child creativity development

Games for 4-year-olds

There are many games for 4 year olds, when they start to imitate adults and enter the why stage. We give you some ideas.


What is Savant Syndrome

Savant syndrome is a pathological state in which certain people with mental disorders possess surprising ability.

teach poetry at school

Why teach poetry at school

There are many reasons to teach poetry in school. Poetry is a source of learning. You want to know why? Here we tell you.

Toddler Movies

Toddler Movies

There are countless films for young children, films that instill values ​​as important as family, friendship or solidarity.

Teach children to study

Activities for 5- and 6-year-olds

We give you ideas of activities for boys and girls of 5 and 6 years of age. Doing the right activity for the child's age is ensuring success

Fun challenges to do at home

Fun challenges to do at home

With these fun challenge ideas to do at home, you can entertain your children with activities that will challenge the whole family.

Fun games for kids

Fun games for kids

These fun play ideas are perfect for creating a space for play and fun with the little ones anywhere.

repressive education

What is repressive education?

We all know the repressive education of the 80s and 90s. Discover much more about this type of authoritarian and assertive education.

Talented kids in math

Talented kids in math

Children with talents in math have great skills in doing calculations. Is it a natural or a developed talent?

kids watching the media

Gender stereotypes in the media

Enter to know how to work gender stereotypes with children, and you will ensure that the media does not influence them negatively.

gender equality coeducation

How to educate in gender equality

Educating on gender equality will eradicate discrimination on the basis of sex in the future. Coeducation occurs in the classroom and in the family

Original hairstyles for girls

Original hairstyles for girls

We have five original hairstyles for girls with short and long hair. They will love it because they always want to look pretty and flirty.

Functional diversity

Types of functional diversity

Functional diversity is divided into 5 types, according to different characteristics and conditions. Do you want to know more?

Writing games for teens

3 writing games for teens

Three perfect writing games to work with adolescents on mental agility and expand vocabulary, as well as having a good time.


Creative ways to announce your pregnancy

You have recently confirmed that you are going to be a mother and now, that you are radiant, you do not know how to announce your pregnancy. We give you creative ideas.

What is the parental pin

The parental pin is a measure by which families can decide on the complementary content to which their children have access.

How to teach a baby not to scream

How to teach a baby not to scream

We know that controlling the situation is not easy at all when a child begins to scream, we offer you the best advice so that they do not do it.

Easy unisex costumes

We give you ideas on easy unisex costumes to make at home. Depending on the age of the boys and girls, they will help you and bring their originality

Implantation bleeding

What is implantation bleeding

Implantation bleeding is a slight spotting that can occur between the first 6 and 10 days of pregnancy, do you want to know more?

Homemade pirate costume

Homemade pirate costume

Making a homemade pirate costume is very simple, you can use clothes and accessories that you already have and obtain a spectacular result.

Cervical cerclage

What is cervical cerclage?

Cervical cerclage is a gynecological maneuver that is performed in some cases, to prevent premature delivery and miscarriage.

Original costumes

Original costumes for kids

If you are looking for original costume ideas for children, do not miss these fun and easy ideas with which you will be surprised.

Eating healthy in the second trimester of pregnancy

Recommended diet in pregnancy

The stage of pregnancy is synonymous with taking care of yourself and maintaining a recommended diet. You have to put all your love in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

The best toys for children

The 9 best toys for children

It is not easy to determine which are the best toys for boys and girls. We show you the best and best sellers in this last year.

How to calculate BMI in children

How to calculate BMI in children

For the concern of some mothers about the weight of our children we have how to calculate the BMI to know if it is at its ideal weight.

Role playing games

3 role-playing games for children

Thanks to role-playing games, children are the protagonists of their stories, living adventures and misadventures in an imaginary world

gifted children

Short stories to read before bed

If the day has been long, for you and your children, we suggest you read some short stories. But don't give up spending this time with them

When do babies see?

When do babies see?

We know that newborn babies have limited vision. Find out how they evolve and when they begin to see.

Special education

What is positive education

Positive education, unlike what traditional education proclaims, affects respect for the figure of the child.

Games for two

Games for two

Do not be discouraged in looking for games for two, as there are many of them and that is why we can teach you some of them.

writing games for kids

5 writing games for kids

Playing is the best way to learn, with these writing games they are the perfect fun and help to get started in literacy.

How Children Learn Poetry

Poetry comes naturally to children. It is recommended that their learning be playful, through aural route and always gradually.

Card games for teens

Card games for teens

Card games are a way to have good fun times with family or friends. Discover the funniest for teens.

What to do with a crying child

A crying child will cry for anything, everything seems to bother him, he does not know how to ask without crying. We help you to know its causes and understand it.

How to dress in pregnancy

How to dress during pregnancy

How to dress during pregnancy without losing the usual style and essence, is what most pregnant women are looking for.

The role of the midwife in childbirth

The midwife is the most suitable healthcare professional to assist normal delivery. Its role is to transfer confidence to the woman during childbirth.


What is ovulation?

Ovulation is the moment in which through hormonal changes the ovary releases the ovum through the fallopian tubes.

positive pregnancy test

Pregnancy test

What are pregnancy tests and how are they used and read. Do you have a positive pregnancy test? Is the line dim? Find out if you are pregnant.

Card games

Card games for toddlers

The card games are also to enjoy an afternoon of games with the younger children, traditional games for everyone.

teenage woman

Narcissism in adolescence

Narcissism in young people is in the light of day and it is enough to go around social networks to know that the problem is increasing.

educate a 12 year old

How to educate a 12 year old

Educating a 12-year-old child is acquiring another educational method because your child is reaching preadolescence, discover how to do it well.

World theater day

Theater for children: benefits

Going to the theater as spectators or doing performances has many benefits for children, and for adults. So raise the curtain!

Crafts with plastic bottles

Crafts with plastic bottles

If you like to do crafts with your children, we have several proposals to make useful things by recycling plastic bottles.

Children's cartoons

Cartoons for children to avoid

Cartoons are not just for children and we see them more and more. That is why there are animated series that it is better to avoid. We tell you which ones.

What is phubbing

It is quite common to see children, adolescents and adults sitting next to other people, and ignoring them because of the mobile.

Write dictations

Benefits of Children's Handwriting

It is important to make the child aware of the taste of writing by hand from the time they are little, although in the middle of the digital age it is quite complicated.

Problem-based learning

Problem-based learning is a method in which the student is the protagonist. The boy or girl must carry out the inquiry.

body expression

What is body language?

Body expression refers to the expression of the human being through his body, consciously or unconsciously.

What is project-based learning

Project-based learning (PBL) is a methodological strategy. It is based on searching, choosing, discussing, applying, correcting, rehearsing.

90s cartoons

90s cartoons

If you like to make a little reminder of the 90s we can always observe a little history with those ...

Kung Fu for kids

Kung Fu is one of the most complete and well-known martial arts, if your son or daughter is over 4 years old and wants to practice it, encourage them!

How to teach early math

Mathematics is necessary for life, from home and without the need for normal learning, you can teach your children.

camping games

Types of children's camps

We talk about types of children's camps, urban and rural, in which your children, while learning, socialize with other children.


What is socialization?

 Socialization is a process of social adaptability, where people must live together under certain norms and values.

teen books

7 must-have teen books

We offer you a selection of books for teenagers, the most widely read and the most liked today and for generations.