How to take care of the heat in the last months of pregnancy?


Although at this moment I am dying of cold, in the northern countries they are studying the summer. Many women in these countries are pregnant and it is she who wants to help them make the best of their last months of pregnancy in the heat… For pregnant women in southern countries, read this article in a few months.

The following recommendations will make it easier for you to pass the last trimester of pregnancy and to live well with the heat. Keep them in mind!

  • Be careful with the sun. It is important to sunbathe in moderation, at times that are not harmful and using highly protective sun creams. Thus, the appearance of the dreaded spots on the skin will be avoided.
  • Sign up for exercise. Gentle exercises are very beneficial during pregnancy. For example, swimming is a very healthy sport since it strengthens the muscles, provides elasticity to the joints, does not make sudden movements and, in addition, refreshes. And you have to remember that in water we weigh a little less and moving in it is easier for a pregnant woman…. bulging. You just have to avoid bathing in the last month, in case the bag breaks. The walks are also highly recommended - unless they are contraindicated by medical prescription. Of course, try to take advantage of the first hour in the morning or the last hour in the afternoon, avoiding the hottest hours.
  • More water, please! In the heat, the expectant mother must stay well hydrated. It is advisable to drink around 2 liters of water a day. In addition, thanks to it, some of the symptoms caused by hormonal changes improve or, at least, do not get worse: constipation, swollen and tired legs, regulation of body temperature, etc.
  • Eat balanced and light. In the diet of a pregnant woman, neither the quality nor the variety of foods should be lacking, therefore cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish (mainly blue, which contains healthier fats), meat, eggs and dairy should be present. With the arrival of heat, the ideal is to opt for cold dishes, such as salads of legumes, vegetables, gazpachos and assorted fruits. In addition, on holidays it is common to go out to eat, so do not forget the precautions when choosing the menu and try not to fill up: this way your digestion will be less heavy. In any case, you must remember that eating "for two" does not in any way mean that you have to eat "for two."
  • Always comfortable and fresh. When a baby is expected, the summer heat can be more suffocating than ever. Natural fabrics, such as cotton or thread, allow the skin to breathe better and relieve the sensation of heat. Also, it is better to wear loose-fitting and light-colored clothing as they absorb less solar radiation. As for footwear, sandals are an ideal option, since they do not compress the foot.
  • A cool, fundamental house. One trick to keep your home cool, if you don't have air conditioning, is to open your windows first thing in the morning and then keep them closed until sunset. Cold or warm showers are another formula to alleviate the sensation of heat and feel much cooler. Do it in any case, little by little; sudden changes in temperature are not recommended even in summer. Soaking your feet in cold water will also help calm your body heat a bit.
  • Massages to improve circulation. Massage during pregnancy can be very beneficial, as it helps eliminate fluid retention, relax muscles and improve circulation. Be that as it may, before giving yourself a massage, you should consult the advisability of doing it with your gynecologist. On the other hand, it can help not to stand for a long time, not crossing your legs when sitting, raising your feet in bed or lying on your side, which helps reduce swelling in the legs.
  • Avoid long trips. During late pregnancy, it is more uncomfortable to move around and sit for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable not to travel more than 500 km by car or bus. The best rule you can apply is to follow your body's signals. If the trip is by car, a good guideline is not to travel more than 5 or 6 hours in a row in the day and it is important to stop every 2 hours to take a short walk. If the trip is by plane, remember to do gymnastics moving your feet and bending your knees, even while sitting, for about five to ten minutes for every hour of flight.

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