Foods that we should not eat during pregnancy

Pregnant diet

Today I want to talk to you about many foods that are appropriate to avoid during pregnancy as it can be detrimental to the development of the baby and

Although it is true that there are many foods that you should avoid in your pregnancy, that does not mean that you can eat a balanced diet and also very healthy during the nine months that your pregnancy lasts. Remember that it is very important that your diet is adequate to provide your baby with all the nutrients and vitamins it needs to grow, but it is also essential for you to be healthy and with enough energy every day.

Meat and fish

The liver is not safe to eat during pregnancy as it has high levels of retinos (vitamin A) which can be harmful to the baby. Meats other than liver are safe to eat as long as they are well cooked not pink or bloody. Avoid eating grilled or undercooked meats.

There are many foods you can eat during pregnancy

There are many foods you can eat during pregnancy

It is better not to eat cured meats due to the small risk of listeriosis, such as Serrano ham. In addition, the pate can also contain the listeria bacteria so it is better not to eat it.

As for the fish you will have to avoid eating raw fish or raw shellfish as they can cause food poisoning. Smoked salmon is safe to eat in pregnancy, as the curing process destroys the listeria bacteria. On the other hand, if it is not completely cured, it is better that you freeze it before eating it and then cook it. If you want to have smoked salmon, you will have to buy it from a reliable source such as the supermarket.

El blue fish is good for you and your baby as it has many vitamins, minerals and proteins. But fatty fish can also contain environmental pollutants so it is best eaten with little frequency and always very well cooked.

Other fish and shellfish can have similar dioxin levels as oily fish, so you will have to limit the consumption of the following fish and shellfish: sea bream, turbot, halibut, dogfish, crab and sea bass.

toxoplasmosis parasite
Related article:
Toxoplasmosis: everything you need to know

Shark, swordfish or mackerel are better not to eat because they have dangerous levels of mercury. Tuna contains some mercury as well, so don't eat a lot a week.

Unpasteurized foods

Meals unpasteurized you should also avoid them, such as some types of milk, some types of cheese (brie, feta, Camembert, roquefort, white cheese, fesco cheese, pâtés, fish such as salmon or tuna, etc.) These foods can contain high levels of the bacteria listeria. Listeria can cause an infection called listeriosis that can harm the baby.

Unpasteurized milk

Unpasteurized milk is more likely to contain bacteria and cause food poisoning. However, as for hard cheeses like Parmesan, even if it has been made with unpasteurized milk, they are safe to eat as the risk of listeriosis in them is low.


You will have to avoid eating raw eggs as they may contain salmonella bacteria. However, eggs that contain the quality seal are less likely to contain them since they come from hens vaccinated against salmonella. But to be safe I advise you to cook the eggs until the yolks are hard as this destroys the salmonella bacteria.

abortifacient foods

Never eat mousse, homemade ice cream, or fresh mayonnaise in restaurants because may contain raw egg. However, toppings from supermarkets or ice creams often have pasteurized eggs, so they are safe to eat.

Unpasteurized juices

Unpasteurized juices can contain germs that can harm you, so before consuming a juice of this type, make sure it is pasteurized.

Raw leafy or root vegetables

The vast majority of raw vegetables are foods rich in nutrients, but they must be well washed to consume them and much better if they are cooked.

Herbal supplements and infusions

Herbs are natural so they have not been studied enough to recommend them during pregnancy.

Caffeine from coffee and tea

The amount of caffeine in a pregnant woman limited to 200 milligrams of caffeine per dayBut caffeine crosses the placenta and can affect your baby's heart rate, so I advise you to avoid it altogether. Is the green tea and breastfeeding?

Tips and ideas for breakfast during pregnancy
Related article:
Healthy Breakfasts During Pregnancy: Tips and Recipes


It does not matter the type or the amount. The alcohol causes irreparable damage to the brain of the fetus.


The water has to be good qualityIf the water in your city is not good you will have to drink it in bottles of mineral water without gas to avoid bacteria and viruses.

Fruit salt in pregnancy

Reflux in pregnancy due to fruit salt

In pregnancy it is normal to feel discomfort and more, when we talk about heartburn and burning problems. As a general rule, when a meal does not suit us quite well, we are very given to taking fruit salt. But, can I take fruit salt in pregnancy? Without a doubt, you should always consult a doctor before consuming certain products. But fruit salt is contraindicated for pregnant women. They can raise blood pressure and as such, be the cause of bigger problems.

There are many women who suffer heartburn while pregnant. Above all, it will be much more noticeable in the second and third trimesters since it will be here when the uterus puts more pressure on our stomach. Although we are not all the same and it is likely that in other cases it will be noticed much earlier. Burning, both in the chest area and in the throat can begin in the third month of pregnancy. Of course, it is an uncomfortable situation and if at another time we would resort to fruit salt, in this case it is better than not.

Heartburn from fruit salt in pregnancy

If you would like to prevent heartburnIt is always better to turn to other remedies before taking certain medications. After having eaten, you can lie down or simply lie down for at least an hour. Also, try not to bend down after eating, or make big movements that can affect us. In addition, you should avoid sauces and condiments that can always feel a little heavier. Forget carbonated drinks but yes you should hydrate wellAlthough it is always better to drink in small sips and of course, drink milk that will control the acidity. Although always if there are no other problems involved.

So when you think about the fruit salt in pregnancy, you have to remember that it really is a drug and that it is not indicated for you. But there are other healthier alternatives for this time of your life. You just have to consult with your doctor and you will see how it will help you cope with this problem.

Remember something very important

If you contaminate yourself with salmonella and other disease-transmitting bacteria, the bacteria can cause mild adult symptoms such as vomiting, fever, and diarrhea. But for a pregnant woman, they can lead to a miscarriage, fetal death or premature delivery.

prohibited foods in pregnancy

To eliminate bacterial contamination (also toxoplasmosis) it is necessary that freeze all meats and fish in the freezer at least -40ºC and then you cook them at a temperature higher than 150 ° C. If you go to a restaurant you will have to ask for the meat well done and if they do little, return the plate and have it done better, your health and that of your baby is at stake!

Also remember wash all fruits and vegetables very well before eating them.

Diet in pregnancy
Related article:
How should be the diet of the future mother

These are some abortifacient foods that you have to take into consideration during your pregnancy in order to have good health and, above all, that your baby grows strong and healthy. Remember that everything you eat passes through the placenta to your baby, so you have to take extreme precautions in all things to eat, such as stop eating sushi.

Do you know more foods that you can not eat during pregnancy?

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      EDITH said

    Hi, I'm Edith Boy for the first time, a mother, I'm pregnant and I've been around for 6 weeks and 7 days. I'd like to make a consultation. He calls me too much to eat the soups with too much lemon, I would like to know if it is good or bad during pregnancy, thank you very much.

         MAIRA said


           andreina said

        Hello, I am in week 23 of my pregnancy and I am a newcomer, I would like to know if eating hot dog hurts me, I add that I do not eat it frequently, that is to say since I am pregnant I have only eaten it 4 times and per month. I hope prompt reply thank you

      May said

    Hi Edith,

    Eating a lot of lemon is not bad at all. Even sometimes I used to chew a little of them raw, I love them. The only problem it could bring you is heartburn. If you have heartburn, if you suffer from it, you should not consume many citrus fruits of any kind until the symptoms disappear. If you don't have heartburn now, chances are you will have it around your 6-7 months from now, it comes and goes. It will be these months that you have to take care of yourself with citrus and caffeine. If you get heartburn, just have a glass of warm milk. Have a nice day.

      Ania said

    Hello, my name is Ania, this is my first pregnancy. I have been 7 weeks old. I have not yet requested a consultation with the doctor.

      irma said

    Hello, my name is Irma. It is my first pregnancy. I am three months old. I love lemon but I have days with a stomach ache, lemon can cause this. I use lemon all the time with all my food, if you could tell me what to do

      lupitao can I said

    Hello, my name is lupita and this is my first pregnancy, I am three months old, I have been eating a lot of lemon with salt, I do not know if this could affect me in pregnancy, thank you

      georgina said

    Hello, my name is Georgina. This is my first pregnancy. I do not usually eat lemon with salt but I already ate three times not in a row but I am scared why I pacify something to my baby I hope not! But I ate it just because I said it, I hope it's not bad if someone can answer me? Thank you kisses to all!

      little girl said

    I am pregnant I have nausea all day and I have not yet been able to go to see the doc, I only took a test, which came out positive. But I want to take care of my baby and I don't know very well what things I can and cannot eat, so I want you to help me. Thank you very much I hope for an answer

         Drafting Mothers Today said


      First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy! On the diet with which you follow a healthy and balanced diet it will be enough, increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The foods that you should not consume are:

      - Large fish: such as swordfish or mackerel, because they contain large amounts of mercury.
      - Raw sprouts: like soybeans or radishes, on the other hand cooked there is no problem.
      - Sausages and raw meats: because they can cause listeria.
      - And finally caffeine, especially during the first 3 months of pregnancy because it can cause fetal growth retardation, low birth weight and increases the risk of miscarriage (according to studies published by the British Medical Journal).

      Take good care of yourself and enjoy your pregnancy!

      Paul said

    Hi, I'm from Peru, my wife is pregnant, she's 6 weeks pregnant but she suffers from gastritis, what fruits and vegetables should I eat?
    Thank you

         Drafting Mothers Today said

      Hi, Pablo,

      For gastritis, whether pregnant or not, it is recommended not to consume hot spices, vinegar, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, fried foods, acidic or fatty foods. As for vegetables, celery or onion for example are not recommended.

      Greetings and congratulations on the pregnancy!

      Amanda said

    Hi, I'm Amy and I would like to know what kind of symptoms indicate a pregnancy and how can I know if I am pregnant, I am a month late and I do not dare to go to a doctor.

      Laura said

    Hello, my name is Laura, I am pregnant, I am 3 and a half months pregnant, I would like you to help me, what foods can I eat? I suffer from high blood pressure, they removed my gallbladder and I suffered for a year from pangreatitis and I don't know what to eat, please help me, thank you. regards

         Drafting Mothers Today said

      Hello Laura,

      In your case, it is better that you consult a nutritionist to indicate the most suitable diet for you. The issue of high blood pressure should be controlled because it could cause premature labor, simply relax and eat foods that help you maintain it, generally those that contain omega3 such as salmon.

      Greetings and congratulations on your pregnancy

      milena said

    Hello, I have 34 weeks now, and I have felt a lot, but a lot of pain, a friend told me that the nickname hurts the baby and that is why my belly becomes hard and it hurts like a tear, the doctors have ignored my comments, I hope if you can help me with the diet that should not be eaten so that it does not swell the baby
    Thank you very much and greetings to all future moms !!!!!!!!

      marya said

    Hi, I'm about 7 weeks pregnant and I really like spicy food that makes my baby sick.

         Drafting Mothers Today said

      Not your baby, but you may feel upset stomach since nausea and vomiting are frequent in these first months. At the end of pregnancy, you could also get stomach discomfort due to the heartburn that usually appears in this last stage.

      milena said

    Do not forget that in Chile you cannot eat tuna, even if it is in a jar since it contains too much mercury, which has irreparable consequences for the baby ... this problem is due to the fact that there are thermoelectric plants on the Chilean coasts where the tuna is extracted and their waste contaminates this fish.

         Drafting Mothers Today said

      Thanks for the input! 🙂

      in my said

    I really liked there but I love how spicy hehehe and it seems that I should not abuse buuu

         Drafting Mothers Today said

      If it doesn't hurt, go ahead with the spicy! But believe me, they are not very favorable when suffering symptoms such as nausea or heartburn 😉

      karin said

    Hello, I am new to this, that is, I am 37 years old and this is my first pregnancy, I try to read everything I can, to inform myself, and it has served me a lot, thank you.
    Now I have a question that worries me a lot, they have already told me that it is normal in a pregnant woman, but it scares me sometimes. I am 20 weeks pregnant, I am happy, but I suffer a lot when I have to go to the bathroom, sometimes every 3 days, it hurts and I have to do a lot of strength. It is dangerous for the baby, like many fruits and some vegetables, but what exactly should I eat to help me not suffer in the bathroom.
    I thank you with all my heart for your quick response to my email. in advance, many thanks. karin….

         Drafting Mothers Today said

      Do not worry, constipation does not harm the baby, but you should find solutions so that it does not cause harm to you because for example it can make you go through hemorrhoids and it is painful. Avoid eating foods that make digestion difficult and especially those that worsen constipation such as bananas, apples or rice. You can try to have a glass of warm water and a kiwi in the morning before breakfast, try to regulate your traffic by going to the service about the same time.

         claudia said

      Look at me, my gynecologist told me that when I go to the bathroom, or do not use force because that can cause an abortion, then what I do is eat papaya, it helps a lot to go to the bathroom and drink water.

         Paula Clemente said

      eat prune and fiber like oatmeal is rich in the light morning and helps digestion

      i'm ivonne said

    hello this is my first pregnancy and I am 7 weeks I would like to know if I can eat steak with cheese and if it is not bad during this time of pregnancy ... peace

         Renata strambu said

      Ivonne as a gynecologist that I am and I tell you that cheese is bad for pregnancy and chicken steak do not eat it very often since chicken contains many hormones today I hope and this advice is of your use and that you have a quiet and happy pregnancy Atte. Dr. Renata Strambu

      Tania said

    Hello, my name is Tania, it is my second pregnancy, the first one I lost it 🙁 but I am very excited and super happy I have 6 months and a week and the first 4 months were many symptoms km I vomit, nausea and cravings jiji aunk sometimes those symptoms are annoying The most beautiful and I would not change them for anything… .chikas enjoy your pregnancy 🙂

      fer said

    Hello, I am in my second pregnancy, I am three months old and it has not been very good since I am at rest due to placental detachment, I wanted to know what foods I can consume without swelling, I have not eaten any sweet things that make me nauseous, hahaha Only salty, but I eat anything and I don't know what to do, fruit salt is bad, and lemon is harmful.

         Aisha santiago said

      It is normal to inflate a little after eating when you rest, especially at night is when you can swell the most, I tell you from experience, I have had to go through the same thing but not for the same reason 😉 Avoid eating too heavy, the better Make small portions even if you have to eat more times, but this will facilitate digestion. Do not eat foods such as rice or bananas, constipation is common in pregnancy and with rest it worsens even more. Also avoid foods that give gas like cabbage or cauliflower and drink plenty of water to avoid fluid retention. Lucky! 😉

      lupita said

    I am 36 years old and I am pregnant with my first baby I am very happy because it will be a little woman. But I am having a very bad time with gastritis that does not leave me for any thing that as either fruits vegetables the doctor told me that I peeled the fruits and nothing Everything absolutely everything makes me gassy and it's terrible I don't want to eat anymore, but I think about my baby and I have to. Can someone help me please. Greetings and good luck to all the moms.

      Eliana said

    Hello, good afternoon, I am pregnant and I have just turned 5 months old, I would like to know if I can sometimes eat tomato sauce that I like in spaghetti when I prepare them, the homemade shawarma that I also add a little "tomato sauce" and I also put "mustard" in the preparation.
    The other if I can use pepper on meat or chicken.
    And in the fruits that taste like pineapple, lemon, pin, melon ... .. are they advisable?

         Aisha santiago said

      Hi! Everything you name you can take without problems, none of that is harmful, the only thing that maybe acidic foods (such as tomato or pineapple) can cause heartburn (Heartburn) and that will be uncomfortable for you. The melon is very advisable because it contains folic acid and it will also help you in case of constipation.

      Marisol Paredes placeholder image said

    Hi, it's my second pregnancy and I really want to vomit and I want to know if the mineral with lemon and salt is bad. I await your answer, thank you.

         Aisha santiago said

      No, it is not bad, on the contrary, mineral water with lemon will relieve nausea, but it is not necessary to add salt.

      mileydy said

    Hello, my sister-in-law is 5 weeks old and is a newcomer and the doctor forbade her to eat tomato and onion and it seems strange to me, will it be bad ???????? Thank you ….

         Aisha santiago said

      I had never heard of something like this, in fact I have not stopped eating tomatoes and onion and I am in my 37th week of pregnancy (the baby is healthy and everything is fine). Perhaps he has told you for something in particular, such as if you suffer from heartburn or something like that.

      Angi said

    I am in my second month of pregnancy and it is my first pregnancy but I feel terrible I can not stand nauceas, I would like to know if there is something that can control nauceas and how long they are removed from the pregnancy, they told me that papaya is not good to eat during the pregnancy

         Aisha santiago said

      Nausea usually disappears in the second trimester of pregnancy, although each pregnancy is a world and there are those for whom it lasts longer or lasts less. In the following link you will see tips and solutions to alleviate them 😉. Regarding papaya, it is not good to take it because it can cause an abortion.


    Hello, I like this forum and how do I register, I would also like you to inform me if I can take fruit salt, I am 10 weeks pregnant and I am hypertensive. Thank you for your help.

      zaily said

    Hello, I am pregnant. I would like to know if I can eat salt with fruits, I have 3 months. I want to know if I have hurt my baby.

      jhoanna said

    hi my name is jhoanna I would like to know if fruit salt is bad for a pregnant woman.

      Martha said

    Hello, my name is Martha, I am 4 months pregnant and I eat a lot of salt, I have a lot of thick saliva and eating salt helps me. My question is, is it bad to eat salt? Maybe I eat less than half a teaspoon a day. Thanks.

      Hannibal Sainz said

    Basic and essential for the entire pregnancy are ... Almonds, nuts, lentils, honey. Spinach. Brocoly. Lots of fruit to choose from. Potato. Rice. Pasta. Dairy products. Salmon and tuna. Little meat. Boiled eggs Oatmeal. Sardine,

      Michaela said

    Hello: I am 19 weeks pregnant, and although almost since the beginning of my pregnancy I have craved eating sausages a lot, I have avoided them because I read that it can harm my baby, but I have a doubt, I have been boiling the veal hot dogs that They are the ones that they like the most, in order to eat them, I wanted to know if even boiled they can affect my baby. Or is it okay to eat them like this, I need your help to cope with the cravings. It is urgent. Thanks for your reply.

      Merche J said

    I understand that by "leafy or root vegetables," followed by the mention of radish and alfalfa, they are referring to young shoots. The thing about sprouts, foods with a fantastic supply of vitamins, is that it can be difficult to wash them well. To say that "this type of food is not a good option for pregnant women or for anyone" is supine nonsense. You should review the scientific literature on this before you panic.

      barlopez said

    Hello, I am in week 13 and I wanted to know if it is wrong to eat rice with tuna .. ????

      Daila anyeli said

    Hello, how are you good afternoon, I am 16 weeks pregnant and I am eating all natural avoiding fats, but additionally I take folic acid and in turn my obstetrician has just recommended me to take Gestasure as a supplement because it is more complete. Is any mommy taking it?

      michael cardenas said

    I am 10 weeks pregnant, I would like to know if lemon with salt hurts me. I like it with passion fruit with apple with cucumber tomato but I do it every 8 days and I am worried that it will hurt my baby.

      honey said

    Hello, good afternoon I wanted to know what vitamins I can take during my pregnancy and at the same time that it has a pleasant taste

         maria jose roldan said

      You will have to go to your doctor and have him do an analysis, because folic acid is important but if you lack any vitamin, your doctor should assess it. Greetings!

      Nataly said

    Hello… For not informing me well… I consumed white cheese a few days ago and I think it was handmade. I'm not sure… But in the same way it scares me as it may contain bacteria and I get psychoed since I am 31 weeks pregnant. .y I am not used to eating cheese ... Would it affect me by consuming it little or would it affect me if I consume it frequently?

      omna said

    Hello. My name is Omna I am 25 years old and I think I am pregnant. I need help from you. I have done 4 pregnancy tests in a week and they give me positive. But I do not feel symptoms of dizziness, or fussiness, I only have a slight pain in my ovaries that gives me at times quite often that I am very worried. And some sore breasts. I can be pregnant and have no symptoms. Will it be normal to feel good? Or will I have something that makes the test positive? Is there please, if someone wants to help me in my doubts, I will thank them.

         maria jose roldan said

      Hi Omna! In some women who are pregnant, they do not notice symptoms for a few weeks, so there may be a chance that these pregnancy tests are correct. Greetings!

      vanessa said

    Hello, good afternoon… I am 4 months old and I crave a lot of lemon with salt but I would like to know if it hurts my baby or not…

    thank you very much att vanesa

         maria jose roldan said

      Water with lemon and a little salt is not harmful, greetings!

      dawary lopez said

    Hello my name is dawary and I am 3 months pregnant but I did not realize it I knew it now and I consumed alcohol not so much and also banana that serves to clean that

      Sofia said

    Sorry, but where do you get it from or what do you base it on to say something so absurd like "For example alfalfa, radishes and this type of food are not a good option for pregnant women or anyone else."

         Macarena said

      It is already modified, thank you.

      mareltll said

    Hello, good morning, my question is how bad is it to drink papaya juice with oatmeal, why is it abortifacient? Well, papaya is bad during pregnancy and I have already taken papaya juice with oatmeal twice, I am 2 + 11 pregnant, thank you !!!!

      elizabeth said

    Hello, I'm 9 weeks old and I feel a burning sensation in the pit of my stomach and I don't know if it's bad or what?

      Reyna Martinez said

    Hello, I am 16 weeks pregnant, and for a week I have felt loose in my stomach and I have had diarrhea. And what I have been eating is Requeson, egg, and a vegetable that here in my country Honduras is called pacaya, in the morning I was very hungry and as quickly as possible I went to a stall selling baleadas and asked for one with egg with tomato and beans, nothing else, and I don't know if that was what hurt me, and the diarrhea that I have is something liquid that I can do, there is someone who can help me has given me pain all over my body and back, I usually know how to give me something often because of my pregnancy but what he gave me today has left me too tired, I don't know if it's due to the same thing, I'm resting. Please help. Beforehand Thank you.

      Lisseth said

    Hi I'm Lisseth
    This is my first pregnancy, I wanted to know if eating Lemon With Salt is harmful, I am 3 months pregnant and do I feel like Eating a lot of Lemon With Salt?

    I don't know if that makes the baby bad
    Many Thanks

      Angie said

    Good morning my name is Angie and I am 4 months pregnant, ..
    I want to know if it is bad to eat or something like lemon and salt with ice?