teen books

7 must-have teen books

We offer you a selection of books for teenagers, the most widely read and the most liked today and for generations.

Apps for kids with dyslexia

Apps for kids with dyslexia

There are applications for children with dyslexia for these types of difficulties. We propose the ones that work best for a good learning.

Fun ideas with game balls

Fun ideas with game balls

Balls or game with balls are practically the favorite game of children. We propose some fun ideas with game balls

Manias in boys and girls

Manias in boys and girls are frequent, and even necessary in the evolutionary process, due to its liberating component of anxiety. They provide security,

Can manias be removed in children?

Yes you can remove manias in children, or at least try. We give you some tips. But above all, do not give it more importance than it deserves.

Lies in children

Why do children lie

Telling lies is something that is not right, but in the case of children it can mean optimal development at a cognitive level.

photos to original babies

What is childhood amnesia?

It is normal that no one can have memories of their early childhood, specifically from birth to three years of age.

Young man taking a selfie

Help your children find a mentor

It is a good idea for your children to find a mentor so that in this way they acquire good values ​​in their life, it must be good!

risks of freezing eggs

The risks of freezing eggs

Much is said about late motherhood although little about the risks of freezing eggs. Although they are minimal, it is good to know them. You want to know more?

Game ideas for kids

Game ideas for kids

Games for children is the best proposal, they reinforce many values ​​such as friendship, solidarity and joint work. Discover some of them.

how to do a gymkhana at home

How to do a gymkhana at home

Gymkhana is a classic game that has many versions. Today we help you do a gymkhana at home with three fun ideas. You dare?

problems at school recess

Rebellion in preadolescence

If you have a son or daughter between 9 and 13 years old and you start to notice rebellious attitudes, you should know what we tell you next ...

Educational games for 5 year olds

From the age of 5, children feel autonomous, they want to interact with their friends, and they love to take on challenges. Educational games are here!

My baby scratches my face

There are babies who scratch the faces of their parents or siblings. It is something common and very typical of the development process. How to teach them to control themselves?

How tall my son will be

How tall will my child be?

How tall will my son be will be one of the questions that may arise within our doubts as parents. Here we answer some of your questions.

Pregnancy first days

When to do the pregnancy test

The pregnancy test is the fastest and most reliable way to know if you are pregnant, but it is important to perform the test correctly.

The digestion

What is digestion

Digestion is a fundamental part of human survival. Discover how something so fascinating happens inside our body.

Breastfeeding tips

What are primitive reflexes

Primitive, primary, or archaic reflexes are a series of instinctive movements that all babies make in response to sensory input.

types of families

Intensive parenting in children

Parents who follow this type of parenting seek that their children have the best possible education and can succeed in life. .

magic tricks for kids

3 magic tricks for kids

In Mothers On we have made you a small selection of three magic tricks for children so that they learn to enjoy this little world of creativity.

I'm pregnant

I am pregnant, what do I do?

I am pregnant and now what do I do? This is what most women often ask themselves when they discover a positive pregnancy test.

The education of deafblind children

The education of deafblind children

Children who are deafblind have a multiple disability that implies a great limitation in the sense of sight and hearing. Your education is paramount.

stimulate curiosity in children

How to stimulate curiosity in children

Curiosity in children is the desire to know, discover and find out something. You have to know how to discover what benefits it brings and how to enhance it.


Control gestational hypertension

If you are pregnant it is very important that you control gestational hypertension because this way you can prevent different ailments.

angry teenager

How to negotiate with a teenage son

Negotiating with a teenager is not easy. We tell you some negotiation techniques that can be useful, but the main thing is the confidence that you have in each other.

teen series

Developmental milestones of adolescence

In adolescence, great emotional, physical and mental changes are experienced, but not all of them occur at the same time. We explain its milestones and phases.

find love

You can't force love

Teach your children that when they grow up if they know how to enjoy life they will be able to find love, without looking for it! They will just have to feel it.

How to make safe homemade toys

Homemade toys for children are special, inexpensive, and a great way to teach them to reuse the things they already have around the house.

How Anger Attacks Hurt in Children

Anger attacks involve reactions in the brain, and the whole body. We tell you some physical and mental consequences if you do not control this emotion.

Implantation bleeding

How to get pregnant the first time

Getting pregnant the first time is not impossible, although it is necessary to follow some guidelines to increase the chances of a quick pregnancy.

How to choose toys for babies

We want to give you some tips to choose toys for babies, the first thing is to know how to motivate them. Each baby has its personality and its phases.


What are blanket babies?

Babies in blankets is a very special birth and some judge it as unique and magical, discover why this event occurs.


Where fertilization occurs

We will answer you where fertilization occurs, when is the best moment, the process, the mechanisms, the time after intercourse and other questions.

antibiotics children

How to give medicine to children

You have to come up with a lot of strategies to be able to give your children medicine. Discover the ways and means of how you can give it to him without problems.

what is fertility preservation

What is being a parent?

What do we understand by parent, what are their duties and rights, there are different types of parents. We help you solve these questions.

sign divorce

Transformation after divorce

If you were recently divorced, the divorce may have marked you emotionally. In any case, the important thing is that it transforms you!

Child with depression is overwhelmed and distressed.

Keys to detect child abuse

We distinguish between various types of child abuse, and therefore different behaviors of the minor, but we show you some of these indicators,

thyroid fertility

The ovarian reserve in women

Knowing this reserve in a precise way can help a woman to know at what age of her life she is most fertile and contains the most oocytes.

phonological awareness

What is phonological awareness?

Phonological awareness comes to encompass that ability that we have to acquire from the moment we learn to speak, know how to know our language.

toys for 6 year olds

Gifts for 6-year-olds

Gifts for 6-year-olds are another evolutionary way to develop their growth. Giving away the perfect toy will help this process.

Prepartum classes

Childbirth preparation classes

In the childbirth classes you will learn important things like controlling your breathing or recognizing when to go to the hospital.

Activities for 2- and 3-year-olds

Three perfect activities to work on different areas of development such as attention or coordination, with children between 2 and 3 years old.

make clay

No-Bake Craft Clay Recipe

Don't miss out on this easy recipe so you can make artisan clay without baking, you and your kids will have a great time with this!

children's creativity

Logic games for kids

Through logic games, the youngest children acquire the notion of correspondence, seriation and classification. This is key to its development.

toys for 3 year olds

Gifts for 3-year-olds

Gifts for 3-year-olds are more special. Here their psychomotor and cognitive evolution is highly developed and you have to know how to choose.

Depression in pregnancy

Many pregnant women suffer from depression throughout the gestation process and after giving birth to their baby.

sport motorcycle girl

What are the best sports for children?

Sports and children should be an inseparable pairing, that is camouflaged as fun. We recommend the most appropriate sports according to their ages and tastes.

Kisses to the kids

Is it good to kiss children?

Giving kisses to children is something innate that comes out of us because we like it and we give our love. Find out if giving lots of kisses is a good option.

Healthy dinner ideas for kids

For dinners to be healthy, nutritious and fun, we have to know what the children ate that day. We give you ideas to surprise them.

bipolar disorder in children

How bipolar disorder affects children

The bipolar disorder in children in another condition that can also relapse in the smallest, but it appears especially in the entrance of the adolescence.

kid playing

Toys for 8-month-olds

We propose a selection of toys for 8-month-old children so that they can interact with them in a practical way and develop their senses.

Curiosities of pregnancy

Pregnant in time of Coronavirus

If you are pregnant in time of Coronavirus, it is normal for you to feel certain concerns about your visits to the doctor, what should you take into account?

Tone the abdomen after pregnancy

Tips for postpartum recovery

If you are about to begin your postpartum recovery, there are a few things to keep in mind. Don't be in a hurry, enjoy this new stage first and foremost.

Advantages of chess for children

Chess in children increases memory, concentration, creativity, logic, promotes confidence and control. And it still has more advantages.

Pregnant looks for the summer

Being pregnant in the summer can be very uncomfortable, that's why we offer you these style tips to achieve pregnant looks for the summer.

Secrets to sleeping babies

Secrets to sleeping babies

There are secrets to sleeping babies, we can always use the best tactics, to be able to sleep properly. Here we show you which ones are the best.

How to deal with encephalitis

How to help a narcissistic child

Unfortunately, there are more and more narcissistic children with all that this entails both for the child himself and for society itself.

Sleeping with babies

Sleeping with babies, what should you know?

We do not know if sleeping with babies is something necessary or not for their evolution. Here we explain to you what these types of consequences derive for parents and children.

labor contractions

What are labor contractions like?

Labor contractions are an indication that the baby may be about to be born. In Mothers Today we explain how to differentiate them at all times.

How much does a baby sleep?

How much does a baby sleep?

A newborn baby is practically 24 hours a day. A baby will still need time to adjust to day and night and even to his environment.

Urine infection in pregnancy

How babies are born

The birth of a baby is long and painful for the mother since the baby must leave the uterus and go through the vagina to reach the outside.

Baby games to have a great time everyone

When a baby sits

The normal and most common thing is that the baby tries to sit up from the age of three months, although as you surely know, each child is different.