Bronchitis During Pregnancy: How To Overcome It

Woman with mucus

 Bronchitis during pregnancy is quite common. It consists of a inflammation of the bronchi that makes it difficult for air and therefore oxygen to enter the lungs.

It appears suddenly and lasts for about three weeks. Most of the time the cause of these bronchitis is a cold or a badly cured flu. It is usually of viral origin but can sometimes be due to bacteria.

Symptoms of bronchitis during pregnancy

  • The main symptom is dry cough and persistent that intensifies when lying in bed and when coming into contact with cold air or smoke-laden environments. This cough lasts up to ten days And, in some cases it can persist for several weeks.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Colorless mucus in cases of viral bronchitis. Thick yellow / green mucus if bacterial in origin.
  • It can give a fever.
  • Feeling of pressure in the chest and choking.
  • Presence of wheezing or "whistling" when breathing.
  • Difficulty breathing especially during physical activity, even if it is mild.
  • Feeling of tiredness and general malaise.
  • Loss of appetite

Can bronchitis affect the fetus?

Don't worry, bronchitis can only harm your baby's health in very serious cases and / or if not treated correctly.

Yes, it is more delicate when we talk about women who suffer from chronic disease such as asthma. These cases require a rigorous medical control to avoid possible complications. However, recent studies show that in some cases asthma improves during pregnancy and in others it does not mean a worsening of symptoms.

You also do not need to worry that the repetitive cough will affect your baby since the amniotic sac protects it from vibrations.

Woman with inhaler for bronchitis

Medical treatment of bronchitis in pregnant women

The first thing you have to keep in mind is that under no circumstances should you self-medicate while pregnant. Before the symptoms of bronchitis you must go to the doctor. He is the one who should prescribe the appropriate treatment and doses. If you see that what seemed like a common cold does not improve as the days go by, do not delay the visit any longer and avoid future complications.

Treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy is different from conventional treatment of bronchitis, which is generally treated with corticosteroids and bronchodilators.

These medications taken orally are completely contraindicated for pregnant women, especially during the first trimester. The treatment of choice is usually inhaled corticosteroids (Salbutamol) that have a very low absorption at the blood level. They can also prescribe you antipyretics and some pain reliever.

Some tips that will make you feel better

  • A good hydration is essential, so be sure to drink enough fluids (water, broth, juices, etc.). Avoid coffee, tea, and sugary drinks.
  • Rest everything you need and let yourself be pampered.
  • Use the humidifier to avoid dryness in the environment.
  • Avoid being in contact with sick people.
  • Forget tobacco which could further irritate your airways.
  • Rub your chest and neck with steam rub before going to bed to relieve a cough.
  • Place several pillows under your head to prevent mucus from building up in your lungs.
  • If you are a supporter of the homeopathic medicine you can take Antimony Tartaricum 30x. It is a safe treatment for bronchitis during pregnancy.

Natural remedies that can help you

  • Citrus consumption It will provide you with a good vitamin C supplement.
  • Gargling they are a good remedy for throat irritation due to persistent coughing.
  • Eucalyptus inhalations or steam baths with hot water and chamomile tea, will help you decongest your chest and relieve coughing. Place your head covered with a towel directly above the water and take a deep breath.
  • Usa sea ​​water or physiological saline for your nasal washes. They are the best natural mucolytic.
  • Come onion, has a great anti-infective and anti-inflammatory power in addition to thinning mucus and containing vitamin C.
  • Remember Honey is a good natural remedy for soften throat and relieve cough.

And remember, During your pregnancy, never take any type of medication without a prescription. Consult any questions you have with your doctor.

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