All women know that during a pregnancy we gain weight, but few of us stop to think about the amount of hormonal changes that we are going to undergo. We don't even think about how will change our body because of those changes.
There are certain things you can do to prevent marks like stretch marks. But no matter how many products you use, If you do not follow a routine and you are not constant, they will be of little use. If you are pregnant or looking for the positive, do not miss these tips.
The first and most important step is food. Not only for your body but for that creature that is growing inside you. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet It will be essential for its development, and for you to maintain a healthy weight.
Body care during pregnancy
You already know what kilos you are going to gain, but it is not the same to lose 10 kilos after giving birth, than to have to lose 20. If you gain too much weight, it will cost you much more to recover and your skin will suffer the ravages of these changes in such little time.
Try to avoid sweets, industrial pastries, processed foods and excess fat. For the health of your baby and for your own. Drink a lot of water, eat fruits and vegetables every day and your body will thank you.
Walk every day
Your midwife will repeat it over and over again, you will hate her for it she does it for your good. Walk an hour every dayWe know from experience that many days it will be difficult for you, but it is very important.
If you are already very advanced, you may notice cramps in your legs, the only way that this does not happen is by walking more. In your health center you can meet other pregnant women, it may be a good time to make new friends and go for a walk together each day.
Exercising in company is much more enjoyable, between all of you will cheer up and it will be easier to comply with the routine. On the other hand, if you do it alone, surely every day you will find several excuses not to do it.
Hydrate your body every day
To prevent the skin from losing elasticity and the dreaded stretch marks from appearing, the best thing you can do is hydrate. Use moisturizing cream all over the body every dayespecially in the gut, hips and thighs.
You can also use oils, sweet almond or coconut, they are super nutritious and very effective. You can use them after showering for the whole body. But on the gut and the areas mentioned, repeat the step several times up to date.
Specific cosmetics
There are many specific products for pregnant women on the market. It is important that you take this into account, since other products may contain elements that are harmful to your baby. Do not buy many things that later you will be lazy to use.
The basics is a specific cream for the breast, during pregnancy it will increase by about two sizes. To prevent stretch marks it is important to use a specific product, which helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin.
For the gut it is also important to use a specific product. Think that in that area the skin stretches a lot, to avoid marks and stretch marks, you must provide extra hydration. You do not have to spend a lot on these products, it will be enough if you are constant.
Protect yourself from the sun
During pregnancy, women undergo many hormonal changes, one of which directly affects melanin. To prevent them from appearing spots on the skin During pregnancy, it is essential to use sunscreen with full screen.
For facial skin, use a specific protector. This area is the most sensitive to suffer from melasma or hyperpigmentation. Protect yourself from the sun by wearing caps or hats and avoid exposing yourself in the central hours of the day, where the sun's rays are most harmful.
Removing blemishes from the skin is practically impossible. Although there are laser treatments, they are very expensive and do not ensure complete removal.
Take care of yourself but without obsessing
It is good that during your pregnancy you maintain a routine of care. If you stay active and follow a beauty routine appropriate to your new state, it will be much easier for you to recover later.
But remember, it's important not to get obsessed. Enjoy your pregnancy and your tummy, proudly show off your body and the life you carry inside. Time passes quickly and you will soon have your child with you.