It is not uncommon for acquaintances and family members to rejoice when a woman is scheduled for a cesarean. In most cases they think that neither the mother nor the child are going to take any risk and that it is the least dangerous. In addition, they think that knowing exactly what day the baby will be born is a great advantage ... Nothing is further from the truth.
What is a cesarean section?
Cesarean section may be totally necessary, but you have all the risks of any other surgery. Therefore, its use should not be trivialized.
Cesarean section is a major surgical procedure. The abdominal cavity and uterus are opened to be able to take out our baby and his placenta. In other words, it is an operation that requires an operating room, anesthesia, a resuscitation room, a hospital stay of several days and a team of professionals just as if another abdominal surgery were to be performed.
It is very frequent?
Cesarean section is one of the most common surgical procedures in the world, and according to the WHO its frequency continues to increase, especially in developed countries.
These developed countries have between 20/22% cesarean rate, while underdeveloped countries barely have 2%.
Although since 1985 the international health community indicates 10/15% of caesarean sections as the optimal rate, in a new report on April 2015, WHO recommends individualizing each case and performing exclusively the necessary caesarean sections. And trying to achieve goals is explicitly discouraged.
According to the Doctor. Marleen Temmerman, Director of the Department of Reproductive Health and WHO Related Research:
“Highlights the value of caesarean section in saving lives for mothers and newborns. It is also important to ensure that cesarean delivery is offered to all women who need it, and not simply focus on reaching a certain rate. "
How is the situation in our country
In our country the rate of caesarean sections, according to a study by the Ministry of Health carried out between 2001 and 2011 has increased in almost all the autonomous communities.
According to a study that analyzes 2012 data(the most updated so far), in general it is higher than recommended and it is very close to 20% at best.
Only the Basque Country is close to the WHO recommendations with 15.1%. While the Valencian Community reaches 30.1%. Extremadura, Catalonia and Castilla León Exceed 27% in the rate of caesarean sections.
It is also important to know that the rate is very different if we are talking about public or private centers. In all the autonomous communities the rate in private centers is much higher than in public centers.
When is a cesarean section necessary? What advantages can it have?
It is important to assess the risks and benefits for both mother and baby. Cesarean section may be scheduled or performed urgently during delivery
When the risks of a vaginal birth are greater than those of a cesarean section, surgical intervention is resorted to.
The reasons for performing a cesarean section are varied:
- Diseases of the mother or baby that contraindicate childbirth.
- Positions of the baby in the womb that make vaginal delivery unfeasible.
- Obstructions of the birth canal, such as placenta previa or fibroids occupying the canal.
- Multiple pregnancies in which the twins adopt positions that contraindicate childbirth.
- Emergencies during labor that endanger the life of the mother or baby.
- Births that do not progress. Labor proceeds normally, but at a certain point, the dilation stagnates and after exhausting all the options, it does not advance.
- Pelvic-cephalic disproportion. In this case, the mother achieves full dilation, but after attempting vaginal delivery, the baby's head cannot be inserted through the cervical canal.
The advantage of cesarean section is to get both mother and baby healthy when the situation does not allow a vaginal delivery.
It is best to individualize each case to decide what is best for each moment, The fact that you have had a previous cesarean section does not indicate that, necessarily, your second delivery has to be a cesarean section.
Can cesarean section be prevented?
Some of these indications can be tried to avoid, such as improper positioning of the baby in the uterus. To do this, a maneuver called "External version".
La external version It is a very affordable maneuver in which, through massages performed on the mother's abdomen, an attempt is made to place the baby on its head.
The Ministry of Health also published a Labor and Birth Plan, to avoid, as far as possible, interventions during childbirth that could lead to the need to instrumentalize the delivery.
Advantages of labor
When we talk about labor, we talk about contractions and the evolution of dilation, as well as all the movements that the baby makes to go outside.
- Contractions favor the lung maturation of our baby.
- You will be a participant in the experience.
- Reduces the risk of bleeding.
- The "milk rise" starts earlier
- The oxytocin that is released during labor helps the mother to prepare and makes it easier to bond with the baby.
- Lowers the risk of infection
- The risks of surgery are avoided, as is the cesarean section.
- Childbirth is a physiological process, recovery is faster. You will be prepared to attend and take care of your child immediately.
- Lowers the baby's risk of asthma in infancy.
- The release of endorphins during labor helps the mother to relax afterwards and to face those first hours more calmly.