What is relative rest in pregnancy
Do you know what relative rest in pregnancy consists of? We tell you about it and also how you can make it more bearable.
Do you know what relative rest in pregnancy consists of? We tell you about it and also how you can make it more bearable.
Do you know what the symptoms of autism are in children from 2 to 3 years old? Here we tell you, because early diagnosis is very important.
Do you know what causes hiccups of the baby in the womb? Today we talk about fetal hiccups and everything you need to know about it.
Many future mothers enter the most difficult stage of their lives and in this article we solve 'what to do if you are pregnant and alone'.
Do you know that there are games against bullying and to prevent it? We tell you some prevention activities to apply in the classroom.
How can upsets during pregnancy affect our baby? Any state of anxiety, stress or upset may not be beneficial.
Sports games are the best option for children to have physical activity. Gymnastics is necessary for your…
Is it noticeable when the baby turns? the answer is very different, and for this we are going to clarify all the doubts about when and how it moves.
Do you know when the belly starts to grow in pregnancy? We leave you with all the information you need to know.
Can you be pregnant and have your period? We show you the answers to this type of question with all its reasons.
Do you know how to educate a child in the culture of effort? Here we give you the keys for your child to become a tenacious adult.
Do you know the great benefits of music therapy for children? One of the important techniques to keep in mind.
We offer you all the answers to everything you want to know about dystocia, why it occurs and how to solve it.
In the mother's womb, the fetus can feed and breathe thanks to the placenta. This is how food and oxygen arrives...
Do you know what the main characteristics of a 5D ultrasound are? We reveal them to you and also when you should do it.
My son mistreats animals. Why does he do it? What can I do to make him stop doing it? Let's see the answer to these...
Many parents find no answers when their daughter wets herself on purpose. The reasons are usually clear and for this, discover them.
Is it normal to feel fear during pregnancy? A time of change, of doubts and fears. Discover the most common of all!
My 4-year-old son's tantrums can turn into a nightmare. Hence, we leave you with the best advice.
Education in values is very important and in this case we are dealing with the value of loyalty in children and how we can instill it.
The EStivill method is famous for its way of teaching children how to sleep independently. Find out what it consists of and if it is effective
Do you know that having a child at the age of 40 can have risks? We are going to see both the benefits and the risks of having a child at age 40
Do you know the importance of early childhood education? Here you will see the many benefits for children.
If your question is how gifted children sleep, here we clarify what causes it and why they react in this way
We clarify some doubts about what the flow is like during the first weeks of pregnancy, it will be essential to know our body.
Are children who are slow to speak more intelligent? It is the great question and concern of parents with children who are slow to speak.
Do you have a question that gives you a lot to think about and is it possible to have a big belly at the beginning of pregnancy? We answer it.
You don't have vaginal discharge and you think it may be a symptom of pregnancy? Here we tell you what can cause vaginal dryness.
Having diarrhea before childbirth is totally normal and falls within the symptoms and traits known as prodromes of childbirth.
If your child tends to lose their personal belongings, then discover a series of simple steps or tips that you can follow to avoid it.
Eating sobrasada during pregnancy is not recommended because it is a product that comes from raw pork.
With these tips and tricks you can stimulate the fetus to notice the baby, one of the most magical experiences of pregnancy.
These indoor games for children are intended for children between 6 and 12 years old, but can be adapted to all ages.
Taking fruit salt during pregnancy is contraindicated since its main component is bicarbonate and this can cause complications.
Feeling strange before giving birth is quite normal, both on a physical level due to the imminent changes, as well as on an emotional and sentimental level.
Eating prawns during pregnancy has as many benefits as contraindications, these are some of the most important.
Do you know why nightmares in pregnant women are so frequent? It can be due to several reasons that you need to discover.
Do you know the frog technique? It is a perfect method for the little ones in the house that has numerous benefits.
My son calls me by my name and I don't know what to do! If this is your case, then you should not worry because we tell you everything you need.
If you wonder why my children are very demanding, we will analyze why they behave in this way and how to pay attention to them.
If you have doubts about co-sleeping, here we propose some answers to your doubts. Find out if it has benefits or is contraindicated.
Do you know what the sandwich or sandwich technique consists of? It is a perfect way to say no but in a more relaxed way.
Do you know that there are very healthy alternatives to the bottle? Teach your teens other ways to have fun and connect.
If you like playing sports with your child, we suggest in this section how to teach soccer to children, with simple and practical techniques
Do you know the characteristics, as well as the advantages or disadvantages of 4D and 5D ultrasound? We tell you everything you need to know.
Learn to make easy origami for children, they will love the number of shapes that we show you, all easy and original.
If you like your baby to evolve with the game, here we offer you options to play with an 18-month-old child.
Do you know how to treat a highly sensitive teenager? Here we give you keys so that your relationship with him or her improves.
Do you want to know how many hours children should sleep according to their age? Discover the average that is recommended in each case.
That children do not stop asking for things is something habitual and normal. We can't always give them what they ask for...
Do you know how to teach two languages to your baby? Here we tell you the keys for your child to grow up mastering two languages.
To know if you are pregnant without a test there are several options that you should know. From home tests to the clearest symptoms.
What is the importance of children doing crafts? Enjoy all the advantages that this practice has in its development.
If you still have doubts about when to use the baby carrier, here we clarify all the doubts and when are its evolutionary periods.
Teenagers may lie to their parents to protect their privacy and freedom, to cover up mistakes and rule violations, or in ...
If you like to follow the evolutionary steps of your baby, here we do an exploration of what a 5-month-old baby does
Discover how to entertain a 3-month-old baby with all the games and activities that we recommend for his age.
The nursing collar is conceived and designed for babies to entertain themselves during their feeding. Discover its benefits.
At home, a 2-year-old can be taught to use cutlery, gain autonomy or express his feelings through painting.
Babies learn to crawl between the seventh and ninth month of life. This first gesture of independence, which leads to ...
Giving new parents and getting it right is a somewhat complex task, since most people usually give the same things.
Is your child learning to write? One of the first things to keep in mind to make it easier for you to learn to write ...
Discover the stages and child development from 6 to 10 years old. Steps and activities that take place in the lives of the little ones.
There are many activities to have fun at home with children, from a costume party, experimenting, or baking.
For those wondering if Kung Fu is an appropriate sport for children, here are a number of reasons ...
Do you want to know how to manage tantrums in public? One of the most difficult moments that we all go through at some point.
"Today 80% of people who live with an animal at home admit that they consider it that way, like a child," he says ...
In order to clarify the meaning of feminism, here we postulate all the ideologies that establish the concept of this word.
Do you know how to facilitate learning in reading? We tell you some of the best techniques you can use with your little ones.
Not sure your child is ready to go potty? Let's discover together the emotional and physical signs c ...
These are some of the best-known popular Christmas carols that have been repeated for generations. With lyrics so you can sing them.
Perineal massage is a technique that improves the area for delivery, reducing the risk of injury.
There are women who experience the desire to establish a family. Dreaming that you are pregnant can give indications of what you are thinking.
Platelets are a component found in our blood system. Discover how they work inside our body.
To avoid stretch marks in pregnancy, good hydration, exercise and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables are essential.
Learning to read is not an easy task, as children spend a lot of time discovering letters and developing literacy in class.
If you wonder when children eat alone, we clarify all the doubts. You will discover everything they will do at each stage up to the age of five.
When children can leave school alone depends on their maturity and ability to respond to dangers.
These are some ideas to do with children from 2 to 3 years old, games and activities with which to develop all their skills.
Discover all the problems that arise when a child is watching a lot of television. We will inform you of all the inconveniences.
If you're looking for an alternative to spanking, here are eight ways to discipline your child without using physical punishment ...
An abortion is painful, sad, and complicated to manage in most cases. Although it is still a very common situation.
How beautiful are babies when they are 3 months old. Quickly the days have passed, there have been very intense moments ...
We offer you the best tips to strengthen self-esteem in those children from 6 to 12 years old who already want to start forging their path.
Find out what Montgomery tubers are and why they come out during a woman's pregnancy. You will discover that they have an important function.
During pregnancy, doubts may arise, including being able to take care of some type of pet or dog. Here we answer all this.
Find out what fetal lanugo is and so you can find out why it forms and how it behaves on your baby's delicate skin
To prevent pre-eclampsia it is very important to follow strict medical control during pregnancy, as well as these other tips.
Cesarean delivery is very common, in fact, 1 in 4 children are born by cesarean section. These are the phases of this labor.
Brown discharge in pregnancy can be caused by different reasons. These are the possible causes of this very common disorder.
Do you know what to do so that children do not wet the bed? We leave you with some of the practical tips that will work.
Discover all the symptoms that lead to implantation bleeding and how you can differentiate it from a menstruation.
Do you know what the effects of music are on children's mental health? You will enjoy discovering all the good that you can offer them
Find out how contractions occur during the gestation of a pregnant mother. You can determine if you can go into labor
Fathers or mothers we have a series of obligations such as power and care towards our children. There is no more effective test ...
How it is and what 3-month-old babies do, we will explain in detail on our blog. You will love knowing all that you can do and achieve.
Discover what the uterus is like and what functions it houses within a woman's body. It is the only organ that serves to procreate life.
Blended education is a distance study modality, which combines a face-to-face part with a virtual one.
Many parents wonder why their children ignore it. Faced with this refusal, we must analyze the details and act with our advice.
Need to say that you are pregnant but want to do it in an original way? Then do not miss all these examples that we leave you.
Puberty is the period at the entrance to the adolescent stage. If you want to discover how they differ, go in and find out.
Find out what a 5-month-old baby can eat. He will start with his fruit and cereals and for this you will be able to understand much better how to offer it to him.
That the little ones learn to go to the bathroom on their own is quite an achievement. With this skill he starts again ...
Labor is divided into three phases, dilation, the expulsive period, and delivery. In between, the baby will come into the world.
Adolescence is one of the most beautiful but very complex stages for children when they have to live. Know when it starts.
How to go into labor today has some differences from decades ago. Today everything is monitored and some solutions are administered.
When to start wearing maternity clothes is something that women wonder at the beginning of pregnancy, although it usually varies in each case.
If you are making the decision to change the baby to his room, here we tell you when, how and why you should do it.
Are protein shakes recommended in pregnancy? Except in exceptional cases, they are a suitable product at this stage.
A relaxing hot bath should not be harmful during pregnancy as long as the heat is used from ...
We propose the reasons and some solutions so that you can deal with when your daughter walks with her feet inward.
If your reason is to try to get pregnant and you don't succeed, here are the reasons why you can't have children easily.
Teaching my son to dress can only be one of the best tasks thanks to these original and fun tips and techniques.
To help a child to study and to acquire a good study habit, it is necessary to apply some guidelines such as the following.
While some babies are born with a lot of hair, others are born and continue with hardly any hair. Find out why your daughter's hair is not growing.
Find the reasons why children steal from their parents. We analyze the details so that you can discover the causes of this bad act.
There is no doubt that many of the children want to sleep with their parents and we know the keys, they need that ...
We have some of the keys so that you can manage at home, what to do with children when they are adults and they become rude.
In order not to make the mistake of raising tyrant children, we must analyze the details that we review in the article and what must be done to avoid it.
We offer you some coping guidelines on how to help your pregnant teenage daughter. Listen to her and give her your support.
Know the approach of how there are ways to educate children. Find out what the types are like and which one is at your fingertips.
Do you know how to play with a 2 month old baby? We leave you the best tips, the toys that they will love and much more.
If your child is special and has autism spectrum syndrome, you will surely like to know how you can play and get his attention.
If you have thought about being a mother from the age of 40, you can still do it with the many advantages that your body offers you.
Spain is a place that has many and infinite corners to enjoy all year round. If you like to enjoy with ...
Find out how you can take your baby to daycare, so he can start with a smile on his face and learn to meet other children.
Discover how to teach your child to count with fun games, small skills and with some everyday shapes.
Teach your little ones how to tie laces quickly, easily and even with music. Find out and get to work!
Find out what happens when your baby sleeps, makes noises and complains. Generally it is something normal that must be anticipated before a problem.
Discover how to differentiate common pains in the third trimester and which most often resemble a period pain in pregnancy.
Discover the options that you can choose when you discover that you are pregnant and do not want to have it, it will be a firm and serious decision.
Teaching my 2-year-old son colors is not complicated at all. You can enjoy games, ingenious ideas and much more that we tell you.
If you are one month pregnant, here we propose the best tips that you have to practice to start taking care of yourself and your future baby.
Find out how you can know if your child will be short or tall. To do this, use some formulas that we propose.
Getting my kids to sleep early is a challenge, but I leave you with the best tips and steps you can take to get there.
Do you know suitable series to watch with your family members? Here we give you some ideas of being to see all together.
Discover how a 4-year-old boy or girl develops physically and emotionally. You will love knowing what their world is like and their concerns.
Do you feel pain in the lower belly of pregnancy in the second trimester? We tell you the main causes and when to go to the doctor.
The risk of miscarriage in the 9th week of pregnancy may be more recurrent. See why this phenomenon occurs and how to take action.
If gum bleeding occurs during pregnancy, here are some of the oral hygiene tips for its treatment.
Do you know that there are many movies based on youth books? Here we tell you the most important successes of films based on novels.
Do you know how to make your child speak? Each child has his own pace to speak, but you can encourage him to learn faster.
If you like movies to watch as a family, we propose a series of them from recent years that you can enjoy.
To get your child to participate in class if he is embarrassed, you can teach him tricks and strategies like the ones we leave you below.
For the empowerment of all women and gender equality, here are some feminist books to take that little twist.
Discover what can be the natural ways that exist for a future mother to do so that her child is born.
Do you know how to help children control their impulses? It is a task that takes time but in the long run it will be very useful in your life.
A baby at the age of one year has already developed important physical skills so that he begins to explore his ...
Do you know how to help children with depression from home? Here we give you tips to help them overcome the disease.
How to make my child share his toys? This skill can be learned with a series of tips that we detail in our section.
Do you know what physical changes occur at puberty? Children face many changes and it is best to prepare for them.
Napping can become a must-have sleep ritual for children. Find out what to do for your child to nap.
Do you know how to make children value things? If your children break things or throw them away without remorse, this article interests you.
Discover some of the reasons that can be compensated for children to obey in class. It will be a positive point for your evolution.
In Mothers Today we offer you some techniques to be able to solve and appease children so that they do not scream. Find out what you can do.
Discover some techniques that could help you so that children are not afraid. It is a natural feeling that you will have to deal with.
Having children study alone is beneficial for youngsters in the long run, take note of these tips to help them do so.
Do you know what to do to make your children sure of themselves? Here we tell you the keys so that your child's self-esteem is strong.
Mythology is full of adventures and stories perfect to enjoy with the little ones, like these myths and short legends for children.
If you are one of the mothers who wonder "why does my daughter only love her mother?" it should be noted that it is common. Find out why.
There are children who regress and want to breastfeed again. In order to know its consequences, you can read us to find out.
Deafness in children manifests itself from the time they are babies to already developed children. Check in detail if you can get it.
To improve writing, children need a lot of practice, something they can do by playing with these fun techniques and resources.
If you notice that your daughter is a great manipulator, you can read us how to get into this situation and how to deal with this little bump.
Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder that usually occurs in children. Find out why it happens and how to alleviate this situation.
Is your daughter antisocial? This personality disorder can be treated if it is caught early. Here we talk about it.
A kinesthetic child is the profile of a person who needs to know things through his body. Find out what you need and your concerns.
The benefits of play in children are numerous, since it is the basis of their learning and development, as well as being a fundamental right.
Raising a child with love is one of the fundamental parts of their beautiful education. Find out how it can be part of your life.
With these tricks and guidelines you can stimulate and teach your 18-month-old baby to talk, although you should always respect his time.
Discover how to teach your child to play soccer with a few techniques and values that they must learn from the beginning of this sport.
Many parents are concerned that their children do not obey. For this we have the possible reasons and how to act against it.
Among the many benefits of puzzles for children are concentration or fine motor development.
Do you know how to teach your child reading comprehension? Here we see some interesting strategies to put into practice by the little ones.
To entertain your children at home this summer, we leave you this idea of an Olympic Games at home, perfect for the whole family.
How to teach my child to put off the diaper? A milestone in the life of every parent and every child. An evolutionary process that is a before and after.
Do you know the importance of teaching your child to study alone? Here we tell you everything, and we give you tips for your children to improve.
We can find it very endearing to observe when your 9-year-old son is in love. Discover their concerns and how to respect them.
Do you know why children learn by playing? It is essential for its development and for that reason, we are going to explain to you the importance it has.
A child can be immature for his age for various reasons, with these tips you can find out what may be the cause.
A 5-year-old child who does not speak well is synonymous with not pronouncing certain sounds correctly. Starting…
Discover all the symptoms and advice that can arise if your child is schizophrenic. Early follow-up is vital
I am pregnant and my 3 year old son is unbearable. What should I do? Here are some ideas to help you calm down.
Find out if your child is happy with this series of anecdotes to find out if he complies with a healthy environment at home and in his social life.
The degrees of autonomy according to the age of the children help us to detect if the child has an appropriate maturational development.
If you notice that your child walks on his toes it may be a specific way of walking, but in the long run it can turn out to be a problem.
If your baby growls it is a way of being able to express his emotions. Find out why it happens and how to detect when it is unusual.
There are many reasons you can discover when your child does not want to go to the bathroom. Here we explain it to you in better detail and how to help you.
Strengthening children's arms will be fun and easy with these ideas for games and activities to do at home and on the go.
A very restless child does not have to be one with attention deficit disorder, they may just have too much energy to channel.
If you want to know if your child is intelligent, we would have to specify what "being intelligent" is, because there are multiple intelligences.
Why does my son want to kiss me on the mouth? Is it normal? Today we talk about kisses on the mouth and what to do with our little ones.
Your son throws things, everything he finds at hand and laughs, although it drives you crazy. Find out why it does it and how you should act.
If your child is color blind, with simple tests you can confirm it, but you will need to take him to the ophthalmologist to tell you his graduation.
Find out if your daughter speaks in the third person, either as a habit, or for some important psychological reason.
If your child screams when talking, especially if he is under 6 years old, it is normal, however we give you some tips to lower his tone of voice.
Blink is a natural movement that occurs in the eyes, but it can become a problem when your child blinks too much.
Organizing a workshop or laughter therapy session for children at home is very easy and it is so beneficial that once you try you will repeat.
If you think your twins are not growing, talk to the pediatrician. He or she will inform you if their growth is being adequate or not.
Discover everything that can happen when you watch your child play with dolls. It is a matter of observing and respecting your decision.
If your child doesn't play alone, he may need a few tools to discover how much fun it is to spend time with himself.
Discover the best methods for twins to sleep through the night. They are experiences based on the comments of some parents.
Teaching children to write poetry is teaching them to express their emotions through words. Find out how to make it fun.
There are no studies to support whether the twins should be together or apart in class. It is becoming easier for the family to decide.
More than 60% of twins are born before 37 weeks, that is, they are premature twins. This carries some risks, we will tell you about them.
We recommend some books and movies to instill care for the environment in your children, but the main thing is to do it by example.
Discover the best psychomotor development in young children, as the best recommendation to promote their growth.
What games are your children's favorites? We review the most entertaining childhood games that we cannot forget.
Now is the time to explain blood groups and their compatibility, and do it in an entertaining and understandable way for children.
What happens when your teenager eats a lot and does not gain weight? discover all the factors of this mysterious fact.
Your teenage son or daughter doesn't hate you, but says they hate you. Don't beat yourself up, or punish yourself by asking yourself what mistakes you've made.
Your baby is beginning to take his first steps and you are concerned about whether he is walking well. You should know that their feet and legs are going to evolve a lot
Almost all mothers worry about whether their child is the correct weight and height. Pediatricians use curves, they are percentiles.
If your adolescent child bites his nails, you should know that you can discover how to eliminate this more habit, with love and patience.
Did you know that the last May 28 was celebrated on International Hamburger Day? A curious date, without a doubt ...
There are many benefits and advantages that they bring to the smallest of the house, being able to perform certain household tasks.
This digestive system model project is a perfect idea to spend an entertaining and learning afternoon with the children.
Digestive disorders are common during pregnancy. With these easy recipes we will help you keep your digestive system healthy.
It is not unusual and quite normal for children to show a certain fear of everything that has to do with the world of clowns.
Observe if your child spends many hours behind the screen because it may happen that he may have an eye health problem.
If your child soliloquies, that is, speaks only out loud, don't worry too much. At certain ages it is, in addition to common, necessary
One of the causes of skin blemishes is hormonal changes during pregnancy. We give you some tricks to prevent them.
Africa is one of the largest continents in the world, the cradle of civilization and an exciting place that children must discover.
You discover the seven best fundamental values that every child must learn in order to develop with happiness and high self-esteem.
If your child plays alone at recess it can be synonymous with concern. Discover some keys that can help you cope.
It is important for children to discover metrology, a measurement system that is used all over the world and that we use today.
My baby crawls backwards. Why happens? Is it normal? We tell you all about the ways of crawling in order to learn more.
The breasts are without a doubt the part of the body of the pregnant woman that will undergo the most changes.
If your child, be calm or active, is very clueless and that affects his school performance, we are going to help you with some useful tips.
Teach your children the importance of bees in nature so that we can have food and take care of their species.
Today, International Museum Day is very special. They can now be visited on site, and as a family! Although you have to reserve in many cases.
What are the main characteristics of cyberkids? Undoubtedly, certain uses of the Internet and a hyperconnection.
When a child performs optimally in school, a series of physical and mental factors will directly influence
Whether your problem of high blood pressure is due to pregnancy, or before, we provide you 5 recipes, with a lot of flavor, to combat it.
Teaching kids astronomy with these crafts is fun, easy, and a great way to spend time as a family.
We recommend several apps for children to learn geography of Europe in a fun and playful way. Take note!
We all learn by imitation, but there is an age when the child imitates non-stop. This stage is essential to learn and develop.
Do your children know what a nurse does? a profession little recognized but fundamental for the health and well-being of all.
Bipolar disorder is not only suffered by adults, but can also affect children and young people
A woman with controlled fibromyalgia and a healthy lifestyle does not have to reject being a mother. But they do recommend planning
Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which usually occurs in women of childbearing age. Planning the pregnancy is recommended in these cases.
We offer you some of the tips so that you can teach your baby to walk in this evolutionary stage of his learning
Explain to the children what fair trade consists of. It is an alternative so that we can grow all the people of the world-
May 9 is Europe Day. This day you can talk with your children about the symbols of Europe: the flag, the anthem, the motto and the currency.
Explain to the children the importance of why birds are migratory and of the awareness of being able to conserve their species.
Teaching a child with autism to go to the bathroom can be a challenge, but with love, patience, and these guidelines, you can do it.
To teach your child to speak you will have to stimulate him. All babies need to be talked to. And now we show you how you can do it.
For cases with ovarian cancer we have hopeful news for all women who want to become pregnant.
Among the films to share between parents and children, Star Wars is one of the most chosen. For what reason?
Educating and treating an extremely sensitive child is not an easy and simple task for parents.