Breastfeeding is good for the baby and also for the mother. The studies and investigations of the last decades demonstrate this and the list of benefits that breast milk guarantees continues to grow.
Such types of lactation assures your baby of human-specific nourishment and protects him from various ailments and diseases in the growing years.
Breastfeeding, a shield against infections
La Breastfeeding protects the baby against infections in two ways: providing valuable antibodies and favoring the maturation of your immune system, Breast milk is rich in antibodies and substances that defend the baby from viruses and bacteria, such as lactoferrin that favors the correct absorption of iron and lysozyme that protects the mucous membranes from pathogenic germs.
At the same time, the white blood cells present in general breastfeeding the production of antibodies by the child's body. It is as if, through milk, the mother's immune system 'taught' how to function to the still immature baby. The breastfed child is, therefore, less exposed to the risk of acute respiratory diseases (affecting the bronchi and lungs) and ear infections. Not only that, in addition to getting less sick, when they do get an infection, breastfed babies are less affected and recover more quickly. And that is due to the fact that the breast is capable of producing 'specific' antibodies.
Colostrum, a concentrate of antibodies
At birth, the baby receives a supply of antibodies that the mother has passed to it through the placenta. To ensure the continuation of this protection and promote the development of the child's immune system, the colostrum. Colostrum is the milk from the first days of life, which is a true concentrate of antibodies. and should be considered, especially for premature babies, as a "life-saving drug". It is considered as such because it protects against many dangerous infections, such as sepsis, a serious infection of the blood, or necrotizing enterocolitis, frequent complications in babies born very prematurely. Not because it is a drug itself, it is a way of speaking.
A panacea against gastrointestinal infections
In addition to providing the baby with the antibodies that defend it against viruses that cause gastrointestinal infections, breast milk favors the growth and maturation of the intestinal mucosa and contains specific substances that, by coating the walls of the intestine, make them less vulnerable to bacteria and foreign agents. Furthermore, in case of infection, If the baby suffers from diarrhea and/or vomiting, breast milk is the most appropriate food to rehydrate and feed it and, if the baby is older than six months, it helps him to better tolerate solid foods.
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of chronic diseases
Breast milk also has a protective function against congenital (metabolic and malabsorption) and autoimmune diseases, such as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Some studies even show increased protection against juvenile chronic arthritis. According to these studies, breastfeeding (especially if it is exclusive in the first six months of life) delays the manifestation of these pathologies and/or attenuates the symptoms.
Prevents orthodontic problems
Breastfeeding, thanks to the activity of the cheek muscles involved in sucking, promotes correct facial development and reduces the risk of orthodontic and pronunciation problems during childhood.
Helps prevent overweight and obesity
Breast milk protects against overweight and obesity in childhood, a very current problem. The longer the baby is breastfed, the lower the risk of having to deal with overweight problems in childhood and adult life. Protection guaranteed by the perfectly balanced composition of the milk, but also by the educational function of the feedings: the breastfeeding on demand accustoms the baby to self-regulation, to eat only when hungry, and teaches the mother to trust the baby's hunger signals and also satiety, without running the risk of 'overfeeding'.
It also protects mom!
Numerous studies have shown that breastfeeding guarantees significant immediate and long-term benefits for maternal health. Feeding immediately after birth protects the new mother from the risk of any postpartum haemorrhage by stimulating uterine contractility and therefore help the uterus return to its original size. But the most 'remarkable' effects are probably long-term: breastfeeding protects against the risk of osteoporosis and ovarian and breast cancer (particularly from its onset in the premenopausal period). A protective effect, that of breast cancer, which is directly proportional to the duration of lactation itself: the longer one breastfeeds, the more the risk of developing this pathology is reduced.