Grooming and personal hygiene: skin and hair

Grooming and personal hygiene: skin and hair

La hygiene staff covers the basics of toilet, cleaning and care of our body and our personal items. In this way, today we give you some tips on how to take care of children's skin and hair, as well as creating routine habits.

These grooming habits concern the skin, hair, hands and feet, and nose, eyes, and ears. That is, everything related to the senses, so that there can be a higher perception of these.

personal hygiene in children

Personal hygiene is essential in the education of children. Through this habit they come to create their own personality and recreate the necessary capacities so that they learn to care for themselves in the future.

Habit is the main source and this fact has to be instilled gradually from the time they are little. You have to be clear about what the proposal to teach will be, do not underestimate their age, because they can learn more than we imagine.

It is important the dialogue, it is necessary to be clear about what is going to be taught and when. Children, depending on their age, have their limitations, so you have to have patience but they learn so fast.

Grooming and personal hygiene: skin and hair

This practice can be done together, between parents and children, and then used as an independent game. It's very important praise what has been done well and record all their progress to make them proud.

Skin hygiene

The skin is one of the main defensive barriers of the organism against infections and other external aggressions. It is also an important relationship organ for people. To maintain proper skin hygiene it is preferable the habit of the shower instead of the bathroom. In this way, perspiration is favored and the risk of suffering from certain dermatological diseases, mainly those of infectious origin, is minimized.

A baby's epidermis is extremely thin. compared to that of a 6 year old. At this age, his sebum begins to increase and strengthen against external agents. For this reason, it is essential to think about the type of product that we will use for your daily cleaning, respecting skin type and age.

  • You have to teach them Wash hands frequently. We know that it is something difficult to remember and very boring, but it is vitally important so that you do not relapse into annoying infections. Children need to learn to wash their hands before eating, after touching a pet, when playing and sharing toys, and especially after using the bathroom. If it can be, lather for 40 seconds and then clarify. The best soaps that can be used for daily cleaning are based on calendula or virgin olive oil.

Grooming and personal hygiene: skin and hair

  • The bathrooms must also be regulatedIn addition, they can be used like routine and something fun. Turn it into something relaxing and that they have to do without effort and without forgetting to dry all parts of the body well, especially in all areas where there are folds, so that the dreaded fungus does not appear.
  • The girls reaching puberty You should know that during menstruation it is necessary to exercise extreme personal hygiene. The beliefs about the negative effects that the shower or the bath can have on the health in this period are totally false.
  • It is also important daily laundry hygiene, where it is advisable to change underwear and socks every day.
  • Do not forget protect wounds well even from small scratches. Younger children can also be taught how to use saline solution and plasters for their protection. Cleaning is essential, as is drying before applying the protection with some type of gauze.

Hair hygiene

The hair must be kept clean. Some people, especially those with oily hair, may need to wash it every day; There is no contraindication for this, as long as washing is done with a neutral shampoo that does not cause irritation to the scalp. In the following lines we will analyze the main objectives that must be practiced in hair hygiene:

Act quickly. know the scalp well and how to care for it. It is very important to pamper this part and from an early age so that there are no hair problems. You must use products recommended for children, without aggressive perfumes and in adequate quantities.

Grooming and personal hygiene: skin and hair

  • Use enough amount of hair shampoo, nothing to exceed to avoid mistreating the scalp. It is very important to rinse abundantly any cream that is used so that there are no residues both on the leather and on the hair.
  • Act quickly. use alcohol-free products, since many gels or fixatives contain it. There are creams that can be used for children, since by leaving residue they will not affect or alter the hair or scalp.

For long hair you have to learn to detangle hair without damaging. Use a large comb with widely spaced bristles or teeth, this way you will detangle unruly hair much better. A trick to detangle it more effectively is when you are in the bathroom or shower with wet hair.

Start by detangling the ends. and then go up the brushing towards the media and then towards the upper part. You can add a part of conditioner to facilitate untangling, but you must not forget a good rinse with water.

A very fundamental fact is to make the child is comfortable with his hair. It is important that you learn to take care of it and above all to love it, especially when it comes to the different textures that it may have, such as curly or straight hair. There should be no judgments or extreme evaluations, each person must value what he has and know how to keep it healthy and bright.

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