8 incredible things you did not know about your unborn baby

Baby in the womb

If you are pregnant, it is likely that you feel this time as a magical period where all your emotions are on the surface. While it is true that pregnancy is a beautiful stage for every woman, it is also true that it is not without symptoms and discomforts that can also make a woman feel bad on many occasions. Pain, fatigue, tiredness, heartburn or acidity, fluid retention ... There are many things that can make it a beautiful stage but at the same time annoying. But the baby you have in your womb will take away all the evils once you see his face.

A baby in the womb is developing and preparing for the most important moment: the moment of birth. Childbirth is a very painful blind date for the woman, but totally rewarding when the baby is already in her arms. In addition to developing in your womb, your baby does amazing things before birth, while in the comfort of your womb.

Discover some interesting facts about what your growing baby does as he prepares for birth. While fighting heartburn, leg pain, swollen ankles, constipation, bad nights ... Your baby is doing amazing things in your belly. Discover some of them!

What does your baby do before it is born in your womb

Begin to recognize flavors

Certain foods that you eat can be passed into your amniotic fluid and when the baby swallows it he will be discovering new flavors. Strong flavors like garlic, anise or ginger are relished by your baby. The same happens with sweet flavors, although it is not the same flavor that it has when it reaches the amniotic fluid.

Baby in the womb

From the time your baby is 15 weeks old, he begins to show a preference for sweeter foods and begins to swallow more amniotic fluid when it is sweet and less when it is more bitter. He will also have hiccups that you will notice as small jerks in your belly. These begin during the first trimester, although you can only feel it from the third trimester or earlier in some cases.

Also, the foods you eat can influence your baby's future food preferences. The more fresh foods you eat, the more likely your baby is to enjoy these as they grow older.

Your baby drinks his own urine

At the end of the first trimester, your baby begins to produce urine. Of course, there is nowhere where urine can disappear except in the amniotic fluid. So when your baby swallows the amniotic fluid and digests it, it passes through the kidneys, and the process repeats ... Although it may sound quite unpleasant, this pee is totally sterile and will not harm your baby. nature is wise!

Your baby open your eyes

His sight may be limited, but your baby opens his eyes around 28 weeks and can tell light from dark. Babies can detect light around week 16, but their eyes are not recognizable as such until around week 20. Starting at week 28, babies blink and are able to open their eyes. Often times your baby will respond with a flutter of activity to bright sources of light, such as sunlight or a flashlight pointed at your belly.

Baby in the womb

He listens to what is happening outside and loves to hear his mother's voice

The structures of your baby's inner ear are formed from 16 weeks, allowing him to hear outside sounds such as his mother's voice.  By 24 weeks, the cochlea, eardrum, bones, and other important structures in the ear have formed. From here, your baby can hear your heartbeat, as well as the sound of eating, breathing, walking, exercising, and even working with his digestive system. Best of all, your baby can hear you talking… and he loves that.

Your baby recognizes your voice in the womb, and will also recognize your partner's voice. Singing to your unborn baby is one of the best ways to ensure a happy and content newborn. Unborn babies who listen to songs during pregnancy and after delivery become babies who calm down more easily and spend less time crying.

Your baby plays with the umbilical cord

At around 28-30 weeks, his eyes are open, your baby can hear, and his arms and legs are moving and he can play. Their only available 'toy' is the umbilical cord. and he likes to touch and move it. Even when they play with the cord they may inadvertently cut off their oxygen supply, but it's nothing serious, they're just exploring their limited environment inside your belly.

Cry in the belly

Babies seem to cry in the womb from 28 weeks. Researchers at Carolinas Medical Center in the United States stumbled upon this by chance while investigating the effects of tobacco and cocaine exposure on infants' responses to vibroacoustic stimulation. Their ultrasound and video recordings showed the surprising babies, opening their mouths and panting, like with shaky movements, movements similar to when a baby is crying. 

Baby in the womb

Your baby smiles inside the womb

While your baby may cry, he is also capable of smiling. Through 4D scans, sonographers have found that babies start practicing that sweet smile around week 28.

Your baby breathe

The umbilical cord is vital for your baby, it provides the oxygen it needs while it develops in the womb. However, after nine weeks, your baby begins to practice breathing through movements. Their first real breath occurs after birth, caused by the change in temperature and environment as they enter the world.

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