Pregnancy Week 21
You already know if it will be a boy or a girl! The mother has to take great care of herself and will need maternity clothes. Fetal movements are fully noticeable.
You already know if it will be a boy or a girl! The mother has to take great care of herself and will need maternity clothes. Fetal movements are fully noticeable.
Menopause consists of three phases that can last several years, during the first there is still a reduced possibility of pregnancy. We will tell you.
The maturational delay is not the same as a disability, so it is important to know how to differentiate it and understand what it is exactly.
Carrying can be considered the natural way to transport a baby, but in many cases it continues to be criticized. We are going to learn to carry safe
We interviewed Professor Oscar González about the use of technology by children; talks about preventing cyberbullying
Week 20 of pregnancy. The doctor will do the second trimester or morphological ultrasound. Your baby is moving and can hear outside sounds.
Week 19 of pregnancy: you may start to notice your baby's movements and it becomes increasingly obvious that you are pregnant.
We explain what a gestiogram consists of, how it is used and what data it can offer to a pregnant woman.
There are different activities to do after school that have nothing to do with the usual extracurricular activities.
The Newborn's reflexes ensure its survival. We are going to know the most important ones, what they consist of and their duration.
We reflect with advantages and disadvantages on the two models of school time in Spain: continuous day and split.
Are you pregnant and everyone tells you what to eat? We tell you all the myths and truths about eating during pregnancy
Stories, reading ... change children's brains. Reading is necessary in everyone's life but it is crucial in the lives of children.
Babies may be ready to walk between 12 and 15 months, but some are earlier, and others wait longer.
Week 18 of pregnancy: the mother feels more and more heavy and may suffer from constipation; the baby matures its skeleton and other changes.
Guide to ectopic pregnancy, a problem that we tell you about its symptoms, treatment, causes that causes it and when it is detected. Avoid ectopic pregnancy
Teaching morality to children is very important, but how can you do it so that they internalize it and become people responsible for their actions?
In the vast majority of homes the television is usually on for a large part of the day or at least some ...
Creativity in children is something innate, it is carried within and that is why it must be promoted, so that children see that they are capable of anything.
Is it possible to choose between vaginal delivery or cesarean section? We explain the advantages of vaginal delivery and the situation that we currently live in terms of cesarean sections.
It is estimated that 78% of pregnant women have some kind of sleep disturbance. Here are some tips to learn how to control insomnia in pregnancy.
Parents are primarily responsible for children learning to control their anger. Do you know what are the strategies you should use?
Week 17 of pregnancy: the fetus does not stop growing and in addition to its skin appearing whitish, the facial features are very well defined.
There are many myths about eating in pregnancy, most of them are not true and they confuse us. Here we are going to try to clarify it.
From "Mothers Today" we want to pay our tributes to the brave fathers and mothers, those who every day fight for their children with special needs.
How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 16th week of pregnancy, we tell you in detail.
During pregnancy there are different tests to rule out fetal alterations. They will perform the least invasive one first. We explain all
Childhood hypersexualization is the reflection of a society that seeks to "burn out" in children, thus leading them to a problem of identity and self-esteem.
Week 15 of pregnancy: the baby develops the features of his head and notices the flavors. It has a lot of mobility and space to move.
Children need parents to take into account some aspects so that they can develop good self-esteem. What do you need?
Advancing stages or accelerating the acquisition of certain skills is an aspiration that many mothers and fathers have, but is it really the right thing to do?
The pelvic floor is the great forgotten of women. If it loses its function as a support for the abdominal viscera, alterations occur. Let's exercise it.
How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 14th week of pregnancy
The placenta is a vital organ for pregnancy. It is formed at the same time as the embryo and is the last thing we eliminate during childbirth. Let's get to know it.
ADHD is currently one of the most common psychological problems in most school-age children. How can we deal with it?
The case of the mother who refused to be induced into labor and had to go to the hospital accompanied by the police, continues to be talked about.
Week 13 of pregnancy: we explain all the details so that you know what changes you will notice during this week of your pregnancy
Toxoplasmosis is an infection that occurs as mild in children or adults, but could have serious consequences if a pregnant woman transmits it to the fetus
If you want to travel abroad while pregnant, you need to take into account some things to ensure your well-being.
How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 12th week of pregnancy
There are women who are looking to become pregnant and others who, on the other hand, believe that they may be pregnant but they would have liked to ...
If you are thinking about traveling during your pregnancy, there are some things that you better keep in mind so that everything goes well.
Week 11 of pregnancy. In the baby, the elongation of the neck and the production of urine stand out; in the mother the disappearance of some annoyances.
We explain to you what are the wonderful effects of music on the children's brain. Do not hesitate to bring them closer to music from an early age!
Week 10 of pregnancy: the changes accelerate and the organs are ready to mature. We are at the beginning of the fetal period
Are you wondering if it is safe to travel during pregnancy? We tell you all the precautions and the best means of transportation during pregnancy
Week 9 of pregnancy: ossification accelerates the specialization of the extremities. On the other hand, it is important to make an appointment for follow-up.
Imaginary friends can be an important stage for children and that is why it must be respected so that it does not become a problem.
According to a study, the brain structure that governs our emotions could be inherited from mothers to daughters. We explain it to you.
It is the first anniversary of the teta session, created so that moms can go to the movies with their babies. We interview your facebook administrator.
Dogs are emotional, loyal, and domestic beings. But you have to prevent certain behaviors to avoid biting children.
Week 8 of pregnancy: you should know that in this week the maturation of the internal organs continues, and the shape of the embryo changes.
In a short time the children will come home with the notes, if you think that your child will bring suspense, then it will be necessary for you to prepare a positive attitude.
We will tell you what is the reason why women have historically given birth vertically, and how this position benefits the birthing process
Teenagers to study must feel that it is good for them and that is why they should not think that it is something tedious or that they do not want to do it.
It seems like a very complicated task for children to learn self-control but the reality that it should not be like that, in addition, they need it.
The bonding disorder occurs when there have been traumatic ruptures between the child-mother affective bond from the earliest stages.
Week 7 of pregnancy. Surely you have started to notice the symptoms. We tell you what you need to know about food and controls.
Week 6 of pregnancy: the embryo moves a lot but the mother does not notice it, and many changes are taking place inside her. Find out what they are
Mastitis is the great enemy of breastfeeding, although breastfeeding should not be stopped many times the pain forces mothers to suspend feedings.
Your children have tests that they must study in school and it is necessary for them to learn to study in order for them to show what they really know.
The process of removing the diaper is a process that all children will do sooner or later ... but they must be prepared to succeed.
At week 5 of pregnancy, the implanted embryo is made up of three layers of cells and the nervous system and neural tube begin to form.
Recommendations for choosing books and readings from 0 months to 6 years, taking into account the specific characteristics of each stage.
Everything about week 4 of pregnancy: the embryonic phase begins and the uterus will house the new being. The embryo implants itself these days. You want to know more?
Everything about week 3 of pregnancy: fertilization is like "a journey" that we explain step by step.
If you have school-age children, they will likely need to study for their exams. It is imperative that you know how to help them to be successful.
Partybot is a robot that dances to the rhythm of music and with a mobile app. Play and dance to make your child laugh. Discover this robot for children.
Before a child starts school, little ones usually have acquired skills that will make it easier for them to learn new content.
If the baby is breech at the end of the pregnancy; There are different exercises and natural therapies that can be helpful in getting you high.
Currently there are many learning problems in children and two of them are dyscalculia and dysgraphia. But what exactly are they about?
Hyper-parenting is excessive attention to children, that type of bond that, far from allowing them to grow and mature, leads them to insecurity.
Learning disabilities are becoming more and more common today, today I want to talk to you about dyslalia and dyslexia.
All about week 2 of pregnancy: the egg is released from the ovaries and the first changes begin to take place in your body.
Everything about week 1 of pregnancy: before conception it is advisable to visit the midwife or gynecologist.
Taking advantage of the fact that April has already started, a month dedicated to books (Children's Book Day, Book Day, various ...
It is never too early to bring the wonderful habit of reading to our children. Do we start today? Find out how to do it successfully.
Do you know Tim Bowler ?, He is a young adult writer who won the Carnegie Medal for “River Boy”; it is also…
That children choose the readings from a young age is essential so that they can feel more motivated by the reader.
Reading to children is always a good option, so it is a good idea for you to know some reasons why you should read to your children, every day!
Homeschooling or home school is an option for many families who want an alternative to ordinary school. We explain it to you.
Increasingly known in our country, the game of "Easter egg hunt" is a tradition in countries ...
When it comes to talking about the integration of children with Down syndrome in the educational system, we must go further and defend the inclusive school.
Having a baby with Down syndrome is a stress for any family, coping with it is not an easy path and it is important to have all the information.
The excess of homework is already a social problem that affects the health of children that brings high levels of stress in families. We talk about it.
75% of adolescents lack hours of sleep. We do not say it ourselves, but a study that reveals aspects that we should take into account.
If your child has been diagnosed with autism, you probably have thousands of questions in your head, but what should you do from now on?
Women's day is approaching, it is important to know the aid and permits we have to try to reconcile family and work life.
We present the image of a breech birth photographed by Karyn Loftesness, who specializes in portraying pregnancies, births and babies.
Perineal massage is very useful for childbirth, but it is important to know how to do it, from what moment to do it and in what way.
During pregnancy you can feel many things, but some of them nobody tells you because you will discover them along the way.
Today is the day of rare diseases: a topic that needs greater social awareness and support from institutions.
Children need to be disciplined so that they understand the correct way to behave. But how to do it when they are between 5 and 7 years old?
Asperger's syndrome is not a disease, nor are robots devoid of emotions. They have them and they need to be understood like anyone else.
Vindel digital notebooks are already a common resource for parents and teachers when it comes to working on basic skills. Find out!
Good customs must not be lost, they must be renewed. We invite you to celebrate Valentine's Day through 3 very original ways.
Congenital heart disease is a group of congenital diseases that appear in 8 out of every 1000 births. To learn more about the subject, keep reading
It may seem difficult to motivate children to do the tasks that are entrusted to them, but how do you get them to do it willingly?
A child with ADHD will need to organize themselves in order to function better in their day-to-day lives, but what is the most important thing to keep in mind?
One of the newest tests in the control of pregnancy is the fetal DNA test in maternal blood. We tell you everything you want to know.
Slow parenting is a social movement that promotes the need to "slow down the current pace of society." We invite you to reflect on it.
It is very important to promote creativity and develop it so that they do not lose it as they grow.
Cancer is a disease that causes thousands of deaths a year, but it can be prevented. During pregnancy we must not lower our guard. Let's do prevention
When a woman becomes pregnant it is a very special moment since she knows that from the minute ...
Oral problems in pregnancy are frequent and are due to hormonal changes, but also to poor habits. Today we learn to avoid them.
We invite you to discover what traits or behaviors can already give us some first clues about the personality of our children.
We solve all your doubts about the mucous plug: What is it, what is it for, what happens when it is expelled
If you have teenage children at home, you probably do not know how to talk to them ... do not miss these tips, you will be surprised!
Sometimes the academic results may not be what you expected, but why does it happen? Are there improvement options?
The kings are coming and we propose a series of essential titles: Discover the best books for children between 7 and 12 years old.
Children's behavior can be influenced by different aspects, but what exactly makes them act one way and not another?
We are going to explain what respiratory techniques are for childbirth, what they are for, how to perform them and when. As well as what we can achieve with them
If your child has tantrums and you don't know how to control them, read the following tips to find at least one way to understand your little one and get it.
We invite you to discover with your children these wonderful animated shorts to educate them in Emotional Intelligence.
Obstetric violence is a reality that many women have had to live in their own skin, but what exactly is it?
It is important to choose the most suitable absorbent at all times, the menstrual cup is currently on the rise, I give you advice on postpartum uses
Not sure what to give your children this holiday season? We give you 8 great must-have ideas that won't cost you money. Discover them!
There are things about pregnancy that you may not know but that will happen to you. They are routine things that many pregnant women realize when it happens.
We give you the basic keys to educate your children in the values of hope, freedom and respect to give the world happy and responsible adults.
Babies in high demand are the ones who cry a lot, the ones who need us at all times. We offer you basic guidelines to raise them without stress.
Children exposed to marijuana in utero improve their ability to follow objects. This does not mean that marijuana benefits fetal development.
Postpartum sadness is normal, we explain what we can consider normal and how to deal with it so that your mood is normalized immediately.
20% of the population has this characteristic that sometimes brings more suffering than happiness. How to identify highly sensitive children?
Are you pregnant and don't know how to sleep to make it safe for you and your baby? Don't miss this article to find out.
Solve all your doubts about the first ultrasound. What is it? When do you have to do it? What is the test for? All about this test for pregnant women
Everything you need to know to prepare your body and mind for pregnancy and the importance of the preconception consultation.
Does your child have to take naps or do you think he's too old? Do you really know how to know whether or not you should do them?
When does labor start? What signs do I have to be ready to notice? Will I be able to tell it apart? These are some signals that our body will send us
In what way can we promote independence among children between 6 and 11 years old? Montessori Pedagogy can help you. Find out how.
"We inform you about safe contraceptives in postpartum and breastfeeding. Everything you need to know about contraceptive methods after having the baby"
Meet the Fulanitos and enjoy with your baby these fun didactic drawings that will help your child learn while having fun.
We explain what it is and how to prevent whooping cough. We inform you of the safety of the vaccine in pregnant women
#Lohacesypunto is an experiment thanks to which we will realize the excessive burden of homework that children bear
Between 12 months and 3 years, children become natural explorers. Teach them to grow happily following the Montessori method!
Problems at school can arise at any time. Learning to interpret the signals is vital to take action on time.
Educating our children in Montessori schools is an interesting option to consider. Discover this approach and the working method.
Would you like to know how you can develop your children's curiosity at home according to the Montessori method? Discover all the data with us!
Speaking another language at home favors bilingualism and leads to imitation by the child, eliminating the feeling of obligation
We invite you to discover the Montessori pedagogy guidelines for raising and educating your baby between 6 and 12 months. You'll love it!
Do you want to get pregnant but don't know what to do before pregnancy? Don't hesitate any longer and keep reading to find out.
If there is a characteristic that accompanies the passage through adolescence, it is frustration. Discover some strategies to help a frustrated teenager.
Monkimun launches Lingokids, an app for children between the ages of 2 and 6 aimed at helping the youngest members of the household learn English in a fun and enjoyable way.
If you want to get pregnant and have a baby, you will have to take some things into account so that everything goes well.
What are the most appropriate guidelines for raising responsible, mature and independent children? At Mothers Today we offer you all the advice.
Research from the Marquis Institute shows the reaction of the fetus when listening to music without distorting.
A report by the INE points to the increase in children between the ages of 10 and 15 who have their own mobile. We tell you other things you should know.
Problems conceiving? Are you checking to get pregnant? Find out how to increase your fertility with a few simple lifestyle changes.
Childish introversion, far from being a problem, can be seen as an opportunity to empower your child with great skills. Find out how to do it.
Mothers Hoy invites you to participate in a contest coinciding with the launch of the collection "The World of Wild Animals"
Detecting the factors that trigger stress and anxiety in children when they begin their pre-adolescent stage is vital to help them overcome this stage.
Educating in Emotional Intelligence is educating in happiness, security and independence. We teach you how to achieve it on a day-to-day basis with your children.
All women have Döderlein Bacilli in our vagina, but what exactly is it?
From the American Psychological Association they explain that punishing a child is effective, as long as it is done in the correct way.
Do you know the difference between Eclampsia and Preeclampsia? All the details about these two diseases that put mother and baby at risk.
We tell you everything you need to know about contractions in pregnancy: from the first weeks to delivery.
We finish the mini series dedicated to discomfort in pregnancy with the third trimester: the final stretch of pregnancy.
So that baby names are original and eye-catching. In this article we show you the names that are causing trends for this year 2015.
A newborn baby can see the expressions of its parents at a distance of 30 cm, according to a study. You will discover more in this article
Do you know that children can continue learning even without vacation homework? We give you ideas to achieve it
Talking about an issue as important and at the same time politicized as education is always something delicate. Each…
Boys and girls love to play with toy cars. With the Hot Wheels True Speed app you can find out how fast they are running
Bullying is a scourge in schools that must be stopped because it only hurts children who suffer from it. Do you want to know more about this topic?
Bullying unfortunately is something that happens in many schools, and it is everyone's business to stop it.
We will tell you which are the most frequent discomforts during the second trimester of pregnancy, so that you understand that they are completely normal.
Everything you need to know about anembryonic pregnancies in an article
Find out what is the ideal age to have your first child. 20,30,40, ..?
We tell you more about the most frequent discomforts during the second trimester of pregnancy, and how to do so that they do not bother you too much.
The bike desk is an invention to tire hyperactive children and attend in class.
According to extensive research published in The Lancet, the mental health consequences of bullying can be worse than adult abuse
Single pregnant women must face pregnancy without a partner but that does not mean that they are not capable of doing it, far from it!
Ergonomic carrying is safe for babies, and comfortable for adult carriers as long as recommendations are followed. It also provides advantages.
Dyslexia is much more common than we think and must be normalized so that children can learn at their own pace and effectively.
If you want to avoid having narcissistic children, don't overrate them. It is the warm and affectionate treatment that helps develop high self-esteem.
On March 21, World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated. To celebrate, DOWN Spain has launched the campaign Life is not about chromosomes.
One study has linked prolonged breastfeeding with higher intelligence, longer schooling, and higher earnings in adulthood.
One study suggests that the children of pregnant women who experience depression during pregnancy are at higher risk of developing asthma. We tell you
In this article we show you a series of carnival costumes for children. In this way, you can get ideas for this new carnival 2015.
In this article we show you a series of fun games in which children can have fun at any party organized by an adult.
In this article we are going to talk about the importance of empathy in children and some guidelines to follow to encourage it in them.
In this article we are going to talk about some of the advantages of getting pregnant after forty.
In this article we talk about a process that is done to the pregnant woman before giving birth. The vaginal examination collects all the information of the pregnant woman.
Any time of the year is good to give a bicycle as a gift. For the little ones, bikes without pedals are an excellent option. Let's see some
In this article we are going to talk to you about the biological clock of women, how true it is what they say and how to face it socially.
My baby every day is a free mobile application that accompanies parents every day during ...
We will see two very fun and practical walkers at a very good price from Fisher Price to use from 9 months to 3 years
In this article we are going to teach you how to make some beautiful stars with recycled bottles.
In this article we leave you a series of coloring sheets in which children can have fun coloring this Christmas holidays.
The best Christmas drawings to color with your children. Confidently download drawings of Santa Claus, reindeer, Christmas trees, balls ... Download!
In this article we show you Saddlebaby, an innovative seat for parents to transport their children on their shoulders comfortably and without risks.
In this article we make a compilation of crafts that you can find online on the occasion of Christmas that is soon approaching.
In this article we talk about induced labor, one of the processes in which the mother is helped to bring the little being into the world. Advantages, Risks, etc ..
Games and recreational activities that we can do with children to help them improve their level of manual eye coordination and their perception of themselves.
In this article we show you how to make a very special clay for children since it glows in the dark. Here is the process to do it.
We explain how to make a fun children's craft work for Halloween: some funny hanging critters with colored cardboard.
We solve all doubts when having sex with your partner. Has there been unprotected penetration and doubts if you are pregnant? we give you the answer.
On Halloween it is common to find pumpkins, witches, mummies and black cats, so today we present it to you in the form of a craft with paper rolls.
Waldorf dolls have been part of the childhood of many girls, now they are modernized thanks to the hand of an enterprising mother.
In this article we are going to teach you how to make salt dough so that the little ones can make their own crafts at home.
In this article we show you a series of very fun crafts to be able to spend a fun afternoon with the children to enjoy Halloween.
In this article we show you some small wooden figures that the child can paint and dress in their own way to be a future couturier.
In this article we are going to show you how to make beautiful patterns with natural tree leaves.
Children love bracelets and even more the ones they make with their own hands. So, today we present a tool to form them as quickly as possible.
In this article we show you a great toy for those little house mechanics. With this motor they can really enjoy playing with daddy.
In this article we show you a very exciting craft for the little ones. A cardboard box turned into a plane for your game afternoons.
In this article we are going to give you some tips on how to encourage responsibility in children.
Stuffed animals pick up a lot of dust and dirt. In this article we are going to tell you how to clean the stuffed animals so that they last much longer.
The world of the universe is exciting for the little ones, so directing them towards it is easy with this map of the constellations.
Cardboard boxes delight children. How about making a homemade toy elevator out of a cardboard box? We explain how to do it
The beach is the quintessential place for summer vacations. Therefore, today we advise you on the benefits it contains for children.
In this article we are going to teach you how to dye hippie-style shirts so that the little ones can learn.
We show you how to make wonderful and exquisite tissue paper pom poms step by step to decorate children's rooms, especially for girls.
In this article we are going to give you some tips on how to prevent children from engaging in macho behaviors.
In this article we are going to give you some guidelines to help children to have a good organization and a suitable place of study.
In this article we show you a unique maze game that does not go out of style. In this way, they will favor your concentration and dexterity.
In this article we show you a fantastic symbolic toy for children to learn to appreciate food and cooking, and also promote their dexterity.
In this article we talk about how children develop their spatial perception through each of the 5 senses that wise nature gives us.
In this article we talk about a uterine malformity that is very difficult to diagnose, the bicornuate uterus, leading to several risks in pregnancy.
In this article we show you some ideas for Carnival costumes for babies. Thus, you will see how with recycled clothes you can make fantastic costumes.
In this article we are going to show you one of the games that you can use with children from four to six years old where everyone participates.
In this article we show you the new dolls of now. Reborn, some real-looking baby dolls that even confuse them.
In this article we show you some pelvic floor exercises, especially with a large ball. So you can do the exercise without leaving home.
In this article we show you a beautiful little kitchen for girls fully equipped with all modernity.
In this article we talk about the differences that exist between boys and girls in acquiring or developing language.
In this article we write you all the essential articles that a newborn needs in its first 6 weeks.
In this article we show you a very peculiar story, The Book of the Butts, where the baby will learn to control the sphincter to avoid constipation.
The color of the amniotic fluid can tell you if there is a problem or not. Find out what happens based on the color of the amniotic fluid.
In this article we show you examples of hairstyles and updos for girls to collect their hair with style and look beautiful in this hot season.
In this article we teach you to make a Christmas tree with recycled materials, an idea for these dates and to be able to have fun with our children.
Simple techniques and fun games to help your baby expel those little gaseous that bother him so much.
Advantages and disadvantages of pregnancy according to age, At what age is it better to have a baby?
How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 39th week of pregnancy
How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 38th week of pregnancy
How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 37th week of pregnancy
How the baby develops and what changes the pregnant woman has in the 36th week of pregnancy
Week 35 of pregnancy: your baby is shedding its lanugo, you are more tired than ever, and also more excited than ever.
Week 34 of pregnancy: Your baby has almost fully matured and you will experience a lot of happiness and some discomfort that you can alleviate.
One of the pleasant moments in the life and development of the baby is when we share with the conceited the moment of ...
If you are pregnant for the second, third or more times, you have to give a news to a very important person, you ...
Giving a gift to someone else is often complicated, especially if it is a pregnant woman. Today I present you some useful ideas
Stories and songs are often seen as an expression of affection and love for the child. Yes OK…
One of the main fears that arise in the couple when the woman is pregnant is about sex, if ...
If you are pregnant, you have surely heard the term fetal distress. In simple terms, we could define fetal distress as ...
If you are pregnant and have cellulite, you will surely start with some treatment to combat it. One of the contraindications in pregnancy ...
Many women ask us if they can get pregnant while breastfeeding and we answer YES. Whether…
You really believe it is very important to celebrate the 1st. Year of your baby ?. For many it is a great event and ...
Our son asks us to take him to the playground with a very good friend from the nursery school….
How many times has it happened to us that at the end of the day, when we already believe that our son will go to sleep, ...
One of the most difficult tasks for parents is setting limits for their children. They are often afraid of being authoritarian ...
One of the children's learning that most worries parents is that of toilet training ...
Advantages of good humor A sense of humor is necessary in family life as much as discipline, education ...
Children develop their sense of taste as adults increase the number and variety of ...
Women can increase their chances of having healthy babies by separating their pregnancies at least 18 months apart ...
Child's mood swings
The development of the senses is very important for the evolution of the child since they constitute the vehicle to ...
We are always talking about exercising, whether you are pregnant or not, is very healthy for your health, and if you are ...
A few days ago we talked about sex in pregnancy. Today we want to talk about what will happen quarter to ...
In this week, your baby has already formed all the vital organs and they have begun to work together. With the…
First and before I start I want to tell you: Congratulations Mom! It is one of the most beautiful moments of the ...