When the baby is breech: natural means of positioning

breech baby

We arrived at last trimester of pregnancy and the baby decides to buttocks. Although they exist medical means to try to get him to position himself head down, leaning on the mother's pelvis (like external version) we too can do our bit of natural form.

There are different techniques and exercises that, while No. they can us ensure 100% success, they can contribute what the baby is turn and is placed in the proper position so that we can have a vaginal delivery.


on all fours

Get on all fours (on hands and knees) 10 minutes, once or twice a day, towards the end of pregnancy can help move your baby to the proper position.

Cat exercise: Stand at four paws, supporting carefully the hands and knees on the mat. Watch that your lower back No. Arch, then take a breath and bends back slowly, like a angry cat that bristles, then go releasing the air slow at the same time that you return to the initial posture. You must do this exercise slowly, feeling the movement of each vertebra. Do several repetitions.

cat exercise

Pelvic lifts: Lying down on a mat, support well the back on the ground, have care with the lumbar spine. Fold the knees and supports the feet on the floor. Raises pelvis slowly, when you get to the top make a little pause y come down slowly, as if you were supporting your back vertebra to vertebra on the floor. Do several repetitions.

Pelvic rotations on the Pilates ball: Sit down on the ball having well supported feet in soil and without arching the back. Swing gently the pelvis, sideways, front to back and in circles.

pilates ball

Posture "of prayer": Consists of standing on knees on a mat and go down bending back to front up support head over the arms, put a cushion with come arms and chest. Hold the posture for a few minutes, breathing slow and pleasant. Do not do the exercise after eating.

prayer posture

Swimming: Swimming can help. Feel light and free of the force of gravity is also pleasant Useful to relax and adopt postures that allow your baby to roll over.

Other techniques

Music for baby: It is based on the baby Listen sounds nice in the part baja of the uterus to try to be place. It consists of placing some headphones near the pubis and put music classic about 10 minutes several times a day.

Display: Do some relaxation exercise that you know and focus on relax the abdomen while you visualize to the baby giving the return.

Haptonomy: Haptonomy studies the afective relationships, from conception to death, it is known as "Science of affectivity." Consists in stimulate la communication between mom and baby by touch belly. Locating head draw with gentle touches the way that must go to place it in the pelvis, at consists masajear the abdomen or Push the baby (that is something that should only be done by a specialist as we explain in this Another item). We must first connect with our baby and try only with soft touches, like the ones we would do when dial a phone number, try tell him the way.

Oriental Medicine

Moxibustion: Called the "Healing heat technique", moxibustion is a therapeutic method of Chinese traditional medicine which consists of applying heat stimulating a series of points of the body to heal and balance our energies. The heat is produced using the therapeutic properties of a plant called Sagebrush, which is pressed in the form of pure. It is important to clarify that the pure No. applies directly on the skin, but is used "indirect" way, the end of the cigar is lit and directs to specific points, maintaining a distance about 4 cm between the skin and the cigar. To get the baby into a "cephalic position" the heat applies at a point known as "Bladder meridian", which is located on the external face of the pinkie of the foot. The treatment lasts approximately two weeks, with sessions of approximately 15 minutes.

It is a technique very used and with enough buenos results. The heat the cigar stimulates the receivers from the heat of the skin of the finger. It is believed that heat causes release back hormones of pregnancy, which can cause uterine contractions. These contractions can stimulate let the baby know move.

Acupuncture: It is also a therapeutic technique of oriental medicine. Consists of the stimulation of certain points of the body by introducing in them special needles.

Moxibustion and acupuncture are used in many cases in a way jointbeing able potentiate its healing effect. In any case, to perform both one technique and the other I advise you go to an expert in oriental medicine, any of these techniques poorly performed can be a risk more than a benefit.

Homeopathy: There are different homeopathic preparations that can help us. It is very important that a specialist guide you dose and dilution adequate.

Always display before performing any of these exercises or techniques consultation with your midwife or obstetrician, they will tell you if there is any contraindication in your case to carry them out. And if all this is not successful we always have the option of external version.

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