You are trying to get pregnant and have not succeeded yet. Relax, the first thing you should do is don't obsess over the idea. There may be a problem getting pregnant, but it doesn't always have to come from you. The first thing is to talk to your partner, since statistically infertility problems occur in equal parts. And there is a small percentage of which the cause is unknown.
If you have been for a year or more frequent sexual intercourse, this is at least every two days, without protection, then you have to assess what are the possible causes why you are not getting pregnant.
Preparation before getting pregnant
If you are a woman of more than 35 years It is advisable that you have a specific review with your gynecologist or gynecologist who will analyze your fertility. From this age your ovarian reserve decreases drastically and it is more difficult to get pregnant if there were underlying fertility problems. This way too you will discard alterations in the uterus or in the cervix, ovaries with cysts, endometriosis, or any other anatomical alteration.
Also remember to ask your GP for a full analytics, anemia and thyroid disorders also make it difficult to get pregnant. In this examination, ask for an analysis to know your prolactin levels.
El man On the other hand, you should also go to the urologist for tests of concentration, quality and motility of the sperm. In addition to morphological alterations. By the way, the age of the man is also important at the time of pregnancy, not only that of the mother.
With all this data already you will not have to speculate on the possible causes, but directly you will be closer to the solution.
Lifestyle also influences
When it comes to getting pregnant, our lifestyle, present and past, also influences. We can't get past a high rate of Stress to two sessions of mindfulness and wonder why we are not pregnant. The moves, the fatigue, emotional changes, loss of family members, all of this, even if we deny it, influences our chances of gestation.
Besides, the obesity it can make pregnancy as difficult as low weight. In both cases the menstrual cycle can be altered. That is why a healthy diet, rich in minerals and nutrients, is so important, at this time especially in vitamin B. Avoid ultra-processed foods and start exercising regularly,
El drug, alcohol and tobacco use It is related to the decrease in fertility in both sexes, but in it, in the case of alcohol, the effect is more harmful. Smoking can also alter your hormones, which can lead to irregular periods or early menopause.
Besides all this you have to assess family history or if you have been taking hormonal birth control pills or methods for a long time. In this case, give your body a little time to return to its natural cycle.
In addition to all these causes that are more or less known and that influence when it comes to getting pregnant, hyperprolactinemia can occur, and it is more common than it seems. This is a disorder whereby the man or woman has an abnormally high level high prolactin hormone in the blood.
The consequences in women is that it causes alterations in the menstrual cycle. Up to 25% of women with high prolactin have polycystic ovaries. But there is another percentage of women who have no or very few symptoms, for which they have never been diagnosed, until they find it difficult to become pregnant. In men it can cause a lack of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction and sterility. Hypothyroidism can also be related to this disorder.
These are some of the causes For which perhaps you have not yet become pregnant, but remember our first advice, do not get obsessed with the subject. Consult with your doctor, rule out causes and practice happy sex. But if you need more information, you can click here.