Family planning is part of modern life and women, with increasing frequency, tend to schedule the time of pregnancy. What to consider when scheduling to conceive.
The menstrual cycle occurs every month when an egg matures in the ovaries and is released to go to the fallopian tubes where it waits to be fertilized. That is the time of ovulation, which occurs near the middle of the cycle, always 14 days before menstruation. To find out, in retrospect, if a woman ovulated, basal temperature is a simple and cost-free way.
The progesterone that is secreted by the corpus luteum (which is what the follicle becomes after ovulation), among other things, is what generates the changes in the endometrium along with estrogen to allow the implantation of the embryo and This hormone also has the characteristic of increasing body temperature. That is why it is said that the cycle with ovulation in women is a biphasic cycle: the pre-ovulatory and post-ovulatory phases and the characteristic to differentiate them is the change in temperature.
Currently there are tests that determine the time of ovulation, when there are more chances of achieving pregnancy, which detect the level of LH, a hormone that is always present but increases its level and peaks 36 hours before ovulation. But how to choose the moment to be parents and what to do after making the decision?
“There is no ideal time to be a parent. From the scientific point of view, It is always better for the woman to be 25 years old, which is the time of maximum fertility, but each couple is different. The most important thing is that there are things to do when making the decision. The preconception consultation is a consultation that is carried out specifically with the aim of achieving optimal conditions for the future pregnancy and reducing the risks of pregnancy for the mother and factors that may influence pregnancy. So, before starting the search for a child, it is advisable to undergo a series of medical check-ups that will cover sexually transmitted diseases, a history of rubella, toxoplasmosis and other diseases that could affect the normal development of the baby. In addition, there are tests to detect infections and some vaccinations that it is preferable to be given before starting the search. Now the vaccine against HPV, Human Papilloma Virus, has also been incorporated to evaluate in the consultation. And in addition, the evaluation of the family and personal medical history is essential ", explains the doctor. Sergio Pasqualini, medical director of Halitus Medical Institute.
Preconception consultation
Preconception counseling is organized around several fundamental pillars:
- Characterization of individual risks
- General health information
- Individualized and specific report on genetic and nutritional aspects
- Identification of behaviors or habits that could be harmful to future offspring
“The gynecological consultation prior to pregnancy is important because it allows us to identify possible risk factors and adopt behaviors to minimize them. And then from the first weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to detect congenital alterations with innocuous procedures for the patient and the baby, for that and to follow the fetal development, genetic consultation and ultrasound follow-up are recommended ”, says the specialist.
Matter of weight
In addition, during pregnancy, a balanced diet and the search for a weight according to the situation not only means taking care of the mother's health but also that of the baby. Eating well during this time can be challenging. For this it is important that everything that the pregnant woman eats provides nutrients to the baby and that she consumes the food she needs to be well and feel good. According to Dr. Pasqualini, “we must not lose sight of the fact that pregnancy is the most important tissue formation process that a woman's body undergoes and that the pregnant woman's body must store nutrients and increase the amount of blood and other fluids that it generates because it directly affects the health and development of the baby. To achieve this, the first step is to observe the daily diet. It is necessary to increase the consumption of calcium and iron because the body requires greater amounts of these elements at this stage, and it is also important to increase the quantity and quality of proteins, essential for tissue development. Every diet should include protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, and minerals. It may also be necessary to include iron supplements, vitamin B12 and B6 but only under medical recommendation.
Being in good health before seeking pregnancy is almost as important as maintaining good health through the nine months.
Source: Feel and think