Preserve your fertility and facilitate the arrival of a pregnancy it's possible. The first thing to keep in mind is that, according to experts, get pregnant it can take a whole year even without health problems in the couple. Memorize it well and take a look at the following tips to make pregnancy easier:
Anxiety and stress increase the amount of prolactin, which could delay ovulation.
Be careful with the medication
If you are taking medication, consult your doctor before attempting pregnancy. Certain drugs can affect fertility and create problems in the fetus in case of pregnancy.
Control your weight
Women with problems obesity have a harder time getting pregnant. Eat a balanced diet and exercise to lower your weight or keep it off. Do not forget that a drastic loss of weight can be just as harmful and that an excessively low weight can make it difficult for the embryo to implant.
Don't delay motherhood too long
Today it is somewhat complicated, but it must be taken into account that after 35 it may be more difficult to get pregnant. The quantity of ovules and their quality decreases and this makes the possibility of pregnancy more difficult, each year, 5% more.
Decrease your coffee intake
Not only does it affect fertility, but it also hinders the absorption of calcium by our body.
Stop smoking
Women who smoke require more medication to stimulate ovulation and implantation rates are lower.
But opt for exercises that do not affect pregnancy such as walking or swimming, it is not necessary to do too much, avoiding a sedentary life is enough.
He must also take care
Stress, poor diet, tobacco, obesity and everything that affects you also affects the quality of semen.
If after a year trying you have no results, it is advisable to consult a specialist.
More information - We want to have a baby! How long will it take to get it?
Photo - Unapologetic women