Many women ask us if they can get pregnant while breastfeeding and we answer SI. If you can get pregnant during this period, that is why you have to take some precautions since it is not at all advisable for this to happen.
Just as we defended the quarantine And we have said that it is important to let that time pass after delivery so that the body is restored to its normality after many changes that were occurring during the previous 9 months. Specialists advise that couples take care of themselves during quarantine and also recommend that they do so until weaning. This recommendation is made because it is harmful to the body and because it is not yet adapted to leaving a pregnancy that will have to adapt again to another. There are no risks of abortion or health problems for the mother or baby if the mother becomes pregnant during the quarantine or breastfeeding period.
What can happen is that pregnancy hormones can cause a decrease in milk production or change its taste since from 5 months of pregnancy the milk begins to be produced. colostrum. For these reasons, the breastfed baby may lose interest in nursing and abrupt withdrawal from breastfeeding, causing a hormonal disorder in the woman.
If you get pregnant while breastfeeding your other child, the ideal is to start giving other types of foods, such as formula milk or their first meals (depending on the age of the first baby) and after the second baby is born, it can be done the tandem lactation (simultaneous breastfeeding of two or more children). Consult your specific case with your obstetrician.
Hello, I am concerned about the issue, although my baby is old, he is a year old, he is still breastfeeding and he is probably pregnant again. I'm scared and alone, in a city where I don't know anyone and starting to work. What do you advise me?
Hello Rosana, do not be worried, I have read in many forums, that you can breastfeed while you are pregnant, except when contraindicated by the obstetrician, due to some special circumstance during your pregnancy.
I also know that from the 5th month of pregnancy, your body would begin to manufacture colostrum, which is the food that will serve your new child and I think that only at that time it would be necessary to evaluate how to continue.
Your one-year-old baby is not big, to be breastfed, according to WHO up to two years, it is very good to breastfeed them.
I hope it has helped you.
I also have that problem recently I took a test and it came out positive, the problem is that I do not feel any symptoms and because I am still breastfeeding and it scares me a little, but they have told me that if she gets pregnant in this period of breastfeeding babies get sick to their stomach I would like an answer that will leave me a little more calm ... thanks
Hello, I am pregnant, I am 5 months old and I still did not know it and I have a 14-month-old baby and I am prematurely afraid when I have them at two
Hello, my baby is 3 months old and I think I am pregnant. I am worried that I can no longer feed him with breast milk. What can I do?
Hello, my name is Carolina I had a girl and a month later I got pregnant, I continued breastfeeding and I had a miscarriage that was
Gun the doctor told me that when breastfeeding, oxytosine was produced that caused counts, which caused abortion.
Hello, I am a mother that I have a ten-month-old baby and I found out that I am pregnant, the problem that I give breastfeeding and would I know that it causes him to breastfeed? Thank you so much.
Hi, I'm from La Plata… I have an 11-month-old baby and I'm pregnant again and my baby can't leave breastfeeding .. It would be a big problem to keep doing it ??? What would be the consequences? for both him and my new baby ... I'm very concerned about this issue.
I wanted to know if a 2-year-old baby is taking the breast and the mother is 3 months pregnant, would it cause him some bad feeling or something?
Hi, I'm brenda de moron, I wanted to ask you what you advise me, I seem to be pregnant, but I have my one-year-old son who doesn't want to leave anything the tenth tit doesn't grab my bottle. I don't know what to do? you advise me thank you!
I think that with a good diet and care from the obstetrician you can breastfeed both baby
grateful I get rid of many doubts. congratulations to the experts.
Please give answers to mothers who still have many doubts and fears for their babies.
Hi, I have a 2-year-old baby who is still breastfeeding and I'm looking for my 2nd child and I want to know if I can get pregnant and continue to breastfeed my current baby since I don't want to take it off ... but I'm looking for other!! and my 2nd question is if it is necessary to use only my fertile days or can I do it on any day of the month !! From already thank you very much
I have suspicions of being pregnant and I have an 8-month-old baby and I was very afraid because I am feeding him and they have told me that it is bad but then your articles leave me more calm but I would like to know more about the subject because I do not know what to do, some say if it is bad until it causes abortion and others say it's not bad I'm a little confused
Hello, how are you? I'm very worried, I have my 11-month-old baby and my gyne confirmed that I am pregnant again! But I am worried about my baby who does not want to leave her tit ... she cries with a lot of feeling ... and that hurts me, seeing her suffer ... I want to know if it hurts my little baby that I hope, because I also do not want to cause harm to either of you! some advice please thank you! God bless you!