tips to cope with rest during pregnancy to get through this in the best way.

When does a pregnant woman have to rest?

In some pregnancies there are setbacks that require rest on the part of the mother. There are several types: absolute rest or relative rest, which will be one or the other depending on the cause that caused it. The most common causes of rest during pregnancy are:

  • Threatened abortion. Abdominal bleeding or pain in early pregnancy may indicate threatened miscarriage. Absolute rest will be prescribed until week 16 and moderate until 23-24. If it is not enough, hospitalization will be necessary.
  • Preeclampsia. The increase in blood pressure in the pregnant woman is dangerous for the fetus, so it must be monitored. In cases of pre-eclampsia (hypertension) they require rest and in more serious cases hospitalization.
  • Placenta disorders. As placenta previa or premature detachment of the placenta, they are also a cause of rest.
  • Premature contractions. It would be a threat of premature labor if it is before the date, so rest is necessary to calm the contractions in addition to medication.
  • Multiple pregnancy. Due to the risk of premature birth in pregnancies with 2 or more babies, it is advisable to rest. Also if a baby comes alone but does not receive enough food to grow.
  • Loss of amniotic fluid. A water break is dangerous as there is a risk of infection. If it is before week 34, an attempt will be made to lengthen the pregnancy as much as possible with complete rest, as long as there is no infection.
  • Other maternal illnesses. There are diseases that together with pregnancy require rest such as heart disease, back problems, respiratory problems ...).

cope with pregnancy rest

Coping with Rest During Pregnancy

Having to rest during pregnancy can create anxiety and distress, for fear of a complication occurring and not being able to do anything. The mental attitude you have during this period is very important to both you and your baby. It is important to face it with the best of attitudes to carry it in the best way.

We leave you some tips to put them into practice during rest:

  • Keep your head busy. Surely they have repeated it to you ad nauseam: take advantage of the time now that you will not have later. You can take advantage of this forced rest time to do those things that you have not been able to do during pregnancy: look on the internet for the latest purchases your baby needs, read books, draw, take an online course, sew ... within your means keep your head busy with things that interest you. There is no better way to make the most of your time.
  • Look for comfort. As you have to lie down for a long time, look for places that give you comfort. Also use cushions to distribute the weight and be more comfortable. Wear loose clothing that suits you.
  • Take advantage of the hours of Monz. The sun has a powerful effect on our mood. Try to be in the sun (if it is very strong only for short periods) to take advantage of its benefits.
  • Eat well. Feeding is very important to both you and your baby. It is not necessary that you eat for two, and much less when we are at rest. By not burning so many calories we should try to eat healthy and balanced.
  • Keep a positive attitude. The passing of the hours can take a toll on your mood but don't let your discouragement overwhelm you. Visualize your baby's face and that soon he will be with you to join the family. In a few months you will remember that resting stage vaguely. Try to connect with your baby during this time.

Because remember ... rest can be a perfect time to enjoy your baby more.

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