Cervical cerclage

What is cervical cerclage?

Cervical cerclage is a gynecological maneuver that is performed in some cases, to prevent premature delivery and miscarriage.

Eating healthy in the second trimester of pregnancy

Recommended diet in pregnancy

The stage of pregnancy is synonymous with taking care of yourself and maintaining a recommended diet. You have to put all your love in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

How to dress in pregnancy

How to dress during pregnancy

How to dress during pregnancy without losing the usual style and essence, is what most pregnant women are looking for.

The role of the midwife in childbirth

The midwife is the most suitable healthcare professional to assist normal delivery. Its role is to transfer confidence to the woman during childbirth.

risks of freezing eggs

The risks of freezing eggs

Much is said about late motherhood although little about the risks of freezing eggs. Although they are minimal, it is good to know them. You want to know more?

Pregnancy first days

When to do the pregnancy test

The pregnancy test is the fastest and most reliable way to know if you are pregnant, but it is important to perform the test correctly.

I'm pregnant

I am pregnant, what do I do?

I am pregnant and now what do I do? This is what most women often ask themselves when they discover a positive pregnancy test.


Control gestational hypertension

If you are pregnant it is very important that you control gestational hypertension because this way you can prevent different ailments.

Implantation bleeding

How to get pregnant the first time

Getting pregnant the first time is not impossible, although it is necessary to follow some guidelines to increase the chances of a quick pregnancy.


What are blanket babies?

Babies in blankets is a very special birth and some judge it as unique and magical, discover why this event occurs.


Where fertilization occurs

We will answer you where fertilization occurs, when is the best moment, the process, the mechanisms, the time after intercourse and other questions.

what is fertility preservation

What is being a parent?

What do we understand by parent, what are their duties and rights, there are different types of parents. We help you solve these questions.

thyroid fertility

The ovarian reserve in women

Knowing this reserve in a precise way can help a woman to know at what age of her life she is most fertile and contains the most oocytes.

Prepartum classes

Childbirth preparation classes

In the childbirth classes you will learn important things like controlling your breathing or recognizing when to go to the hospital.

Depression in pregnancy

Many pregnant women suffer from depression throughout the gestation process and after giving birth to their baby.

Curiosities of pregnancy

Pregnant in time of Coronavirus

If you are pregnant in time of Coronavirus, it is normal for you to feel certain concerns about your visits to the doctor, what should you take into account?

Tone the abdomen after pregnancy

Tips for postpartum recovery

If you are about to begin your postpartum recovery, there are a few things to keep in mind. Don't be in a hurry, enjoy this new stage first and foremost.

Pregnant looks for the summer

Being pregnant in the summer can be very uncomfortable, that's why we offer you these style tips to achieve pregnant looks for the summer.

labor contractions

What are labor contractions like?

Labor contractions are an indication that the baby may be about to be born. In Mothers Today we explain how to differentiate them at all times.

Urine infection in pregnancy

How babies are born

The birth of a baby is long and painful for the mother since the baby must leave the uterus and go through the vagina to reach the outside.

pregnancy discomfort

Tiredness in pregnancy

Tiredness is a fairly normal and common symptom throughout pregnancy so there is no need to worry excessively.

How can I get pregnant fast

Knowing your fertile days or improving your diet can help you improve your fertility and thus, get pregnant faster.

Urine infection in pregnancy

Urine infection in pregnancy

During pregnancy, changes occur in the body that help produce urine infection. You have to go to the doctor for proper treatment.

Chocolate in pregnancy, is it a good option?

How to calculate pregnancy weeks

Knowing how many weeks pregnant you are is one of the big questions of any pregnant woman. We propose you gestures online or manually.

Natural birth at home

Natural birth at home

Some future mothers decide to adopt the measure of giving birth at home for special reasons, they prefer to have a warm and familiar environment.

post abortion

How to get over an abortion

Overcoming an abortion is not easy and it is normal to go through a series of phases in which the couple must accept that they have lost their baby.

Warts in pregnancy

Warts during pregnancy

During pregnancy a woman's skin can be affected and her behavior results in the appearance of the unwelcome warts.

anemia pregnancy

Anemia in pregnancy

Anemia in pregnancy is very common. We tell you what its symptoms are, why it occurs, its consequences and what is its treatment.

pregnant belly

Don't touch my pregnant belly

If you are pregnant, you don't have to let anyone touch your belly. You have every right in the world to refuse if you don't want them to.

baby expenses

Your baby will decide when to be born

A baby that develops in the womb of its mother, must be there every day necessary until before birth, the little one will choose when to arrive in the world!

Pregnant woman with discomfort.

Pilonidal cyst in pregnant women

Pregnant women can have a pilonidal cyst, which is why it is necessary to seek the appropriate treatment so as not to harm either the mother or the child.

twin pregnancy

Twin pregnancy week by week

When you find out that two babies are coming, your heart skips a beat. Not only will you have a baby…! But…

teen pregnancy

Teen pregnancy, what to do?

A teenage pregnancy has its fears, intense emotions, and worries. We tell you what to do if you are living in this situation.

pregnancy test

When to do the pregnancy test

A pregnancy test will help us to know if we are pregnant or not after a delay. We tell you what they measure, and when and how to do it.

Ovular membranes in pregnancy

What are ovular membranes

The ovular membranes are made up of the amnion, which contains the amniotic fluid and houses the fetus during pregnancy and the chorio.

surrogate maternity

What is surrogate motherhood?

Today we are talking about a reproduction technique that raises a lot of controversy: surrogacy. We tell you everything about her.

Woman with ectopic pregnancy

Types of ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy is one that is gestated outside the uterine cavity. That is, in a pregnancy ...

Supplements during pregnancy: tardyferon

Tardyferon and pregnancy

Tardyferon is an iron supplement that many women must take during pregnancy, usually when they have anemia.

pregnant pilates

Can you exercise while pregnant?

Can I exercise while pregnant? Today we clarify your doubts about whether you can exercise in your state and which ones are the best.

How much should a baby weigh at birth?

The weight of the baby is one of the concerns of parents during pregnancy. We tell you how much a baby should weigh at birth and what factors influence it.

premature birth

Preterm births: when they occur

5-10% of pregnancies are premature deliveries. We tell you its risk factors, its possible complications and how to prevent it.

tobacco pregnancy

Smoking in pregnancy

We all know the harmful effects of tobacco. Today we tell you how smoking during pregnancy affects your body and your baby.

chronic ectopic pregnancy

Chronic ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, not all pregnancies follow their natural path. Today we talk about chronic ectopic pregnancy and what it consists of.

Postpartum depression

After delivery: what to expect

After the delivery comes a new adventure for the new mother, the physical and emotional recovery that everyone has meant ...

pregnancy breast

Breast changes in pregnancy

Our chest is where the changes that occur with pregnancy can be seen before. Today we tell you the changes of the breast in pregnancy.

Pregnant with headache

Fainting in pregnancy

Different causes can lead to fainting in pregnancy, hormonal changes are the main cause, but there are other reasons

Pregnant woman breathes while touching her tummy.

How to know if I am in labor

One of the most common questions that invade the thoughts of a pregnant woman, is to know when she is in labor. In this article some will be given. There are certain indications that allow us to know that the woman is in labor.

friendship children

The value of friends in motherhood

We explain the importance of keeping your friends during the motherhood stage, they are your guide, your best company when there is no light.

pregnant massages

Pregnant massages

Pregnancy is a magical time but very stressful on a physical and emotional level. We tell you the benefits of massages for pregnant women.

Books for pregnant women

The 5 best books for pregnant women

The books for pregnant women will help you solve many of the doubts that you will surely have. The offer is very wide so here you have a selection


Step-by-step fertilization

We see it so normal that we are not aware of the miracle that occurs in each pregnancy. Let's look at fertilization step by step.

first pregnancy symptoms

The first symptoms of pregnancy

Each woman experiences each pregnancy in a different way. We leave you the most common first symptoms of pregnancy that women usually have.

Pregnant in labor

The best postures to give birth

In the past, women gave birth in an upright position, a natural posture that favored the birth of the baby. There are numerous ...

twins or twins pregnancy

Pregnancy of twins or twins

Two babies are coming! A pregnancy with twins or twins is a double illusion. We leave you some interesting details about these pregnancies.

risk pregnancy

What is a risk pregnancy?

Having a risky pregnancy is scary. We explain that it is a risk pregnancy and that it differentiates it from a normal pregnancy.


What is the babymoon?

The babymoon is a fashion that has come to stay. Do not miss everything you have to know about the babymoon.

Pregnant woman ready to give birth

What is induced labor?

Induced labor is carried out in different circumstances to prevent the baby from being at risk if labor does not occur spontaneously

rainbow baby

What is a rainbow baby?

Surely you have read or heard it on many occasions and the meaning has not been clear to you. We explain what a rainbow baby is.

Woman after miscarriage

The main causes of miscarriage

Miscarriage can be caused by different reasons, in some cases by the development of the embryo, but there are other factors as well.

Little girl listens to her sister's kicks in her mother's womb.

Prenatal Stimulation: Techniques

It is possible, despite detractors, to improve the neural connections of the fetus. After different techniques or prenatal stimuli it can be favored The mother can stimulate and favor the emotional and sensory development of her child while still in her belly. The mother will benefit you in the short term.