How dangerous are falls in pregnancy?

How dangerous are falls in pregnancy?

Falls in pregnancy are a broad problem If the person has not started with a good pregnancy and constantly suffers from fainting, if we also add other factors that can aggravate the matter, we must take special measures so that it does not happen.

An increase in weight either due to the baby and fluid retention, the modification of the curvature of the spine and the weakening of some of its muscles and joints makes make us look much clumsier and increase the risk of falls.

How can falls become dangerous?

It will depend on the type of fall but as a general rule they are usually minor injuries, although there are some in which you have to pay more attention as they could be harmful to the future mother and the baby.

Yes it is true that a woman's body during pregnancy is designed to protect the baby. Aside from containing amniotic fluid inside the uterus which will cushion the blows, the uterine walls will also become thick and strong and the uterus will also be protected behind the pelvic bone which it will justify protection to some minor falls to some extent.

In order to better analyze whether a major fall has been suffered, some details should be analyzed:

  • You suffer from abdominal pain
  • You have vaginal bleeding that you did not have before
  • Uterine contractions have appeared
  • You don't feel the baby's movements

How dangerous are falls in pregnancy?

Before any fall yes the blow makes you doubt you should go to your doctor and explain your situation or go to your health center where a specialist will give you the correct guidelines to give importance to the problem and refer it to a correct diagnosis.

You have to analyze well the type of fall and in the period when it occurred, falls during the second and third trimesters may be significant if the trauma has gone straight to the abdomen, major falls may occur where a placental abruption or loss of amniotic fluid may occur.

Tips to prevent falls

  • Keep calm It is essential so that there is no type of stumbling, you have to avoid rushing nowhere and try to assume that it is a moment where things should be taken at a different pace.
  • When it comes to preventing tripping in a particular way, it is necessary to avoid wearing heels since there may be some imbalance. You also have to wear shoes a shoe that fits the foot perfectly and avoid open footwear.
  • Act quickly. avoid areas at home where slipping may occur, the bathroom floors are a place with the possibility of having wet areas, for this you have to place non-slip mats, but beware, carpets can become another problem for tripping, you have to make sure that their grip on the floor is completely sealed.

How dangerous are falls in pregnancy?

  • Access to certain parts of the house as well they must be totally free from falls, They have to be areas that are well lit and clear of toys or cables.
  • When you have to go up or down stairs always use the railing to be able to support you.
  • Avoid climbing to high areas and use the stairs or chairs to do it, especially in the last stage of pregnancy.
  • Avoid sudden changes in position When you have to get up from somewhere such as the sofa or bed, during pregnancy the pregnant woman is more likely to feel dizzy.
  • When you have to leave home avoid stepping in areas with paved roads or places that may be slippery.

As advice ..

  • Try enjoy your pregnancy as calmly as possible, you should take care of your diet y to do physical exercise every day but according to your state and over everything not obsess over possible falls, there are more chances of suffering them when we obsess over it.

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