From the 37th week of pregnancy the baby will be ready to be born. This does not mean that you will be born at the beginning of week 38; Each baby has a different rhythm in the womb. Many women at the end of pregnancy are quite ill and this may not give them the calm and reassurance necessary for labor to begin naturally. Also it is likely that the baby's development is being hampered by some problem as it can be an aged placenta. Fortunately, almost everything in life can be solved naturally.
Over the years, a series of natural tricks have been collected to advance the due date. Anyway we must not forget that the baby has the exact moment to be born and that this should only be an aid to avoid possible inductions to labor (which most also end in caesarean section). It is very important that if you plan to use these remedies to advance your due date, you are prudent and consult your doctor. And above all, never put them into practice before week 38.
The most popular "tricks" to speed up labor
Moderate exercise
This is fully recommended throughout pregnancy, ruling out high-risk pregnancies. Through physical exercise hormones are released that can facilitate the arrival of labor. In addition, you will feel active, your baby will be active and can help him fit in correctly. I recommend squats, taking care for the loss of balance. They gave me a fantastic result even though the delivery was only 4 days ahead of me.
Sexual relations
We could consider it as moderate exercise. Do not worry if during pregnancy or at the end of this you notice that your libido is on the ground. It is the most normal and is a defense mechanism of the body like many others. Hormones are changing your body. If on the contrary still do you want to be intimate with your partner, you should know that prostaglandins contained in semen help to dilate the cervix. Orgasm will also be a great aid in the release of oxytocin, so to hell!
Most deliveries begin in the quiet of the night, when the mother is more relaxed or after having had a restful sleep. This occurs with almost all mammals. Nervousness, restlessness, and stress produce adrenaline in your body, the opposite of what you need for labor. Try to take time alone with your baby and with yourself and practice the breaths that will help you in your labor.
Nipple stimulation
It is a method that must be used with delicacy. While it is true that many people recommend stimulating the breasts with a breast pump, this is sheer madness. Excessive breast stimulation can lead to a rise in milk that will not be withdrawn from the breast, which can cause mastitis not recommended for the calm state that the body needs. This method can be used in late pregnancy in moderation and as a complement to a relaxing bath-shower or even during sexual intercourse.
Blessed chocolate (dark and unsweetened the best). What does not solve? Chocolate for its energizing power helps the baby to stay active and can thus help the start of labor. Spicy is another of the condiments that are most famous for causing labor. Nevertheless, be careful if you suffer from heartburn so typical of the last trimester. Other foods that can help are pineapple, ginger, basil, or oregano. With natural oils, such as evening primrose or castor, there is a lot of controversy so it is best to consult with your doctor.
If your day has not yet arrived, calm down. Surely you have tried all the tricks there and to be. Your baby will be the one who has the last word. Find out and let yourself be guided by your doctors. And if your words don't convince you, always ask for a second opinion.
As you say Yasmina, every baby has its moment, but all those tips are great, and it doesn't cost anything to try it. In my time as a breastfeeding mother with a 30-month-old and a 2-month-old, I remember a colleague from the breastfeeding group (what would have happened to my breastfeeding and myself without those women!) Who, thinking she was in labor, went to the hospital, and there the midwife explored her and told her that she was ready, but she had better go home to have sex with her partner. It turned out that they both wanted to, and there if the contractions were triggered, the dilation ... the next visit to the hospital ended happily with a new child in her arms, and in a short time 😀