Another manifestation that pregnant women have at this stage of pregnancy is pain in the groin, which is the part of the body where the thigh meets the torso.
The cause: These pains tend to kick in mid-pregnancy, when the round ligaments in your pelvis accommodate your growing baby. The weight of the baby's head pressing on the pubic bone can also cause groin pain.
The solution: The next time a pain occurs you should sit down and rest for a few seconds until it goes away, and then try to take it easy for the rest of the day. Wearing a belly support band under clothing or doing a simple stretch, such as bending your knees toward your abdomen, can also relieve pain by easing some of the tension in your lower middle.
You should ask your doctor about taking acetaminophen (never ibuprofen or aspirin, which are not safe during pregnancy) for relief.
When to worry: If the pain is severe or accompanied by cramps, contractures, lower back pain, pelvic pressure, bleeding, or increased vaginal discharge, call your doctor. It could be a sign of preterm labor.