When faced with a diagnosis of breast cancer, they are usually better known for all the physical effects than the psychological ones. On this day dedicated to all the brave women and their families, we are going to focus on the psychological damage of mothers with breast cancer.
The fear of breast cancer
As a woman, it is hard to face breast cancer, even more so when I eat family represents a fundamental pillar, especially when there are children. The woman must face a set of irrepressible feelings that arrive without almost finding the place. The mother is afraid of failing, of failing, of the possibility of losing the future with her son, of not fulfilling dreams for which she has worked... Disbelief, anger, bewilderment and hopelessness prevail with her, something that is totally understandable and honest.
Negative feelings are normal, and whoever hears the word cancer has his heart skip a beat. It is still an imposing and frightening word. Anxiety usually occurs, fear of the future, or when everything is over, there is still an iota of uncertainty in case the disease returns ... Having important people nearby adds comfort, also suffering by failing to avoid worrying them. The Woman You must believe yourself capable of overcoming it and not think that you are weak, on the contrary, to continue is a symptom of an immense strength.
The mother with breast cancer
When there is a son in the middle of a situation where the mother is affected by an illness, the feeling of not doing enough crosses both sides. Family members may feel that they are unable to help as they would like and the patient may feel that there are people, including the child, who are being neglected by her. Talking with other mothers who are going through the same thing, to exchange experiences, may be the best safe conduct, and without a doubt the best support.
The mother always puts her son's feelings before hers, which is why face the disease with children does not leave enough freedom to express all the fear of the uncertain future. The process of acceptance of the disease, of struggle and treatment, and the subsequent moments of follow-up and after surgery, will reflect stress and fatigue, probably nuanced and contained. The woman must learn to live with her new situation and recover in due time, especially on a psychological level.
Feelings about illness
The patient will want to scream, difficulties sleeping and resting, her physical pain will make her in a worse mood, and with family the feeling of guilt will increase. When a woman lives with breast cancer without a child, she should not be strong for him, nor keep ideas or emotions to herself so as not to hurt him. The mother and wife, strong and brave, can allow themselves to fall, sometimes surrender ..., but with a son, courage resurfaces with more impetus. Encouraging the patient will be key so that she does not refuse the medical sessions that are requested, or surgery if necessary.
Husbands, their parents or children, should use psychological help to avoid decay, and know how to act with the sick person. It should not be judged, but clothed unconditionally. The emotional consequences of going through a time-consuming process should be mitigated as much as possible. Healthy life, sport, the right one eating or relaxation techniques can help you cope better. And above all, the disposition and good attitude of the mother before this stage will set the pace and make it more bearable for everyone.
Share with the son
Depending on the age of the child, the mother can explain his illness, make him participate in what is happening, tell him that he will be in pain and will not always be in a good mood and want to go out and do things with him. The child must know that he is not guilty of anything and that despite the difficulties of the moment, together and as a family, they will be able to get ahead.
There are women who are diagnosed with a depressive picture during or after going through this trance, being able to abandon good normal life habits. All support and advice are essential. The mother with a child aged 3 or more can already make him understand what is happening. The right words must be chosen so that you know what you are talking about. The child may feel comfortable achieving emotional support from the mother, and being the refuge for each other in times of sadness.
The future and changes due to breast cancer
The woman will have moments of loneliness and misunderstanding, she will even feel that life is giving her a setback in her relationships, interpersonal or professional. Sometimes the people around her can discriminate against her because of the process she is facing. The new physical appearance and the psychological downturn influence the woman with breast cancer, and determine her future and mental health, with which they should not be, or feel abandoned.
Moments must be managed by the timeless woman. It is important that she be allowed to act, decide and be respected. Having health professionals to whom to turn with doubts and fears will give you more peace of mind. Another great fear is that your disease is hereditary. All this I can expose to your doctor. For a woman who is a mother, In addition, the chest is not only physical appearance, it is also a part of the body that nourishes and comforts the child, and depending on the circumstances, if it is taken away, it means losing much more.