We had already spoken in Madres Hoy about 'discomfort' (or discomfort) during pregnancy, referring to the first y second quarter. Arrival week 28, less than half left, and you will not be planted in the final stretch of your pregnancy. At this point you feel much more secure, and you probably think more about the face that your baby will have, and the moment when you will be able to receive him in your lap than in anything else. You will continue to eat balanced, and - while you can - exercising; but the well-being that accompanies this stage will be accompanied by heaviness, more than once turned into discomfort.
Nothing you cannot adapt to, of course, as millions of women around the world have done before you, and forever. In the last few weeks, you will surely feel a sense of 'power' (you are creating a new life!) that will help you better cope with indigestion and bloating. All I can tell you is enjoy your pregnancy! Whenever possible, there will be times when you will not find meaning in this recommendation, but I assure you that it is very important to get the most out of the little moments in life.
Most frequent complaints
Heartburn, indigestion:
The first due (of course!) To hormones, this time those that act on the muscular ring between the esophagus and the stomach. The second is because your uterus compresses the organs of the digestive system.
You should eat more frequently and in small amounts (for example five times a day); and avoid fried, fatty, spicy, citrus or yogurt foods.
Back pain:
It will be difficult to find a pregnant woman who does not suffer from it, between the weight of your belly, and the relaxin hormone that we have already talked about on occasions (it relaxes the muscles), lumbar and dorsal areas suffer.
To avoid this, you can bend your knees when you bend down, avoid stretching to pick up tall things, sleep on your side with a cushion or towel / blanket folded between the knees, sit with your back straight, ...
Constipation and pressure from the uterus explain them. The more fiber you eat the better.
Do you snore?
Even if you didn't do it before you got pregnant, there are possibilities during this trimester: the airways are somewhat inflamed, which would explain this.
Tiredness, swelling
The first does not need to explain what it is attributable to. The second is due to fluid retention, which causes the ankles to swell, and (although it is not noticeable due to the belly), the hips and abdominal area. If you avoid caffeine and exercise, even light, you can improve it.
I have not mentioned Braxton Hicks contractions (the uterus prepares itself from week 20 for labor), because they are normal in pregnancy, that is to say: more than bothering they rejoice. Let yourself go unless you think that something anomalous is happening (we will explain it tomorrow)
Helpful tips
The midwife and gynecologist will have told you: the normal' is gaining between 9 and 14 kilos during the nine months that a pregnancy lasts. You don't have to go on a diet, but you don't have to 'eat for two' either, healthy foods (lots of vegetables and fruits, few processed, avoid unhealthy fats, reduce sugar, ...) will help you stay in that range. There are always those who gain just enough weight (in my first pregnancy 9 kilos) and those who overdo it (in my second pregnancy 20 kilos, eating more balanced than in the previous one); but balance is desirable.
- Drink plenty of fluids, but (obviously) no alcohol and avoiding caffeine as much as possible.
- Wear comfortable shoes (low heel, arch support).
- Rest on your side on a firm mattress.
- Before the volume of your belly is considerable (that is: before you cannot see your feet if you look down), reorganize your house so you do not have to bend down or stretch when you want to take objects from the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom.
- To lift weights off the ground, bend your knees.
- Change your posture frequently throughout the day: don't stand or sit for long periods of time.
Do you think you need massages or lumbar girdle? then consult a professional. I was in treatment with an osteopath for an inflammation in the coccyx, I specialized in pregnant women, and I knew what I was doing. He does not have to be a doctor, but make sure he knows his work, if he does not inspire confidence you do not have to follow anyone's advice. Of course: in terms of medications (including external application), you will do well to ask your trusted doctor, pharmacist or gynecologist directly.
If you are not a new mom, you already know all these things; and you also know how difficult it is to follow the recommendations of doing physical activity or rest as much as possible. Because 'all that you can' having other children at home is not enough; so take advantage of the chances: the little time that the father takes them to the pool, the nap (if they still do it) you can lie down with them, get up at the same time as them (in summer they take away the desire to get up early) if you are on vacation. Look for the moment, and you will find it. Now you have a little bit left to meet your baby, and both of you want to find each other, right?