Surely you have wondered why some days your baby moves less, or let's say you notice it less. The first thing we want to tell you is that each baby has its own rhythm. Throughout the pregnancy you will have noticed how from those little bubbles at the beginning, which almost looked like gases, you have gone through a real battle and again everything has relaxed.
If you are in the final stage, it is normal that you feel that your baby moves less, he is taking advantage to sleep more and prepare for the work that comes. However we tell you what other factors They can influence the baby's movement.
Reasons why it moves less
Two common reasons why the baby moves less is because of the mother's weight or if you are already in the last weeks gestation when you have less space to do so.
The fetuses of mothers with less weights are more active than those with a few extra pounds. It may be because they have more room to move or simply that the mother feels them more.
The other factor to consider is the gestation stage where you are. Eventually the baby's movements slow down. This is due to lack of space and because it is already being placed in the uterus, preparing for delivery.
In addition to these reasons, as we told you at the beginning, each fetus has its own rhythm, your own schedule and over the months you will have noticed. In general terms, fetuses move more during the mother's rest period, and are more active in the afternoon and evening than in the morning. There are some who sleep more than others, who are more restless ... well.
If the subject makes you very nervous or overwhelms you, talk to the doctor, he better than anyone will be able to guide you and do the tests you need in case of doubt.
Other causes for the baby not to move as much
We know that if the baby moves it means that it is well oxygenated and correctly stimulated, that is why it is so important for us to feel it, it is the confirmation of its correct neuromuscular development. On the contrary, the absence or significant decrease in these movements can indicate certain health problems such as hypoglycemia, aging placenta or inadequate nutrition.
It is also possible that if you have myomoas, you are taking antidepressant medication, or if the placenta is placed on the front of the uterus, the movements feel more cushioned. Other common causes are: smoke, having taken alcohol, some sedative medication, maternal stress itself or having spent a long period of time on your feet that day or, on the contrary, having done an unusual physical activity.
If you notice a drastic reduction in your child's movement, go to the doctor. A non-stress test or biophysical profile may be ordered, as well as an ultrasound to measure the amniotic fluid level and check on your little one's well-being.
What should I do if my baby is moving less?
If throughout the day you notice that your baby moves less or differently try to slow down and relax. Eat something, especially something with glucose It will also help him to be active. Gynecologists recommend lying on the left side to better feel the fetus. If you still do not recover your movements then it is better that you go to the emergency room.
Surely everything is a scare, but it is convenient that monitor the fetal heart for a long time to check that everything is alright. If an additional ultrasound is recommended, don't be alarmed.
There are also popular beliefs that boys move more than girls, that the moon makes fetuses more nervous, who knows!
You can read this article if you stop feeling your baby move.