Characteristics of the second trimester of pregnancy: the fourth month

natal obesity

The fourth month is a very important stage in pregnancy. We are through the critical period of the first trimester and the danger of miscarriage is very low now. Also, if you've been vomiting for the first few months, now it will go away. Your belly will start to be more and more prominent.
In addition, sleep and fatigue will also diminish and you will feel very active.
During the fourth month of pregnancy, hyperpigmentation usually occurs in some areas of the woman's body, especially the nipples and areola and a dark vertical line on the belly. It is also common for more freckles to appear. At this stage, be careful with the sun, it could leave white spots that are very difficult to remove.
In this month, intestinal disorders such as heartburn and constipation also usually appear. It will be your gynecologist who will advise you the best to alleviate these discomforts.

Photo via: biocuñ

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