Growth and development, human evolution concepts

Growth and development

Today I wanted to bring you some concepts that have to do with human evolution, so that you have more ideas about each of the concepts that have to do with the baby's life.

The baby grows up develops, learn as they pass their years. This whole process has a guideline series that if they are understood in a conceptual way it is much easier to carry out their growth and learning process.

How is the growth and development?

Growth, maturation and development are concepts that are used interchangeably to refer to the processes that have to do with human evolution. That is why I am going to give you a brief summary of these concepts, focusing on growth itself and maturation, and the relationship that each one has with each other.

early childhood

Everything starts from early childhood, where each individual has to learn to move autonomously and interact in their environment. To do this, they must develop certain skills, such as speaking, playing in order to learn, recognizing primary emotions and being able to express themselves by crying and laughing, and finally creating literacy.

evolutionary stage

Second infancy or childhood

At this stage it is already replaced with a more advanced age, where basic skills begin: cognitive and psychosocial. Here begins the school stage, one of the bases where the individual's personality will be established.

  • Childhood or infancy is set, where the child grows in height and formalizes all his expressions, his motor skills and his social behavior. During this development the child has to advance in certain capacities:
  • Have to handle all the basic tools that already have their complexity (verbal communication and the use of mathematics) and the management of their socio-affective relationships such as friendship and companionship.
  • They begin to develop their imagination to socialize, creating recreational activities and beginning to create their first social ties outside the home.
  • They have their first logical thought and they develop it with total evolution, including their own concepts and ideas.

Growth and development

Growth (Birth to Adulthood)

Process of Physical changes  characterized by the increase in body dimensions and the modification of the body's proportions. This is caused by the increase in the number and size of the cells.

The changes at this stage are quantitative (can be measured). The most common parameters are weight and height, although the cranial and thoracic perimeters are also used.

This process does not have a linear evolution, so different stages are recognized where significant changes occur in less time. These occur during pregnancy, the first year of life, and in adolescence.


Are the biological changes that occur in the internal structures of human beings and that enable them to perform certain functions.

This process refers to the degree of development of the systems, apparatus or organs of the human body. The physiological maturation process of the human being follow an orderThe head matures first, followed by the trunk and the limbs last.

It is also a stage of major mental and emotional changes, is a total preparation between childhood and early adulthood. It is very common to observe how there is emotional turbulence and where the body changes radically and evolutionarily. This period is divided into two parts:

  • Early adolescence (12 to 15 years). The changes begin to be noticeable, they already break with their physical appearance and the stage of sexual maturation of their body begins. Between both sexes, pubic and body hair appears, menstruation appears in women, breast enlargement, change in the genitals, weight and height increase, physiological changes and the appearance of sexual desire.
  • Late adolescence (15 to 21 years). The changes continue to manifest themselves, but they are not so radical. Changes continue to develop in the psychological-emotional form and in the physical part. Here the rebellion appears and it is already giving signs of wanting to have more independence from the figure of their parents.


This stage is the longest and spans the middle phase of life. The person already begins to be socially and affectively responsible. He begins to deal independently with a company, they are at the stage where they have formalized some studies and They begin to look for a job and try to formalize a family.

  • Early adulthood (from 21 to 40 years old). The person's own identity is created, begins to build a family, has a job responsibility and tries to have offspring. The turbulence that existed in adolescence disappears, as he enters a stage of greater responsibilities.

evolutionary stage

  • Full adulthood (from 40 to 60 years). The person reaches his full trajectory and begins to prepare for the first signs of his physical deterioration. They have reached a period of intellectual growth, they begin to reconsider their existence, their experience of life, and they are already beginning to see their future near old age. The role they have achieved is that of leadership of their lives. Now it is their turn to teach their descendants what their trajectory has been like and how they should follow in their footsteps. They mature physically and already show signs of aging, with changes in their hair, loss of flexibility and decreased libido.

Old age

Growth and development

It is the final stage of human development, where what manifests itself the most is the deterioration of the body and with the appearance of diseases. Everything will depend on the care that has been made of the body in the trajectory of his life.

It can be a painful stage where important changes are involved and a life model that does not fit with family and social life. Loneliness appears, since they do not see themselves in the line of being able to keep up with the rhythm of life in their environment. Their aspirations remain in the most basic and reconstructive for themselves, where they mentalize that they are in the final stage of their lives and to be aware of medical services.

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