Chronic ectopic pregnancy

chronic ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, not all pregnancies follow their normal and natural path. This occurs with ectopic pregnancies and specifically with chronic ectopic pregnancies. They have a low incidence but it is important to know what it is in order to be able to diagnose it as soon as possible. Let's see what the chronic ectopic pregnancy.

What is an ectopic pregnancy?

It is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterine cavity, which is where the implantation of the fertilized egg should take place. To better understand how it occurs we have to understand how the internal female reproductive system is made.

The internal female reproductive system is formed by the vagina in the lower part and in the upper part by the cervix that connects the vagina with the uterus. The uterus should be the place where the baby is gestating and developing after being fertilized the mature ovum. The uterus in turn connects above with the fallopian tubes and with the ovaries.

With a ectopic pregnancy implantation occurs outside the uterus, as in the uterine tubes, cervix, ovary, or abdominal or pelvic cavity. Unfortunately, these pregnancies do not come to fruition, since it is impossible for the fetus to grow outside the uterus, as well as putting the woman's life at risk.

Ectopic pregnancy occurs in about 2% of all pregnancies. Her symptoms vary, but most patients have constant pelvic pain (like cramps) or vaginal bleeding. Menstruation in some cases may be absent and in others not, so you may not be aware that you are pregnant.

How is a chronic ectopic pregnancy different?

A chronic ectopic pregnancy is when the embryo dies and pregnancy stops its development, but the body instead of deleting it naturally what happens is that the remains calcify forming a mass. An inflammatory response occurs that leads to the formation of a pelvic tumor. This causes a total or partial blockage in the tubes, which predisposes an ectopic pregnancy to occur more frequently and creates fertility problems.

A chronic ectopic pregnancy may be the result of an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy. That is why you have to be careful if you are of reproductive age and have symptoms such as persistent pelvic pain, bleeding, negative HCG, and with absence or not of menstruation.

The word "chronic" does not mean that this condition is forever but that only indicates the presence of a tumor of gestational origin. This type of pregnancy is difficult to diagnose. It presents with pelvic and abdominal pain, an adnexal tumor presentation, negative HCG tests (ectopic pregnancies tend to produce less HCG than an intrauterine pregnancy), irregular cycles, and hemodynamic stability.

There risk of tube rupture so the sooner it is detected the better. The diagnostic technique of an ectopic pregnancy is ultrasound, together with Doppler evaluation, which increases the ability to detect an ectopic pregnancy. Although the best form of diagnosis will be during or after surgery.

ectopic pregnancy

How can it be treated?

Well, to treat a chronic ectopic pregnancy you have to do a Surgical treatment, and the technique will depend on what state the pelvic mass is in, its size, how attached it is and how the tube is. If it is still small and the tube has not been torn, it can be removed by laparoscopy. With this technique a fine telescope with a light is introduced through an incision in the abdomen to be able to observe how the situation is.

You can also make a salpingostomy or salpingectomy, to milk the tube and try to maintain its function. It is most effective in preventing persistent ectopic pregnancies. The decision will be made by the doctor with the data obtained in the tests and by your background.

Because remember ... if you notice symptoms similar to an ectopic pregnancy, go to your health center.

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