Wooden kitchens, a great play alternative for children
Wooden kitchens allow children to imitate adults and acquire many skills. Discover its benefits and some designs!
Wooden kitchens allow children to imitate adults and acquire many skills. Discover its benefits and some designs!
If you were wondering what the benefits of reading at night are, we took it upon ourselves to mention some of the most important ones.
Choosing the right postpartum pads is important to feel more comfortable and calm during postpartum recovery.
Are you curious to know when your baby will be born? We share with you 3 ways to calculate the probable date of delivery.
Do you have a PAS son or daughter but you don't understand him or know how to guide him in life? We explain what you need about PAS children.
What is sitting and what is its importance? Sitting is a milestone in the development of babies, find out why!
Do you know the Babinski reflex? It is a non-invasive test that is done on newborns and during their check-ups.
Discover what symbolic play consists of, an essential form of play in childhood with numerous benefits for little ones.
Discover everything you need about the lactation crisis at 15 days. We tell you what to do, how to cope with it and much more.
If you are thinking of buying a tacatá for your baby, then you should know everything that we are going to discuss in this article.
Does your child not sleep like he did before? It could be due to sleep regressions. Find out what they are and how to alleviate them!
What color eyes will my baby have? everything will depend on the color that precedes with its relatives and genes, read us and you will find out.
Have you heard of Pikler pedagogy? We discover its principles so that you can apply them in the education of your children.
Do you know the risks of the Hamilton maneuver? Practiced in full-term pregnancies to cause labor can cause some problems.
If you want to educate positively then you must take good note of these keys that we are now telling you because they will help you a lot.
Do you know the Caribbean? If you have nausea during pregnancy, it will be very useful for you to get to know him a little more and that is why we will tell you everything about him.
Do you have doubts about whether it is good to drink Coca Cola or a soft drink during pregnancy? We clarify all doubts about your intake.
Do you want to know if you can take Almax during pregnancy? It can be taken, but we will analyze some setbacks to not take it.
Is it good or bad to sleep on your back during pregnancy? We clarify this and other questions about how to sleep during pregnancy
It has always been said that newborn babies are ugly. Maybe yes and maybe not, but it will be something that we will analyze.
Do you want your children to leave the screens for a few minutes? These board games for 10-12 year olds are hilarious.
Are you looking for a positive way to educate based on respect and not authority? Start doing it with these 8 positive discipline phrases.
What can we teach a 3-year-old at home? Many habits, more than you can imagine. Here's a list.
Is it time to buy your first shoes? We tell you how respectful shoes should be for your baby.
Learning to detect when your child transitions from being a child to being a teenager can save you from potentially dangerous actions.
Want easy and fun kids experiment ideas? So do not miss the ones that we now leave you and with step by step.
Do you want a selection of the best cartoon series for children from 2 to 3 years old? We leave you with the specials.
Are you pregnant or intend to be? Take care of your diet with these recipes to combat anemia in pregnancy.
Groin pain during pregnancy is common, especially during the third trimester. Know the causes and how to alleviate it!
Good morning songs for children are a great way to start the daily routine with joy. We propose you some!
Have you ever wondered what happens to embryos not implanted in in vitro fertilization? We solve your doubts.
We analyze all the consequences of what premenopause is and everything that leads to heavy periods, even in menopause.
Taking soy sauce during pregnancy can be harmful for a number of reasons. Below we discover what they are.
Citizenship is something fundamental that must be focused on in education. The importance of teaching children for their present and future.
The winter solstice marks the beginning of a new season, in the northern hemisphere winter begins and in the south, summer.
In this article we are going to give you some exercises and games to stimulate the ear of your little one.
There are many crafts that we can do at home and with children, for example, simple and fun toys like this bowling game.
Do you believe in the importance of art in early childhood education? Artistic activities have many benefits for children. Discover them!
Do you know the cat meow syndrome? It is a very rare syndrome caused by a chromosomal abnormality. Know your symptoms!
What is the difference between artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization? Discover what differentiates these assisted reproductive techniques.
What are the benefits of video games for children? Although much is said about its drawbacks, these are numerous. Discover them!
Do you know modern Disney princesses? Rapunzel, Merida and Moana are some of them. Discover his personality and his story.
Are you thinking of organizing a different plan with the children? Have you thought about a camping trip? It's a great…
How to explain what first cousins are in an easy and simple way so that children understand which members make up their family.
We added a collection of motivating phrases against bullying. One more idea of empowerment and encouragement for children who suffer from it.
Discover how to educate a baby with love and respect, taking into account their age and abilities at all times.
Take paracetamol while pregnant? taking it can have its consequences and for this we will analyze what dose is recommended.
The jacuzzi and pregnancy are not the best of friends. Therefore, you must have a series of precautions and follow some advice for it.
Do you know all the psychological changes in adolescence? A time full of changes that you should know about as soon as possible.
Do you want to know when a pregnancy test is positive? Right now they are all very reliable, but you always have to save a few days.
When a pregnant woman is diagnosed with a low placenta, what can be done to make it come up? We detail all the doubts for a solution.
What do 18 month old babies eat? we analyze how they eat, what they can take at this age and what is the best diet to follow.
Do you know what parentification is? It is a change of roles by which children end up acting as parents. Know its consequences!
We give you all the keys on how to calculate the delivery date in IVF, since there are some methods and all of them are special for its calculation.
What is placental abruption, what are its possible causes, how is it diagnosed, its symptoms and what can be done.
Lymphocyte levels vary during pregnancy, and it is common for them to be low. There must be control and treatment if necessary.
If you don't know how to explain to your child where babies come from, in this article we will explain everything to you to successfully resolve your doubts.
If you have taken precautions in your sexual relations and still do not get your period or it is delayed, here we explain the possible causes.
If you want to know what the physical and psychological changes that occur in pregnant women are due to, here we explain their causes.
Do you have a craving for ice cream? Do not know if you can eat ice cream during pregnancy? We try to clarify your doubts.
If you want to know or teach the parts of the body in English for children, you should not miss what we show you, with interactive videos.
Does your child have spots on the skin? We will clarify how to identify coffee-au-lait stains in the baby and what treatment must be carried out.
If you want your children to grow up healthy and happy, in this post we show you how to do it with the best education in values.
At what age do premature babies crawl? We offer you the best data and solutions to know when they start to crawl.
If you suspect that you might be pregnant, we will clarify your doubts with a detailed list of all the possible symptoms of pregnancy.
Do you know when babies roll over? We tell you in great detail the approximate time and what to do to stimulate them.
If you don't know how to explain death to a child, in this post we explain how to do it as naturally and sensitively as possible.
Do you want to know what causes heat during pregnancy? In this post we tell you everything about its causes and the measures to alleviate it.
We address all the advantages and disadvantages of a homoparental family and we will analyze all the points that the studies have concluded.
Do you really know what a gynecologist does? Enter and we will show you everything you did not know about the work of a gynecologist.
How are the weeks of pregnancy counted? We clarify all the ways to be able to calculate how to count the date of delivery.
We tell you everything you need to know about how to cause labor. Enter here to learn more about this topic.
Do you want to know how babies breathe inside a pregnant woman's belly? Maybe you should know the function of the umbilical cord...
We indicate all the doubts that arise when finding blood when cleaning after urinating during pregnancy.
There are many doubts generated by the sudden movements of the baby before delivery. We will tell you everything they mean.
If you still don't know what the placenta is for, we'll tell you everything you need to know and talk about its main functions.
Do you want to know what is a low placenta or previa? Here you can find out everything you need to know about it.
Do you like challenges? We show you the funniest way with our challenges to do with children. A nice idea for an ideal afternoon.
Black poop in babies can be caused by various reasons. It is not necessary to set off the alarms, but to look for what has been ingested and look for the cause.
Do you want to discover what traditional games are? They are those games of a lifetime and that we will analyze what benefits they provide for children
In this article we teach you how to make some funny Santa Claus reindeer, so we will decorate the house with Christmas things as the season demands.
Discover the theory of sexuality in children according to Freud, all its phases and the relationship it has with subsequent puberty.
Do you want an original and ecological Christmas tree? Discover how to make recycled Christmas trees and teach your children to take care of the environment.
In this article we teach you a series of basic concepts that have to do with the growth and development of the baby.
Do you know how long there is between implantation bleeding and positive? It is one of the most frequent doubts that we are going to reveal to you.
More and more parents are turning to books for positive discipline. We value those that are best valued and easy to understand.
We offer you a fun way to learn how the Mayan pregnancy calendar works. You will be able to know the sex of the baby.
Do you want to know if babies that move a lot in the womb are restless? We tell you and so, you will leave doubts.
What are attachment blankets for? We will dedicate our section to be able to offer all the data that this endearing object offers.
We will analyze the importance of the obstetrician in pregnancy and all the tests and follow-up that he performs together with the midwife.
It is a great unknown when there are cases where a baby does not stop eating. Actually, every boy or girl...
Within the care in the feeding of a pregnant woman, the doubt enters: can you eat shrimp during pregnancy?
Do you know the importance of improving memory skills and why their development is so vital? We tell you!
Newborns can also play. What's more, we should play with them. Do you know what games you can play? I show you...
Discover a selection of the best children's movies that you can watch with your little ones. Stories that have numerous teachings.
Do you want to know if you can drink soy milk during pregnancy? We offer all the keys with their benefits and disadvantages in their taking.
Here we give you a wide series of drawings for the children to color in this week in which we celebrate Halloween, so they will have fun afternoons.
Many teenagers decide to find a job to do after school, or temporary, to do only during the holidays.
In this article we will talk about the different types of games that there are of how each one is classified according to each area of learning.
The non-invasive prenatal test is a test with which to detect chromosomal alterations in fetal DNA at…
Be very careful with these phrases ... You can say them unintentionally or without malicious intent, but the reality is that they can be very harmful to your children.
Breathing correctly is essential for health and for solving speech problems. We tell you what the puff box is and how to use it.
From early childhood, children begin to have companions in life who become a reference for their development.
In this article we give you some advice on the importance of group dynamics in childhood, beneficial for their development and learning.
Do you know the importance of prenatal nutrition for you and your baby? We tell you everything you need to know.
That your child does not want to separate from you is normal up to a certain age, then he may be experiencing an anxiety disorder.
Learn some tips to raise your children in a healthy way, the key to making them happy adults.
We offer the causes for the use of forceps in childbirth, if this technique is safe, when to use it and if it has consequences.
Do you know what alexithymia is? Are you unable to recognize emotions? Here we tell you what it is and how it can be treated.
Can they tell you it's a boy and then be a girl? We analyze all the cases of why it happens and what their cases are like.
The linea alba in pregnancy is the hyperpigmentation of an already present line that tends to become more visible due to hormones.
If you have just had a baby and you have had stitches, we will clarify all your doubts about how long it takes for the birth stitches to fall off.
Take note of all the probabilities that exist in whether the second birth is early or late. Discover their differences.
In this article we are going to give you information about the importance of emotions in children and some activity to work them.
Are you worried because your breasts do not grow during pregnancy? Here we talk about that topic and why you don't have to worry
There is usually some confusion between the terms identical twins and fraternal twins. Let's see what the differences are.
In this article we show you a lace-up toy so that the child begins to learn to tie his shoes and promote motor skills.
When can we start listening to our baby's heartbeat? Is it going very fast?... We answer these questions and many more.
If you are a future mother, you will surely want to know when your first ultrasound is done and what the following ones will be like during pregnancy.
We resolve all doubts in case you do not know if you can cross your legs during pregnancy and if it becomes harmful to the baby.
Do you want to know if you can drink Aquarius during pregnancy? It is a much-discussed question and here we will answer it so that you do not have any doubts.
Do you want to know what the nomoinserta placenta is? We detail what this type of placenta is like, where it is located and if there are problems.
In this article we show you some examples of entertainment games that can be played with children at any children's party.
Children and any person have their own individuality and it is necessary to promote this instead of comparing them or ourselves with others.
Emotional intelligence is very important for all families in the world, because it is the only way to educate children from the heart.
A simple experiment for your children to visualize yeast fermentation in a fun and surprising way. You will leave them speechless.
In this article we are going to give you information about one of the syndromes that are less common in children, Williams syndrome.
El Lince is a simple game in which all players have to be very attentive to find the images that appear.
Gas and belching is very common during pregnancy. Do you want to know how to remove them forever?
Your parents have taken care of you and watched over you. But you, as a child, also have some obligations to fulfill with them.
In this article we are going to give you information on when to perform a mammogram during pregnancy. Because it is important?
Month by month, how much does our baby grow? Read on and discover the changes that occur in your child's first year.
Is it possible to get pregnant even if some of the sperm leaves the vagina? We answer this frequently asked question among young people.
We offer you all the details about how much a 3D ultrasound costs and all the advantages it brings to perform it during pregnancy.
Do you know how harmful smoking is during pregnancy? Here we tell you the problems that your baby can develop as a result.
Do you know what intellectual disability is? Here we tell you what it is, its identifying signs and if it is possible to prevent it.
We reveal the consequences of abdominal pain in pregnancy and when to go to the emergency room if it is a serious case.
Don't know how to put on the Ergobaby backpack correctly? We explain how to do it in a few simple steps.
In this publication we explain the process that is followed during the first appointment with the midwife during pregnancy.
These are some ideas to give to a 6-year-old girl, creative and educational options for all tastes and pockets.
Do you want to know why babies lose their hair after birth? We solve all the doubts and what to do about it.
Can you have intercourse in week 39? We solve this and other questions about sex and pregnancy today.
Do you know what an empty egg pregnancy is? Here we tell you what it is and why these types of pregnancies happen.
Do you know what the zygote is? It is formed in the first stage of pregnancy and develops until the fetus is formed.
Do you know how to do a pregnancy test? Tranquility is very simple and we explain what are the steps you must follow.
Why do babies turn yellow? the cause is natural, but for all doubts we clarify all the points of its recovery.
Why does sugar rise in pregnancy? The causes are not known, but we will discover several aspects and care so that it is not altered.
We offer you a list of cheeses that can and cannot be eaten during pregnancy. In addition, we clarify the reasons why they are not consumed.
Avoid nausea in pregnancy is something that many women seek, so we bring you some tips to relieve them as much as possible.
Today we are going to talk about this topic, how to make a child pee in the potty in a simple and learning way.
Do you know when to put shoes on a baby? If the answer is no, in this publication we will solve any doubt on the subject.
We detail everything that concerns emotional intelligence, how it is characterized and what points to analyze in order to develop it.
Three key moments are what will help us to know if a pregnancy is going well, all of them are ultrasound scans during the months of gestation.
We bring you in this publication a series of tips to teach you how to wash the clothes of a newborn in the proper way.
If you want to improve your children's critical thinking, these three games are ideal to achieve this, don't miss out!
Do you know when babies hold their heads? We are telling you month by month so you can see the changes they are undergoing.
We talk about the objectives that must be achieved in group dynamics, especially in the smallest ones. With practical examples.
We bring you a series of exercises that will help you know how to dilate faster during childbirth, before and after the epidural.
Do you want to know when babies smile? We tell you when your first smile happens and what happens if it doesn't come.
Do you know what to have for breakfast if you are pregnant? There are many ideal foods to start the day, here we tell you.
Do you know when preadolescence begins? Here we tell you about the changes that boys and girls experience during this stage.
Hide and seek is one of the most classic games. Today we tell you how to play step by step and also, what are its benefits.
Do you want to know when the sex of the baby is known? We show you all the possibilities to meet him during pregnancy.
Do you want to know what a 9-month-old baby does? They enter a more curious stage, his first words and much more.
We analyze the best remedies to remove mucus from the throat. With these tricks you can relieve these great discomfort in babies and children.
We present all the doubts that may arise when suspecting a miscarriage or menstruation.
We give you the best information to know first-hand what stretch marks are and how to treat them. Today there are useful treatments.
Do you know when adolescence ends? The end of adolescence is a complicated period for all young people.
When should girls put earrings on? If you don't know the answer, we tell you everything you need to know.
If you are wondering, what are the factors that influence your child's learning, we will talk about some of them below.
A question that arises among new parents is, when do babies start to babble, in this publication we explain everything.
Who are the millennials? How is this generation different from the other? In this post we talk about all of this.
Do you want to have twins and do not know how? Here we talk about the factors that will increase your chances.
Do you know the importance of self-esteem? We talked about the importance of self-esteem in children and how to improve it.
Do you know how to avoid resentment in children? We leave you with a series of steps to achieve it and eliminate all negative feelings
Find out if you can voluntarily request a caesarean section and the advantages and disadvantages that may arise.
Many women have chills during pregnancy, a situation that is normal in principle but that can have different causes.
We clarify some doubts about future mothers who have wondered how to know if the pregnancy has stopped at some point in its gestation.
Do you know what cognitive development is? Here we tell you what it consists of and how the different stages of learning are developed.
There are different types of childbirth and knowing them will help you choose the best option for you, whenever circumstances allow.
Do you want to know when the baby sits? We indicate it to you with all the phases and moments so that your baby grows healthy in its development.
Do you know what avoidant attachment is? Here we tell you what it is, why it happens and how to treat it so you can improve your daily life.
Abuse and lack of affection: living this in childhood has serious consequences that compromise present and future health.
When does puberty end in men? We analyze all the data and doubts in our section on children in the transition to adolescence.
Do you want to know some of the steps to take for the embryo to take hold? There have to be a host of circumstances and we'll tell you about them.
We analyze the sequelae of the newborn who swallows meconium. The solution to this question is interpreted with solutions and consequences.
Do you know how important virginity is in adolescence? Stop being a virgin is a big step that sooner or later ends up being taken.
If you go to your child's first tutoring, don't miss all these questions to find out everything your child does in class.
Principles of children's play, advantages and stages of it. How to act correctly when setting standards. You'll find out why it's so important!
We go into all the details of how a posterior placenta presents and the possible differences between the anterior placenta.
Do children with autism start to speak the same as typical children? It's a tough question because every autistic child is unique.
Are you pregnant and do you go to the bathroom a lot to defecate? In this post we tell you everything you need to know about this topic.
In this publication, we tell you everything you have to take into account to know how to prepare a complete birth plan.
When do dizziness start in pregnancy? We detail when they start, why and how to relieve this symptom.
Find out why a veiled birth occurs and what its consequences are like. We will give all the keys to why it happens so rarely.
Don't you know how much a pregnancy test costs or the different types that exist? We put a solution to this and resolve your doubts.
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease in adults is rare, but contagiousness may occur. We clarify all the points and consequences.
Few of us have heard of the corpus luteum. It is part of the menstrual cycle of pregnancy and for this we will detail what it consists of.
Do you know what pubalgia is in pregnancy? Here we detail the reasons for this pain and the remedies to alleviate it.
Do you know what precocious puberty is? Here we tell you what it is, its symptoms and its possible causes so that you can detect it.
We show you all the tips so you can know how to treat a hyperactive baby with respect and with all the love in the world.
Can surimi be consumed during pregnancy? For all these questions we answer with all its benefits and cons for a diet.
If you have doubts about how the belly is left after childbirth, in this publication we will talk about it.
Can you be pregnant and menstruate the first month? Bleeding during the first trimester is not your period and you should tell a doctor.
Do you know how to improve attention in young children of 3 or 4 years? It is a complicated task, but here we give you some tips to achieve it.
You do not know when hunger begins in pregnancy, we will solve this and other doubts in the next post.
Does your 4-5 year old have bad behavior? Here are some tips to get you started behaving better.
Working on oral language in children can be a lot of fun if we choose the most original activities like the ones we mentioned.
Do you want to discover which are the funniest pool games? Then do not miss the selection that we bring you.
Can you eat smoked salmon while pregnant? For all those doubts, we clarify all the pros so that you can take it correctly.
Is it normal to have cramps during pregnancy? They are usually normal, but you have to look in case it is a sign that something is wrong.
Enter this publication and discover different physical education games for children from 10 to 12 years old with which to learn and have fun.
What if some of the best phrases could make children think? Reflection makes them explore their…
We bring you a selection of some games for 3-month-old babies, so they can have fun, learn and discover a new world.
If you are pregnant and have low back pain during the first few weeks, we will tell you the causes and tips to relieve it.
We bring you a selection of some activities to work on child care, with which they will not only learn but also have fun.
Do you know how to treat impulsive children? Here we give you some tips to improve coexistence with this type of children.
Do you know what gender dysphoria is? Here we see what this pathology consists of and how it can manifest itself in people.
Do you know how to help your child lose shame? It can be a complicated task, but it will be very beneficial for him.
More and more women decide to get pregnant later in time. The main reason is related to…
Do you know how to work sadness in children? Here we give you some tips to be able to face the most difficult moments.
What do you know about twin brothers? Here we tell you the most striking curiosities of these peculiar brothers.
These are some ideas of games and activities for children between 3 and 4 years old with which they can learn while having fun.
To work with the family with infant children, activities such as a family tree or analyzing family photographs can be carried out.
Generally several kilos are lost in childbirth, all due to the weight of the baby, the amniotic fluid or the blood that is lost in it.
The first labor contractions can be compared to the pain of a very annoying period, although these will increase progressively.
The baby's heartbeat can be heard between the eighth and tenth week of pregnancy using a sound amplifier, the Doppler.
Today there are many extracurricular activities that we can find for our children. We give you the best examples of them.
Punctures in the vagina during pregnancy are related to the growth of the uterus, as well as internal physical changes.
Do you know what the specific needs of educational support are? Here we explain what it consists of and its benefits.
Bleeding after childbirth begins with the wrongs just after giving birth and lasts between four and eight weeks.
Pregnancy at 45 is possible as long as the woman continues to ovulate, although the risks are greater than in other pregnancies.
Teaching a child to listen is a fundamental part of their learning, since in order to communicate it is essential to know how to listen.
Gaining weight during pregnancy is completely normal, but controlling weight gain so that it is not excessive is essential.
You know the causes of school failure that affects almost 18% of students in our country. Being able to avoid it is of vital importance.
If you want to have some ideas about activities to work on rhythm in children, then do not miss the ones that we propose.
Having swollen feet after childbirth is very common, especially in instrumental or cesarean deliveries.
We tell you all the reasons and doubts that can occur when swollen lips appear during pregnancy.
If you want to know how long it takes to erase the cervix, we indicate all the guidelines to follow and know all its signs.
In this post, we tell you everything you need to know about whether children start pooping white.
We are going to remember our childhood with this compilation of some of the best children's series of the 2000s.
Summer is here in no time, and that's why we bring you a selection of water games for children to have fun with.
My baby falls asleep and wakes up right away, what are the causes? What should she do? We tell you everything you need to know.
Do you know from what week a baby can be born safely? Here we tell you when it is safe and when it is not.
There are different positions to eliminate gas during pregnancy and in this publication we will tell you about some of them.
If you are looking for traditional games for children, in this publication we bring you a selection of 5 of the best games to practice.
Do you want to calm the tantrums of a 2-year-old? Then do not miss the best tips and examples that we leave you.
Noticing the baby's kicks is something very special for pregnant women, but also for dads who are experiencing pregnancy.
There are curious pregnancies and although we know what twins are like, in this post we analyze what mirror twins are like and their characteristics.
Do you know when babies kiss? First they will throw them by hand and then the most awaited moment will come when they give them and we will tell you about it.
If you need to know how to feed a 6-month-old baby, we will tell you the best foods and those that are prohibited.