The fourth month of pregnancy marks a fascinating stage in gestation, where both the mother's body and the baby's development undergo significant changes. In this article, we delve into the symptoms, necessary care and the baby's growth in this key month of pregnancy, complementing the initial information with a complete and detailed description based on the best available sources.
Changes in the mother's body during the fourth month
As the second trimester begins, many women notice a overall improvement in your well-being. First trimester symptoms such as nausea and vomiting tend to disappear, and energy levels usually increase. significantly. This is because pregnancy hormones begin to stabilize, providing a feeling of greater tranquility and dynamism.
Abdomen growth: The belly begins to become more prominent during the fourth month of pregnancy, as the uterus grows and rises into the abdominal cavity. Depending on the mother's build, this change may be more or less noticeable.
Glandular hypertrophy: The breasts, which have already been preparing for breastfeeding since the first weeks, continue to increase in size. The areola may darken, and some women will notice more visible veins due to the increase of blood flow.
Hormonal changes: Estrogen and progesterone continue to act in the body, causing an increase in pigmentation in certain areas such as the linea alba (the dark line that appears from the pubis to the navel) and spots known as chloasma or pregnancy mask.
Baby development in the fourth month
The fourth month, which includes week 13 through week 16, is a notable period in the fetal developmentThe baby grows rapidly and begins to take on a more defined and human shape.
Size and weight: At the end of the fourth month, the baby measures approximately 13 to 18 centimeters and weighs about 100-140 grams.
Movements: Although many first-time mothers do not yet notice their baby's movements, the baby is already very active inside the womb. It flexes and extends its limbs and can suck its thumb.
Organ formation: During this month, the kidneys begin to produce urine, and the intestine accumulates meconium, which will become the baby's first stool at birth. In addition, the liver and bone marrow are already manufacturing blood cells.
Nervous and sensory system: The baby's brain is in full development, and its senses are beginning to awaken. It can reply to external stimuli, such as light and sound, although these still arrive muffled.
Care and recommendations for the mother
The fourth month of pregnancy is an ideal time to implement Healthy Habits that benefit both mother and baby:
- Balanced diet: Increasing the intake of foods rich in iron, calcium and protein will help the baby's growth and prevent problems such as anemia.
- Stay active: Moderate exercise, such as walking, yoga, or swimming, improves circulation and reduces stress.
- Skin Hydration and Moisturizing: To avoid stretch marks and muscle cramps, it is crucial to stay well hydrated and use specific creams for pregnancy.
- Avoid direct sun exposure: To prevent chloasma gravidarum, the use of sunscreen and the use of hats or caps is recommended.
Medical tests: During this month, a follow-up ultrasound can be performed to monitor the baby's development. In addition, if necessary, the specialist may recommend amniocentesis to detect possible genetic abnormalities.
Both mother and baby begin to enjoy a calmer and more productive stage of pregnancy, which allows them to prepare more calmly for future stages of gestation.