Edutubers, the most interesting education channels
Edutubers, are the YouTube education channels, now it is a source of training to share interesting content in a didactic and motivating way.
Edutubers, are the YouTube education channels, now it is a source of training to share interesting content in a didactic and motivating way.
Having a cat at home as a pet has great health benefits. Although it may not seem like it, we can surround ourselves with his affectionate gestures and his purr
Emotion or emotions, when intense, are a brilliant opportunity to teach children intimacy and feelings.
A delay in the period can be an indication of a possible cause of pregnancy, especially if measures have not been taken to avoid it.
Tiredness is a fairly normal and common symptom throughout pregnancy so there is no need to worry excessively.
When your children have to do something, whatever it is, look at the process and not so much at the result ... They will automatically improve!
Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish woman leading the protests against climate change, with Asperger syndrome, has popularized the disorder, is it good or not?
Knowing your fertile days or improving your diet can help you improve your fertility and thus, get pregnant faster.
Once the menopause is over, a natural pregnancy is not possible, but there are other methods. In addition, menopause is a process in which you can stay.
Communicating with your teenager can be tricky, but you need to acknowledge whether he is angry or not ...
It is one of the doubts that we have always raised. It has always been talked about, at what age do girls grow up, it is undoubtedly a great debate
During pregnancy, changes occur in the body that help produce urine infection. You have to go to the doctor for proper treatment.
Children's tractors are guaranteed fun so that the boy or girl can ride and recreate as in a real tractor
Sex education lasts a lifetime, but parents are responsible for talking to their children about intimacy, love, identity, and healthy sex.
Love is a feeling that fills us with strength, and Valentine's Day is the ideal time to be able to talk about this topic.
We must make our future generation aware of what is happening on our planet. Children must be taught to take care of the environment.
We tell you some data and names of important women scientists, without whom great discoveries would not have been made.
In Spain there is conventional education, but there are also alternative teaching methods, the best known are Kumon, Montessori, Waldorf and Doman.
Teaching a child to cook should be part of their education. So that they can eat healthy without parental supervision.
Knowing the tools to detect whether a student is susceptible to dropping out is essential to prevent it. We give you some clues.
It is not good to lead a stressful life while a woman is pregnant because it can have a negative impact on the health of the fetus
Babies dispense with us to shelter them and cope with their first needs. Within its development, introducing the game is very important.
Sudoku for children are much simpler, they are much simpler games where the number of cells will be between 4x4 or 6x6 cells.
If you are thinking about your next vacation plans with children, do not miss these ideas that will surely help you plan your vacation.
The baby when it is born is not able to distinguish colors and it is not until 18 months of age when it begins to distinguish them
Dictations are very useful for elementary school children who are learning to write. It helps them improve their spelling and grammar.
It is important that from a young age we are curious about the lives of the characters, because they marked history with their actions.
Discover some curiosities about the weeks of pregnancy, surely you will love to know how your baby develops until the moment of birth.
Learning to read is quite an adventure in the learning stage. Some children may find it difficult to undertake this initiative, here we help you with index cards.
Do you want to know how many weeks a pregnancy lasts? Do not miss this simple explanation that will help you solve all your doubts.
The term gifted is used to refer to those people who have intelligence far above the average of others.
Making a family tree with the children is to help them understand in a graphic way how close others are to them.
Misofibia is one of the lesser known phobias and can cause the person to isolate themselves from the world around them due to their fear of dirt.
The 5-month-old stage is another small period that you should not miss as your child grows, they are advancing in their skills.
Knowing how many weeks pregnant you are is one of the big questions of any pregnant woman. We propose you gestures online or manually.
The walker is nothing more than a seat supported on wheels that allows the baby to sit or walk without the danger of falling to the ground.
The role of creativity in childhood is essential to promote good development in all children ... creativity can be learned!
Do you know Pippi Långstrump, better known as Pipi Longhunter? If you are thinking about what values Pipi Longhunter teaches your children, this is your post.
Positive discipline is learning. It is using tools that help adults understand inappropriate behavior in children, and improve them.
It is rare the child who does not enjoy when they read a story and it is that they help the little ones to use their imagination
Crying is an emotional response to a situation of stress or suffering. We must give importance to crying to the children, they do not have to hold back.
Los Payasos de la Tele is a circus show company that has accompanied many of the Spanish of the last century in our growth.
If you are a teacher, you have in your classroom the children of many fathers and mothers ... They are your students and they deserve to be better as teachers.
Raising a child is not a simple and easy task and there are times when you have to arm yourself with a lot of patience so as not to end up riding a Christ.
If you want your children to learn to do household chores well, you need to accept that they will be imperfect at first ...
If you try to motivate your child by all means but it does not work, we will tell you what is the secret to achieve it. It will work!
Childhood is the stage of life that goes from the birth of the baby to the child's own maturity in which he becomes an adolescent.
The UN recognizes the Rights of the Child, which can be summarized in that the child has the right to be a child. We teach you how to work by playing these values.
Children are very curious and within their learning is the novelty of wanting to learn their solar system because it can be very fun
Order toys and you will avoid having too much accumulation in the house of toys that no longer serve your children ... We explain how.
Love is a feeling and a pure and tender value that children and adults should receive at all times throughout life.
Explaining what love is is not easy, but sometimes children manage to express in a simpler way this complex feeling for adults.
There are some problems that children can have in their academic years that cause their performance to be inadequate.
A joke is a short oral and written narrative that mainly encourages laughter, as it is humorous and funny.
Your children's grades are simply a number ... What needs to be reinforced in their academic learning is effort, grades only provide guidance.
Formalizing a family with more new members is a very common theme in many houses, combined families make a new agreement between stepbrothers.
Cooperative games between boys and girls encourage self-improvement and effort in a healthy way, without competing with each other.
Does the order of birth in children have something to do with their personality as they grow up? We tell you some curiosities.
Mothers are women and therefore we have a lot in common. It is important that we are aware of this to support ourselves rather than destroy ourselves.
A separation between parents is not something pleasant for a family with children in between, it is the circumstances that decline to reach this situation.
Singing or humming lullabies to babies to calm them is almost intuitive. All the mothers in the world do. Find out why and its benefits.
Some future mothers decide to adopt the measure of giving birth at home for special reasons, they prefer to have a warm and familiar environment.
Pregnancy at Christmas can have advantages for you, we will tell you some of them so that you can enjoy these holidays even more as a family!
A selection of Christmas movies to watch as a family during Christmas time. A great way to spend an afternoon with the children
Today on the international day of Human Solidarity we talk about egg donation, have you ever considered being an egg donor?
The resentment is a negative feeling that causes the person to feel anger, anger or envy in front of the behavior of another person.
Among the doubts of these festivities is how to travel to parties with the family and at the same time save, what destination to choose and agree to all.
All emigrants regardless of their ethnic, cultural, religious origin, are holders of civil, political, social and cultural rights.
Childhood egocentricity occurs around two or three years of age and because of it, the child is believed to be the center of everything.
The invisible friend is a fun way to spend a happy moment with a group of children and classmates. Empathy is combined between the participants.
If you are about to complete your year of life, perhaps you are already trying to position yourself naturally in taking your first steps, helping you is very vital.
Today is International Television Day for Children, for the media to give creative, interesting and educational programs.
Children should learn to cook as it is an activity that allows them to fire their imagination, calms them down and is a lifelong task.
An only child can be raised just as well as if he had siblings, he can learn the values the same if you teach them.
Decorating the door at Christmas will be a fun way to spend time with your children, do not miss these beautiful ideas that children will adore
What is school apathy? Why does this problem occur in schools? It is about an absolute disinterest of children and adolescents in learning.
The baccalaureate is the fundamental part to be able to finish Secondary Education, its purpose is to give training to another level to the students.
As children grow up they gain skills that help them to reason their ideas much better, which is why they have the ability to lie.
Over-responsibility is a common cause of pressure for children. It was assessed that 10% of the child population suffered from stress.
Falls in pregnancy are a broad problem if the person has not started a good pregnancy and constantly experiences blackouts.
Educating at home, or homeschooling, is a little known alternative that is not usually practiced in Spain, but it is very popular in other countries.
Society is aware that bullying is a reality. Many children suffer bullying, abuse, ...
There are hundreds of methods to get your child to sleep alone, or do it for the first time, but the most important thing is how firm you are.
It is a therapy based on the use of music to be used to benefit the mental and physical health of disabled children.
Being optimistic is a quality that can be learned, so we can educate children and adolescents to learn to be people full of optimism.
The Constitution Bridge is literally around the corner. It is one of the bridges ...
The best part of autumn has arrived, the one that welcomes Christmas and allows you to make fun plans ...
Family photos are precious reminders of how the family changes and grows from time to time. Especially in the ...
Many times pregnant women have to put up with inappropriate comments, even from completely strangers
Couvade syndrome is a psychological disorder suffered by many men who believe that they are pregnant like their partner.
Don't miss these breastfeeding tips for newbies, because breastfeeding is the best food, a gift for life
Why do babies use pacifiers? Although not all babies use it, the vast majority do. We tell you why it is beneficial in some cases.
Do you want to play with clay? It is a great activity for children and adults and a very noble material to have fun without making a lot of dirt in the house.
If you want your baby to gradually learn to put down the pacifier, do it firmly but naturally. We tell you how ...
One of the most important moments for a child is when he begins to say his first words and to speak to communicate.
Foods rich in folic acid for the diet of pregnant women, a very important vitamin to prevent birth defects in the baby
Why is my child taking off his diaper? Are you ready to put down the diapers? There are several indicators that can help reveal the answer.
If you are pregnant, you may want to have more ultrasounds than those indicated on the pregnancy control calendar by the SS
Lack of motivation is one of the great problems that thousands of adolescents face today. As a father you must help your son
Overcoming an abortion is not easy and it is normal to go through a series of phases in which the couple must accept that they have lost their baby.
Intellectual disability in children is the difficulty in the development of learning, communication and problem solving.
Developing empathy is necessary for any child and adult. It is essential for good coexistence between people in society.
We can start with philosophy at any age. Of course, you have to teach how to think while playing, in a fun and entertaining way.
Humility is a good that is born of oneself, it is an experienced good that is born from the attitude of each one, it is felt and thought with greater depth.
Dyslexia is a disorder that affects language and that will cause the child to have serious problems in learning to read and write
Problems when speaking in children are more common than you think, which is why it is important to go to a speech therapist.
Watching series is a challenge to overcome adolescence as such a philosophical moment, they help them understand our type of society much better.
Pregnancy care to avoid premature labor: what recommendations can you follow to avoid premature labor?
Organizing a baby party (or Baby Shower) is a perfect idea to get together with your friends and family and ...
A motivating phrase for a teenager can be the key piece to start a new path and set goals in their life, they will help them feel better.
How to teach my child to go to the bathroom? A question that many mothers and fathers ask themselves and to which we give an answer today in order to know the process.
How every November 8 for nine years, today is celebrated the Day of the Bookstores in Spain. A…
Next we are going to tell you what happens to a woman's breasts when breastfeeding passes, you will have beautiful breasts again!
The role of grandparents is of great value as it provides very valuable advice. Their role is crucial so that they have a fond memory of them.
Hobbies are great for keeping kids entertained, and they also help them focus and learn. We tell you the benefits of each one.
Starting school, changing routines and schedules, can stress the child. You have to take care of the details and do not let him be afraid to start school.
Everything you need to know about planned cesarean section: why doctors choose this option, what conditions should be present.
The change from Infant to Primary is a great challenge. For some parents the change will go unnoticed but you have to face this change in a mature way.
Children learn by playing, it becomes an essential task for learning. They develop their cognitive and social-emotional psychomotor skills.
Halloween is a holiday for children with their families, which means spending a scary night, with countless possible plans, but fun at the same time.
There are many myths surrounding quarantine and postpartum, especially among older women. Generation after ...
There are children who know how to drink from a glass but they still continue with their bottle. There are several factors that can be applied to remove it and you have to discover them.
Learning the different parts of the human body is not an easy task for little ones. Children have to ...
Adolescents can be rebellious, but it is influenced by the education they have received and a series of conditions at puberty.
Do you know why your teenager changes his mood over and over again? We help you understand the reasons for mood swings in teens.
To know the probable date of delivery you can follow some calendars and rules. Here we tell you, but do not be overwhelmed, you will know when it is arriving.
Stuttering is a communication disorder and not a language disorder. We explain some exercises that you can practice with your child at home to help him.
During pregnancy a woman's skin can be affected and her behavior results in the appearance of the unwelcome warts.
Emotional dependence can prevent the child from developing adequately in a mature way. Discover the keys to avoid it
The hen, Turuleca, is really crazy …… Who does not remember the lyrics of this song? The Turuleca hen is part of ...
In short, we speak of meaningful learning when the child participates in the way in which he gives meaning to the content. It is the one that is not forgotten.
When your baby smiles at you, it is very important that you smile back! You will feel protected and loved, something essential for your development.
Teenage cell phone use is getting closer to being a serious problem. You have to manage when it is an addiction and how to try to alleviate this danger.
Anger is an emotion. It manifests itself in all people and especially in children. Learn to analyze its causes and how to deal with it.
If you feel that your child is explosive because he has many tantrums, then do not miss these tips to reduce them all.
Emotional connection is essential in positive discipline since people are part of a group and we ...
Childhood apraxia of speech is a disorder in which the brain has difficulty planning and coordinating speech. Know its causes and solutions.
There are some unknown facts about deafness that for parents of deaf children can be very interesting.
There are things that you have to allow your children to do so that in this way they can grow up being happy ... and parents stress less!
Surely children do understand what sarcasm is, everything will depend on the age and psychology of the person so they will have some guidelines to alleviate it.
On the European Day of Languages, we show you two activities to introduce linguistic diversity into your children's routine
Cholesterol is important for health, but during pregnancy it is necessary to control the levels to avoid problems in mother and child.
Depression affects between 7 and 13% of pregnant women. Anxiolytics or antidepressants should only be used if there is a clinical indication.
If you want your children to be happy as adults, make sure that their childhood experiences are wonderful as a family.
Anemia in pregnancy is very common. We tell you what its symptoms are, why it occurs, its consequences and what is its treatment.
Baby Einstein baby videos are very popular, but are they really a good fit for babies? We will tell you.
Know the importance of Sign Language, not only for the deaf community, but also its advantages in communication. Dare to move your hands!
If you are pregnant, you don't have to let anyone touch your belly. You have every right in the world to refuse if you don't want them to.
It is essential that children between 0 and 6 years of age practice memory games to improve their levels of concentration and attention. We propose you some.
A baby that develops in the womb of its mother, must be there every day necessary until before birth, the little one will choose when to arrive in the world!
We will talk about the benefits of origami, which is the Japanese art of folding and unfolding a paper with your hands to form a figure.
Babies are born with flat feet, without a plantar arch, but it is necessary to observe and assess whether it is modified or, on the contrary, treatment will be necessary.
Movies for teens to enjoy a movie session with the family. Three current titles, in which very important topics are dealt with
It is not the same for a baby to be born in week 37 as in week 42 of gestation ... Although they are full-term deliveries, they have a big difference.
Find out if the fourth trimester of pregnancy exists and what we mean when we refer to this stage of motherhood.
Pregnant women can have a pilonidal cyst, which is why it is necessary to seek the appropriate treatment so as not to harm either the mother or the child.
Tablets and new technologies are increasingly present in schools, is their daily use in classrooms a right or wrong?
There are studies that show that when you have older siblings younger children take longer to speak, why does this happen?
Words have a lot of weight and power in us, and more so in the little ones. We leave you some examples of positive phrases for children.
In the era of new technologies it seems that being bored is bad, when it is the opposite. We tell you the advantages of boredom in children.
If your child is having a poor adaptation to the infant center from 0 to 3 years old, then these three tips may come in handy for you.
Teens must learn to make good decisions and the best way is to teach them to do it ... this is how you can guide them!
Sometimes children are labeled "tyrants" in an unjustified way, since many times, it is only necessary to educate the parents ...
If we do not grasp the pencil correctly, we can have motor, fatigue, or postural problems. Teach your child to do it right!
Millions of teens use social media every day, but doing it wrong could seriously damage their self-esteem.
When you find out that two babies are coming, your heart skips a beat. Not only will you have a baby…! But…
A teenage pregnancy has its fears, intense emotions, and worries. We tell you what to do if you are living in this situation.
Learn to make a school timetable template with your children, so that they can have their daily activities perfectly organized
Children learn best through play. Today we are talking about the best board games for children and what they will learn with them.
From a young age, children must learn to be supportive, seeing the example at home and being participants in other daily situations.
The work that is done with children who have dysarthria, in the classroom and outside of it, will focus on speaking skills and their self-esteem.
Much is said about folic acid in pregnancy. Today we tell you its main functions and when it is convenient to start taking it.
Hormones are very important during pregnancy. Let's look at the effects of progesterone on pregnancy and its role.
Mom also ages ... every living being ages and children must understand the naturalness of the life cycle so that they are not afraid of the passage of time.
Communication is very important in our development. We talk about non-verbal communication in children and how to develop it.
Pregnancy is a time of emotion and doubt. Today we talk about the probability that your baby has Down syndrome and the diagnostic tests.
If you are pregnant it is possible that you are confused about how long you have been pregnant and how many weeks or months are in total ... we clarify it!
The insult of a child may be a taco that you have heard at home, and of which the meaning is unknown, or you may be aware of the pain it causes.
Many women dream of the possibility of having a birth at home, in a much warmer, more welcoming and…
A pregnancy test will help us to know if we are pregnant or not after a delay. We tell you what they measure, and when and how to do it.
The ovular membranes are made up of the amnion, which contains the amniotic fluid and houses the fetus during pregnancy and the chorio.
Premature rupture of membranes can be dangerous if it occurs too early, as the amniotic fluid is progressively lost
Today, August 15, World Relaxation Day is commemorated. Do not miss these relaxation techniques for pregnant women.
Children with special educational needs are simply the ones who need the most help for a physical, medical, emotional or learning issue.
Today August 13 is the International Day of Lefty. Taking advantage of this day we tell you curiosities about left-handed children.
Polyhydramnios or hydramnios is a condition of the amniotic fluid that can cause various complications in pregnancy
On August 12, International Youth Day is celebrated, in support of a struggling population that can contribute a lot, and deserves to be taken care of.
Greet is a social skill that has its functions in society. Today we tell you how to teach children to greet others.
Today we are talking about a reproduction technique that raises a lot of controversy: surrogacy. We tell you everything about her.
If you are pregnant and have reached the third trimester, you will be interested in knowing what is the best position to sleep. You will be able to rest!
Vocabulary is very important in children's learning. We tell you word games for children to improve their vocabulary.
Pregnancy is a great physical and emotional change for women, and in many cases, it produces a series of ...
No matter how old your child is, what is clear is that he needs more time to play freely and with movement.
Relaxing music is more than an external stimulus, it is an excellent way to promote the physical and psychological development of the child. Discover its benefits.
Ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy is one that is gestated outside the uterine cavity. That is, in a pregnancy ...
Traveling with children does not mean filling the suitcase with things that we will not use later. We tell you which are the essentials for family trips
A good Disney movie session can be a great option to enjoy a summer afternoon with your ...
Adolescence is a period of change where the family takes a back seat. We tell you the importance of friendship in adolescence.
Gastroenteritis is usually not serious, but during pregnancy its symptoms can be exacerbated. Find out how to treat it.
There are many parents who during the summer worry about their children doing cards and homework, thinking that ...
Tardyferon is an iron supplement that many women must take during pregnancy, usually when they have anemia.
Colloquially we distinguish twins and twins, triplets ... They are actually monozygotic and dizygotic twins, do you want to know if this is inherited?
Tea during pregnancy can be dangerous for both the expectant mother and the baby. Although there are infusions and teas that you can drink
Calcium is essential during pregnancy, since it is in charge of creating the baby's teeth and bones, but is diet enough?
One of the doubts if we have to go through a pregnancy in summer is whether we can sunbathe pregnant. Today we tell you if you can or not.
During pregnancy it is important that we take care of our health even more. Today we tell you some tips to prevent gestational diabetes.
We tell you some postures to breastfeed, because there is no single position for all mother-child pairs. Everyone must adapt.
Parents have to be the support of their children in the stage of adolescent sex and know certain issues to address and support them.
Care in the first weeks of pregnancy is essential for it to develop normally. In many cases,…
Overprotecting children has its consequences for them that they can carry in their adulthood. Today we talk about its consequences to avoid it.
Responsibility is one of the most important values to instill in children. We tell you how to teach your children to be responsible.
When will I have my period again after pregnancy? This is a very frequent question among pregnant women and ...
Teaching your child to be orderly will help you keep your things neat and organized and forge a more stable and less chaotic future lifestyle.
The first pregnancy test is essential to check that everything is going normally, both for the mother and the baby.
If you are pregnant and you want to protect yourself from mosquitoes, then it is important that you keep in mind the following that we are going to explain to you.
Respect is one of the most important values. Today we talk about some tips how to teach children to respect others.
We propose exercises for early attention, from 0 to 6 years old, that helps to develop psychomotor skills, cognitive abilities, independence ...
Preterm labor happens before 37 weeks and can bring complications. We tell you the symptoms of risk of premature birth and what to do.
Can I exercise while pregnant? Today we clarify your doubts about whether you can exercise in your state and which ones are the best.
Food plays a fundamental role in the development of the fetus, therefore, pregnant women should follow the foot ...
Congratulations! You are pregnant! We want to give you some ideas of what is going to happen in the first trimester, the most important for you and your body.
If you think that to put limits on your children you have to punish them, is it really a good educational option? We clear this doubt for you.
Ordering doesn't have to be a hassle. We tell you how to teach children to pick up their toys and not die trying.
The weight of the baby is one of the concerns of parents during pregnancy. We tell you how much a baby should weigh at birth and what factors influence it.
When a child is violent it scares us. We talk about aggressive children, if they are born or made and the reason for these behaviors.
In this article we give you exercises to achieve a better concentration of your children. We do not promise miracles, but we do promise important advances.
Children can tell lies for various reasons, so the relationship they establish with their parents is essential to prevent them from falling into this habit.
The preschool stage is the foundation of our children's education. We tell you what to teach a preschool child at home and how to do it.
Toys have an educational role in the development of children, but when they stop doing their job, what is there to do with them?
The child must learn that holding a grudge will harm him, but on the contrary, forgiving and forgetting will make him free and happy to continue.
Weight in pregnancy is something that worries many women. We tell you how much it is normal to gain weight and when to worry.
5-10% of pregnancies are premature deliveries. We tell you its risk factors, its possible complications and how to prevent it.
The miracle of life brings a series of changes in perfect sync. Today we talk about how organs move during pregnancy.
A twin pregnancy gives a lot of happiness but it also brings many doubts. Today we talk about everything you need to know about twin birth.
For your children to learn to be assertive they will have to learn through your example and with these 3 habits it will be much easier.
Children learn by example and need to receive values from their parents. They must learn not to hit, just as the father must not.
Do you think yoga is only for children? Nothing about that! Children can also get excited and have fun while practicing yoga.
The crawling phase is fundamental, it has motor, intellectual and emotional consequences. We give you some recommendations for this phase.
Today is the European Music Day, a perfect event to remember the importance and benefits of ...
Coinciding with the summer solstice, the Day of the Sun is celebrated. We will tell you how to explain to your children what this day consists of.
Parents can advise their children and ensure their well-being, but not impose themselves at the time when they choose their friends.
More and more studies show the benefits of music for children's development. Discover the importance of music for your children.
If you already have the date planned for your child to go camping, what can you do to make him enjoy it even before starting the trip?
Love does not have a single language. Today we are talking about unfriendly or unloving children, how we should treat them and what can be owed.
What to give an autistic child? We tell you which are the best toys for autistic children and thus help you in your choice.
Table manners are a sign of good manners. Today we tell you a guide to teaching good table manners to children.
Today's society demands that children receive a comprehensive education, which allows them to function easily ...
Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but stress can affect us negatively. We tell you how to control nerves in pregnancy.
It is common for children to hit and many parents wonder what can I do if my child hits? "Today we explain what to do.
If you can't keep your child from being distracted and doing his homework, don't worry. Here we teach you some techniques for good concentration.
Child exploitation is a violation of their fundamental rights. We are talking about the right to protection against child labor.
With some activities we can stimulate children to learn shapes. We tell you how to work geometric shapes in children.
If you are reading this article, you want to hide your pregnancy, whatever it is. We give you some tips to hide these changes in your body.
The placenta is vital for the fetus to grow healthy. We are talking about the placental infarction that puts the placenta and also the baby at risk.
Intrauterine insemination is the simplest reproductive technique that exists. We tell you what it is and what it consists of.
During pregnancy we may notice certain discomforts. Today we tell you which discomforts in pregnancy are normal and which are not.
The stage of teaching the child to pee is complicated and requires a lot of patience and some guidelines that can be helpful.
Are you a mom or do you know someone who is going to be and want to give them a gift? Discover this pack of 47 maternity books and courses with a 98% discount!
Some parents have normalized yelling, but do you know how yelling affects children? Well today we talk about its consequences.
If your children are on exams, you must tell them that they NEVER leave the learning of new content until the last day. Organization is key!
One of the most commonly used techniques to achieve pregnancy is artificial insemination. We tell you what it is and how it is done.
We all know the harmful effects of tobacco. Today we tell you how smoking during pregnancy affects your body and your baby.
Having a good internal conversation is essential to advance in life and have good self-esteem, teach this skill to your children!
Postpartum is an unknown stage for most future mothers, not only for new mothers, but for ...
If children learn to visualize their success they will be able to achieve it, because… if you can imagine it can be achieved! For it,…
Hydramnios is a pregnancy condition that occurs when there is excess amniotic fluid. The causes can be very diverse, mild and serious
Insomnia is a fairly common disorder during pregnancy. We tell you what its causes are and how you can avoid it.
During pregnancy, the woman can follow a pregnant exercise routine, comply with certain recommendations and not continue when there are complications.
The memory is essential in the development of the baby, because even if afterwards he does not remember everything ... he internalizes it in order to move forward.
Normally the fertilized egg nests in the uterus, but sometimes it does so in a different place. This is known as an ectopic pregnancy.
If you are passionate about herbal teas and you are pregnant, you should know that there are many varieties that are not recommended ...
Being pregnant is not an impediment to being beautiful, elegant and stylish. Today you can find ideal clothes ...
The moment you find out that you are pregnant is usually one of the most special in life ...
Do you think that all the time that children spend in front of the screen is wasted? Used well, it can be a great learning tool.
Have you heard of the cotyledons of the placenta and don't know what they are? We explain their function, how many there are usually and everything you need to know.
During pregnancy there are many changes in the woman's body, necessary so that she can give herself ...
Literature should be part of the life of babies, what's more, it has been proven that reading stories to your ...
If you think that the time has come for your child to sleep in his own room, we will tell you how to teach your baby to sleep alone.
Unfortunately, not all pregnancies follow their natural path. Today we talk about chronic ectopic pregnancy and what it consists of.
The marked pain in the joints is one of the usual discomforts in a pregnant woman.
The 1-month-old baby is a delicate and fragile being that needs to be constantly protected. Your role as a mother ...
After the delivery comes a new adventure for the new mother, the physical and emotional recovery that everyone has meant ...
Many parents are waiting for their children's grades ... but numbers are not all that matter! Your children need to value effort.
The example is the best learning tool. Today we talk about examples to educate children in values from home.
Many times we force children to learn to read and write ahead of time. Is it a good idea for children to learn before the age of six?
Each child has his own rate of speech learning. Today we tell you how to help your child speak to stimulate their learning.
Kidney pain is one of the symptoms that most women share, it is a very common discomfort ...
Placental abruption in childbirth has different degrees of importance that affect mother and child.
Our chest is where the changes that occur with pregnancy can be seen before. Today we tell you the changes of the breast in pregnancy.
Different causes can lead to fainting in pregnancy, hormonal changes are the main cause, but there are other reasons
Already in the first weeks we can notice the first symptoms of pregnancy. Today we tell you how to know if you are pregnant.
On Internet Day it is time to raise awareness of the need for all of us to have good behavior online.
Certain attitudes of the child allow us to know if the time has come to move from the crib to the bed.
It is important that adolescents find the balance between school and social life for a good psychosocial development.
There are children who learn to crawl early and others who take longer. Today we are talking about how to teach a baby to crawl.
How can you be sure if you are leaking amniotic fluid, and if so, what can happen to your baby? Here are all the answers.
Have you heard of placental abruption? Here we tell you what it is, all its symptoms, risk factors, and treatment.
Prenatal care refers to the period that goes, from the search for pregnancy, until the moment of delivery. It is…
Getting a pregnancy is not always easy, so today we will talk about how to have a better chance of conceiving a baby.
Children are pure innocence, especially in their first years of life. Over time they change, evolve, absorb and imitate actions and attitudes that Certain signs can help detect when a child is lying.