Today, December 20, is the international day of Human Solidarity and what better day to talk about the issue of egg and sperm donations so that other people can start a family.
Have you ever considered being an egg donor? There is no more beautiful action than being able to help other people in a selfless way. Or, you may be thinking of turning to egg and sperm donation to start your family. Today in this post we will talk about it.
What is egg donation?
Egg donation is completely anonymous, and can be performed by women who meet the following requirements:
- Who are between 18 and 35 years old.
- That they do not have contagious diseases.
- That they do not have more than 6 children.
- Be in good physical condition.
In addition, a genetic, gynecological and other psychological study will be carried out. Which must be positive to be a possible egg donor. For example, in the case of women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) they cannot be donors. Up to 15 eggs can be obtained from the same donor, this is the maximum. In the case of donation of sperm practically the same requirements and studies applied to men.
In which cases is an egg and sperm donation made?
Many times we want to start a family, but on certain occasions, due to factors external to our interest, we cannot or it is difficult for us. Sometimes these factors can be some biological complications. Here is a list of situations in which egg and sperm donation is used:
- Infertility serious male.
- Hereditary diseases.
- Poor semen and oocyte quality.
- Repeated failures.
- Lesbian couples.
- Single mothers.
- Genetic alterations.
And what requirements does the recipient have to meet?
The recipient must be in an age range between 18 and 50 years of age. And that he has a more or less acceptable physical condition so that the insemination or planting of eggs is compatible. In addition, an interview, a gynecological and psychological study will also be carried out.
Once accepted into the egg donation program, the egg donor woman will undergo ovarian stimulation. And after a few weeks when the effect has emerged, the stimulation will undergo follicular puncture, from here on is how the eggs are obtained.
As you can see it is a process that is simpler than it seems and you can help other people to start their own family. We hope you liked this post.