Baby puts his finger in his mouth suffering from pain due to the emergence of a tooth.

How to know if my baby is teething

Being parents of a baby implies detecting discomfort that he cannot clear up. One of the stages that parents fear the most is teething. In Certain symptoms and behaviors of the baby indicate that he has discomfort or restlessness due to the emergence of his first teeth.

Pregnant woman breathes while touching her tummy.

How to know if I am in labor

One of the most common questions that invade the thoughts of a pregnant woman, is to know when she is in labor. In this article some will be given. There are certain indications that allow us to know that the woman is in labor.

study better children

How to make a child study

Many parents worry about their children's studies. Today we will talk about how to make a child study and be more motivated.

colorful bicycle

The first bicycle

The first bicycle can mark our childhood. Learn about the benefits of cycling here and the importance of your first bike.

What is hidden behind a kiss?

Behind a kiss many things can hide, we tell you from the benefits to the risks, going through the true meaning of a kiss.

Family in the field celebrating Easter

5 family plans to enjoy Holy Week

We are in Holy Week, the most important period for the Christian Community. But we are also in the middle of the holiday period, where ...

lies children

When children learn to lie

The ability to lie is something that is learned little by little. Today we tell you when children learn to lie and why.

friendship children

The value of friends in motherhood

We explain the importance of keeping your friends during the motherhood stage, they are your guide, your best company when there is no light.

nightmares in mothers

Difference between nightmares and night terrors

Sometimes it is difficult for us to differentiate between a terrible nightmare and a disorder such as night terrors, today we explain the difference between these and give you guidelines to control them.

Children playing with balloons

4 balloon games for kids

What kid doesn't like to play with balloons? Balloons offer hundreds of different ways to entertain ...

pregnant massages

Pregnant massages

Pregnancy is a magical time but very stressful on a physical and emotional level. We tell you the benefits of massages for pregnant women.

stop gender violence

Women and abuse; the influence of sexist education

A sexist education is one that makes a differentiation for reasons of sex or gender. We tell you about its relationship with the rise in rates of gender violence and the importance of your children growing up in an education that advocates freedom and equality.

Dream Catcher

Recover your identity after motherhood

Being a mother changes you, there are new responsibilities, you have to adapt. We explain why it is necessary for you to recover your identity and face the change.

stories love brothers

The value of a brother

No matter how much you argue with your brother, it is one of the greatest riches we have in life. Discover with us the real value that a brother has in life.

Books for pregnant women

The 5 best books for pregnant women

The books for pregnant women will help you solve many of the doubts that you will surely have. The offer is very wide so here you have a selection

Girls made up after face painting.

Children's parties for carnival

Children love to dress up and dance, sing. Having a great time is a priority, so they are happy if all these activities come together. The At carnival you can attend or organize children's parties where parents and children enjoy and carry out various activities.


Step-by-step fertilization

We see it so normal that we are not aware of the miracle that occurs in each pregnancy. Let's look at fertilization step by step.

Girls dressed up for Carnival

Carnival story for children

Discover this beautiful Carnival tale, with which children can learn a little more about these traditional festivals

baby who walks

Your baby starts walking!

If your baby is beginning to walk, it is normal for you to feel happy and excited, but worries can also begin ...

sequelae abandonment of children

Aftermath of abandonment in childhood

Abandonment in childhood produces a series of indelible consequences in children. Let's see what they are and what are their effects on their development.

Mother with happy baby

Time to think ... for parents

Fathers and mothers also need time to think ... to disconnect and connect with themselves ... It is essential for good parenting!

first pregnancy symptoms

The first symptoms of pregnancy

Each woman experiences each pregnancy in a different way. We leave you the most common first symptoms of pregnancy that women usually have.

spoil children

Risks of spoiling children

Giving our children everything at all times is spoiling them. Do not miss the risks of spoiling children and what are its results.

Pregnant in labor

The best postures to give birth

In the past, women gave birth in an upright position, a natural posture that favored the birth of the baby. There are numerous ...

twins or twins pregnancy

Pregnancy of twins or twins

Two babies are coming! A pregnancy with twins or twins is a double illusion. We leave you some interesting details about these pregnancies.

risk pregnancy

What is a risk pregnancy?

Having a risky pregnancy is scary. We explain that it is a risk pregnancy and that it differentiates it from a normal pregnancy.


What is the babymoon?

The babymoon is a fashion that has come to stay. Do not miss everything you have to know about the babymoon.

milestones baby

Big baby milestones

Babies grow very fast, and every little great achievement is looked forward to. Let's see what are the great milestones of the baby.

Working human rights at home

It is important that parents educate their children from a young age in values ​​that forge characteristics of a noble human being who empathizes and helps when working on human rights with children must start from home with daily actions from parents, stories with morals and examples transferred to your world.

Mother and daughter play and watch stories.

Is it normal for my child not to play alone?

Many parents look for moments of solitude or somewhat difficult rest with a child at home, especially if they do not play alone. The child who is looking for a companion of The child needs to play with his parents, however it is necessary to promote his autonomy and motivate him to play alone.

Pregnant woman ready to give birth

What is induced labor?

Induced labor is carried out in different circumstances to prevent the baby from being at risk if labor does not occur spontaneously

Child is distracted by playing with different colored tiles.

6 activities to enhance the child's memory

Memory is not only important to remember the subject of study, it is important for everyday life. As a child grows, his ability to assimilate and memory is important for daily learning at school and at home. It is important to promote memory with activities and games.

Children play, with their different uniforms, at school.

No to the compulsory school skirt in Galicia

  A few days ago a proposal by the group En Marea in Galicia was unanimously approved that prohibits the obligation to wear a skirt in schools The non-obligatory proposal to wear a skirt for the girl in the educational center for the year 2018-1019 was approved in Galicia .

family television

Young children and television

It is possible that one day you will use television as a babysitter ... From time to time it is normal, but be careful with using it too much ... your children need you!

Television and family

Television sometimes becomes another member of the family nucleus. Television also shows and instructs, it is convenient to know how to watch Television is an instrument that the family must know how to use. It can be fun and teach, but it can also hurt when you don't know how to interpret.


Aftermath of overprotection

There is a difference between protecting and overprotecting. Find out the differences and consequences of being overprotective with children.

Children washing dishes

Task chart for kids

To promote the autonomy and independence of children, it is important that they do some age-appropriate tasks at home

Mother scolds her son for his bad behavior.

What not to do when a child is scolded

The child has certain behaviors that as parents must be reprimanded and modified. Scolding the child is normal and this is intended to improve a child needs limits and rules. When you scold you are educated, but within coherence and without physical or emotional damage.

rainbow baby

What is a rainbow baby?

Surely you have read or heard it on many occasions and the meaning has not been clear to you. We explain what a rainbow baby is.

Woman after miscarriage

The main causes of miscarriage

Miscarriage can be caused by different reasons, in some cases by the development of the embryo, but there are other factors as well.

Castle in the dark surrounded by terrifying elements.

Halloween: Scary fun night for the little ones

Despite the fact that evildoers are reborn on Halloween night, zombies appear that roam the streets and call diabolical dolls at the door, the children Halloween, the party of terror that every day has more place in Spain, is a party where children in disguise they can have fun and do mischief.

Outdoor activities with children ¡Hola mamás! ¿ Que tal lleváis la entrada del otoño? Nosotras volvemos a proponeros actividades con La familia Pig se va de excursión nocturna a ver las estrellas ¡conseguirán ver alguna estrella fugaz y pedirle un deseo?

Boy drags his own rolling suitcase through the airport.

The fashion of the children's suitcase with wheels

A few years ago it was unthinkable that a small child could easily carry their own travel suitcase with wheels. Let's talk about the recent The child can use the children's suitcase on wheels and learn certain social skills, autonomy and responsibility.

Child mired in the poverty of his home completes an exercise book.

Measures to help poor families with children from school

There are conditions that affect the educational environment in children. From the school, measures can be proposed to stop them and prevent further damage. A Child poverty must also be tackled at school and measures proposed. It is necessary to ensure the emotional and intellectual stability of the child.

6 years

6 years, age of change

The 6 years is considered the crisis of childhood adolescence. Find out what the changes and tips are for 6-year-olds.

newborn curiosities

Newborn curiosities

Babies are adorable, cuddly, and full of curiosities. Do not miss these curiosities of the newborns that you may not know.

Girl worried about having peed.

The boy pees himself again

Parents are often frustrated when their child succeeds in peeing on the potty again. Sometimes it is difficult to guess the The child who managed to remove the diaper is again peeing. It is part of development and should be approached as continuous and constant learning.