Practicing sports is always a good idea. Doing it when a woman is pregnant is also a real advantage. Obviously, extreme sports are not recommended during pregnancy, especially when the pregnancy is advanced. But you can practice some very beneficial ones, with low-impact movements. We can observe it, for example, in aquagym for pregnant women, where we can learn about its benefits.
Do sports underwater Is synonymous with stay in shape without suffering high impact, allowing the execution of movements with better resolution than if we do it naturally. In addition, it guarantees many more benefits that you cannot miss and that we analyze in the following lines.
What sports can be practiced during pregnancy?
Physical activity during pregnancy helps you stay fit, promote cardiovascular circulation, keep weight at bay and ensure well-being. Gentle sports are generally beneficial aquagym and swimming,
There are other exercises that can be practiced and that are guided so that they can be performed by pregnant women. We can find the pilates, yoga, tai chi or aerobic exercises combined with stretching.
Some women already practiced sports before pregnancy, so they want to maintain continuity. The horse riding, skiing or cycling are some of the sports that they have some impact, so it is advisable to practice them only in the first trimester. Other exercises that are not recommended are tennis, jogging, zumba or aerobics.
The swimming It is an excellent exercise, since it exercises all the muscles of the body and its movements are low impact, since the water cushions it. You can practice “freestyle” or “backstroke”. Is swimming or aqua gym better? Both are very beneficial, but swimming scores the best, as it offers better coordination, balance and endurance.
Walking is also idealIt is a sport that is done almost without thinking, does not require much effort and has multiple benefits. Helps improve cardiovascular health and physical endurance. Furthermore, it has always been said that pregnant women should walk walks of up to 30 minutes (can be increased), as it helps facilitate delivery or the head fits better to facilitate delivery. Any exercise improves mood, reduces stress and anxiety.
Where to practice aquagym, on the beach or in the pool?
You can practice aquagym in any environment, whether on the beach or in the pool. On the beach We have sea water, so it is easier to float and perform some more difficult movements. Furthermore, if you like this medium, you always have to look for a quiet environment, that contains a similar temperature and without waves, to be able to do it without problems.
In the pool Other advantages are offered, since there are always support points to perform the exercises, such as the edge of the pool. Apart from the support point, the water level is also maintained at waist height. The ideal conditions to practice Aquagym must be at a depth
Benefits of aquagym
Being suspended in water is quite a benefit. pregnant women they feel lighter and more liberated, especially when they have begun to have loads on their back, sciatica and low back pain problems. Your body is much lighter in the water and weight is reduced, you feel lighter.
For example, there are exercises in the supine position that are much easier to perform in the water, without forcing this movement and causing the woman to suffer pressure drops. The resistance performed in the water allows for better muscle toning, without putting too much strain on the joints.
Improves circulation
Doing this type of exercise helps improve circulation, since it favors venous return to the extremities. You will feel better relief from the swelling of your feet, easing the pressure on your legs, as it acts as a powerful drainer.
Another point in favor is the increased blood oxygenation. There greater flow of blood circulating throughout the body, especially in the muscles. Consequently, the fetus is also a benefactor of this increase in oxygen in the blood.
Increases toning
Practicing aquagym helps tone many areas of the body, especially in the back, pelvis and perineum. Your back will appreciate this reinforcement, since it is one of the most suffered areas, due to its relaxation due to one of the hormones, the weight that the fetus is acquiring or due to the pressure exerted on the spinal column. Prenatal gymnastics and yoga are other exercises that help strengthen parts of the body, especially the back.
Endorphin production
Moving in the water is synonymous with exercise, and therefore stimulates endorphin production, a hormone that offers well-being to the body. The soft, slow movements with a calming sound, they help to enter into contact with the baby and the body.
Stress and anxiety are reduced, also improves mood and creates group contact with other women. If you have depressive and anxious symptoms, practicing sports such as aquagym releases endorphins and helps combat this discomfort.
How to start with this sport?
If you are a woman who has not played sports before pregnancy, the best way to start is to do it gradually and start in the first months. One has to start calmly, without causing hot flashes and with gentle movements that do not exceed the heart rate excessively.
Aquagym is usually practiced with a monitor and in a group. Sessions are usually marked by 3 blocks. The first is usually a warm-up, in the second phase there are moderate exercises, with balance, toning and strength. And finally, breathing, stretching and relaxation exercises are performed.
Do not forget these recommendations to practice a safe sport. With any physical effort, be it any sport: Do not exceed 140 beats per minute, avoid great effort and excessive sweating, for example, do not exceed 38°. Do not practice sports on an empty stomach, do exercises lying on your back, or overload the lower back. It is important to focus on making movements to tone the areas involved in pregnancy and not keep in mind that practicing sports is to lose weight.