week 21 of pregnancy

Pregnancy Week 21

You already know if it will be a boy or a girl! The mother has to take great care of herself and will need maternity clothes. Fetal movements are fully noticeable.

Parenting in arms. Carrying safely

Carrying can be considered the natural way to transport a baby, but in many cases it continues to be criticized. We are going to learn to carry safe

Week 20 of pregnancy

Week 20 of pregnancy. The doctor will do the second trimester or morphological ultrasound. Your baby is moving and can hear outside sounds.

woman 19 weeks pregnant

19th week of pregnancy

Week 19 of pregnancy: you may start to notice your baby's movements and it becomes increasingly obvious that you are pregnant.

read to children

Stories change children's brains

Stories, reading ... change children's brains. Reading is necessary in everyone's life but it is crucial in the lives of children.

18th week of pregnancy

Week 18 of pregnancy: the mother feels more and more heavy and may suffer from constipation; the baby matures its skeleton and other changes.

Woman with ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy

Guide to ectopic pregnancy, a problem that we tell you about its symptoms, treatment, causes that causes it and when it is detected. Avoid ectopic pregnancy

active listening family

Teaching morals in children

Teaching morality to children is very important, but how can you do it so that they internalize it and become people responsible for their actions?

A child with a tantrum

How to help a child manage anger

Parents are primarily responsible for children learning to control their anger. Do you know what are the strategies you should use?

17th week of pregnancy

Week 17 of pregnancy: the fetus does not stop growing and in addition to its skin appearing whitish, the facial features are very well defined.

16th week of pregnancy

How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 16th week of pregnancy, we tell you in detail.

travel abroad pregnant

Traveling abroad pregnant

If you want to travel abroad while pregnant, you need to take into account some things to ensure your well-being.

12 week pregnancy

Week 12 of pregnancy

How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 12th week of pregnancy

thoughtful pregnant woman

How do I know if I'm pregnant?

There are women who are looking to become pregnant and others who, on the other hand, believe that they may be pregnant but they would have liked to ...

Week 11 of pregnancy

11th week of pregnancy

Week 11 of pregnancy. In the baby, the elongation of the neck and the production of urine stand out; in the mother the disappearance of some annoyances.

Woman in week 10 of pregnancy

Week 10 of pregnancy

Week 10 of pregnancy: the changes accelerate and the organs are ready to mature. We are at the beginning of the fetal period

Belly in week 9 of pregnancy

9th week of pregnancy

Week 9 of pregnancy: ossification accelerates the specialization of the extremities. On the other hand, it is important to make an appointment for follow-up.

Imaginary friend in childhood

Imaginary friends in children

Imaginary friends can be an important stage for children and that is why it must be respected so that it does not become a problem.

Embryo in week 8 of pregnancy

8th week of pregnancy

Week 8 of pregnancy: you should know that in this week the maturation of the internal organs continues, and the shape of the embryo changes.

teenagers studying

How to motivate your teenager to study

Teenagers to study must feel that it is good for them and that is why they should not think that it is something tedious or that they do not want to do it.

Girl in week 7 of pregnancy

7th week of pregnancy

Week 7 of pregnancy. Surely you have started to notice the symptoms. We tell you what you need to know about food and controls.

Week 6 of pregnancy

6th week of pregnancy

Week 6 of pregnancy: the embryo moves a lot but the mother does not notice it, and many changes are taking place inside her. Find out what they are

Woman in week 5 of pregnancy

Week 5 of pregnancy

At week 5 of pregnancy, the implanted embryo is made up of three layers of cells and the nervous system and neural tube begin to form.

Week 4 of pregnancy

4th week of pregnancy

Everything about week 4 of pregnancy: the embryonic phase begins and the uterus will house the new being. The embryo implants itself these days. You want to know more?

Week 3 of pregnancy

Week 3 of pregnancy

Everything about week 3 of pregnancy: fertilization is like "a journey" that we explain step by step.

Partybot, robot that dances to music

Partybot is a robot that dances to the rhythm of music and with a mobile app. Play and dance to make your child laugh. Discover this robot for children.

Week 2 of pregnancy

2th week of pregnancy

All about week 2 of pregnancy: the egg is released from the ovaries and the first changes begin to take place in your body.

Week 1 of pregnancy

1th week of pregnancy

Everything about week 1 of pregnancy: before conception it is advisable to visit the midwife or gynecologist.

Teens lack sleep, study finds

75% of adolescents lack hours of sleep. We do not say it ourselves, but a study that reveals aspects that we should take into account.

Slow parenting, slow parenting

 Slow parenting is a social movement that promotes the need to "slow down the current pace of society." We invite you to reflect on it.

February 4 World Cancer Day

Cancer is a disease that causes thousands of deaths a year, but it can be prevented. During pregnancy we must not lower our guard. Let's do prevention

Oral problems in pregnancy

Oral problems in pregnancy are frequent and are due to hormonal changes, but also to poor habits. Today we learn to avoid them.

What is a mucous plug?

We solve all your doubts about the mucous plug: What is it, what is it for, what happens when it is expelled

Breathing techniques for childbirth

We are going to explain what respiratory techniques are for childbirth, what they are for, how to perform them and when. As well as what we can achieve with them

A child with a tantrum

Important tips for managing tantrums

If your child has tantrums and you don't know how to control them, read the following tips to find at least one way to understand your little one and get it.


Is your child too old to nap?

Does your child have to take naps or do you think he's too old? Do you really know how to know whether or not you should do them?

my delivery

Will I know that labor is starting?

When does labor start? What signs do I have to be ready to notice? Will I be able to tell it apart? These are some signals that our body will send us

Contraceptives and breastfeeding

"We inform you about safe contraceptives in postpartum and breastfeeding. Everything you need to know about contraceptive methods after having the baby"

So and so on the beach

Have fun with the Fulanitos

Meet the Fulanitos and enjoy with your baby these fun didactic drawings that will help your child learn while having fun.


Whooping cough alert Why?

We explain what it is and how to prevent whooping cough. We inform you of the safety of the vaccine in pregnant women

5 ways to help a frustrated teenager

5 ways to help a frustrated teenager

If there is a characteristic that accompanies the passage through adolescence, it is frustration. Discover some strategies to help a frustrated teenager.

Names for boys

Baby name trends for 2015

So that baby names are original and eye-catching. In this article we show you the names that are causing trends for this year 2015.

Carnival costumes

Carnival costumes

In this article we show you a series of carnival costumes for children. In this way, you can get ideas for this new carnival 2015.

mothers after 40

Pregnant after 40

In this article we are going to talk about some of the advantages of getting pregnant after forty.

vaginal touch

Vaginal touch

In this article we talk about a process that is done to the pregnant woman before giving birth. The vaginal examination collects all the information of the pregnant woman.

biological clock

Women's biological clock

In this article we are going to talk to you about the biological clock of women, how true it is what they say and how to face it socially.

Christmas coloring sheets

Christmas Coloring Sheets

In this article we leave you a series of coloring sheets in which children can have fun coloring this Christmas holidays.

Christmas coloring pages

The best Christmas drawings to color with your children. Confidently download drawings of Santa Claus, reindeer, Christmas trees, balls ... Download!

Christmas crafts for kids

Christmas crafts

In this article we make a compilation of crafts that you can find online on the occasion of Christmas that is soon approaching.

What is induced labor?

In this article we talk about induced labor, one of the processes in which the mother is helped to bring the little being into the world. Advantages, Risks, etc ..

Halloween crafts for kids

Crafts: typical Halloween characters

On Halloween it is common to find pumpkins, witches, mummies and black cats, so today we present it to you in the form of a craft with paper rolls.

Modernized Waldorf dolls

Waldorf dolls have been part of the childhood of many girls, now they are modernized thanks to the hand of an enterprising mother.

homemade salt dough

Colored salt dough

In this article we are going to teach you how to make salt dough so that the little ones can make their own crafts at home.

Halloween crafts for kids

Halloween crafts

In this article we show you a series of very fun crafts to be able to spend a fun afternoon with the children to enjoy Halloween.

leaf pattern

Leaf prints

In this article we are going to show you how to make beautiful patterns with natural tree leaves.

Utensil to form bracelets

Children love bracelets and even more the ones they make with their own hands. So, today we present a tool to form them as quickly as possible.

Constellations map for kids

The world of the universe is exciting for the little ones, so directing them towards it is easy with this map of the constellations.


Dyeing hippie t-shirts

In this article we are going to teach you how to dye hippie-style shirts so that the little ones can learn.

Avoid machismo in children.

Avoid machismo in children

In this article we are going to give you some tips on how to prevent children from engaging in macho behaviors.

Game: maze table with ball

In this article we show you a unique maze game that does not go out of style. In this way, they will favor your concentration and dexterity.

Symbolic food toy to cut

In this article we show you a fantastic symbolic toy for children to learn to appreciate food and cooking, and also promote their dexterity.

Carnival costumes for babies

In this article we show you some ideas for Carnival costumes for babies. Thus, you will see how with recycled clothes you can make fantastic costumes.

Game for children from 4 to 6 years

In this article we are going to show you one of the games that you can use with children from four to six years old where everyone participates.

39 weeks

39th week of pregnancy

How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 39th week of pregnancy

38 weeks

38th week of pregnancy

How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 38th week of pregnancy

37 weeks

37th week of pregnancy

How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 37th week of pregnancy

36 weeks

36th week of pregnancy

How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 36th week of pregnancy

35th week of pregnancy

Week 35 of pregnancy: your baby is shedding its lanugo, you are more tired than ever, and also more excited than ever.

34th week of pregnancy

Week 34 of pregnancy: Your baby has almost fully matured and you will experience a lot of happiness and some discomfort that you can alleviate.

Bathtubs-baby furniture

One of the pleasant moments in the life and development of the baby is when we share with the conceited the moment of ...

Gifts for pregnant women

Gift ideas for pregnant women

Giving a gift to someone else is often complicated, especially if it is a pregnant woman. Today I present you some useful ideas

The role of stories

Stories and songs are often seen as an expression of affection and love for the child. Yes OK…

How to detect fetal distress?

If you are pregnant, you have surely heard the term fetal distress. In simple terms, we could define fetal distress as ...

tell me a story

How many times has it happened to us that at the end of the day, when we already believe that our son will go to sleep, ...

Setting limits

One of the most difficult tasks for parents is setting limits for their children. They are often afraid of being authoritarian ...

Ditch diapers

One of the children's learning that most worries parents is that of toilet training ...

Childish humor

Advantages of good humor A sense of humor is necessary in family life as much as discipline, education ...