Benefits of night reading

6 benefits of reading at night

If you were wondering what the benefits of reading at night are, we took it upon ourselves to mention some of the most important ones.

girl with high sensitivity

Characteristics of PAS children

Do you have a PAS son or daughter but you don't understand him or know how to guide him in life? We explain what you need about PAS children.

symbolic game

What is the symbolic game?

Discover what symbolic play consists of, an essential form of play in childhood with numerous benefits for little ones.

What color eyes will my baby have?

What color eyes will my baby have?

What color eyes will my baby have? everything will depend on the color that precedes with its relatives and genes, read us and you will find out.

Educate positively

Keys to educate positively

If you want to educate positively then you must take good note of these keys that we are now telling you because they will help you a lot.

anti nausea medication

What is the Cariban and how to drink it?

Do you know the Caribbean? If you have nausea during pregnancy, it will be very useful for you to get to know him a little more and that is why we will tell you everything about him.

Are newborn babies ugly?

Are newborn babies ugly?

It has always been said that newborn babies are ugly. Maybe yes and maybe not, but it will be something that we will analyze.

Citizenship for children

Citizenship for children

Citizenship is something fundamental that must be focused on in education. The importance of teaching children for their present and future.

Game to stimulate the ear

Game to stimulate the ear

In this article we are going to give you some exercises and games to stimulate the ear of your little one.

home bowling game

Kids craft: bowling game

There are many crafts that we can do at home and with children, for example, simple and fun toys like this bowling game.

pregnant woman looks forward to the changes in her skin and body in front of the mirror

Changes in women during pregnancy

If you want to know what the physical and psychological changes that occur in pregnant women are due to, here we explain their causes.

Cafe-au-lait stains on babies

Cafe-au-lait stains on babies

Does your child have spots on the skin? We will clarify how to identify coffee-au-lait stains in the baby and what treatment must be carried out.

When do babies roll over?

When do babies roll over?

Do you know when babies roll over? We tell you in great detail the approximate time and what to do to stimulate them.

Homoparental family

Homoparental family

We address all the advantages and disadvantages of a homoparental family and we will analyze all the points that the studies have concluded.

Illustrative scheme of a gynecologist's consultation

What does a gynecologist do?

Do you really know what a gynecologist does? Enter and we will show you everything you did not know about the work of a gynecologist.

reasons to know how to induce labor

How to induce labor

We tell you everything you need to know about how to cause labor. Enter here to learn more about this topic.

What is the placenta for?

What is the placenta for?

If you still don't know what the placenta is for, we'll tell you everything you need to know and talk about its main functions.

Challenges to do with children

Challenges to do with children

Do you like challenges? We show you the funniest way with our challenges to do with children. A nice idea for an ideal afternoon.

The best children's movies

The best children's movies

Discover a selection of the best children's movies that you can watch with your little ones. Stories that have numerous teachings.

Halloween coloring pages

Halloween coloring pages

Here we give you a wide series of drawings for the children to color in this week in which we celebrate Halloween, so they will have fun afternoons.

girls playing

Game types and classification

In this article we will talk about the different types of games that there are of how each one is classified according to each area of ​​learning.

Mother scolding her son

10 phrases that hurt your children

Be very careful with these phrases ... You can say them unintentionally or without malicious intent, but the reality is that they can be very harmful to your children.

Examples of dynamic games

Group dynamics

In this article we give you some advice on the importance of group dynamics in childhood, beneficial for their development and learning.


Do you know what alexithymia is? Are you unable to recognize emotions? Here we tell you what it is and how it can be treated.

Work on emotions with children

Work on emotions with children

In this article we are going to give you information about the importance of emotions in children and some activity to work them.

Can Aquarius be drunk during pregnancy?

Do you want to know if you can drink Aquarius during pregnancy? It is a much-discussed question and here we will answer it so that you do not have any doubts.

What is the normal inserted placenta

What is the normal inserted placenta

Do you want to know what the nomoinserta placenta is? We detail what this type of placenta is like, where it is located and if there are problems.

Williams syndrome

Williams Syndrome

In this article we are going to give you information about one of the syndromes that are less common in children, Williams syndrome.

pregnancy mammography

Mammography and pregnancy

In this article we are going to give you information on when to perform a mammogram during pregnancy. Because it is important?

tobacco and pregnancy

Do you know how harmful smoking is during pregnancy? Here we tell you the problems that your baby can develop as a result.

What is intellectual disability

Do you know what intellectual disability is? Here we tell you what it is, its identifying signs and if it is possible to prevent it.

What is the zygote

Do you know what the zygote is? It is formed in the first stage of pregnancy and develops until the fetus is formed.

how to do a pregnancy test

How to do a pregnancy test

Do you know how to do a pregnancy test? Tranquility is very simple and we explain what are the steps you must follow.

why do babies turn yellow

why do babies turn yellow

Why do babies turn yellow? the cause is natural, but for all doubts we clarify all the points of its recovery.

when to put shoes on a baby

When to put shoes on a baby

Do you know when to put shoes on a baby? If the answer is no, in this publication we will solve any doubt on the subject.

What is emotional intelligence

What is emotional intelligence

We detail everything that concerns emotional intelligence, how it is characterized and what points to analyze in order to develop it.

critical thinking

Critical thinking games

If you want to improve your children's critical thinking, these three games are ideal to achieve this, don't miss out!

When babies hold their heads

When babies hold their heads

Do you know when babies hold their heads? We are telling you month by month so you can see the changes they are undergoing.

how to dilate faster in childbirth

How to Dilate Faster in Labor

We bring you a series of exercises that will help you know how to dilate faster during childbirth, before and after the epidural.

when babies smile

when babies smile

Do you want to know when babies smile? We tell you when your first smile happens and what happens if it doesn't come.

play hide

how to play hide and seek

Hide and seek is one of the most classic games. Today we tell you how to play step by step and also, what are its benefits.

How to remove mucus from the throat

How to remove mucus from the throat

We analyze the best remedies to remove mucus from the throat. With these tricks you can relieve these great discomfort in babies and children.

when does adolescence end

Do you know when adolescence ends? The end of adolescence is a complicated period for all young people.

Who are the millennials

Who are the millennials?

Who are the millennials? How is this generation different from the other? In this post we talk about all of this.

how to have twins

Do you want to have twins and do not know how? Here we talk about the factors that will increase your chances.

What is cognitive development

Do you know what cognitive development is? Here we tell you what it consists of and how the different stages of learning are developed.

When you feel the baby

When you feel the baby

Do you want to know when the baby sits? We indicate it to you with all the phases and moments so that your baby grows healthy in its development.

What is avoidant attachment

Do you know what avoidant attachment is? Here we tell you what it is, why it happens and how to treat it so you can improve your daily life.

When does puberty end in men?

When does puberty end in men?

When does puberty end in men? We analyze all the data and doubts in our section on children in the transition to adolescence.

What to do so that the embryo grabs

What to do so that the embryo grabs

Do you want to know some of the steps to take for the embryo to take hold? There have to be a host of circumstances and we'll tell you about them.

What is virginity in adolescence

Do you know how important virginity is in adolescence? Stop being a virgin is a big step that sooner or later ends up being taken.

Childish games

Principles of children's play

Principles of children's play, advantages and stages of it. How to act correctly when setting standards. You'll find out why it's so important!

birth plan

How to make a birth plan

In this publication, we tell you everything you have to take into account to know how to prepare a complete birth plan.

what is a veiled birth

What is a veiled birth

Find out why a veiled birth occurs and what its consequences are like. We will give all the keys to why it happens so rarely.

Mouth-hand-foot in adults

Mouth-hand-foot in adults

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease in adults is rare, but contagiousness may occur. We clarify all the points and consequences.

What is the corpus luteum

What is the corpus luteum

Few of us have heard of the corpus luteum. It is part of the menstrual cycle of pregnancy and for this we will detail what it consists of.

Pubalgia in pregnancy

Pubalgia in pregnancy

Do you know what pubalgia is in pregnancy? Here we detail the reasons for this pain and the remedies to alleviate it.

What is precocious puberty

Do you know what precocious puberty is? Here we tell you what it is, its symptoms and its possible causes so that you can detect it.

fun pool games

Pool games: The funniest!

Do you want to discover which are the funniest pool games? Then do not miss the selection that we bring you.

baby games 3 months

games for babies 3 months

We bring you a selection of some games for 3-month-old babies, so they can have fun, learn and discover a new world.

What is gender dysphoria

Do you know what gender dysphoria is? Here we see what this pathology consists of and how it can manifest itself in people.

Twins: Curiosities

What do you know about twin brothers? Here we tell you the most striking curiosities of these peculiar brothers.

Games for kids

Games for children 3-4 years

These are some ideas of games and activities for children between 3 and 4 years old with which they can learn while having fun.

Pregnancy at 45

Pregnancy at 45

Pregnancy at 45 is possible as long as the woman continues to ovulate, although the risks are greater than in other pregnancies.

Causes of school failure

Causes of school failure

You know the causes of school failure that affects almost 18% of students in our country. Being able to avoid it is of vital importance.

white poop in kids

White poop in children

In this post, we tell you everything you need to know about whether children start pooping white.

2000s children's series

2000s children's series

We are going to remember our childhood with this compilation of some of the best children's series of the 2000s.

water games for kids

Water games for children

Summer is here in no time, and that's why we bring you a selection of water games for children to have fun with.

traditional games for children

Traditional games for children

If you are looking for traditional games for children, in this publication we bring you a selection of 5 of the best games to practice.

What are mirror cufflinks

What are mirror cufflinks

There are curious pregnancies and although we know what twins are like, in this post we analyze what mirror twins are like and their characteristics.

When do babies kiss?

When do babies kiss?

Do you know when babies kiss? First they will throw them by hand and then the most awaited moment will come when they give them and we will tell you about it.