When you are looking for a baby, ovulation becomes a very important issue. Something that we took for granted becomes something of vital importance to be able to conceive. It will only be on the fertile days that a woman can become pregnantThat is why it is so important to know when ovulation will be to synchronize those days with sexual intercourse.
What is ovulation?
Ovulation is the process through hormonal changes in the woman's body, the ovum or mature eggs are released from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes in order to be fertilized. Without ovulation, fertilization is not possible.
Once the mature egg or eggs are released, this is the time when a woman can become pregnant. The fertile life of an egg is 12-24 hours once released. Sperm can live in a woman's body for 48-72 hours, so sperm Fertile days are 2-3 days before ovulation and 1-2 days after.
How to calculate ovulation?
The first thing we must do once we have decided that we are looking for a pregnancy, is to write down the first day of our period. The cycle of women begins with the first day of the period, and in some women it can last more or less, even from one month to another in the same woman it can change. If you have a regular period (which lasts more or less the same every month) it will be easier for you to know when you are ovulating. Normally the mature egg or eggs are released on day 14 of your cycle. That is, 14 days after your first period as long as your periods last 28 days. If your period has a different duration, more normal is that ovulation occurs towards the middle of your cycle.
How can you tell if I am ovulating?
There are signs that our body shows that ovulation is taking place, some of them all women have and others only some of us notice. Hormonal changes are doing their job, and cause changes in our body. So we can be attentive to take them into account to make it easier for us to know if we are ovulating or not.
El vaginal discharge it is one of the most remarkable modifications that a woman who is ovulating can feel. Throughout the cycle the vaginal discharge changes its texture depending on when you are. When your cervical mucus becomes more sticky, transparent and elastic, as if it were egg white, you will know that you are ovulating. This occurs because it helps the sperm to move and reach its destination, the mature egg.
La basal temperature it is another change that occurs during ovulation. The basal temperature is the temperature that we have as soon as we wake up. It tends to remain somewhat low, and with ovulation it rises between 2-5 tenths by the action of progesterone, which is maintained until the end of the cycle.
In this period, the sexual desire increases considerably by the action of hormones. You may also feel the more sensitive breasts usual.
And if I have an irregular period and I have no symptoms, how do I know if I am ovulating?
Not all women have a rule like clockwork, even if you do, there may be months that vary a bit due to stress issues, for example. The best thing in these cases, in addition to keeping track of our cycles, is to buy some ovulation strips.
During ovulation we secrete the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) about 24-36 hours before ovulation. These ovulation strips that you can buy at the pharmacy, will indicate when it is occurring the LH surge. The most fertile days will be that day and the next.
Knowing when we ovulate can help us conceive, although it is not advisable to obsess. The average wait to get pregnant is between 6 months and a year.
Because remember ... enjoy the search, it is a very beautiful moment that you also have to take advantage of.