How do you have to take care of yourself when your fetus is 12 weeks old
This is how you have to take care of yourself when your fetus is 12 weeks old, so that its development and growth are fully optimal.
This is how you have to take care of yourself when your fetus is 12 weeks old, so that its development and growth are fully optimal.
The 12-week fetus grows rapidly. His body begins to acquire the characteristic human form and his organs develop.
Amniotic fluid is of great importance in the development of the fetus. We tell you why and what its functions are.
Cervical cerclage is a gynecological maneuver that is performed in some cases, to prevent premature delivery and miscarriage.
Preventing gestational diabetes is possible, following a varied, balanced and appropriate diet for this special stage.
Today there are still doubts about whether it is bad to eat pork during pregnancy. Find out if it is a myth or not.
Maternity underwear has been updated a lot in recent years, allowing all women to find pieces according to them.
There are a series of foods rich in a series of nutrients that can help to become pregnant or pregnant.
The stage of pregnancy is synonymous with taking care of yourself and maintaining a recommended diet. You have to put all your love in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.
Hair loss during breastfeeding is something that recent moms are very concerned about. Find out how you can improve this situation.
Noticing the movements of your baby inside your belly is a sign of accepting that you have life inside, discover when they are correct.
Leg swelling usually goes away with rest. But, if you want to help deflate your feet, we recommend these remedies.
Urine infection is caused by different microorganisms. We give you some tips if you have an infection in pregnancy.
If after Christmas you notice that you have committed some other excess, do not worry. We give you a diet to purify those extra kilos.
When it is suffered, a urine infection is usually quite annoying. Find out what causes it during pregnancy.
Swelling of the feet in pregnancy is very common, it is due to the pressure of the belly. But there may be other causes, we will tell you which ones.
Some guidelines indicate that coffee can be consumed very moderately in pregnancy. We tell you its negative effects so you can decide.
Muscle cramps are quite frequent during the pregnancy period and usually occur in both legs and feet.
What do I mean by difficult pregnancy? There is no answer, but it may be when the process does not go as expected.
The COVID-19 vaccine leaves pregnant women out. However, there is no indication of security problems for this group.
We know that a pregnancy without symptoms is not something usual, but there are women who experience this state within a normality.
The baby boom 9 months after confinement has not occurred. On the contrary, the birth rate will drop again, and this time with another cause: COVID-19
Acne is a condition that affects many women during pregnancy and is due to the high level of hormones that your body produces.
Dressing during pregnancy in winter can be a bit complicated, but with a few fashion tricks, you will always be perfect.
How to dress during pregnancy without losing the usual style and essence, is what most pregnant women are looking for.
The midwife is the most suitable healthcare professional to assist normal delivery. Its role is to transfer confidence to the woman during childbirth.
Most parents want to know the sex of their baby before delivery. Here's how and when you need to find out.
A journey through the different stages of pregnancy and everything you need to know. Do you have many doubts? Here we help you solve them.
The detection of infantile spina bifida and intrauterine inventions are two pillars on which to focus advances and research.
Preterm labor is the one that occurs at least 3 weeks before the estimated date. We talk about its causes, and also how to prevent it.
Most seafood is not dangerous as long as it is eaten in moderation and is perfectly cooked.
Contraceptive methods are those methods that prevent the egg from being fertilized by a sperm. We tell you how many types there are.
The fashion for pregnant women for this fall is renewed in the classics: trench coats, capes, wide pants, fringes and a display of color.
We ally ourselves with technology and we recommend different applications to help you follow your pregnancy, they are tremendously useful!
In Spain, minors necessarily need the permission of their parents to have an abortion, whether private or public.
Pitt-Hopkins syndrome is a rare disease. A neurodevelopmental disorder. with complications, which can range from moderate to severe.
Heparin is a blood thinner that is often prescribed during pregnancy to prevent blood clots. It also has no effect on the fetus.
When is the best time to take the pregnancy test? In this article we tell you when to do it.
There may be a false positive in a pregnancy test for various reasons, but it is not common. And the fact is that the pregnancy tests are 99% reliable.
Turner syndrome only affects girls because there is an absence of the Y chromosome. We will tell you how this monosomy can be diagnosed.
The use of a girdle in pregnancy can help reduce discomfort in the lower back and lower abdomen.
Pregnancy with a teenage daughter is by no means a tasteful dish for any parent.
A study from the University of Ottawa indicates that the use of cannabis, during pregnancy, could increase the risk of autism in the baby.
Pregnancy girdles are recommended to reduce the discomfort caused by the tummy in the lower back and in the pelvis.
When does the pregnancy leave start? Everything you need to know about this important topic to plan and organize ...
Siamese babies are twin brothers who, after birth, remain attached in some part of their body. Find out why it happens.
Hormonal changes in pregnant women make you feel hotter. We give you some tips to make heat waves more bearable.
The Hodge Plane is a level that is used in the gynecology part to imaginatively divide the pelvis and determine what the delivery will be like.
Knowing the gestational age in a pregnancy is much more important than it may seem at first.
Triple Screening, a non-invasive test that consists of trying to find chromosomal alterations in the future baby.
Being an egg donor is an anonymous, voluntary, informed and unpaid act of generosity. We tell you the requirements and steps to follow.
Sciatica is quite common and common during pregnancy. It is a strong pain that extends from ...
Today we talk about brewer's yeast, its benefits for its contribution in vitamin B, and against depression. Know how to take it and how many times a day!
Much is said about late motherhood although little about the risks of freezing eggs. Although they are minimal, it is good to know them. You want to know more?
Antepartum classes are highly recommended for all pregnant women, although in some cases, they can also be somewhat inconvenient.
Swimming is a sport with enormous physical and psychological benefits for pregnant women. We tell you some of them, such as freedom of movement.
Thanks to treatments, getting pregnant is a decision that can be considered. Decide when to be a mother thanks to the preservation of fertility.
We know that reducing girdles help to be a great support for the belly after childbirth, here we indicate the best proposals.
The pregnancy test is the fastest and most reliable way to know if you are pregnant, but it is important to perform the test correctly.
The mummy is a memory loss that women usually suffer at the beginning of pregnancy and that lasts for a few months after having their child.
The Belly Pump technique is diaphragmatic breathing. Its practice protects the pelvic floor, reduces abdominal diastasis, in addition to other benefits.
I am pregnant and now what do I do? This is what most women often ask themselves when they discover a positive pregnancy test.
The symptoms of pregnancy in the first month are often confused with premenstrual pain, although they are clear evidence of pregnancy.
The Mediterranean diet from before pregnancy, during and after is beneficial not only for the mother, but also for the baby. We tell you why.
Here is a compilation of the best phrases about pregnancy, to fill any mother with enthusiasm and inspiration.
It is highly unlikely that a baby will catch it from a coronavirus-infected mother. But, just as you have to maintain certain protocols and follow-up.
If you are pregnant it is very important that you control gestational hypertension because this way you can prevent different ailments.
Maternity leave is a working woman's right, but if you are unemployed or in an ERTE, you also have it. We will see this and other issues here.
We explain what blood groups are, the influence they have on getting pregnant, especially the second time, or on the baby's health.
How to survive infertility problems as a couple? Without a doubt, communication and dialogue are a great key to achieve this.
Getting pregnant the first time is not impossible, although it is necessary to follow some guidelines to increase the chances of a quick pregnancy.
It is fully proven that doing some sport like swimming during pregnancy is beneficial in all aspects.
We want to talk to you about infertility, which affects women and men. The different types that there are, some treatments and insemination methods.
Babies in blankets is a very special birth and some judge it as unique and magical, discover why this event occurs.
It is normal for you to feel nervous before delivery, but it is very important that you learn to control it before it is time to give birth.
We will answer you where fertilization occurs, when is the best moment, the process, the mechanisms, the time after intercourse and other questions.
What do we understand by parent, what are their duties and rights, there are different types of parents. We help you solve these questions.
A pregnant woman should follow the same healthy diet as one who is not. But your doctor may recommend some food supplements.
Knowing this reserve in a precise way can help a woman to know at what age of her life she is most fertile and contains the most oocytes.
You just heard the happy news that you are going to be a mom. In Mothers On you can find original ways to tell your grandparents that you are pregnant.
Are there differences between boy and girl ultrasounds? Yes there are. Here we show you what techniques the experts use to differentiate it.
In the childbirth classes you will learn important things like controlling your breathing or recognizing when to go to the hospital.
For a future mother, it is good that she knows how to diagnose what are the symptoms of premature birth. Learn to know how to know to differentiate them.
Some pregnancy symptoms are very evident after a few weeks, but in the first days you can also notice clear signs.
Women who want to be mothers later in life can do so for different reasons and with egg freezing.
Many pregnant women suffer from depression throughout the gestation process and after giving birth to their baby.
What are the symptoms the day before delivery? In the days leading up to it, the body prepares to give birth and a set of symptoms appear. Pay attention!
The role of the maternal grandmother during pregnancy makes her count as a very important social support for her own daughter and her future baby.
Taking original photos in pregnancy is a very interesting proposal to unleash your imagination. Find out what you can do in this article.
Are you already a mom and pregnant? Surely taking care of your oldest child worries you as much as thinking about the next one. We help you manage the situation.
The breastfeeding pillow is one of the best alternatives to facilitate milk intake with the baby. Here we suggest how to choose the best in the market.
If you are pregnant in time of Coronavirus, it is normal for you to feel certain concerns about your visits to the doctor, what should you take into account?
If you are about to begin your postpartum recovery, there are a few things to keep in mind. Don't be in a hurry, enjoy this new stage first and foremost.
If you haven't gotten pregnant yet, don't get hung up on it. Consult a specialist to rule out causes and be closer to the solution.
Being pregnant in the summer can be very uncomfortable, that's why we offer you these style tips to achieve pregnant looks for the summer.
Do not miss these tips to choose the best look for pregnant women, because being healthy does not mean losing your style.
It is very important that you do not stop exercising at home during the coronavirus quarantine, especially if you are pregnant.
Labor contractions are an indication that the baby may be about to be born. In Mothers Today we explain how to differentiate them at all times.
Feeling your baby for the first time is a unique and pleasant sensation. Find out when is the first time you can feel it inside your belly.
There are days when you notice that your baby moves less, it may be because he is more relaxed, because delivery is approaching or for other reasons. We explain which ones.
Keeping a pregnancy journal is a great idea if you are in good hope. You will create a beautiful memory that will accompany you throughout your life.
A woman is fertile when she starts having her first period, but this fertility decreases with age. Here we analyze why.
If you are pregnant and notice a small rhythmic movement, it is because the baby turns out to have fetal hiccups. Here are some tips on why it occurs.
The birth of a baby is long and painful for the mother since the baby must leave the uterus and go through the vagina to reach the outside.
Deciding to expand the family is always an important step in the life of a couple, but it is not always easy….
It is quite frequent and common for these migraines to occur in women who have periods or who are pregnant.
The yolk sac is a sac-like structure that is responsible for transporting nutrients to the embryo during pregnancy.
Tiredness is a fairly normal and common symptom throughout pregnancy so there is no need to worry excessively.
Knowing your fertile days or improving your diet can help you improve your fertility and thus, get pregnant faster.
Once the menopause is over, a natural pregnancy is not possible, but there are other methods. In addition, menopause is a process in which you can stay.
During pregnancy, changes occur in the body that help produce urine infection. You have to go to the doctor for proper treatment.
It is not good to lead a stressful life while a woman is pregnant because it can have a negative impact on the health of the fetus
Discover some curiosities about the weeks of pregnancy, surely you will love to know how your baby develops until the moment of birth.
Do you want to know how many weeks a pregnancy lasts? Do not miss this simple explanation that will help you solve all your doubts.
Knowing how many weeks pregnant you are is one of the big questions of any pregnant woman. We propose you gestures online or manually.
Some future mothers decide to adopt the measure of giving birth at home for special reasons, they prefer to have a warm and familiar environment.
Pregnancy at Christmas can have advantages for you, we will tell you some of them so that you can enjoy these holidays even more as a family!
Today on the international day of Human Solidarity we talk about egg donation, have you ever considered being an egg donor?
Falls in pregnancy are a broad problem if the person has not started a good pregnancy and constantly experiences blackouts.
Many times pregnant women have to put up with inappropriate comments, even from completely strangers
Couvade syndrome is a psychological disorder suffered by many men who believe that they are pregnant like their partner.
Don't miss these breastfeeding tips for newbies, because breastfeeding is the best food, a gift for life
Foods rich in folic acid for the diet of pregnant women, a very important vitamin to prevent birth defects in the baby
If you are pregnant, you may want to have more ultrasounds than those indicated on the pregnancy control calendar by the SS
Overcoming an abortion is not easy and it is normal to go through a series of phases in which the couple must accept that they have lost their baby.
Pregnancy care to avoid premature labor: what recommendations can you follow to avoid premature labor?
Next we are going to tell you what happens to a woman's breasts when breastfeeding passes, you will have beautiful breasts again!
The role of grandparents is of great value as it provides very valuable advice. Their role is crucial so that they have a fond memory of them.
Everything you need to know about planned cesarean section: why doctors choose this option, what conditions should be present.
There are many myths surrounding quarantine and postpartum, especially among older women. Generation after ...
To know the probable date of delivery you can follow some calendars and rules. Here we tell you, but do not be overwhelmed, you will know when it is arriving.
During pregnancy a woman's skin can be affected and her behavior results in the appearance of the unwelcome warts.
Cholesterol is important for health, but during pregnancy it is necessary to control the levels to avoid problems in mother and child.
Depression affects between 7 and 13% of pregnant women. Anxiolytics or antidepressants should only be used if there is a clinical indication.
Anemia in pregnancy is very common. We tell you what its symptoms are, why it occurs, its consequences and what is its treatment.
If you are pregnant, you don't have to let anyone touch your belly. You have every right in the world to refuse if you don't want them to.
A baby that develops in the womb of its mother, must be there every day necessary until before birth, the little one will choose when to arrive in the world!
It is not the same for a baby to be born in week 37 as in week 42 of gestation ... Although they are full-term deliveries, they have a big difference.
Find out if the fourth trimester of pregnancy exists and what we mean when we refer to this stage of motherhood.
Pregnant women can have a pilonidal cyst, which is why it is necessary to seek the appropriate treatment so as not to harm either the mother or the child.
When you find out that two babies are coming, your heart skips a beat. Not only will you have a baby…! But…
A teenage pregnancy has its fears, intense emotions, and worries. We tell you what to do if you are living in this situation.
Much is said about folic acid in pregnancy. Today we tell you its main functions and when it is convenient to start taking it.
Hormones are very important during pregnancy. Let's look at the effects of progesterone on pregnancy and its role.
Pregnancy is a time of emotion and doubt. Today we talk about the probability that your baby has Down syndrome and the diagnostic tests.
If you are pregnant it is possible that you are confused about how long you have been pregnant and how many weeks or months are in total ... we clarify it!
Many women dream of the possibility of having a birth at home, in a much warmer, more welcoming and…
A pregnancy test will help us to know if we are pregnant or not after a delay. We tell you what they measure, and when and how to do it.
The ovular membranes are made up of the amnion, which contains the amniotic fluid and houses the fetus during pregnancy and the chorio.
Premature rupture of membranes can be dangerous if it occurs too early, as the amniotic fluid is progressively lost
Today, August 15, World Relaxation Day is commemorated. Do not miss these relaxation techniques for pregnant women.
Polyhydramnios or hydramnios is a condition of the amniotic fluid that can cause various complications in pregnancy
Today we are talking about a reproduction technique that raises a lot of controversy: surrogacy. We tell you everything about her.
If you are pregnant and have reached the third trimester, you will be interested in knowing what is the best position to sleep. You will be able to rest!
Pregnancy is a great physical and emotional change for women, and in many cases, it produces a series of ...
Ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy is one that is gestated outside the uterine cavity. That is, in a pregnancy ...
Gastroenteritis is usually not serious, but during pregnancy its symptoms can be exacerbated. Find out how to treat it.
Tardyferon is an iron supplement that many women must take during pregnancy, usually when they have anemia.
Colloquially we distinguish twins and twins, triplets ... They are actually monozygotic and dizygotic twins, do you want to know if this is inherited?
Tea during pregnancy can be dangerous for both the expectant mother and the baby. Although there are infusions and teas that you can drink
Calcium is essential during pregnancy, since it is in charge of creating the baby's teeth and bones, but is diet enough?
One of the doubts if we have to go through a pregnancy in summer is whether we can sunbathe pregnant. Today we tell you if you can or not.
During pregnancy it is important that we take care of our health even more. Today we tell you some tips to prevent gestational diabetes.
We tell you some postures to breastfeed, because there is no single position for all mother-child pairs. Everyone must adapt.
Care in the first weeks of pregnancy is essential for it to develop normally. In many cases,…
When will I have my period again after pregnancy? This is a very frequent question among pregnant women and ...
The first pregnancy test is essential to check that everything is going normally, both for the mother and the baby.
If you are pregnant and you want to protect yourself from mosquitoes, then it is important that you keep in mind the following that we are going to explain to you.
Preterm labor happens before 37 weeks and can bring complications. We tell you the symptoms of risk of premature birth and what to do.
Can I exercise while pregnant? Today we clarify your doubts about whether you can exercise in your state and which ones are the best.
Food plays a fundamental role in the development of the fetus, therefore, pregnant women should follow the foot ...
Congratulations! You are pregnant! We want to give you some ideas of what is going to happen in the first trimester, the most important for you and your body.
The weight of the baby is one of the concerns of parents during pregnancy. We tell you how much a baby should weigh at birth and what factors influence it.
Weight in pregnancy is something that worries many women. We tell you how much it is normal to gain weight and when to worry.
5-10% of pregnancies are premature deliveries. We tell you its risk factors, its possible complications and how to prevent it.
The miracle of life brings a series of changes in perfect sync. Today we talk about how organs move during pregnancy.
A twin pregnancy gives a lot of happiness but it also brings many doubts. Today we talk about everything you need to know about twin birth.
Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but stress can affect us negatively. We tell you how to control nerves in pregnancy.
If you are reading this article, you want to hide your pregnancy, whatever it is. We give you some tips to hide these changes in your body.
The placenta is vital for the fetus to grow healthy. We are talking about the placental infarction that puts the placenta and also the baby at risk.
Intrauterine insemination is the simplest reproductive technique that exists. We tell you what it is and what it consists of.
During pregnancy we may notice certain discomforts. Today we tell you which discomforts in pregnancy are normal and which are not.
One of the most commonly used techniques to achieve pregnancy is artificial insemination. We tell you what it is and how it is done.
We all know the harmful effects of tobacco. Today we tell you how smoking during pregnancy affects your body and your baby.
Postpartum is an unknown stage for most future mothers, not only for new mothers, but for ...
Hydramnios is a pregnancy condition that occurs when there is excess amniotic fluid. The causes can be very diverse, mild and serious
Insomnia is a fairly common disorder during pregnancy. We tell you what its causes are and how you can avoid it.
During pregnancy, the woman can follow a pregnant exercise routine, comply with certain recommendations and not continue when there are complications.
Normally the fertilized egg nests in the uterus, but sometimes it does so in a different place. This is known as an ectopic pregnancy.
If you are passionate about herbal teas and you are pregnant, you should know that there are many varieties that are not recommended ...
Being pregnant is not an impediment to being beautiful, elegant and stylish. Today you can find ideal clothes ...
The moment you find out that you are pregnant is usually one of the most special in life ...
Have you heard of the cotyledons of the placenta and don't know what they are? We explain their function, how many there are usually and everything you need to know.
During pregnancy there are many changes in the woman's body, necessary so that she can give herself ...
Unfortunately, not all pregnancies follow their natural path. Today we talk about chronic ectopic pregnancy and what it consists of.
The marked pain in the joints is one of the usual discomforts in a pregnant woman.
After the delivery comes a new adventure for the new mother, the physical and emotional recovery that everyone has meant ...
Kidney pain is one of the symptoms that most women share, it is a very common discomfort ...
Placental abruption in childbirth has different degrees of importance that affect mother and child.
Our chest is where the changes that occur with pregnancy can be seen before. Today we tell you the changes of the breast in pregnancy.
Different causes can lead to fainting in pregnancy, hormonal changes are the main cause, but there are other reasons
Already in the first weeks we can notice the first symptoms of pregnancy. Today we tell you how to know if you are pregnant.
How can you be sure if you are leaking amniotic fluid, and if so, what can happen to your baby? Here are all the answers.
Have you heard of placental abruption? Here we tell you what it is, all its symptoms, risk factors, and treatment.
Prenatal care refers to the period that goes, from the search for pregnancy, until the moment of delivery. It is…
Getting a pregnancy is not always easy, so today we will talk about how to have a better chance of conceiving a baby.
With an ultrasound, it is detected if you have a twin pregnancy, although there are clues that can help you know if you are pregnant with twins.
Mothers who have already gone through a premature birth may be suffering in case in the future they also go through it again ... can it be prevented?
One of the most common questions that invade the thoughts of a pregnant woman, is to know when she is in labor. In this article some will be given. There are certain indications that allow us to know that the woman is in labor.
Amniotic fluid is an essential substance for a normal pregnancy to develop. Approximately 15 days ...
Pregnancy involves a series of great physical and emotional changes in the pregnant woman. Since the early days of ...
Do you really know what the difference is between the zygote and the embryo? If you answered no, don't worry ...
Mood swings are normal during pregnancy. Find out why mood swings occur during pregnancy.
Amniotic fluid is a fundamental substance for the baby to survive inside the mother's womb. This fluid is ...
Many of the terms that are used to talk about reproduction are confused and even unknown to many people. Usually,…
The development of pregnancy produces different changes both physically and emotionally, in the pregnant woman. Exist…
Pregnancy produces a series of physical changes in the woman's body, which also cause many discomforts, ...
The consumption of coffee in pregnancy carries a series of risks, both for the baby and for the pregnant woman. What are the dangers of coffee?
A pregnancy is wonderful news that you will want to share with others. We give you some ideas on how to communicate that you are pregnant.
Delayed intrauterine growth occurs when, for various reasons, the development of the fetus does not occur with the rhythm ...
We explain the importance of keeping your friends during the motherhood stage, they are your guide, your best company when there is no light.
During pregnancy all care and attention is directed to the mother. Let's see how to involve the role of father during pregnancy.
Pilates has come to our lives to stay, for some years, millions of women around the world ...
Pregnancy is one of the most special stages that a woman can live, but this does not mean that being ...
Pregnancy is a magical time but very stressful on a physical and emotional level. We tell you the benefits of massages for pregnant women.
Much is said and little is known about mindfulness. Today we tell you what it is and what are the benefits of mindfulness during pregnancy.
The placenta is a vital organ for pregnancy, it is the connection between mother and baby already ...
Throughout your pregnancy, you will notice how your vaginal discharge will change. In most ...
There are many misconceptions and myths surrounding fertility. Today we are talking about 10 things you should know about fertility.
Following a good, varied, balanced and healthy diet is essential in any pregnancy. Everything that a pregnant woman consumes, ...
Many women suffer from vaginal yeast infection during their pregnancy, as it is a very common infection. Find out how you can prevent it
There are many myths surrounding assisted reproductive techniques. Here we tell you if the best known myths are true or false.
Many women suffer from hemorrhoids after giving birth, although being such a sensitive and personal issue, few ...
The books for pregnant women will help you solve many of the doubts that you will surely have. The offer is very wide so here you have a selection
Delivery is part of the birthing process, we explain what exactly it consists of and what function it has in the birthing process
Being overweight during pregnancy is not recommended and can even be dangerous. Since it can be ...
Pregnancy is surrounded by magic, the whole process from conception to delivery. The pregnant woman ...
More and more couples have to access assisted reproductive techniques. Today we tell you the phases of in vitro fertilization.
We see it so normal that we are not aware of the miracle that occurs in each pregnancy. Let's look at fertilization step by step.
Atopic dermatitis is a skin disorder that mostly affects children. We tell you about the care for atopic dermatitis in children.
There is no talk of the B-side of motherhood. Today we want to tell you everything that they have not told you about the postpartum to be aware of that part.
Many of the terms that surround pregnancy are unknown to those who have not yet experienced one. Not…
Many are the women who have to undergo a cesarean section, either scheduled or emergency and for ...
A pregnancy brings with it important physical and emotional changes. We leave you some tips for sadness during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, a series of physical and emotional changes take place in a woman's body. They are…
During pregnancy, it is very important that you maintain a healthy and varied diet, which includes foods that provide you ...
Pregnancy is the best time to start taking care of yourself, eliminate some unhealthy habits, and introduce good habits. On…
February 14 is approaching and you may not know what to give your pregnant wife. We give you Valentine's gift ideas for pregnant women.
Pregnancy is a challenge for women, since it is a period full of important physical changes ...
Sometimes there is no other way to be parents than to use a donor, which raises doubts about having children without a genetic load. Today we will talk about this.
Rest during pregnancy can be tedious and worrying. We advise you on how to cope with rest during pregnancy.
Pregnancy is surrounded by a large number of myths and legends, stories that over the years have ...
The woman's body undergoes a series of physical and emotional changes during pregnancy. Although it is impossible ...
Pregnancy involves a series of great physical changes, to which you have no choice but to get used to. In some…
During pregnancy it is very important to take care of yourself, both so that your baby grows and develops correctly, and to keep you ...
Each woman experiences each pregnancy in a different way. We leave you the most common first symptoms of pregnancy that women usually have.
You may not carry your baby in your womb, but there are many things you can do for your pregnant partner to get involved.
Thanks to assisted reproductive techniques, many couples in the world have been able to fulfill their dream of being parents….
There are many factors that can condition the search for a pregnancy, economic factors or stability in the couple, they are ...
In the past, women gave birth in an upright position, a natural posture that favored the birth of the baby. There are numerous ...
There are as many types of childbirth as there are women who give birth. No two births are the same even if they come from the ...
Two babies are coming! A pregnancy with twins or twins is a double illusion. We leave you some interesting details about these pregnancies.
There are many myths and legends surrounding pets and possible complications during pregnancy. The truth is…
A multiple pregnancy brings surprise, excitement, and doubts. We explain the care you should take during a multiple pregnancy.
During pregnancy, it is very normal for women to feel many doubts and uncertainty on many occasions. Especially…
The birthing process is very long and for most women, completely unknown. Usually when ...
Having a risky pregnancy is scary. We explain that it is a risk pregnancy and that it differentiates it from a normal pregnancy.
When a woman decides to seek pregnancy, hundreds of doubts and fears often arise about it. The uncertainty of knowing ...
The babymoon is a fashion that has come to stay. Do not miss everything you have to know about the babymoon.
Much is said about the physical changes of pregnancy and little about the mental changes. Find out how pregnancy affects a woman's brain.
If you are pregnant, it is more than likely that your midwife or the doctor who follows your pregnancy, will have insisted ...
During Christmas, it is essential that pregnant women increase precautions in terms of diet and good healthy habits
Most children with HIV got it from their mothers. Let's see how you can prevent transmission of HIV from mother to baby.
Induced labor is carried out in different circumstances to prevent the baby from being at risk if labor does not occur spontaneously
If you are pregnant and have epilepsy, it is important that you take certain care to carry a healthy pregnancy and reduce the risks
Pregnancy is a wonderful time but it has discomfort. We leave you tips to alleviate the main discomforts of pregnancy.
A childbirth is something magical but it does not always go as one would like. We leave you everything you need to know about cesarean section.
Amniocentesis is an invasive prenatal test performed on some pregnant women. Find out what this test is for and what exactly it consists of
Uterine prolapse is a problem that affects almost half of women, during pregnancy or after childbirth.
Pregnancy brings with it a series of changes in our body and doubts. We leave you information if you are pregnant and have diabetes.
Gestational diabetes is a disorder that can appear during pregnancy. Prevention is essential in many cases to prevent it
Low sperm counts can make pregnancy difficult. We give you some tips to improve sperm count.
Discover two delicious and perfect recipes to help underweight pregnant women improve their health in a healthy and nutritious way
Low weight during pregnancy can have very negative consequences, both for the mother and for the baby's development
Surely you have read or heard it on many occasions and the meaning has not been clear to you. We explain what a rainbow baby is.
The thyroid is a gland that produces hormones necessary for the placenta to form, in addition to intervening in the growth process
If you haven't conceived for a long time and you've finally gotten pregnant, here are 5 things that no one has told you before and that you should know.
Miscarriage can be caused by different reasons, in some cases by the development of the embryo, but there are other factors as well.
Many ingredients present in body care creams, it is totally discouraged during pregnancy, discover what they are
Osteoporosis is a chronic disease that mainly affects women, with 3 simple steps you can prevent its appearance
Teas and infusions are part of the routine of many people, although not all plants are recommended during pregnancy
It is possible to differentiate between twins and twins, long before they are even born. Find out how you can find out
There are some lies or myths about ovulation that you should know. Only in this way will you know how to recognize what it is ...
Do you want to have a nice memory of your pregnancy? Discover how to make a mold of your belly and get a totally personalized memory.
There are more and more cases of infertility. Find out what are the 7 requirements for assisted reproduction by Social Security.
It is possible, despite detractors, to improve the neural connections of the fetus. After different techniques or prenatal stimuli it can be favored The mother can stimulate and favor the emotional and sensory development of her child while still in her belly. The mother will benefit you in the short term.
Blood incompatibility is a serious problem that can hinder the possibility of pregnancy, in addition to seriously damaging the fetus
Each woman has an idea of how she would like the time of delivery to be. Find out what the birth plan is and what it is for.
Many women feel the desire to be a mother due to contagion from other pregnant women in their environment, discover what this contagion consists of
Testing during pregnancy can cause anxiety. Find out what the diagnostic tests are during pregnancy.