In recent years, the number of caesarean sections performed on pregnant women has increased. 1 in 4 deliveries today are by cesarean section. It is an abdominal procedure through which they access the uterus to "help birth" the baby. But for a long time a type of caesarean section known as "natural caesarean sections" has been done, in which the baby comes out by itself through the opening made in the abdomen. This experience, both for the mother and the baby, are very satisfying. In the case of not being able to be born naturally, this alternative allows, especially the baby, to experience a birth.
Although as a general rule no woman refuses to undergo a cesarean section, there are cases in which mothers are totally opposed to it. Although it is true that in our country sometimes there is too much intervention in childbirth, a "mandatory" cesarean section due to the danger to the life of the baby or mother is more than justified. But what happens when a mother refuses to have a cesarean section? It is clear that they cannot tie her to a bed and force her. In these cases, doctors resort to judicial channels to obtain authorization. And although it is something very cold and sad, many stories are known that end with a forced cesarean section.
Many times, Doctors do not give explanations or much information about the things they do or decide to do. When we talk about a cesarean section, the reasons for doing it are usually common; especially those related to the health of the baby and the mother. Rarely are a woman deciding to deliver by cesarean section for no reason. But No. Rarely do deliveries end in caesarean section due to incompetence and impatience.
If pregnant women were informed of everything that could happen, with sincerity and not with the intention of creating fear in their bodies, if they did not perform that cesarean section to which they refuse, perhaps things would change. As toilets, they should not play on the fear of women. There is nothing more important to a pregnant woman than the health of the life she leads within. If for more than justified reasons they had to perform a cesarean section, with the information and support of the medical service, she would feel safer and less "sold" to medical decisions.
If you are pregnant and your life is in danger, a cesarean section would be the best option. I know you have dreamed of an ideal delivery that would end with a vaginal birth. It must be accepted that in some cases this cannot be the case. But If you have had a pregnancy without complications and the dilation is all right, a cesarean section this day would be totally out of place. In the case of doing so, the courts collect this type of complaint for non-respected delivery. Information is power and with it you will get peace of mind and power in your decisions.