Flattering Fall Fashion for Pregnant Women

maternity fashion

Although the autumn season has already started, it is now when we begin to feel the first meteorological symptoms with cold, rain and wind. So that you look as beautiful and fashionable as possible, we are going to give you some tips. The first is that you dress in layers, Autumn can be very treacherous, and we go from morning chill to midday heat almost without realizing it. And, you know, the layers that are in contact with the skin should always be de natural fabric, to avoid allergies and irritations.

And now yes, we continue with these tips and fashion trends for this fall 2020, with their colors and classics that are renewed.

Fall classics that are renewedautumn fashion

This autumn the raincoat is going to be the classic par excellence. Even if you are pregnant, and even if you are advanced at the time of pregnancy, you will be able to wear it in your usual size. Don't deprive yourself of it. Beige trench coats are always elegant, suitable for any occasion, but you can also dare with more striking colors such as pumpkin orange, magenta or purple.

Attentive to imitations of leather, since this fabric, also a classic, will be another of the protagonists in autumn 2020 fashion. You will see a lot of blazer, jackets and coats made of this material, which will be incorporated into pinafore, skirts and dresses. In the shop windows there will be a lot of synthetic leather in strong, striking colors and with personality, generating contrast in the small details.

The fringes, that already started last season remain, and become longer, very cowboy. You will find them almost everywhere, and if you find them uncomfortable, then leave them for your small and handbags.

The trendy colors in the fall

This fall fashion is not going to be dull at all, the color will take the street. Choose the one that best suits you and take advantage of your pregnancy, you already know that hair and skin are especially beautiful during pregnancy.

We name you some colors, like amber orange that instills a lot of optimism and self-confidence. Following this line we have the samba, a very warm dull red, and the fired brick, reddish brown, similar to fired brick, full of strength and serenity at the same time. The Rose tan It has been around for a few years and it combines very well with both warm and cold tones.

If we have talked about classic fabrics, we cannot ignore the classic colors of autumn, such as azul, in almost its entire spectrum, but especially the blue of the night sky. Follow the dark blue line with a slight purple undertone. This color is spectacular in coats and raincoats. The ultramarine green, almost bluish, it will add a more refreshing touch to your wardrobe and is very flattering, both for casual wear and on special occasions.

The essential and most flattering garments

If you are pregnant you are in luck, and this fall Wide and light pleated trousers, pleated skirts, maxi coats and capes are back. Yes those garments of youth return. Getting ahead of your baby's clothes, you too will wear collars of this type in the fall. They will not be exactly small, but something larger and made of a different fabric than the sweater or dress.

The cotton or flannel shirts, they are still the essential garment. It is better to buy them longer than usual, such as dresses, since they are warmer and you can combine them with leggings, the other great essential when it comes to fashion for pregnant women. Remember that they are thick, natural, breathable and light elastic fabrics.

And when it comes to footwear, Low and wide-heeled boots are your allies. Choose those with a medium cane, or even the ankle boots if you are in the final stage of pregnancy. You already know that it is very likely that you swell your legs.

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