When looking for a pregnancy, anything goes. And the Grandma's remedies to get pregnant They are inside the bag. Who hasn't heard any of this popular wisdom stating that if you raise your legs after having sex you are more likely to get pregnant?
Nobody knows how much truth there is in these sayings, but what does not fail is the attempt to achieve the expected result. And if to do so you have to try these ancient recipes, well then, you have to take action.
Grandma's knowledge
The secret - or not so secret - best kept to conceive a baby is to follow the calendar. In times where not so much was known, knowing the menstrual cycle was a great way to achieve a pregnancy. Thus, between grandma tips for getting pregnant, there was paying attention to the body so know the ovulation date, which occurs 14 days after menstruation. So, a week before and a week after, you have to have intercourse every other day, to have more chances of achieving fertilization.
Between the Grandma's remedies to get pregnant, sodium bicarbonate is one of the best known. As is known, bicarbonate is effective in neutralizing the acidity of vaginal discharge. Something that, in turn, would help the sperm to reach the egg better. That is why they recommended mixing 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 glass of water and then mixing very well with a spoon. The most difficult part is the application since you do not have to take the liquid but pour it into a syringe without a needle and then introduce the mixture into the vagina. As in any home remedy, before trying it we recommend consulting with your doctor.
If, on the other hand, you prefer a simpler path, there is the technique of raising your legs after having sexual intercourse. According to popular tradition, there are certain sexual positions that naturally help the sperm travel to the egg. And there are more chances achieve fertilization if you also raise your legs for about 15 or 20 minutes to favor the angle.
diet to get pregnant
Another of Grandma's remedies to get pregnant is diet. Yes, this is how you read it. A balanced diet rich in nutrients would ensure a balance in the body, which in turn would affect the chances of conception. There are foods that are highly recommended and they are those that contain minerals, proteins, healthy fats and other nutrients.
There are nutrients especially recommended for getting pregnant. This is the case of foods with Omega 3, which improves female fertility because it balances hormones, improves the functioning of the ovaries and strengthens the immune system. How can you add omega 3? Eating foods such as salmon, tuna, trout, herring, cod, crabs, shrimp, prawns, etc. You can also pay attention to those foods that are rich in iron, such as beef, turkey, chicken, pork, spinach, Swiss chard, broccoli, plums, bananas, medlars, figs, apricots, hake, clams, tuna, soybeans, tofu, oatmeal, etc. Iron is important both at conception and during pregnancy, to prevent anemia and keep energy high.
Within the diet, another of the Grandma's remedies to get pregnant is to eat foods rich in fiber. This is because fiber favors the functioning of the body and reduces the risk of suffering from some gynecological problems linked to women's fertility, such as polycystic ovaries or endometriosis. Finally, grandmothers say that drinking something hot before having sex also helps improve fertility. So if you want to get pregnant you can prepare different infusions.
But it is not just any infusion as there are some that are recommended because they are the ones that help improve a woman's fertility. This is the case of red clover, Andean maca, evening primrose and minerama. From regulating the menstrual cycle, to improving the quality of cervical mucus, favoring hormonal balance or improving blood circulation in the uterus, there are many benefits of these infusions.