Many women suffer heartburn during pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimesters. The most common symptom is usually a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, esophagus and throat, although others such as heaviness, excessive salivation or a bad taste in the mouth may also appear.
If you are one of the women suffering from this disorder, don't worry. Although it is quite annoying, it is usually not serious. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 50% of pregnant women, suffer it sometime during pregnancy.
Why is it so common to suffer heartburn during pregnancy?
During pregnancy progesterone levels are increased, a hormone that helps your pregnancy develop normally. One of its functions is to relax the uterine muscles, thus avoiding an abortion or premature delivery. Its effect also affects the muscles of the stomach and the valve that separates it from the esophagus. This causes stomach acids to flow back into the esophagus and you feel that annoying heartburn sensation. In addition, as the muscles are more relaxed, digestions become slower and heavier.
As the pregnancy progresses and your baby grows inside you, the uterus is pressing on the stomach, displacing the acids towards the esophagus. For this reason, it is common for the discomfort increases in the third trimester.
What can you do to avoid heartburn?
- Take care of your diet. Avoid all those foods that promote acid secretion or heavy digestion. For example condiments such as vinegar, pepper or other hot spices, citrus (lemon, orange, kiwi, ...), alcohol, coffee, chocolate, fried, aged cheeses, etc.
- Avoid large meals. It is better to eat a small amount several times a day. Try to eat slowly and chew your food well.
- Do not lie down immediately after eating. Wait at least two to three hours before going to bed. This will promote digestion and prevent acid reflux into the esophagus.
- Elevate the head of the bed. Put a couple of cushions that help you sleep a little while incorporated. This way you will get the stomach acids to stay in place and a better digestion.
- Try not to drink a lot of fluids during meals. Drink between meals. Excess fluid increases the volume of the stomach, making it easier for you to have reflux.
- Wear comfortable and loose clothing to avoid pressure on the abdomen and waist, as pressure contributes to discomfort.
- If you have to bend down, do so by bending your knees. Your stomach and your sword will thank you.
- Try to be relaxed. Stress favors the secretion of acids in the stomach.
- Practice some recommended physical activity during pregnancy. Swimming, walking, yoga, or Pilates are great options.
I hope these tips help you prevent and alleviate heartburn during your pregnancy. But, if despite following them, you do not notice improvement or you feel that the acidity is affecting your day to day excessively, consult with your midwife or gynecologist. They will value the option of giving you some medicine that you can take safely for your baby and for you.